
Field display

File table The left table has the same fields
Value for money evaluation report and the review and approval opinions of the industry authorities at the same level together with the financial department Project rid
New construction or renovation and expansion project proposals and approval documents File name
Feasibility study report or fund application report or project approval report, and documents such as the approval, approval or approval of the above reports by relevant competent authorities; asset evaluation report of existing public assets File PDF
Design documents and approval documents
Financial affordability demonstration report and review and approval opinions of the financial department at the same level
Asset evaluation reports of existing public assets or equity and various solutions that may be involved in the transfer of existing assets or equity
The approved project implementation plan and amendments
The government’s approval document for the implementation plan
Authorization document from the people's government at the same level to the implementing agency, that is, the government contracting party of the PPP project contract

Sample data

Note: The names of each table are the same as the sample data fields, but the content is different. The sample data only shows the format.

Project rid File name File PDF
b5a9b8a3af044ecd9b0910248693544a 2-Rural Pollution Control Project Implementation Plan for Area 2 (2).pdf
b602d2e3d20d44f58a7889445c2bb667 1-Rural pollution control project implementation plan for one area (1).pdf
b602d2e3d20d44f58a7889445c2bb667 Reply for development and reform of a district.pdf
cf79470c0d1c4b55a704fe284204dc70 Description and approval status of PPP project in Congtai Industrial New Town, Congtai District, Handan City, Hebei Province.pdf
7b9ccad604f84805a58f45501a8b90ee Reply on proposal for relocation project of Dafang County No. 1 Middle School in Guizhou Province.pdf
ff4002cdabb1422ea83bac90f478e76e Comprehensive instructions.pdf
ff4002cdabb1422ea83bac90f478e76e Administrative Permit Decision of the Honghe Prefecture Water Conservancy Bureau on Approving the Preliminary Design Report of the Changqiaohai Reservoir Expansion Project in Mengzi.pdf
ed8759b71af246c6bf07dd82dd8adc8d 1 Comprehensive description.pdf
ed8759b71af246c6bf07dd82dd8adc8d 2 Construction Necessity.pdf
ed8759b71af246c6bf07dd82dd8adc8d 4 Project tasks and scale.pdf
ed8759b71af246c6bf07dd82dd8adc8d 5 Main buildings and layout 7.14.pdf
ed8759b71af246c6bf07dd82dd8adc8d 06 Electromechanical and Metal Structure.pdf
ed8759b71af246c6bf07dd82dd8adc8d 8 Construction Organization Design 7.14.pdf
ed8759b71af246c6bf07dd82dd8adc8d 9 Construction land acquisition and resettlement.pdf
ed8759b71af246c6bf07dd82dd8adc8d 10 Environmental Protection Design.pdf
ed8759b71af246c6bf07dd82dd8adc8d 12 Labor Safety and Industrial Hygiene 2017.6.26.pdf
ed8759b71af246c6bf07dd82dd8adc8d 13 Energy-saving design 2017.6.26 (preliminary design).pdf
ed8759b71af246c6bf07dd82dd8adc8d 14 Engineering Management.pdf
ed8759b71af246c6bf07dd82dd8adc8d 16 Economic Evaluation.pdf
ed8759b71af246c6bf07dd82dd8adc8d 3Engineering Geology.pdf
ed8759b71af246c6bf07dd82dd8adc8d 7 Fire Protection Design 2017.6.25.pdf
ed8759b71af246c6bf07dd82dd8adc8d 11 Soil and water conservation design.pdf
ed8759b71af246c6bf07dd82dd8adc8d 15 design budget estimate.pdf
ed8759b71af246c6bf07dd82dd8adc8d Preliminary approval for the eastern river and reservoir water system connection project.pdf
d438bf0cd68a44f69d6dcef2add6db99 Design documents and approval instructions for coal-to-electricity PPP project of Education Bureau of Weichang Manchu and Mongolian Autonomous County, Chengde City, Hebei Province.pdf
744fac3f3e514030a118f8497a76295b This project is not yet completed.pdf
3f51fd7d67034210bb8d5f7a49eaf590 Design file.pdf
99d79330507a4fd8bbda8aa8a0b15872 Design documents and approval.pdf
b924f3f260e74c7ba5f61a5c1d4dead8 Yongzhou Eastern Domestic Waste Incineration Power Plant Project-Preliminary Design-Regional Location Map.pdf
b924f3f260e74c7ba5f61a5c1d4dead8 Yongzhou Eastern Domestic Waste Incineration Power Plant Project-Preliminary Design-General Layout.pdf
bc42e761529645929ebad59b076379fc Instructions for Approval of Design Documents of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of PPP Projects.pdf
12b6c2f42ead496aa43b0b4da19ea3e8 “Rural Revitalization” Action PPP Project in Fuding City, Ningde City, Fujian Province-Design Documents and Approval Instructions.pdf
ec898e5d79b645dd9671a4d5e49b1d02 Volume 1 Initial Text (3).pdf
ec898e5d79b645dd9671a4d5e49b1d02 Preliminary design approval 1.jpg
ec898e5d79b645dd9671a4d5e49b1d02 Preliminary design approval 2.jpg
ec898e5d79b645dd9671a4d5e49b1d02 Preliminary design approval 3.jpg
14eb6cbfebe740e484c0be655821ecb0 Preliminary design of townships.PDF
660069062d64473f9cb4cc65762d3fe9 Design approval status description.pdf
8dfaffac9a61435d9f40e700fa9be951 Preliminary design of the PPP project for the reconstruction and expansion of the Hedong Sewage Treatment Plant and Reclaimed Water Project in Urumqi.pdf
8dfaffac9a61435d9f40e700fa9be951 Urumqi Hedong Sewage Treatment Plant and Reclaimed Water Project Renovation and Expansion Project Preliminary Design Approval for PPP Project.pdf
b0c70fe7f1c047fe8fa318a4c3eebe41 Phase II Preliminary Design and Investment Budget Approval of the Smart Jimo Video Supervision Cloud Platform Project.pdf
67b62eec5db14fdab4775e8a41834952 Construction project planning permit.pdf
67b62eec5db14fdab4775e8a41834952 Construction land planning permit.pdf
67b62eec5db14fdab4775e8a41834952 Site Selection Opinion Letter.pdf
e9fd2f92b6254156b43ec948de9456b7 Construction Project Planning Permit-Xiang Guojian Zi No. 2019-0005 (Yu Huashan Reservoir Project Phase I).pdf
e9fd2f92b6254156b43ec948de9456b7 Construction Land Planning Permit-Xiang Guo Di Zi No. 2019-0005 (Yuhuashan Reservoir Project Phase I).pdf
e9fd2f92b6254156b43ec948de9456b7 Construction Project Site Selection Opinion-Xiangguoxuanzi No. 2019-0005 (Yuhuashan Reservoir Project Phase I).pdf
ff40651de0b04a89a553d2c29a7a6488 Tangshan Youth Palace, Tangshan City, Hebei Province - Design Document.pdf
ff40651de0b04a89a553d2c29a7a6488 Tangshan Youth Palace, Tangshan City, Hebei Province - Preliminary Design Approval.pdf
c51b19d801064c32b775e68c0e736985 Design documents and approval.pdf

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