
 Since the 21st century, in order to improve the transparency of government governance, organizations such as the conservative legal organization Judicial Watch, the American watchdog organization Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, and the National Security Numerous non-governmental watchdog groups, including the Archives, have been urging the U.S. federal government to release White House visitor records. After taking office in 2009, the Obama administration reached a settlement with Citizens for Responsible and Ethical Washington and agreed to publish the White House visitor logs after September 15, 2009, on the basis of a "voluntary disclosure policy." This also made the Obama administration the first A U.S. government that releases White House visitor records to the public. After taking office in 2017, the Trump administration took full advantage of the latest legal rulings and announced that it would no longer release the White House visitor logs due to privacy and national security concerns. After Biden took office as President of the United States, he once again released the White House visitor records.

 The White House Visitor Log records visitors at various events, including meetings, dinners, speeches, and social events. These activities may involve the President, Vice President, White House officials, Cabinet secretaries and other government officials. The White House Visitor Log also records visitors from a variety of industries and organizations, including business leaders, academics, private citizens, and organizational representatives. It is a symbol of transparency and openness, and is an important part of the U.S. government's efforts to demonstrate government transparency to the public.

 According to the "Voluntary Disclosure Policy", visitor logs will not be published under the following five special circumstances:

  • One involves personal privacy or law enforcement issues.
  • The second involves White House staff.
  • Third, it may threaten national security interests.
  • Fourth, it does not involve any official or political affairs.
  • Fifth is related to a small number of particularly sensitive meetings.

 CnOpenData has compiled the White House visitor log data, including detailed information such as visitor names, interviewee names, arrival and departure times, and specific locations visited, to provide data support for related research.

Time interval

  • Obama administration period: 2009.9-2016
  • Biden administration period: 2021-2022.11

Field display

White House visitor access records White House Visitor Log Data Field Table
NAMELAST Visitor last name
NAMEFIRST Visitor name
NAMEMID Visitor’s middle name
UIN Reservation number
BDGNBR ID number
ACCESS_TYPE Access type
TOA Arrival time
POA Arrival location
TOD Leaving time
POD Leaving location
APPT_MADE_DATE Appointment time
APPT_START_DATE Reservation visit start time
APPT_END_DATE Scheduled visit end time
APPT_CANCEL_DATE Appointment cancellation time
TOTAL_PEOPLE Number of attendees
LAST_UPDATEDBY Update record officer identification code
POST Reserved computers
LASTENTRYDATE Last updated time
TERMINAL_SUFFIX Application for appointment officer identification code
VISITEE_NAMELAST Respondent’s last name
VISITEE_NAMEFIRST Name of interviewee
MEETING_LOC Conference Building
MEETING_ROOM Conference room
CALLER_NAME_LAST Last name of person submitting access request
CALLER_NAME_FIRST Name of person submitting access request
CALLER_ROOM Reserve a room
RELEASEDATE Release date

Sample data

Visitor last name Visitor name Visitor’s middle name Reservation number ID number Access type Arrival time Arrival location Leaving time Leaving location Appointment time Reservation visit start time Scheduled visit end time Appointment cancellation time Number of attendees Update record officer identification code Reserved computers Last updated time Application for appointment officer identification code Respondent’s last name Name of interviewee Conference Building Conference room Last name of person submitting access request Name of person submitting access request Reserve a room Description Release date
MALLEY ROBERT N U38641 183020 VA 2022/1/1 12:22 B04 2021/12/31 1:54 2022/1/1 2022/1/1 11:59 1 PR WIN 2021/12/31 1:54 PR Rajgopal Pavan WH WW-132 RAJGOPAL PAVAN 2022/5/4
FARLEY CHRISTOPHER B U38643 VA 2022/1/2 9:03 2022/1/2 2022/1/2 11:59 1 RF WIN 2022/1/2 9:03 RF Figueroa Richard WH WW G47 FIGUEROA RICHARD 2022/5/4
KALAMBUR GUHAN R U38636 176380 VA 2022/1/2 10:59 B04 2021/12/30 4:27 2022/1/2 2022/1/2 11:59 1 SF WIN 2021/12/30 4:27 SF Everette Victoria OEOB 97 FOWLER SCOTT 2022/5/4
KUKLISH MATILDA N U38642 178294 VA 2022/1/2 14:01 B04 2021/12/31 3:03 2022/1/2 2022/1/2 11:59 1 AT WIN 2021/12/31 3:03 AT Condon Jason WH WHSR TIBAYAN ARTURO 2022/5/4
SIERRA RONNEY F U38598 VA 2021/12/27 4:04 2022/1/2 2022/1/2 11:59 1 CK WIN 2021/12/27 4:04 CK WHMU OEOB 97 KLETZIEN CHRISTOPHER 2022/5/4
CURRAN ALLISON M U37045 VA 2021/12/10 1:00 2022/1/3 2022/1/3 11:59 2 GD WIN 2021/12/10 1:00 GD Matheny Jason OEOB 412A DAVIDA GABRIELLA 2022/5/4
EMANUEL RAHM I U38644 179537 VA 2022/1/3 12:52 B04 2022/1/2 9:03 2022/1/3 2022/1/3 11:59 1 SD WIN 2022/1/2 9:03 SD Donilon Sarah OEOB 386 DONILON SARAH 2022/5/4
GREEN ANDREW J U38647 178238 VA 2022/1/3 12:48 A05 2022/1/3 8:37 2022/1/3 2022/1/3 11:59 1 TI WIN 2022/1/3 8:37 TI Doyle Solis OEOB South Cour ISEN THOMAS 2022/5/4
HATCHETT RICHARD J U38630 VA 2021/12/29 1:00 2022/1/3 2022/1/3 11:59 3 LA WIN 2021/12/29 1:00 LA Etim Linda OEOB 226 ADURY LALITHA 2022/5/4
LEVTO MARK N U37045 VA 2021/12/10 1:00 2022/1/3 2022/1/3 11:59 2 GD WIN 2021/12/10 1:00 GD Matheny Jason OEOB 412A DAVIDA GABRIELLA 2022/5/4
LURIE NICOLE N U38630 VA 2021/12/29 1:00 2022/1/3 2022/1/3 11:59 3 LA WIN 2021/12/29 12:59 LA Etim Linda OEOB 226 ADURY LALITHA 2022/5/4
MONAHAN KATHERINE E U38653 VA 2022/1/3 10:25 2022/1/3 2022/1/3 11:59 1 GT WIN 2022/1/3 10:25 GT Taylor Gabrielle WH WW Lobby TAYLOR GABRIELLE 2022/5/4
SKALLMAN DANIEL R U38630 VA 2021/12/29 1:00 2022/1/3 2022/1/3 11:59 3 LA WIN 2021/12/29 1:00 LA Etim Linda OEOB 226 ADURY LALITHA 2022/5/4
BRZEZINSKI MARK N U38654 176362 VA 2022/1/4 10:40 B04 2022/1/3 10:45 2022/1/4 2022/1/4 11:59 1 RS WIN 2022/1/3 10:45 RS Sloat Amanda OEOB 393 STEWART REBECCA 2022/5/4
CANO FRANCISCO E U38483 VA 2021/12/22 3:19 2022/1/4 2022/1/4 11:59 1 OO WIN 2021/12/22 3:19 OO Liang Betty NEOB NEOB clini ORTIZ ONISSA 2022/5/4
CANO FRANCISCO E U38613 VA 2021/12/28 10:58 2022/1/4 2022/1/4 11:59 1 OO WIN 2021/12/28 10:58 OO Liang Betty NEOB NEOB clini ORTIZ ONISSA 2022/5/4
CANO FRANCISCO E U38657 183762 VA 2022/1/4 13:33 K01 2022/1/3 11:27 2022/1/4 2022/1/4 11:59 2 OO WIN 2022/1/3 11:27 OO Liang Betty NEOB NEOB clini ORTIZ ONISSA 2022/5/4
DIMON JAMES N U38650 179405 VA 2022/1/4 15:36 B04 2022/1/3 9:14 2022/1/4 2022/1/4 11:59 2 MS WIN 2022/1/3 9:14 MS Strasser Madeline WH WW 122 STRASSER MADELINE 2022/5/4
FERNANDEZ JOSE W U38671 183095 VA 2022/1/4 11:11 2022/1/3 7:46 2022/1/4 2022/1/4 11:59 2 SD WIN 2022/1/3 7:46 SD Donilon Sarah OEOB 386 DONILON SARAH 2022/5/4
GITENSTEIN MARK H U38665 VA 2022/1/3 2:07 2022/1/4 2022/1/4 11:59 2 GD WIN 2022/1/3 2:07 GD Chhabra Tarun OEOB 412A DAVIDA GABRIELLA 2022/5/4
GWINN JEREMY T U38666 178534 VA 2022/1/4 9:40 B04 2022/1/3 3:05 2022/1/4 2022/1/4 11:59 1 AN WIN 2022/1/3 3:05 AN Cara Ms. OEOB 351 NADEEM ALEA 2022/5/4
HART MELANIE M U38671 178853 VA 2022/1/4 11:11 A05 2022/1/3 7:46 2022/1/4 2022/1/4 11:59 2 SD WIN 2022/1/3 7:46 SD Donilon Sarah OEOB 386 DONILON SARAH 2022/5/4
HATCHETT RICHARD J U38646 VA 2022/1/3 8:13 2022/1/4 2022/1/4 11:59 3 NP WIN 2022/1/3 8:13 NP Lander Eric OEOB 454 PARSONS NATHAN 2022/5/4
HOSINSKI ELIZABETH S U38665 VA 2022/1/3 2:07 2022/1/4 2022/1/4 11:59 2 GD WIN 2022/1/3 2:07 GD Chhabra Tarun OEOB 412A DAVIDA GABRIELLA 2022/5/4
LATHROP KEITH M U38614 VA 2021/12/28 11:12 2022/1/4 2022/1/4 11:59 1 OO WIN 2021/12/28 11:12 OO Liang Betty NEOB Clinic ORTIZ ONISSA 2022/5/4
LATHROP KEITH M U38657 VA 2022/1/3 12:43 2022/1/4 2022/1/4 11:59 2 OO WIN 2022/1/3 12:43 OO Liang Betty NEOB NEOB clini ORTIZ ONISSA 2022/5/4
LURIE NICOLE N U38646 VA 2022/1/3 8:13 2022/1/4 2022/1/4 11:59 3 NP WIN 2022/1/3 8:13 NP Lander Eric OEOB 454 PARSONS NATHAN 2022/5/4
MILLER JUDITH N U38650 VA 2022/1/3 9:14 2022/1/4 2022/1/4 11:59 2 MS WIN 2022/1/3 9:14 MS Strasser Madeline WH WW 122 STRASSER MADELINE 2022/5/4
OMAR HASSAN N U38651 VA 2022/1/3 9:46 2022/1/4 2022/1/4 11:59 2 MS WIN 2022/1/3 9:46 MS Strasser Madeline WH State Plac STRASSER MADELINE 2022/5/4
SCANLON JOHN N U38651 VA 2022/1/3 9:46 2022/1/4 2022/1/4 11:59 2 MS WIN 2022/1/3 9:46 MS Strasser Madeline WH State Plac STRASSER MADELINE 2022/5/4
SKALLMAN DANIEL R U38646 VA 2022/1/3 8:13 2022/1/4 2022/1/4 11:59 3 NP WIN 2022/1/3 8:13 NP Lander Eric OEOB 454 PARSONS NATHAN 2022/5/4
SMITH WENDIN D U38668 186815 VA 2022/1/4 16:09 A05 2022/1/3 4:57 2022/1/4 2022/1/4 11:59 1 MJ WIN 2022/1/3 4:57 MJ Joyce Morgan OEOB 374 JOYCE MORGAN 2022/5/4
VILLANUEVA MIAKO N U38663 VA 2022/1/3 12:52 2022/1/4 2022/1/4 11:59 1 MT WIN 2022/1/3 12:52 MT Tomaszewski Madalyn OEOB 104A TOMASZEWSKI MADALYN 2022/5/4
BELLMANN TJORVEN N U38706 177248 VA 2022/1/5 16:21 B04 2022/1/4 5:26 2022/1/5 2022/1/5 11:59 2 RS WIN 2022/1/4 5:26 RS Finer Jon OEOB 374 STEWART REBECCA 2022/5/4
BRAUER JOHN W U38655 VA 2022/1/3 11:03 2022/1/5 2022/1/5 11:59 7 PK WIN 2022/1/3 11:03 PK Durkovich Caitlin OEOB 425 KHAN PUNEET 2022/5/4
BRESSODUGBILE KIM N U38638 VA 2021/12/31 8:59 2022/1/5 2022/1/5 11:59 12 RH WIN 2021/12/31 8:59 RH Hart Rio OEOB 230B HART RIO 2022/5/4
BRESSODUGBILE KIM N U38681 VA 2022/1/4 11:02 2022/1/5 2022/1/5 11:59 12 RH WIN 2022/1/4 11:02 RH Hart Rio OEOB 210 HART RIO 2022/5/4
BROOKS SHAMIKA P U38713 186791 VA 2022/1/5 14:03 B04 2022/1/5 9:37 2022/1/5 2022/1/5 11:59 3 EE WIN 2022/1/5 9:37 EE Schmoyer Michael OEOB SMS Exec ENG EMILY 2022/5/4
BURGESS ROBERT C U38722 182654 VA 2022/1/5 10:24 B04 2022/1/5 10:20 2022/1/5 2022/1/5 11:59 1 DH WIN 2022/1/5 10:20 DH Ehrick Samuel WH EW 208 HANEY DALE 2022/5/4
CLIFTONII TIMOTHY W U38713 VA 2022/1/5 9:37 2022/1/5 2022/1/5 11:59 3 EE WIN 2022/1/5 9:37 EE Schmoyer Michael OEOB SMS Exec ENG EMILY 2022/5/4
CODY ANN E U37771 VA 2021/12/17 10:39 2022/1/5 2022/1/5 11:59 3 RP WIN 2021/12/17 10:39 RP Guha Sumona OEOB 325 PRATT ROBERT 2022/5/4
CORBETT UNA N U38693 VA 2022/1/4 1:00 2022/1/5 2022/1/5 11:59 1 TI WIN 2022/1/4 1:00 TI Doyle Solis OEOB 161 ISEN THOMAS 2022/5/4
DABROWSKI NATASHA B U38638 VA 2021/12/31 8:59 2022/1/5 2022/1/5 11:59 12 RH WIN 2021/12/31 8:59 RH Hart Rio OEOB 230B HART RIO 2022/5/4
DABROWSKI NATASHA B U38681 177915 VA 2022/1/5 13:58 A05 2022/1/4 11:02 2022/1/5 2022/1/5 11:59 12 RH WIN 2022/1/4 11:02 RH Hart Rio OEOB 210 HART RIO 2022/5/4
EDWARDS IMANI D U38714 177397 VA 2022/1/5 12:09 B04 2022/1/5 9:44 2022/1/5 2022/1/5 11:59 1 TI WIN 2022/1/5 9:44 TI Doyle Solis OEOB 161 ISEN THOMAS 2022/5/4
GEORGE MICHAEL S U38655 VA 2022/1/3 11:03 2022/1/5 2022/1/5 11:59 7 PK WIN 2022/1/3 11:03 PK Durkovich Caitlin OEOB 425 KHAN PUNEET 2022/5/4
GRUENHAGE JAN N U38706 177803 VA 2022/1/5 16:21 B04 2022/1/4 5:26 2022/1/5 2022/1/5 11:59 2 RS WIN 2022/1/4 5:26 RS Finer Jon OEOB 374 STEWART REBECCA 2022/5/4
HALLE BENJAMIN N U38707 183252 VA 2022/1/5 11:06 B04 2022/1/4 6:10 2022/1/5 2022/1/5 11:59 3 AF WIN 2022/1/4 6:10 AF Finney Amanda WH WW145 FINNEY AMANDA 2022/5/4
HINTON DENISE M U38713 183137 VA 2022/1/5 14:03 B04 2022/1/5 9:37 2022/1/5 2022/1/5 11:59 3 EE WIN 2022/1/5 9:37 EE Schmoyer Michael OEOB SMS Exec ENG EMILY 2022/5/4
HITTLE MARC D U38655 VA 2022/1/3 11:03 2022/1/5 2022/1/5 11:59 7 PK WIN 2022/1/3 11:03 PK Durkovich Caitlin OEOB 425 KHAN PUNEET 2022/5/4

Related literature

  • Brown, J. R., Huang, J. K. 2020. "All the president's friends: Political access and firm value". Journal of Financial Economics, 138 (2): 415–431.
  • Travers Barclay Child, Nadia Massoud, Mario Schabus, Yifan Zhou. 2021. "Surprise Election for Trump Connections". Journal of Financial Economics, 140.(2).
  • Bailey, K.L. and Trantham, A. 2021. "Racial Politics and the Presidency: Analyzing White House Visits by Professional Sports Teams". Social Science Quarterly, 102: 897-919.
  • Alexander F. Wagner, Richard J. Zeckhauser, Alexandre Ziegler,. 2018. "Company stock price reactions to the 2016 election shock: Trump, taxes, and trade". Journal of Financial Economics, 130(2): 428- 451.

Data update frequency

Updated from time to time
