
Time interval


Field display

National Imported Goods Trade Chain Index (HS4 Classification) Field
HS code
Reference benchmark
Product name
Price Index
Quantity index
Value Index

Sample data

HS Code Date Reference Baseline Product name Price Index Quantity Index Value Index
0102 2020-12 year2019=100 Cow 130.2 32.1 41.8
0103 2020-12 year2019=100 Pig 104.7 376.2 393.8
0105 2020-12 year2019=100 Poultry, namely chicken, duck, goose, turkey and guinea fowl 134.2 184.3 247.3
0106 2020-12 year2019=100 Other live animals 165.2 40.7 67.3
0201 2020-12 year2019=100 Fresh and cold beef 92.2 142.7 131.5
0202 2020-12 year2019=100 Frozen beef 102.1 122.9 125.4
0203 2020-12 year2019=100 Fresh, cold and frozen pork 103.4 132.1 136.6
0204 2020-12 year2019=100 Fresh, cold or frozen sheep or goat meat 106.4 97 103.3
0205 2020-12 year2019=100 Fresh, cold and frozen horse, donkey and mule meat 101.5 13.4 13.6
0206 2020-12 year2019=100 Fresh, cold and frozen offal of cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, horses, donkeys and mules 102.9 126 129.5
0207 2020-12 year2019=100 Fresh, chilled and frozen meat and edible offal of poultry listed in heading 0105 97.7 112.9 110.3
0208 2020-12 year2019=100 Other fresh, cold, frozen meat and edible offal 99 25.7 25.4
0209 2020-12 year2019=100 Unrefined or otherwise extracted fatty pork, pig fat and poultry fat without lean meat, fresh, cold, frozen, dried, smoked, salted or pickled 95.4 131.8 125.7
0210 2020-12 year2019=100 Meat and edible offal, dried, smoked, salted or salted; fine powder or coarse powder of edible meat or offal 99 129.7 128.4
0301 2020-12 year2019=100 Live fish 98.1 117.4 115.2
0302 2020-12 year2019=100 Fresh and cold fish, except fillets and other fish meat of heading 03.04 100.9 93.5 94.3
0303 2020-12 year2019=100 Frozen fish, except fillets and other fish meat of heading 0304 97.7 93 90.8
0304 2020-12 year2019=100 Fresh, cold and frozen fish fillets and other fish meat (whether minced or not) 99.6 118 117.5
0305 2020-12 year2019=100 Dried, salted or pickled fish; smoked fish, whether or not cooked before or during smoking; fine meal, meal and pellets of fish suitable for human consumption 103.9 93.7 97.3
0306 2020-12 year2019=100 Shelled or shelled crustaceans, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted, salted or smoked; shelled crustaceans steamed or boiled; parts of crustaceans intended for human consumption Powder, meal and pellets 107.9 119.6 129
0307 2020-12 year2019=100 Live, fresh, cold, frozen, dried, salted, salted or smoked molluscs in shell or shelled; fine powder, coarse powder and pellets of molluscs for human consumption 95 110 104.5
0308 2020-12 year2019=100 Aquatic invertebrates not belonging to crustaceans and molluscs, live, fresh, cold, frozen, dried, salted or salted, smoked; aquatic invertebrates not belonging to crustaceans and molluscs that are available for human consumption Fine powders, coarse powders and pellets of vertebrate animals 98.8 146.1 144.3
0401 2020-12 year2019=100 Milk and cream that are not concentrated and have no added sugar or other sweet substances 98.9 109.6 108.4
0402 2020-12 year2019=100 Condensed, sugar-added or other sweetened milk and cream 98.2 102.6 100.7
0403 2020-12 year2019=100 Buttermilk, caked milk and cream, lactic acid, kefir and fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not condensed, sweetened, sweetened with other sweeteners, flavored, fruited, nut or cocoa added 89.5 116.3 104
0404 2020-12 year2019=100 Whey, whether or not concentrated, with sugar or other sweetening substances added; products containing natural milk not otherwise specified, whether or not with sugar or other sweetening substances added 110.3 95.9 105.7
0405 2020-12 year2019=100 Butter and other fats and oils extracted from milk; milk paste 106 79 83.8
0406 2020-12 year2019=100 Cheese and curds 102.4 98.8 101.1
0409 2020-12 year2019=100 Natural honey 111.8 134.5 150.3
0410 2020-12 year2019=100 Other edible animal products not listed 100.3 102.6 102.9
0504 2020-12 year2019=100 Intestines, bladders and stomachs of animals (other than fish), whole or in pieces, fresh, cold, frozen, dried, smoked, salted and pickled 100.5 113.5 114
0505 2020-12 year2019=100 Bird skins and other parts of birds with feathers or down; feathers and incomplete feathers (whether or not trimmed), down, which have only been washed, disinfected or processed for preservation, but have not been further processed; Powder and waste of feathers or incomplete feathers 89.9 74.8 67.2
0506 2020-12 year2019=100 Bone and corner posts, unprocessed or degreased, simply trimmed (but not cut into shape), acid treated or degummed; powders and scraps of the above products 100.9 79.9 80.6
0507 2020-12 year2019=100 Animal teeth, turtle shells, baleen, baleen hair, horns, antlers, hooves, nails, claws and beaks, unprocessed or simply arranged but not cut into shapes; powders and waste of the above products 99.2 114.9 113.9
0508 2020-12 year2019=100 Coral and the like, unworked or simply prepared but not further processed; mollusc shells, crustacean shells, echinoderm shells, cuttlebones, unprocessed or simply prepared but not cut into shape, the above shells , bone powder and waste 74.9 157.7 118.1
0511 2020-12 year2019=100 Unscheduled animal products; dead animals of Chapter 1 or 3 unfit for human consumption 131.5 67.7 89
0601 2020-12 year2019=100 Bulbs, tubers, roots, bulbs, root collars and rhizomes, dormant, growing or flowering; chicory plants and their roots, other than roots of heading 12.12 77.5 47.1 36.5
0602 2020-12 year2019=100 Other living plants (including their roots), cuttings and scions; mushroom mycelium 109.3 210.6 230.3
0603 2020-12 year2019=100 Flowers and flower buds for bouquets or decoration, fresh, dried, dyed, bleached, impregnated or otherwise treated 101.1 109.9 111.1
0604 2020-12 year2019=100 Branches, leaves or other parts of plants without flowers or buds, grasses, mosses and lichens, used for bouquets or decoration, fresh, dried, dyed, bleached, impregnated or otherwise treated 113.1 109.2 123.5
0709 2020-12 year2019=100 Other vegetables, fresh or refrigerated 144.4 27.2 39.2
0710 2020-12 year2019=100 Frozen vegetables (whether steamed or not) 85.8 140.8 120.8
0711 2020-12 year2019=100 Vegetables that are temporarily preserved (for example, using sulfur dioxide gas, brine, sulfurous acid water or other preservative liquids) but are not suitable for direct consumption 88.7 19.1 16.9
0712 2020-12 year2019=100 Dried vegetables, whole, diced, sliced, broken or powdered, but not further processed 68.3 86.4 59
0713 2020-12 year2019=100 Depoded dry beans, whether or not peeled or split 103.9 50 51.9
0714 2020-12 year2019=100 Fresh, chilled, frozen or dried cassava, bamboo stalks, orchid tubers, Jerusalem artichokes, sweet potatoes and similar roots high in starch or inulin, whether or not sliced ​​or pelletized; sago stem pith 105.6 184.9 195.3
0801 2020-12 year2019=100 Coconut, Brazil nuts and cashew nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled 103.7 119.9 124.3
0802 2020-12 year2019=100 Other nuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled 96.8 168.7 163.3
0803 2020-12 year2019=100 Fresh or dried bananas, including plantains 100.6 111.8 112.6
0804 2020-12 year2019=100 Fresh or dried dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes and mangosteens 98 92.9 91

Data update frequency

Annual Update