
  According to the “Administrative Measures for Information Disclosure of Listed Companies”, listed companies, as information disclosure obligors, shall truthfully, accurately, timely and completely disclose to the market the information disclosed in accordance with the law and voluntarily. These publicly disclosed information include but are not limited to the basic situation of the company, major accounting data and financial indicators, shareholder shareholdings, executive compensation, etc. Information disclosure by listed companies is an important basis for government supervision and investor behavior. The combination of effective administrative supervision and market supervision has formed a dual-track effect to promote the stable and orderly development of the securities market.

  CnOpenData has launched A-share listed companies’ related-party transaction data, including Securities code, announcement date, relationship between related parties and listed companies, related parties, relationship with listed companies, transaction amount, whether there is a control relationship, transaction introduction and other fields.

Time interval


Field display

A-share listed company related transaction data field
Securities code
Securities abbreviation
Announcement date
Relationship between related parties and listed companies
Related parties
Whether there is a controlling relationship
Transaction amount (10,000 yuan)
Pricing basis
Transaction method
Payment method
Transaction start date
Transaction end date
Transaction introduction
CSRC industry code
CSRC industry name

Sample data

td> < td>2019-01-01 < td>Purchase of goods < td> td> Leasing and business services < td>No
Securities code Securities abbreviation Announcement date Relationship between related parties and listed companies Related parties Is there a controlling relationship? Transaction amount (10,000 yuan) Currency Pricing basis Transaction method Payment method Transaction start date Transaction end date Transaction profile CSRC industry code CSRC industry name
000560.SZ I love my home 2019-04-09 Other related relationships Beijing Wuba Information Technology Co., Ltd. and its branches No 2431 RMB According to the market The market pricing principle is determined by negotiation between the two parties. Purchase of goods 2019-01-01 2019-04-09 Purchase of real estate network promotion service products K Real estate industry
000603.SZ Shengda Resources 2019-08-23 Controlling shareholder Gansu Shengda Group Co., Ltd. Yes 421.068 RMB The pricing of this related transaction is based on the market price of the location of the house, and is determined by negotiation between the two parties. There is no behavior of using the relationship between related parties to harm the interests of the listed company, nor is there any situation of transferring benefits to related parties. Lease 2019-07-01 2021-06-30 The house rented by the company from Shengda Group this time is the 31st floor of Shengda Financial Building in Chengguan District, Lanzhou City, owned by Shengda Group, with a lease area of 1,186 square meters. B Mining
002607.SZ Offcn Education 2019-04-09 Controlling shareholder Anhui Yaxia Industrial Co., Ltd. Yes 0 RMB Sales of goods 2019-01-01 2019-03-31Operating lease P Education
002607.SZ Offcn Education 2019-04-09 Other related relationships Shenyang Lijing Mingzhu Hotel Management Co., Ltd. No 397.27 RMB Purchase of goods 2019-01-01 2019-03-31 Operating lease P Education
002607.SZ Offcn Education 2019-04-09 Other related relationships Beijing Taifu Hotel Co., Ltd. No 101.29 RMB Purchase of goods 2019-03-31 Accommodation and catering services P Education
002607.SZ Offcn Education 2019-04-09 Other related relationships Beijing Qianqiu Zhiye Book Distribution Co., Ltd. No 0 RMB Selling goods 2019-01-01 2019-03-31 Exhibition Services P Education
002607.SZ Offcn Education 2019-04-09 Actual Controller Li Yongxin Yes 32.22 RMB 2019-01-01 2019-03-31 33 non-governmental schools jointly organize tuition fees P Education
002607.SZ Offcn Education 2019-04-09 Actual controller Li Yongxin Yes 0 RMB Accepting labor services 2019-01-01 2019-03-31 33 non-government schools’ trusteeship fees P Education
002609.SZ Jieshun Technology 2019-11-06 Other related relationships Huizhou Jiaotong Hui Parking Management Co., Ltd. No 0< /td> RMB Sales of goods 2019-01-01 2019-09-30 Intelligent hardware, platform software, operation services and other comprehensive solutions for smart parking I Information transmission, software and information technology services
600017.SH Rizhao Port 2019-08-27 Brother CompanyShandong Port Construction Group Co., Ltd. No 74188.5086 RMB Other transactions 2019-04-04 Construction contract for general bulk berth #14 and #15 in the southern operation area of Shijiu Port, Rizhao Port G Transportation, warehousing and postal services
600017.SH Rizhao Port 2019-08-27 Brother Company Shandong Port Construction Group Co., Ltd. No 24346.8927 RMB Other Transactions 2019-02-21 Rizhao Port Lanshan Port South Operation Area South First Jetty Cargo Yard Hardening Phase IV Construction Contract G Transportation, Warehousing 600017.SH Rizhao Port 2019-08-27 Brother Company Shandong Port Construction Group Co., Ltd. No 1404.968343 RMB Other Transactions 2019-03-05 Rizhao Port Shijiu Port Area Road Renewal and Reconstruction Engineering--Construction Contract of Gangxi 11th Road and 15th Road G Transportation, warehousing and postal services
600017.SH Rizhao Port 2019-08-27 Brother Company Shandong Port Construction Group Co., Ltd. No 395.22623 RMB Other transactions 2019-04-30 Rizhao Port Lanshan Port South Operation Area Railway Line Overhaul Project (First Bidding Section) Construction Contract G Transportation, warehousing and postal industry
600017.SH Rizhao Port 2019-08-27 Brother Company Shandong Port Construction Group Co., Ltd. No 337.9301 RMB Other transactions 2019-02-15 Temporary ore yard construction contract of Rizhao Port Shijiu Port South District Share No. 2 Company G Transportation, warehousing and postal industry
600017.SH Rizhao Port 2019-08-27 Brother company Rizhao Port Group Lanshan Port Co., Ltd. No Lease 2019-01-01 2032-03-31 The company and Lanshan Port have agreed on the use of 1 piece of land in Lanshan Port area for leasing in 2019 G Transportation, warehousing and postal services
600017.SH Rizhao Port 2019-08-27 Brother Company Rizhao Port Group Lanshan Port Co., Ltd. No Lease 2019-01-01 2023-12-31 On April 19, 2019, the Company and Lanshan Port signed the "Supplementary Agreement to the Comprehensive Service Agreement" to adjust the scope of the lease under the original agreement. The total service amount after adjustment is RMB 7.2657 million per year, and the agreement period is from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2023. G Transportation, warehousing and postal services
600017.SH Rizhao Port 2019-08-27 Brother Company Rizhao Port Group Lanshan Port Co., Ltd. No Accepting labor services 2019-01-01 2019-12-31 Based on business needs, our company and Lanshan Wansheng have renewed the "Ore Transportation Contract" with Lanshan Port, using the belt conveyor system of Lanshan Port for cargo transportation operations. The transportation fee is calculated at the standard of 3.50 yuan/ton, and the term is from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. G Transportation, warehousing and postal services
600017.SH Rizhao Port 2019-08-27 Brother Company Shandong Lingang International Logistics Co., Ltd. No Accepting labor services 2019-01-01 2019-12-31 On February 19, 2019, the company renewed the "Warehousing Service Agreement" with Lingang International Logistics, and Lingang International Logistics continued to provide warehousing services for the company's cargo yard. The unit price and service content have not changed, and the term is from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. G Transportation, warehousing and postal services
600027.SH Huadian Power International 2019-11-02 Other related parties Yankuang Energy Group Co., Ltd. No 168600 RMB Purchase of goods 2020-01-01 2022-12-31 The actual total amount of coal purchased by the Company from Yanzhou Coal Mining is approximately RMB1.686 billion. On November 7, 2016, the Company renewed the Coal Purchase Framework Agreement (the “Original Coal Purchase Framework Agreement”) with Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited (“Yanzhou Coal”) for a period from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019. The Company intends to renew the Coal Purchase Framework Agreement (the “Proposed Coal Purchase Framework Agreement”) for a period from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2022. Yanzhou Coal is a related party of the Company under the Hong Kong Listing Rules, so the renewal of the Coal Purchase Framework Agreement constitutes an ordinary related party transaction of the Company under the Hong Kong Listing Rules. However, it does not need to be submitted to the Company’s general meeting of shareholders for deliberation and approval in accordance with Rule 14A.101 of the Hong Kong Listing Rules. D Electricity, heat, gas and water production and supply industry
600027.SH Huadian Power International 2019-11-02 Brother Company Huadian Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. No Other outflows 2017-07-01 2020-06-30 On March 28, 2017, Huadian Power International Corporation (the "Company") and Huadian Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. ("Huadian Financial Leasing") renewed the "Financing Leasing Service Framework Agreement between Huadian Power International Corporation and Huadian Financial Leasing Co., Ltd." (the "Financing Leasing Framework Agreement"). Accordingly, Huadian Financial Leasing agreed to provide financing leasing services to the Company from March 28, 2017 to the date of the 2017 Board of Directors Meeting (i.e. around March 30, 2018) in accordance with the provisions of the Financing Leasing Framework Agreement, with the annual upper limit of the financing balance provided being RMB1.25 billion. As of the date of this announcement, under the renewed "Financing Lease Framework Agreement", the total outstanding financing amount under all financing leases from time to time is RMB 890 million, which does not exceed the amount specified in the original annual cap. In view of the large number of clean energy power generation projects to be constructed by the Company in the next three years, which require a large amount of funds, in order to reduce the cost of funds and provide stable, reliable and low-cost funding support for the development of clean energy power generation projects, the Company proposes to increase the annual cap of the financing balance under the existing "Financing Lease Framework Agreement" from RMB 1.25 billion to RMB 6 billion; the term of the agreement is adjusted to a three-year period from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2020; the contents of other terms remain unchanged. As a result, on May 10, 2017, the Company and Huadian Finance Leasing entered into the revised Finance Lease Framework Agreement, pursuant to which (1) the term of the revised Finance Lease Framework Agreement is from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2020, and (2) the annual cap on the outstanding balance of financing under the Finance Lease Framework Agreement is increased from RMB1.25 billion to RMB6 billion. The revised Finance Lease Framework Agreement and the transactions thereunder were approved at the 22nd meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors of the Company held on March 27 and 28, 2017. During the deliberation of this proposal, three Directors, namely Mr. Zhao Jianguo, Mr. Gou Wei and Mr. Chu Yu, held positions in China Huadian Corporation (“China Huadian”) and its subsidiaries and were therefore deemed to have material interests and abstained from voting in the deliberation and approval of the revised Finance Lease Framework Agreement and the transactions thereunder. The amount involved in the revised "Financing Lease Framework Agreement" and the transactions under it is higher than 5% of the absolute value of the company's latest audited net assets. Therefore, in accordance with the requirements of the "Shanghai Stock Exchange Listing Rules", it is required to be reviewed by the company's shareholders' meeting. The independent directors of the company approved the revised "Financing Lease Framework Agreement" and the transactions under it in advance, and issued an independent director's opinion that the transaction was reached in accordance with general commercial terms, in line with the company's commercial interests, and fair to the company and all shareholders. D Electricity, heat, gas and water production and supply industry
600031.SH Sany Heavy Industry 2019-10-31 Associated company Hunan Sanxiang Bank Co., Ltd. No 1000000 RMB Adhere to the principles of fairness, rationality, justice, win-win and marketization, and take market prices as the basis for pricing. Other outflows 2019-11-15 2020-12-31 Sany Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") intends to carry out deposit, loan and principal-guaranteed wealth management product business in its affiliated Hunan Sanxiang Bank Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Sanxiang Bank"), with the upper limit of the daily deposit, loan and principal-guaranteed wealth management product business balance not exceeding RMB 10 billion. C Manufacturing
600057.SH Xiamen Xiangyu 2019-08-30 Other related relationships Fujian Nanping Sun Cable Co., Ltd. No 466.39 RMB Purchase of goods 2019-01-01 2019-06-30 Purchase of goods L Leasing and business services
600057.SH Xiamen Xiangyu 2019-08-30 Other Related Relationship Xiamen Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. No 29200 RMB Loan 2019-01-01 2019-06-30 Loan Business L Leasing and Business Services Industry
600057.SH Xiamen Xiangyu 2019-08-30 Other related relationships Xiamen Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. No 819.71 RMB Loan 2019-01-01 2019-06-30 Loan interest L Leasing and business services
600057.SH Xiamen Xiangyu 2019-08-30 Other related relationships Xiamen Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. Company No 1005.36 RMB Other outflows 2019-01-01 2019-06-30 Deposit business L Leasing and business services
600057.SH Xiamen Xiangyu 2019-08-30 Joint venture company Xiamen Container Terminal Group Co., Ltd. No 236.17 RMB Accepting labor services 2019-01-01 < td>2019-06-30 Service Acceptance L Leasing and Business Services
600057.SH Xiamen Xiangyu 2019-08-30 Associated Company Harbin Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. No 1 5120.47 RMB Loan 2019-01-01 2019-06-30 Loan business L Leasing and business services
600057.SH Xiamen Xiangyu< /td> 2019-08-30 Associated company Harbin Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. No 176.95 RMB Loan 2019-01-01 2019-06-30 Loan Interest on loans L Leasing and business services
600057.SH Xiamen Xiangyu 2019-08-30 Associated company Harbin Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. No 2190.64 RMB Other outflows 2019-01-01 2019-06-30 Deposit business L Leasing and business services
600057.SH Xiamen Xiangyu 2019-08-30 Associated company Harbin Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. No 393.05 RMB Other inflows 2019-01-01 2019-06-30 Financial management income L
600057.SH Xiamen Xiangyu 2019-08-30 Other related relationships Xiamen Gold Investment Co., Ltd. No 53213.81 RMB Sales of goods 2019-01-01 2019-06-30 Sales of goods L Leasing and business services
600057.SH Xiamen Xiangyu 2019-08-30 Controlling shareholder Xiamen Xiangyu Group Group Co., Ltd. and its affiliated companies Yes 76457.66 RMB Sales of goods 2019-01-01 2019-06-30 Sales of goods L Leasing and business services
600057.SH Xiamen Xiangyu 2019-08-30 Controlling shareholder Xiamen Xiangyu Group Co., Ltd. and its affiliated companies Yes 1941.44 RMB Purchase of goods 20 19-01-01 2019-06-30 Purchasing goods L Leasing and business services
600057.SH Xiamen Xiangyu 2019-08-30 Controlling shareholder Xiamen Xiangyu Group Co., Ltd. and its affiliated companies Yes 11505.94 RMB Provide labor services 2019-01-01 2019-06-30 Provide services L Leasing and business services
600057. SH Xiamen Xiangyu 2019-08-30 Controlling shareholder Xiamen Xiangyu Group Co., Ltd. and its affiliated companies Yes 735.11 RMB Services received 2019-01-01 2 019-06-30 Leased office space L Leasing and business services
600057.SH Xiamen Xiangyu 2019-08-30 Controlling shareholder Xiamen Xiangyu Group Co., Ltd. and its affiliated companies Yes 12 5.64 RMB Service acceptance 2019-01-01 2019-06-30 Service acceptance L Leasing and business services
600057.SH Xiamen Xiangyu 2019-08-30 Controlling shareholder Xiamen Xiangyu Group Co., Ltd. and its affiliated companies Yes 840.25 RMB Provide labor services 2019-01-01 2019-06-30 Office space for rent L Leasing and business services
600101.SH Star Power 2019-07-10 Other related relationships China Power Finance Co., Ltd. No 9500 RMB Other transactions 2018-11-01 2019-04-30 Daily average deposits in the financial company of related parties of 95 million yuan D Electricity, heat, gas and water production and supply industry
600103.SH Qingshan Paper Industry 2019-04-23 Brother Company Fujian Jinhuang Trading Co., Ltd. No 74.6 RMB Purchase of goods 2019-01-01 2019-04-23 Coal (anthracite ) C Manufacturing
600103.SH Qingshan Paper 2019-04-23 Brother Company Fujian Jinhuang Trading Co., Ltd. No 23.29 RMB Purchase of goods 2019-01-01 2019-04-23 Sodium sulfate, hydrogen peroxide C Manufacturing
600103.SH Qingshan Paper 2019-04-23 Other related relationships Fujian Yongan Coal Industry Co., Ltd. No 2107.44 RMB Purchase of goods 2019-01-01 2019-04-23 Coal (anthracite) C Manufacturing
600103.SH Qingshan Paper 2019-04-23 Other related relationships Fujian Quanzhou Xiaocuogang Co., Ltd. No 130.79 RMB Accepting labor services 2019-01-01 2019-04-23 Imported wood chips to the port for loading and unloading C Manufacturing
600115.SH China Eastern Airlines 2019-04-13 Brother Company China Eastern International Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. Lease 2019-04-12 On April 12, 2019, the Company and the China Eastern Leasing Project Subsidiary signed the Aircraft Purchase Right Transfer Agreement and the Aircraft Leasing Agreement. The Company transferred the purchase rights of the three B737-800 aircraft in the above proposal to the China Eastern Leasing Project Subsidiary. In the future, the Company will lease the three aircraft from the China Eastern Leasing Project Subsidiary in the form of operating lease. G Transportation, warehousing and postal services
600125.SH Tielong Logistics 2019-03-29 Ultimate controller China State Railway Group Co., Ltd. Yes 590.16 RMB Services received 2019-01-01 2019 -03-29 Accepting services provided by related parties G Transportation, warehousing and postal services
600125.SH Tielong Logistics 2019-03-29 Other related relationships Transportation enterprises affiliated to China Railway Corporation No 20350.49 RMB Accepting services 2019-01-01 2019-03-29 Accepting services provided by related parties G Transportation, warehousing and postal services
600125.SH Tielong Logistics 2019-03-29 Other related relationships Transportation enterprises affiliated to China Railway Corporation No 5578.4 RMB Provide labor services 2019-01-01 2019-03-29 Provide labor services to related parties G Transportation, warehousing and postal services
600129.SH Taiji Group 2019-04-16 Brother Company Sichuan Mianyang Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. No 0.04 RMB Sales of goods 2019-01-01 2019-04-16 Sales of goods and provision of services C Manufacturing
600129.SH Taiji Group 2019-04-16 Brother Company Sichuan Mianyang Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. No 228.66 RMB Purchase of goods 2019-01-01 2019-04-16 Procurement of goods and acceptance of services C Manufacturing
600129.SH Taiji Group 2019-04-16 Controlling shareholder Taiji Group Co., Ltd. Yes 4028.88 RMB Sales of goods 2019-01-01 2019-04-16 Sales of goods and provision of services C Manufacturing
600129.SH Taiji Group 2019-04-16 Controlling shareholder Taiji Group Co., Ltd. Yes 1216.18 RMB Purchase of goods 2019-01-01 2019-04-16 Procurement of goods and acceptance of services C Manufacturing

Data update frequency

Annual update
