Introduction to China Financial News Text Data

  Financial news in a broad sense, or pan-economic news, covers all social and economic life and economic-related fields, including from production to consumption, from urban to rural areas, from macro to micro, from production safety to service quality, from economic Work in related fields of politics and social life. Financial news in a narrow sense focuses on the capital market and looks at China's economic life from the perspective of financial capital markets.

 Compared with other professional news, financial news has certain particularities. First of all, in order to achieve the publicity function of financial media, financial journalists also interpret a large number of financial professional vocabulary. In terms of professionalism and readability, seek a balance between gender; secondly, in addition to its financial propaganda function, financial news reports also provide a large amount of high-quality text corpus information for the securities market and researchers to predict market economic activities.  

 Since the reform and opening up, my country's financial news media has also shown a strong momentum of development along with social and economic development: professional news media have risen, comprehensive newspapers have opened financial columns, radio and television have launched financial channels one after another, and my country's financial media has entered a new period of development.  

 To support relevant research, CnOpenData launched China Financial News Flash text data, covering flash text information from multiple domestic financial news networks, including title, content, channel, release date and other fields.

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Financial News Flash Data

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China Financial News Flash Text Data-A Source

Title Content Release date
半导体板块持续走强 北方华创午后涨停 【半导体板块持续走强 北方华创午后涨停】海光信息20CM涨停,长川科技、华海清科、神工股份、拓荆科技、华峰测控涨超10%,北方华创午后涨停,芯源微、中微公司、澜起科技等多股涨超5%。 2023/3/29 13:35
机构观点:现货议价小幅松动 纯碱多头主力减仓明显 【机构观点:现货议价小幅松动 纯碱多头主力减仓明显】昨日纯碱主力合约SA2309缩量调整,回调至2500附近。05合约继续窄幅减仓,多空握手言和;09合约连续上攻2日后,昨日回调,多头主力主动减仓明显,目前处于2450-2550高位震荡区间,关注上方2600-2618新高强压力位表现,冲高回落则空单择机入场。 2023/3/29 13:35
机构观点:警惕高位压力 玻璃中期震荡 【机构观点:警惕高位压力 玻璃中期震荡】今日国内浮法玻璃市场整体交投尚可,部分价格上调。华北近日玻璃市场稳中有涨,成交维持较好;华东市场今日主流走稳,多数厂成交相对平稳;华中今日价格暂稳,整体成交情况尚可。 2023/3/29 13:33
SECEX:3月1至24日期间巴西出口近1000万吨大豆 【SECEX:3月1至24日期间巴西出口近1000万吨大豆】巴西外贸秘书(SECEX)的数据显示,截至3月24日,3月份巴西大豆出口量达到998.7万吨,日均出口大豆554,800吨,低于前三周的日均出口量563,600吨,略微高于上年同期的554,100吨。 2023/3/29 13:32
PAN:截至3月23日 巴西大豆收获进度为70.89% 【PAN:截至3月23日 巴西大豆收获进度为70.89%】巴西咨询机构家园农商公司(PAN)称,截至3月23日,巴西大豆收获进度为70.89%,高于一周前的63.1%,落后于去年同期的77.09%。 2023/3/29 13:31
算力概念股震荡走高 中科曙光午后拉升触板 【算力概念股震荡走高 中科曙光午后拉升触板】中科曙光午后拉升触板,光环新网涨超10%,东方国信、浪潮信息、鸿博股份、紫光股份等纷纷走强。 2023/3/29 13:28
阿里巴巴称将于3月30日举行新组织和治理结构沟通会 【阿里巴巴称将于3月30日举行新的组织和治理结构沟通会】阿里巴巴称将于3月30日举行新的组织和治理结构沟通会。 2023/3/29 13:19
港股阿里巴巴成交额达百亿港元,现涨超13% 港股阿里巴巴成交额达百亿港元,现涨超13%。 2023/3/29 13:12
马斯克等千名科技人士发公开信:暂停训练比GPT-4更强大的AI系统 【马斯克等千名科技人士发公开信:暂停训练比GPT-4更强大的AI系统】这封信呼吁,所有人工智能实验室立即暂停训练比GPT-4更强大的人工智能系统至少6个月。这种暂停应该是公开的和可验证的,并且包括所有关键参与者。如果不能迅速实施这种暂停,政府应介入并实行暂停。 2023/3/29 13:08
云鼎科技:公司联合华为公司在山能集团本地建设AI训练中心 【云鼎科技:公司联合华为公司在山能集团本地建设AI训练中心】云鼎科技在互动平台表示,为了加速人工智能在能源行业的规模化应用,云鼎科技联合华为公司在山能集团本地建设AI训练中心,以华为盘古大模型为基础推动人工智能技术在生产领域的快速高效落地使用,以便更精准、更通用、更高效、更安全地服务生产和管理。 2023/3/29 12:49
伟明环保:参股投资电池电解液项目 【伟明环保:参股投资电池电解液项目】近日,伟明环保与深圳新宙邦、永青股份、格林美签订合资协议,规划在温州市洞头区建设年产10万吨电池电解液项目,预计总投资4亿元,公司以参股形式参与该项目投资建设。四家股东拟共同成立合资公司浙江新宙邦材料有限公司作为项目投资主体,其中深圳新宙邦占合资公司68%股权,永青股份占20%,伟明环保和格林美各占6%。该项目计划分两期实施,其中一期建设5万吨/年电池电解液,二期5万吨/年电池电解液视市场情况启动建设,产品可用于电池生产企业的生产原料,项目参股方永青股份旗下控股公司在浙江地区设立了多个电池生产基地。 2023/3/29 12:48
麻六记麻烦了!拖欠直播运营团队工资什么情况?官方回应来了 【麻六记麻烦了!拖欠直播运营团队工资什么情况?官方回应来了】近期,麻六记先是被爆20人的直播运营团队集体辞职,随后,麻六记直播间前运营人员孟贺公开称麻六记拖欠其近90万元工资。3月28日,麻六记又发布声明进行回击,表示已支付直播团队逾千万元佣金。 2023/3/29 12:40
众生药业新冠口服药来瑞特韦片首发报价628元/盒/疗程 【众生药业新冠口服药来瑞特韦片首发报价628元/盒/疗程】3月28日,上海市医保局官网披露,广东众生睿创生物科技有限公司的新冠口服药来瑞特韦片(商品名:乐睿灵)首发报价为628元/盒/疗程。 2023/3/29 12:38
央行副行长宣昌能:逐步实现强制、全面、定量的环境信息披露 【央行副行长宣昌能:逐步实现强制、全面、定量的环境信息披露】人民银行副行长宣昌能在博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会“碳中和:困局与破局”论坛上发言时表示,发展转型金融具有非常现实的意义。接下来,要逐步实现强制、全面、定量的环境信息披露,大型金融机构要走在前列,做好自身碳核算和环境信息披露。 2023/3/29 12:30
鑫铂股份:目前已投产的5万吨再生铝项目正在产能爬坡期 【鑫铂股份:目前已投产的5万吨再生铝项目正在产能爬坡期】鑫铂股份3月29日在互动平台表示,目前已投产的5万吨再生铝项目正在产能爬坡期,再生铝棒的合金成分配比得到有效的控制,其力学性能与原生铝合金边框基本一致。 2023/3/29 12:29
广东中山:多子女家庭住房公积金贷款额度可上浮30% 【广东中山:多子女家庭住房公积金贷款额度可上浮30%】广东省中山市住房公积金管理中心28日发布《关于加强多子女家庭公积金政策支持的通知》。中山市进一步支持多子女家庭购房的合理需求,提高多子女家庭公积金贷款额度,对购买首套或二套改善型自住住房的多子女家庭,住房公积金贷款额度可上浮30%。该通知自发布之日起实施,有效期5年。按照中山市现行的住房公积金最高额度计算,多子女家庭公积金贷款额度可达117万元,比一般家庭贷款最高额度增加了27万元。 2023/3/29 12:29
午间公告:力生制药盐酸苯海索原料药通过上市申请 【午间公告:力生制药盐酸苯海索原料药通过上市申请】①岳阳兴长:向特定对象发行股票申请获得深交所受理。②*ST宜康:关注到有媒体文章称:根据宜华健康公告,宜华集团将持有的股票委托给中国新兴资产。经核实,上述媒体报道事项与事实不符合。③铭普光磁:向特定对象发行股票申请获得深交所受理。④力生制药:盐酸苯海索原料药通过上市申请。盐酸苯海索临床用于帕金森病、帕金森综合征等。 2023/3/29 12:26
碧桂园服务2022年全年核心净利润50.2亿元 同比增长9% 【碧桂园服务2022年全年核心净利润50.2亿元 同比增长9%】碧桂园服务2022年全年营收413.7亿元人民币,同比增长43%;全年净利润19.4亿元人民币,同比减少52%;全年核心净利润50.2亿元,同比增长9%。 2023/3/29 12:19
中外科学家研究表明:禽流感病毒或催生下一次人类大流行病 【中外科学家研究表明:禽流感病毒或催生下一次人类大流行病】“下一次席卷人类的大流行病可能是由一种在动物身上制造的新流感病毒株引起的,而人类对这种病毒几乎没有免疫力。”通过分析了近五十年的动物流感记录,中国和澳大利亚两国科学家得出了这一共同结论。这一研究由复旦大学和悉尼大学合作,近期发表在《One Health》期刊杂志上。研究人员得出结论,禽流感可能是下一个新的大流行毒株的来源。禽流感有着非常多种的亚型,而鸟类是它们的天然宿主,这增加了禽流感成为人畜共患病(zoonotic)的可能性。 2023/3/29 12:18
山西农信社改制为山西农商行 债务、债权全部承继 【山西农信社改制为山西农商行 债务、债权全部承继】近日,山西省农村信用社发布《关于山西省农村信用社联合社改制组建山西农村商业联合银行股份有限公司的公告》。根据公告,山西省联社决定正式启动山西农商联合银行组建工作。筹建工作小组聘请中介机构对山西省联社开展清产核资和资产评估。山西农商联合银行成立后,原山西省联社法人资格取消,原山西省联社的业务、资产,以及债权债务等权利义务均由山西农商联合银行承继。 2023/3/29 12:17
港股午评:恒生指数涨1.9% 恒生科技指数涨2.72% 【港股午评:恒生指数涨1.9% 恒生科技指数涨2.72%】港股早盘行情大幅高开后有所回落,香港恒生指数涨1.91%,一度涨超3%;恒生科技指数涨2.72%;一度涨超4%。盘面上,互动媒体与服务、综合电信服务、建筑产品、耐用消费品、汽车、能源设备与服务、蚂蚁集团概念、云办公、信息安全等板块涨幅居前;林业与纸制品、航空货运与物流、制药、电气设备、安防、粤港澳、猪肉等板块走低。 2023/3/29 12:10
华润置地20022年全年核心盈利270.0亿元 【华润置地20022年全年核心盈利270.0亿元】华润置地20022年全年核心盈利270.0亿元,预估274亿元;营收2,070.6亿元,预估2,227.5亿元;每股末期股息1.219元人民币。 2023/3/29 12:07
港股午评|恒指重上2万点 阿里飙涨逾13% 阿里概念股强势 平台经济再获重视及阿里宣布重大调整,市场信心高涨,恒指涨1.91%重上2万点,恒生科技指数涨2.72%;大型科技股强势领涨大市,阿里巴巴飙涨逾13%,带动阿里概念股齐涨;ChatGPT概念股表现活跃,互联网医疗股、汽车股、手游股、半导体股、餐饮股等纷纷上扬。 2023/3/29 12:04
湖南:商品房预售资金监管机构暂停与渤海银行预售资金监管合作 【湖南:商品房预售资金监管机构暂停与渤海银行预售资金监管合作】湖南省房地产工作协调机制办公室发布通报,为严格商品房预售资金监管,切实维护购房群众合法权益,从即日起,请各市州(县、市、区)商品房预售资金监管机构暂停与渤海银行股份有限公司及其所辖基层经营单位的商品房预售资金监管合作。同时,建议相关部门和单位慎重选择渤海银行股份有限公司及其所辖基层经营单位作为住房公积金、物业维修基金等资金的存储银行,有效防范风险。 2023/3/29 12:01
林毅夫谈变革性技术的兴起:有些岗位肯定会被取代 但同时没必要担心 【林毅夫谈变革性技术的兴起:有些岗位肯定会被取代 但同时没必要担心】博鳌亚洲论坛2023年会于3月28-31日在海南博鳌召开,在《世界经济展望》分论坛上,北京大学国家发展研究院荣誉院长、新结构经济学研究院院长林毅夫表示,变革性技术兴起会对人类就业和生活方式带来挑战和威胁,有一些岗位肯定会被取代,但同时也没必要担心。为应对挑战,可以从历史上吸取经验和教训,在工业化时代初期,几乎所有人一周工作7天,每天12小时。现在就是5天,每天工作8小时。当人们发现机器可以比人类做得更好,那时也非常担心,有很多工作岗位会丢失。但现在回过头这样的技术发展和进步是需要拥抱的,生产力提高是人类进步和生活水平提高的基础。也许以后一周就做一天的工作,每天工作5小时,所以我们要拥抱这样的机会。 2023/3/29 12:01
易纲:实施碳达峰碳中和需要“胡萝卜”加“大棒” 【易纲:实施碳达峰碳中和需要“胡萝卜”加“大棒”】人民银行行长易纲29日在博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会“碳中和:困局与破局”论坛上发言时表示,人民银行推出了碳减排支持工具。第一类是对节能环保、碳减排技术提供支持,第二类支持煤炭清洁能源。实施碳达峰碳中和需要“胡萝卜”加“大棒”,“胡萝卜”就是人民银行的激励机制,人民银行的碳减排支持工具按照1.75%的利率给金融机构提供再贷款,但要求商业银行必须承诺对外披露碳排放的贷款余额利率和相应项目所产生的碳减排信息,还要接受独立的第三方机构和老百姓的监督。我们实际上已经支持了3000多亿元再贷款。这个“胡萝卜”激励机制风险可控,是适中的。我们在项目提供上对中资、外资一视同仁。 2023/3/29 12:00
太原市政府与海康威视签订战略合作协议 【太原市政府与海康威视签订战略合作协议】据海康威视消息,近日,太原市人民政府与海康威视签订战略合作协议。 2023/3/29 11:56
华域汽车于苏州常熟新设视觉科技公司,注册资本2.5亿 【华域汽车于苏州常熟新设视觉科技公司,注册资本2.5亿】企查查APP显示,华域视觉科技(常熟)有限公司成立,注册资本2.5亿元人民币,经营范围包含:汽车零部件研发;电子元器件制造;模具制造;智能基础制造装备制造等。企查查股权穿透显示,该公司由华域汽车间接全资控股。 2023/3/29 11:56
东鹏控股与中电(三亚)信息港达成战略合作 【东鹏控股与中电(三亚)信息港达成战略合作】3月28日,东鹏控股与中电(三亚)信息港在东鹏总部签署战略合作协议,成为战略合作伙伴。此次签约,将有效提升东鹏的产业综合竞争力。从关键领域、关键产品的技术攻关和标准研制应用,提升产业核心竞争力。发挥关键技术标准在产业协同、技术协作的纽带和驱动作用,实施标准化助力重点产业稳链工程,促进产业链上下游标准有效衔接,提升产业链供应链现代化水平。 2023/3/29 11:55
中船应急与詹阳重工签订框架合作协议 【中船应急与詹阳重工签订框架合作协议】近日,中船应急与詹阳重工签订框架合作协议。双方均为首批国家应急产业重点联系企业,将在应急救援、应急保障、无人平台等装备领域发挥各自优势,联合开展科研课题申请、装备研制与市场推广,进一步深化双方海外业务合作与交流,发挥行业引领作用。 2023/3/29 11:55
3月29日午间涨停分析 【3月29日午间涨停分析】今日午盘两市共13股涨停,连板股总数2只,7股封板未遂,封板率为65%(不含ST股、退市股及未开板新股)。个股方面,CPO概念股剑桥科技4天3板、联特科技创业板首板,阿里系的三江购物2板,股权转让的荣盛石化2板。 2023/3/29 11:52
易纲:中国和欧盟的绿色金融共同目录趋同率达到了80% 【易纲:中国和欧盟的绿色金融共同目录趋同率达到了80%】人民银行行长易纲29日在博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会“碳中和:困局与破局”论坛上发言时表示,气候变化是国际问题,人民银行近年一直开展国际合作,比如在去年我们牵头制定了《G20转型金融框架》。人民银行与欧委会共同发表了两版《可持续金融共同分类目录》,中国和欧盟的绿色金融共同分类目录趋同率达到了80%。 2023/3/29 11:45
国家发改委副主任赵辰昕:支持企业绿色转型,企业也需实现更大的发展 【国家发改委副主任赵辰昕:支持企业绿色转型,企业也需实现更大的发展】3月29日,中国国家发展和改革委员会副主任赵辰昕在博鳌论坛分论坛“碳中和:困局与破局”上表示,引导各类资源要素向绿色低碳发展集聚,既要支持企业朝着绿色转型的目标推进,企业也要实现更大的发展。 2023/3/29 11:36
沪指震荡微跌 科创50指数大涨2.3% 半导体、芯片概念活跃 【沪指震荡微跌 科创50指数大涨2.3% 半导体、芯片概念活跃】截至午间收盘,沪指微跌0.04%报3243.94点,深成指涨0.27%,创业板指涨0.26%,科创50指数涨2.33%;两市合计成交5969亿元,北向资金净买入28.47亿元。盘面上看,半导体、芯片概念大幅走高,旅游餐饮、汽车板块上扬,CPO概念、光刻胶、AI概念等表现活跃;石油、建筑、农业、家居、地产、券商、医药等板块走弱。 2023/3/29 11:33
2023年3月29日早盘期货要闻汇总 【要闻汇总】早盘期货市场发生了哪些大事?一文速览。 2023/3/29 11:30
国家发改委产业司召开推动农机装备产业高质量发展座谈会 【国家发改委产业司召开推动农机装备产业高质量发展座谈会】国家发改委产业司负责同志近日主持召开推动农机装备产业高质量发展座谈会。有关行业协会、骨干企业介绍了推动农机装备产业链上下游协同创新的进展情况,围绕推动农机装备产业补短板、锻长板进行交流研讨。会议强调,农机装备产业是保障粮食安全、建设农业强国重要支撑,要进一步梳理产业链供应链短板弱项,依托重大工程、重大项目,凝聚产业链上下游创新力量,加快突破关键技术,提升产品性能水平,加快构建现代化农机装备产业体系。 2023/3/29 11:29
国家发改委副主任赵辰昕:中国加快绿色低碳发展的决心坚定不移 【国家发改委副主任赵辰昕:中国加快绿色低碳发展的决心坚定不移】国家发展和改革委员会副主任赵辰昕在博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会“碳中和:困局与破局”论坛上发言时表示,中国加快绿色低碳发展的决心坚定不移,我们不仅仅是提出目标,我们还在扎扎实实推动,出台了一系列政策,开展了一系列行动。 2023/3/29 11:28
比亚迪董事长王传福:目标是今年底前成为中国第一大汽车制造商 【比亚迪董事长王传福:目标是今年底前成为中国第一大汽车制造商】比亚迪董事长王传福表示,中国1-2月汽车需求同比弱于去年,但比亚迪的销量较去年同期显著增长。他说,比亚迪的目标是今年底前成为中国第一大汽车制造商。王传福还透露,暂时没有进入美国乘用车市场的计划,半导体业务的IPO计划仍在进行中。 2023/3/29 11:28
河北:到2025年规模以上屠宰企业产能占比达90%以上 【河北:到2025年规模以上屠宰企业产能占比达90%以上】河北日报消息,日前,河北省农业农村厅制定《河北省生猪屠宰行业发展规划(2023—2030年)》,提出到2025年,全省自营企业数量占比达到50%以上,建成国家生猪屠宰标准化示范厂12家、省级生猪屠宰标准化厂20家,规模以上屠宰企业产能占比达90%以上。生猪屠宰布局与养殖布局基本匹配,结构性屠宰产能过剩问题明显好转。 2023/3/29 11:20
美国银行业危机影响反复 避险需求提振贵金属 【美国银行业危机影响反复 避险需求提振贵金属】目前全球银行系统流动性风险的恐慌情绪有所缓解,3月加息后美联储将进入1个多月的空窗期,在货币政策未有实质性转变的情况下市场预期反复难走出确定性的趋势,但银行爆雷风险未能解除使避险需求难消将支撑贵金属价格。中长期看,美联储更加重视流动性风险加息周期进入尾声并转为通过缩表来压制通胀,尽管距离降息仍有距离,但紧缩的预期放缓叠加央行购金等因素支撑,黄金将维持偏强震荡将价格呈现走高的早期行情,因此建议回调到1900美元附近支撑位买入。短期金融市场避险情绪缓和,未来国内经济复苏有望提振有色金属在工业属性方面对银价带来支撑,但来自印度等地区的实物投资需求有所减少,全球白银库存回落趋势放缓,中长期看银价仍维持在21-24美元的区间波动。 2023/3/29 11:18
国家药监局:继续加强医疗器械网络交易服务第三方平台合规建设 【国家药监局:继续加强医疗器械网络交易服务第三方平台合规建设】国家药监局日前召开医疗器械网络交易服务第三方平台企业座谈会,研究分析医疗器械网络交易服务第三方平台治理工作,对全面落实企业主体责任和属地监管责任提出进一步要求。会议强调,药品监管部门将进一步完善相关法规制度建设,在充分调研的基础上,不断完善更加科学合理、行之有效的管理制度和举措。第三方平台企业要针对会议通报的突出问题深入开展自查自纠,举一反三,继续加强平台合规建设,切实履行第三方平台企业主体责任。 2023/3/29 11:17
中科院院士欧阳明高:预计2030年纯电重卡市场渗透率将达35% 【中科院院士欧阳明高:预计2030年纯电重卡市场渗透率将达35%】在今日举办的中国商用车论坛上,中国科学院院士欧阳明高表示,按150万km寿命计算,由于油电差价大于电池投资成本和充电时间成本之和,换电重卡的综合吨公里成本低于柴油重卡,相比于快充和超充,换电技术补电时间最短,吨公里车辆运行成本最低。以鄂尔多斯换电重卡示范运营为例,换电重卡较柴油重卡车辆购置节省6.35万元,干线能耗成本节省5.2万元/年,短倒能耗成本节省1.5万元/年。欧阳明高预计,零碳货运重卡到2025年市场渗透率将超过10%,2030年左右力争接近50%,其中纯电重卡将达到35%,换电重卡将是主体。 2023/3/29 11:12
发改委赴煤炭工业规划设计研究院调研 【发改委赴煤炭工业规划设计研究院调研】发展改革委经济运行调节局负责同志日前带队赴煤炭工业规划设计研究院开展调研,研究做好煤炭清洁高效利用、推动煤炭行业高质量发展等相关工作。调研组认真听取了当前煤规院在清洁低碳、绿色能源等领域的最新研究成果。双方围绕如何在更好保障国家能源安全的大背景下,加快推动煤炭全产业链清洁高效利用等方面进行了深入交流。 2023/3/29 11:12
氢能源概念股持续走强,致远新能20CM涨停 【氢能源概念股持续走强,致远新能20CM涨停】3月29日上午,氢能源概念股持续走强,致远新能20CM涨停,厚普股份涨超10%,京城股份涨停,亿华通、雪人股份、富瑞特装、兰石重装、德固特等涨超5%。 2023/3/29 11:09
远兴能源:公司未参与甲醇期货交易 【远兴能源:公司未参与甲醇期货交易】远兴能源(000683.SZ)3月29日在投资者互动平台表示,公司已于2021年剥离了控股的天然气制甲醇业务,现有参股25%的子公司内蒙古中煤远兴能源化工有限公司年产煤制甲醇60万吨。公司未参与甲醇期货交易。 2023/3/29 11:05
比亚迪创始人王传福表示 存储电池需求依然强劲 消费品的电池需求在放缓 比亚迪创始人王传福表示,存储电池需求依然强劲,消费品的电池需求在放缓。 2023/3/29 11:00
腾讯微信团队:现在微信、微信支付相关功能已恢复 【腾讯微信团队:现在微信、微信支付相关功能已恢复】腾讯微信团队最新表示,现在微信、微信支付相关功能已恢复。 2023/3/29 10:53
郑州市房协出台房企信用激励措施:优先推荐AAA级房企参与保障性住房建设 【郑州市房协出台房企信用激励措施:优先推荐AAA级房企参与保障性住房建设】郑州市房协公告,对房地产企业实行信用激励措施。其中,信用等级为AAA级的开发企业列为市重点扶持企业,鼓励金融机构增加对其贷款授信,并提供多种金融服务;优先推荐参与保障性住房建设;.监管资金额度为项目建设工程资金总额(含税费),不再增加不可预见费用。对信用等级为AA级的企业,鼓励金融机构提供多种金融服务,推荐参与保障性住房建设等。 2023/3/29 10:52
中药股异动拉升 东阿阿胶涨超8% 【中药股异动拉升 东阿阿胶涨超8%】东阿阿胶涨超8%,西藏药业、健民集团、贵州三力涨超5%,太极集团、盘龙药业、葫芦娃、江中药业、同仁堂等跟涨。西南证券研报称,中成药集采规则更加友好,降幅更温和,中成药的降幅普遍低于仿制药国家集采降幅,并且独家的中成药降幅相对更低。 2023/3/29 10:52
半导体设备板块快速走高 华峰测控大涨9% 【半导体设备板块快速走高 华峰测控大涨9%】半导体设备板块盘中快速走高,华峰测控大涨9%,正帆科技、拓荆科技、华海清科、芯源微、长川科技、中微公司、新莱应材均涨超5%。消息面上,根据国际半导体产业协会(SEMI)最新公布的报告预测,2024年全球半导体设备支出额将同比增长21%至920亿美元,逆转今年下滑22%的走势。 2023/3/29 10:47

China Financial News Flash Text Data-B Source

Title Content Release date
三大航3月份恢复率明显提升 国航已超2019年同期 据航班管家数据,2023年3月,全球民航客运航班恢复至2019年同期的88.1%。中国三大航的恢复率(当期航班量/2019年同期航班量)明显提升,其中,国航已超2019年同期,恢复率达100.6%。 2023/4/6 10:47
国家税务总局局长王军:相信一定会实现全年5%左右经济增长预期目标 国家税务总局局长王军在新闻发布会上表示,对于今年一季度经济运行的具体情况,用“六个逐步向好”来做一些具体的阐述。一是经济运行的态势逐步回升向好。二是经营主体逐步活跃向好。三是工业生产逐步恢复向好。四是消费需求逐步扩大向好。五是创新动能逐步增强向好。六是绿色发展逐步加力向好。在看到经济运行呈现出总体向好、逐月向好、下步还会更好一些的大态势的同时,也要清醒地看到,国内外不确定不稳定的因素仍然较多,高质量发展的内生动力亟待进一步增强,经济发展还面临着不少这样那样的问题及困难,全年5%左右的经济增长预期目标,我相信一定会实现,但是需要我们付出艰辛的努力。 2023/4/6 10:45
国家税务总局局长王军:1-2月份房地产销售收入由负转正 国家税务总局局长王军表示,1-2月份房地产销售收入由负转正,同比增长2.3%,较去年全年加快19.5个百分点;3月份销售收入同比增长17.9%。(新华财经) 2023/4/6 10:42
半导体板块掀涨停潮 半导体板块掀涨停潮,中芯国际大涨近8%,股价创出2021年8月以来新高,恒玄科技、源杰科技20CM涨停,瑞芯微、博通集成、沪电股份封板,和林微纳、佰维存储、乐鑫科技、杰华特等十余股涨超10% 2023/4/6 10:30
国家税务总局:组织好税费收入 坚决守牢不收“过头税费”的底线 国家税务总局局长王军在新闻发布会上表示,高质量发展是全面建设社会主义现代化国家的首要任务,也是税务部门服务“国之大者”的首要职责。各项税收工作都要朝此聚焦、用功、发力。我们将继续依法依规组织好税费收入,坚决守牢不收“过头税费”的底线,夯实高质量发展的财力基础;我们将积极研究和坚决落实各项税费优惠政策,促进经济加快发展,激发高质量发展的市场活力;我们将持续创新服务举措,不断强化精准监管,努力做到“民有所呼、我有所应,民有所求、我有所为,民有所盼、我有所办”,为高质量发展营造良好的税收营商环境。 2023/4/6 10:29
中国汽车流通协会:车市降价潮效果未及预期,进口车面临去库存 从全国库存数据看,3月汽车消费仍未及预期。根据中国汽车流通协会发布的最新数据,3月我国经销商库存预警指数为62.4%,同比微降1.2%,环比上升4.3%。流通协会表示,在整体大力度促销政策下,消费者持币观望情绪浓厚,汽车市场与房地产类似,消费者人员买涨不买跌,因此3月订单和成交量并未出现明显增加,汽车消费恢复不及预期。1-2月,我国进口车库存绝对量减少7000辆,库存深度相比2022年底小幅下降至5.2个月,但仍处于高位。(中国经济网) 2023/4/6 10:29
国税总局:我国经济开年之季的发展态势总体向好、逐月向好 国家税务总局局长王军在新闻发布会上表示,今年以来企业的销售收入增速在逐步回升。从同比看,今年一季度增长4.7%。从环比看,较去年四季度提升了6.2个百分点,而且是一个月比一个月增幅提高,一路上行至今年3月份同比增长12.8%。税收大数据还显示,企业对未来生产经营的信心在一步一步增强。3月份,全国企业采购金额同比增长14.1%,较1-2月份提高了12.8个百分点,4月1日-5日进一步提升至同比增长23.8%。企业前有较多的采购,意味着后就有较大的销售,加上去年4月的基数低,今年一系列宏观调控政策的持续显效,可以肯定地讲,4月份企业销售收入同比增幅比3月份还会高一些。从4月1日-5日的数... 2023/4/6 10:25
光刻胶概念股震荡走强 光刻胶概念股震荡走强,雅克科技再度涨停,芯碁微装大涨超8%,晶方科技、安集科技、晶瑞电材、赛微电子跟涨 2023/4/6 10:24
华大基因:AI技术在分子生物学研究中已展现强大能力 华大基因在业绩说明会上表示,在研发端,AI技术在分子生物学研究中已经展现强大能力,在发现疾病病因的新机制、药物和治疗方法的新靶点上发挥了巨大作用。实现这一点的前提是能够大量、高质量地训练数据,有这一优势的企业就能够在前沿核心科学发现和技术发明上领先一步。其次,AI技术可以在分子检测的底层技术革新和产品设计中发挥重要作用,能够极大地提升研发效率、缩短研发周期、提升产品技术的稳定性。再次,当前医学研究快速发展,临床新发现、新进展层出不穷,AI技术的使用能够更加高效完成知识库的梳理和构建工作,大大解放人力资源。 2023/4/6 10:22
中科创达与吉利合资公司于大连新设未来软件公司 企查查APP显示,近日,大连星创未来软件有限公司成立,注册资本100万元,经营范围包含:人工智能应用软件开发;计算机软硬件及辅助设备零售;电子产品销售等。企查查股权穿透显示,该公司由浙江星创汽车软件科技有限公司100%控股,后者由中科创达(300496)、吉利关联公司浙江吉润汽车有限公司间接共同持股。 2023/4/6 10:20
太阳纸业:近期商品木浆价格下跌利于木浆系产品成本节降 太阳纸业(002078)4月6日在互动平台表示,近期商品木浆价格的下跌有利于公司木浆系产品的成本节降,同时公司已拥有相当规模的自制木浆等产能,通过外购浆和自制浆的合理搭配,可以一定程度上有效应对商品木浆价格波动对公司生产经营的影响。 2023/4/6 10:18
沪指拉升翻红 科创50指数涨超2% 深成指、创业板指跌幅收窄 沪指拉升翻红,科创50指数涨超2%,深成指、创业板指跌幅收窄,芯片半导体板块集体大涨 2023/4/6 10:10
医疗信息化概念股震荡拉升 医疗信息化概念股震荡拉升,久远银海涨停,山大地纬涨超16%,国新健康、嘉和美康跟涨 2023/4/6 10:09
新冠药、中药板块集体拉升 新冠药、中药板块集体拉升,舒泰神触及20CM涨停,以岭药业大涨8%,迈威生物、珍宝岛、诺泰生物、上海凯宝、华润三九等纷纷走强 2023/4/6 10:03
芯片板块持续大涨 芯片板块持续大涨,沪电股份拉升封板,源杰科技20CM涨停,恒玄科技、全志科技、晶晨股份、国科微、炬芯科技等10余股涨超10%,江丰电子、瑞芯微、晶丰明源、北京君正等大涨超7% 2023/4/6 10:02
联想集团公布新财年五大目标:多业务超越大市增长 联想集团2023/24财年誓师大会6日在京启幕。董事长兼ECO杨元庆透露了联想集团新财年五大目标:个人电脑业务保持超越市场的增长,2023年下半年恢复年比年增长;非个人电脑业务营业额占比进一步提升至少2个百分点;MBG营业额实现15%同比增长,SSG实现20%增长,两业务都成长到80亿美元规模;ISG以超越大市20个百分点以上的增速,继续提升利润水平;联想创投投资更多优秀科技企业。 2023/4/6 10:01
秦川机床工具集团原党委书记龙兴元接受审查调查 据陕西省纪委监委消息:秦川机床工具集团股份公司原党委书记、董事长龙兴元涉嫌严重违纪违法,目前正接受陕西省纪委监委纪律审查和监察调查。 2023/4/6 9:58
CPO概念股再度拉升 新易盛涨超8% 中际旭创、天孚通信、光迅科技、华工科技、博创科技跟涨 CPO概念股再度拉升,新易盛涨超8%,中际旭创、天孚通信、光迅科技、华工科技、博创科技跟涨 2023/4/6 9:51
3月财新中国服务业PMI录得57.8 创28个月以来新高 4月6日公布的2023年3月财新中国通用服务业经营活动指数(服务业PMI)录得57.8,较前月上升2.8个百分点,创下28个月以来新高,连续三个月处于扩张区间。 2023/4/6 9:45
海南自贸区板块异动拉升 海南自贸区板块异动拉升,海南瑞泽冲击涨停,海峡股份、海南高速涨超5%,海南机场、海汽集团跟涨 2023/4/6 9:44
中国3月财新服务业PMI 57.8 中国3月财新服务业PMI 57.8,前值55 2023/4/6 9:43
安恒信息入选“网络安全产品互联互通第一批试点单位名单” 据安恒信息消息,近日,由中国网络安全产业联盟(CCIA)主办的“2023年CCIA网络安全技术应用专题研讨会”在北京举办。安恒信息凭借在网络安全产品互联互通工作的表现,获网络安全产品互联互通联盟技术规范试点单位(第一批)。 2023/4/6 9:41
金融科技股开盘走低 金融科技股开盘走低,财富趋势、恒生电子跌超8%,大智慧、东方财富、同花顺跟跌 2023/4/6 9:40
中物联:3月全球制造业PMI环比降0.8个百分点 经济复苏动能依然不足 据中国物流与采购联合会发布,2023年3月份全球制造业PMI为49.1%,较上月下降0.8个百分点,结束连续2个月环比上升走势,连续6个月低于50%。一季度,全球制造业PMI均值为49.4%,较去年四季度上升0.5个百分点,显示全球制造业复苏态势略好于去年四季度,但指数水平仍未超过50%,且3月份有所下降,意味着全球经济复苏动能依然不足。 2023/4/6 9:40
奇瑞控股:3月销售汽车12.5万辆 同比增长52.7% 奇瑞控股集团发布销量月报:3月份,集团销售汽车12.5万辆,同比增长52.7%,环比增长20.3%,连续10个月单月销量超10万辆。一季度,奇瑞集团累计销售汽车33.03万辆,同比增长44.1%,创下历史新高。 2023/4/6 9:37
医美概念股早盘走强 医美概念股早盘走强,朗姿股份涨停,哈三联涨超7%,奥园美谷、金发拉比、潮宏基、昊海生科跟涨 2023/4/6 9:37
仅用96天,全国快递业务量突破300亿件 国家邮政局监测数据显示,截至4月6日上午8时,今年我国快递业务量达300亿件,比2019年达到300亿件提前了99天,比2022年提前了18天。(中国邮政快递报社) 2023/4/6 9:34
医药股开盘走强 舒泰神涨超16% 九芝堂、珍宝岛、以岭药业、马应龙等纷纷拉升 医药股开盘走强,舒泰神涨超16%,九芝堂、珍宝岛、以岭药业、马应龙等纷纷拉升 2023/4/6 9:34
半导体板块再度冲高 半导体板块再度冲高,炬芯科技、恒玄科技涨超10%,源杰科技、和林微纳、晶晨股份、全志科技等集体拉升 2023/4/6 9:30
黄金板块开盘领涨 黄金板块开盘领涨,四川黄金涨超7%,山东黄金涨超5%,中金黄金、中润资源、西部黄金、湖南黄金跟涨 2023/4/6 9:29
??消费电子板块开盘活跃 奋达科技一字涨停 消费电子板块开盘活跃,奋达科技一字涨停,漫步者、国光电器、工业富联、共达电声等跟涨。 2023/4/6 9:28
智能音箱板块继续走强 智能音箱板块继续走强,奋达科技2连板,漫步者大涨超7%,国光电器涨超4%,惠威科技高开超3% 2023/4/6 9:26
三六零开盘跌超4% 三六零今日开盘跌4.38%。消息面上,公司实控人周鸿祎离婚,前妻胡欢分得6.25%股份,按照4月4日收盘价20.08元/股计算,胡欢分得的股票市值接近90亿元。 2023/4/6 9:24
AI概念股开盘集体下挫 AI概念股开盘集体下挫,三六零、鸿博股份、昆仑万维、金山办公、万兴科技、当虹科技、云从科技等均大幅低开 2023/4/6 9:23
三大指数集体低开 三大指数集体低开,沪指低开0.3%,深成指低开0.61%,创业板指低开0.72% 2023/4/6 9:23
乐凯胶片3MW分布式光伏项目成功并网发电 近日,由乐凯胶片负责建设的湖北慧狮塑业股份有限公司3MW分布式光伏发电项目并网发电。该电站预计首年发电量约305万kWh,年均节省燃煤928吨,年均减少二氧化碳排放2891吨,具有良好的经济社会效益。 2023/4/6 9:22
中国央行今日净回笼4310亿元 央行今日进行80亿元7天期逆回购操作,中标利率为2.00%,与此前持平。今日有4390亿元逆回购到期。 2023/4/6 9:21
香港恒生指数开盘跌0.63% 香港恒生指数开盘跌0.63%,恒生科技指数跌1.54% 2023/4/6 9:19
恒源煤电、皖能电力等共设新能源公司 注册资本9.6亿元 企查查APP显示,近日,宿州皖恒新能源有限公司成立,注册资本9.6亿元,经营范围包含:碳减排、碳转化、碳捕捉、碳封存技术研发;太阳能发电技术服务;储能技术服务;温室气体排放控制技术研发等。该公司由恒源煤电、皖能电力全资子公司安徽省皖能能源交易有限公司等共同持股。 2023/4/6 9:15
马应龙等武汉投资新设科技公司 含远程健康管理服务 企查查APP显示,近日,武汉武创马应龙兴康科技有限公司成立,注册资本5000万元,经营范围包含:医学研究和试验发展;远程健康管理服务;中药提取物生产;中草药收购等。该公司由马应龙(600993)等共同持股。 2023/4/6 9:14
安科生物:将积极利用人工智能技术辅助进行新药开发和基因检测 安科生物 (300009)在互动平台表示,公司及子公司(含瀚科迈博公司)目前已经通过AI-计算机辅助设计平台等技术服务,形成具有自主知识产权的技术,并且已有应用该平台开发的药物获批临床。对于制药企业来说,合理利用人工智能,将有助于减少药物研发和基因检测的时间和成本,公司及子公司研发部门未来将积极利用人工智能技术辅助进行新药开发和基因检测。 2023/4/6 9:12
光威复材:碳梁产能建设投资较小 部分产能暂时闲置对公司影响有限 光威复材(300699)4月6日在互动平台表示,原材料碳纤维的涨价使碳梁在碳玻竞争中的性价比优势降低,在风电领域的应用拓展受到抑制,但拉长周期看这种状况更可能是暂时的,随着风电行业的发展,碳纤维的性能优势应有其合理的发挥空间。此外,碳梁产能建设投资较小,部分产能暂时闲置对公司影响有限。 2023/4/6 9:12
海陆重工承制的碳鑫科技60万吨/年乙醇装置羰基化反应器顺利交付 据海陆重工消息,近日,由北京石油化工工程公司总承包,苏州海陆重工股份有限公司现场制造的安徽碳鑫科技甲醇综合利用项目——“乙醇联合装置羰基化反应器”顺利完成吊装工作。这标志着安徽碳鑫科技甲醇综合利用项目乙醇装置吊装施工到达关键时期。羰基化反应器是乙醇联合装置的“心脏”,在生产乙醇的过程中发挥着关键作用。该项目公司承制的设备单台重量为688吨,最大直径5.8米。经过连续120多天的奋战,保证了设备顺利制造完成,正式交付业主。 2023/4/6 9:12
国盛证券:关注量能变化 阶段新高可期 国盛证券研报指出,技术上沪指在回踩60日均线获得支撑后,连续两天放量拉升,站上所有短期均线,短期多方势力占优。在以上证50指数为代表的权重股引领下,如量能跟进有力,大盘有望挑战前高3342.86点,可积极看多。而创业板指受人工智能板块龙头股集体走弱的情绪面影响,上攻60日均线未果,短期或面临较强的调整压力。在当前量化资金对热点题材助涨助跌特性持续加大的背景下,可以看到两市虽量能有明显放大,但板块间依旧有较强的跷跷板效应,波动较大,因而操作上仍需注重市场节奏的把握,切勿盲目追涨。板块方面,可逢低布局国企改革、半导体、大金融等板块,静待轮动机会,或为当前行情下不错的选择。 2023/4/6 9:03
富时中国A50指数期货开盘跌0.6% 富时中国A50指数期货开盘跌0.6%。 2023/4/6 8:58
内盘沪锡期货主力开盘跌3% 内盘沪锡期货主力开盘跌3%,沪镍跌超2%,沪锌、铁矿石、尿素、螺纹钢、热卷、不锈钢、焦炭跌超1%。沪银涨超2%,沪金、燃料油、玻璃涨超1% 2023/4/6 8:58
两市融资余额增加14.83亿元 截至4月4日,上交所融资余额报7989.04亿元,较前一交易日增加2.88亿元;深交所融资余额报7253.88亿元,较前一交易日增加11.95亿元;两市合计15242.92亿元,较前一交易日增加14.83亿元。 2023/4/6 8:45
马克龙在北京表态:与中国保持对话至关重要 法国总统马克龙带领60多人的商业代表团于5日下午抵达北京,开始对中国的国事访问。路透社最新报道称,马克龙5日在北京讲话,试图驳斥有关中西方之间紧张关系“不可避免地呈螺旋式上升”的说法,他表示,欧洲必须抵制那些减少对华贸易和外交联系的言行,并称考虑到中俄关系,与中国保持对话至关重要。(环球网) 2023/4/6 8:42
银河证券:美联储加息周期结束在即 有色金属需求进入旺季 银河证券认为,目前美联储结束本轮加息周期时点临近,市场对降息预期升温,或将开启金价的新一轮上涨周期。从1990年以来的美联储5轮加息周期来看,在本轮加息结束至下轮降息周期开启前,黄金绝大多数时间在此过程中收益率出现了明显的改善。黄金步入牛市,金价上涨将为黄金板块带来明显超额收益。目前A股黄金板块估值仍处于相对安全的位置。 2023/4/6 8:41
中信证券:建议关注军工、电信、建筑等行业央企价值重估机会 中信证券研报认为,“中特估(中国特色估值体系)”或将与国企改革共振,助力中国式现代化。一方面,国企改革思路不断演进,从保障安全和促进高质量发展的角度来看,未来国企势必将有更高担当。另一方面,国资考核指标体系不断优化以督促央企提升效率,市值可反映资本市场认可程度,需加大重视。自下而上看,建议关注军工、电信、建筑、电力和石油石化等行业的央企价值重估机会。军工央企受益于明确的强军目标,未来改革将重塑估值。电信央企受到数字中国政策支撑业绩增长明确,此外分红率提升与股权激励将并行重塑央企估值。建筑央企作为建筑行业支柱,未来其“破净”PB或迎重估。电力央企主导能源项目建设,业绩指引较为明确。石油... 2023/4/6 8:23

China Financial News Flash Text Data-C Source

Title Content Release date
Country Garden: Contracted sales in March were approximately 25.01 billion yuan Country Garden announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the company and its subsidiaries, together with its joint ventures and associated companies, achieved a total contracted sales amount attributable to the company’s shareholders’ equity in March 2023 of approximately RMB 25.01 billion, which was attributed to the company’s shareholders. The contracted sales floor area of ​​equity is approximately 3.02 million square meters. 2023/4/417:00
Conbaix: Net profit in the first quarter is expected to increase by 150% to 200% Conba announced that its net profit in the first quarter is expected to increase by 152 million yuan to 203 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 150% to 200%. During the reporting period, the increase in profits brought by the growth in the company's main business income and the change in the market value of Jiahe Biotechnology Co., Ltd. listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in the first quarter of 2023 affected the profit to increase by 98 million yuan year-on-year. 2023/4/416:59
Oriental Electric Heating: Net profit is expected to increase by 0.42%-29.85% year-on-year in the first quarter Dongfang Electric Heating announced that its net profit in the first quarter is expected to be 58 million yuan-75 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 0.42%-29.85%. During the reporting period, the company's main business generally remained stable and increased. The main reason for the growth in performance was the year-on-year increase in the new energy equipment manufacturing business. At the same time, the main business of other sectors generally remained stable or declined slightly. 2023/4/416:58
Passenger Car Association: New energy passenger vehicles have basically achieved a good start in the first quarter According to the official Weibo of the Passenger Car Association, according to the normal structure and proportion forecast, the national new energy passenger vehicle sales in March were more than 570,000. Considering that the sales of new energy vehicles of some small and medium-sized enterprises have improved significantly compared with February, the passenger car market in March can be optimistic. Comprehensive estimates show that the wholesale sales of new energy passenger vehicle manufacturers of the Passenger Car Association in March were 600,000 units, a month-on-month increase of 20% and a year-on-year increase of 30%. Pre... 2023/4/416:57
Ailes: Fumetinib for Phase Ib in patients with advanced NSCLC with EGFR or HER2 mutations... Ellis announced that the phase Ib clinical trial of fumetinib in patients with advanced NSCLC with EGFR or HER2 mutations has received a drug clinical trial approval notice. 2023/4/416:56
Iranian Government Spokesperson: The Iranian Foreign Minister and the Saudi Foreign Minister will meet in the next few days... According to CCTV News, on April 4, local time, Iranian government spokesman Jahromi said that the Iranian Foreign Minister and the Saudi Foreign Minister will hold a meeting in the next few days. 2023/4/416:55
China Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors announced the launch of a self-regulatory investigation into ICBC According to the website of the National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors, the National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors recently discovered in its daily monitoring work that the issuance pricing of multi-phase debt financing instruments underwritten by Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Co., Ltd. seriously deviated from the reasonable market level and interfered with the market. order, suspected of violating relevant regulations on self-regulatory management of the inter-bank bond market. According to "Interbank Bond Market... 2023/4/416:54
Sinoma Energy Conservation: Signed EPC general contract for 500MW rooftop distributed power generation development project Sinoma Energy Conservation announced that recently, the company and China Municipal Engineering North China Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. formed a consortium to sign the "500MW Rooftop Distributed Power Generation Development Project in Honghe County, Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province" with Honghe Huaping New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. EPC General Contracting Contract", the contract amount is RMB 1.925 billion. 2023/4/416:51
Yi Gang: Building a modern central bank system to better serve China’s modernization According to the official website of the central bank, Yi Gang, governor of the central bank, said at the 2023 China Financial Academic Annual Conference and China Financial Forum Annual Conference that Chinese-style modernization has put forward new requirements for the construction of a modern central bank system, and the tasks include all aspects. To sum up, The most important task is to achieve currency stability and financial stability. If these two tasks are achieved, full employment can be promoted... 2023/4/416:51
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: From January to February, the country’s total lithium battery production exceeded 102GWh, a year-on-year increase of 24% According to the Securities Times, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the operation status of the national lithium-ion battery industry from January to February 2023. From January to February 2023, my country's lithium-ion battery industry maintained a growth trend. According to industry specifications, company information was announced and research institutions calculated. From January to February, the country's total lithium battery production exceeded 102GWh, a year-on-year increase of 24%. In the battery sector, the output of energy storage batteries exceeds 15GWh, and new energy... 2023/4/416:49
Wynn Holdings: Plans to increase investment in its subsidiary Parkway Precision Thailand to expand the company's production capacity in Southeast Asia Wynn Shares announced that the company's wholly-owned subsidiary Zhaoyuan Hong Kong plans to increase its investment in its wholly-owned subsidiary Parkway Precision Thailand by 350 million baht, which will be used to purchase land and infrastructure construction, expand the company's production capacity in Southeast Asia, and better implement The company's international development strategy further expands the international market. After the capital increase is completed, the registered capital of Parkway Precision Thailand will be 140 million baht... 2023/4/416:49
Wondfo Biotech: The company has H7 subtype influenza virus antigen detection reagents, which can be used for qualitative testing... When answering questions from investors on an interactive platform on April 4, Wondfo Biotech stated that the company has H7 subtype influenza virus antigen detection reagents that can qualitatively detect H7N9 avian influenza viruses. 2023/4/416:46
Yuncong Technology rose 0.6% today, with 3 institutions net buying 105 million yuan Yuncong Technology rose 0.6% today, with a transaction volume of 1.773 billion yuan and a turnover rate of 39.55%. After-hours data from the Dragon and Tiger List showed that three institutions had a net purchase of 105 million yuan. 2023/4/416:44
Zhuoran Shares: Shareholders and persons acting in concert are expected to reduce their holdings by no more than 6% Zhuoran Shares announced that shareholders Ma Liping and Shanghai Muxin Asset Management Co., Ltd. - Muxin Tongying No. 2 Private Securities Investment Fund plan to reduce their holdings by no more than 6%. 2023/4/416:43
Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau: Adjust the application conditions for new energy vehicle incremental indicators The Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau issued the "Notice on Adjusting the Application Conditions for New Energy Vehicle Incremental Indicators". Non-Shenzhen residents holding a valid Shenzhen residence permit can apply for new energy vehicles (pure electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles). For those with incremental indicators (cars), they are not required to have paid basic medical insurance in this city for more than 24 consecutive months in the last 24 consecutive months. As of the date of publication... 2023/4/416:40
Huaneng Hydropower: Power generation in the first quarter decreased by 11.44% year-on-year Huaneng Hydropower announced that as of March 31, 2023, the company had completed power generation of 15.610 billion kilowatt hours in the first quarter of 2023, a year-on-year decrease of 11.44%, and on-grid power generation was 15.484 billion kilowatt hours, a year-on-year decrease of 11.46%. 2023/4/416:40
Deputy Director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange: Borrowing ideas from generative AI to study financial issues or... According to China Securities Journal, Lu Lei, deputy director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, said at the 2023 China Society for Finance and Banking Academic Annual Conference and China Financial Forum Annual Conference on April 4 that if the ideas of generative AI are used to study financial issues, perhaps Contribute to the formation of effective technical routes for financial development and financial governance. 2023/4/416:35
The Ministry of Education and other five departments: Optimize and adjust about 20% of the new disciplines and majors in colleges and universities... Five departments including the Ministry of Education issued the "Reform Plan for Adjustment, Optimization and Reform of Subject and Major Settings in General Higher Education". The adjustment and optimization reform of subject and specialty settings should be oriented towards the world's technological frontiers, the main economic battlefield, the country's major needs, and people's lives and health, and guide Colleges and universities strive to be first-class in their respective fields and take the path of independent cultivation of talents. By 2025, optimize and adjust... 2023/4/416:33
Dahua shares have risen nearly 25% in the past three days, with four institutions buying a total of 989 million yuan Dahua shares rose nearly 5% today and nearly 25% in the past three days. After-hours data showed that from March 31 to April 4, Shenzhen Stock Connect bought a total of 408 million yuan and sold a total of 974 million yuan, and the four institutions bought a total of 989 million yuan. 2023/4/416:31
The onshore RMB officially closed at 6.8802 against the US dollar at 16:30 Onshore RMB officially closed at 6.8802 against the U.S. dollar at 16:30, up 103 points from the official closing price on the previous trading day and down 32 points from the previous night's closing price 2023/4/416:31
Yi Hualu rose 16.63% today. The sales department where Zhang Mengzhu’s office bought a net purchase of 72.4711 million yuan Yi Hualu rose 16.63% today, with a transaction volume of 4.943 billion yuan and a turnover rate of 17.39%. After-hours dragon and tiger list data showed that the Ningbo Guangfu Street Securities Business Department of Guotai Junan, where Mr. Zhang is located, made a net purchase of 72.4711 million yuan. 2023/4/416:26
The Japanese government said the communication failure of Nippon Telecom and Telephone Company may be a major accident According to CCTV News and Japan Jiji News Agency, Japanese Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Takeaki Matsumoto said on April 4, local time, that the large-scale communication failure that occurred at Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Company (NTT) on the 3rd may be a "major accident" ". The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications will require the company to issue a detailed explanation report and study punitive measures. 2023/4/416:26
Hundsun Electronics Liu Shufeng: The company does not have products based on large models, "it is recommended that everyone lower... At the 2022 annual performance briefing held today, Hundsun Electronics’ management was frequently asked about the situation related to large AI models. Chairman Liu Shufeng emphasized that the company currently does not have products and cases based on large models, and said that considering that large models have yet to be verified in terms of privatized deployment, divisibility, and portability, it is expected that the application of this technology will face many challenges. .. 2023/4/416:26
The sales department of Huagong Technology’s daily limit reached today’s limit and the leader’s net purchase was 135 million yuan Huagong Technology hit the daily limit today, with a transaction volume of 5.808 billion yuan and a turnover rate of 18.95%. After-hours data from the Dragon and Tiger List showed that one institution had a net purchase of 190 million yuan. The Hangzhou Yan'an Road Securities Business Department of CITIC Securities, where the leader of Zhang Alliance is located, had a net purchase of 190 million yuan. It bought 135 million yuan, and the Shanghai Pudong New Area Yuanshen Road Securities Business Department of Orient Securities, where the hot money crocodile is located, bought a net 120 million yuan. 2023/4/416:24
Focus Technology: The company's R&D end is currently connected to ChatGPT3.5Turbo Focus Technology stated on the interactive platform that the company will promote applications in the fields of content generation, intelligent search and recommendation in cross-border e-commerce platform scenarios. The company's R&D end is currently connected to ChatGPT3.5Turbo, and ChatGPT-4.0 is under review for access. 2023/4/416:24
2-connected Taiji Industrial: Eleven Technology jointly won the bid for the Huahong Manufacturing (Wuxi) project... Taiji Industrial announced that its subsidiary Information Industry Electronics Eleventh Design Institute Technology Engineering Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Eleventh Technology") and the consortium formed as the leader representative and Shanghai Construction Engineering Fourth Construction Group Co., Ltd. Winning the bid for the general contracting of the Huahong Manufacturing (Wuxi) project of Huahong Semiconductor Manufacturing (Wuxi) Co., Ltd., the project bidding price is 82.... 2023/4/416:24
Pingao Shares: Shareholder Guangzhou Jingde plans to reduce its holdings by no more than 2% Pingao Shares announced that Guangzhou Jingde plans to reduce its shareholding in the company through block transactions. The number of shares it holds is expected to be no more than 2,261,105 shares, which is no more than 2% of the company's total shares. 2023/4/416:23
Shaoyang Hydraulic: Shareholder Xiang Shaohua plans to reduce his holdings by no more than 2.98% Shaoyang Hydraulic announced that shareholder Xiang Shaohua plans to reduce its holdings of the company's shares to no more than 2,500,000 shares, which means no more than 2.98% of the company's total share capital. 2023/4/416:21
Relevant people from the China Table Tennis Association confirmed that Zhang Jike has retired On April 4, relevant sources from the China Table Tennis Association confirmed that Zhang Jike has retired. As an athlete from Shandong, a person from the Shandong Provincial Table Tennis and Badminton Sports Management Center also said that as far as he knows, Zhang Jike has not returned to the Shandong Provincial Team to carry out training and other activities in the past few years. As for Zhang’s current athlete relationships, he Said he didn't know clearly. (Dawan... 2023/4/416:20
Wujin Stainless: Net profit in 2022 will increase by 22% year-on-year and plans to transfer 10 to 4 to 3.8 yuan Wujin Stainless announced that its net profit in 2022 will be 215 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 22%, and it plans to transfer 10 to 4 to pay 3.8 yuan. 2023/4/416:20
Institutional market discussion: Divide again, shock again, cycle over and over again. The key to the main line has never been... Qian Kun Investment pointed out that yesterday's comprehensive climax and today's divergent shocks can be said to be a certainty, and continuous comprehensive climax is simply wishful thinking. But I am afraid that not many people dare to say that this is a low tide anymore. Although everyone knows that it is not easy to participate at this time, the key points have not changed from what I emphasized before: the rhythm of the sector and... 2023/4/416:19
Shagang sent a letter to Fosun stating that it refused to cooperate with the pledge release and insisted on acquiring Nanjing Steel According to, in the face of CITIC's "cutting off" Nangang M&A transaction, Shagang stated that it "will respond in a market-oriented and legal manner." On April 4, people close to Shagang said that Shagang sent a letter that day urging Fosun that the original acquisition framework agreement was valid and should continue to be implemented. At the same time, Shagang is still discussing and preparing to file a lawsuit. First... 2023/4/416:18
Baoxin Software: Net profit in 2022 will increase by 20.18% year-on-year and plans to transfer 10 to 2 and distribute 8 yuan Baoxin Software announced that its net profit in 2022 will be 2.186 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 20.18%, and it plans to transfer 2 out of 10 to 8 yuan. 2023/4/416:17
Innovative new materials: Signed a "Joint Venture Contract" with Gränges Innovation New Materials Announcement, the wholly-owned subsidiary Yunnan Chuangge New Materials and Gränges signed the "Joint Venture Contract on the Joint Venture of Yunnan Chuangge New Materials Technology Co., Ltd." to jointly manage and operate Yunnan Chuangge New Materials and carry out construction New energy vehicle lightweight aluminum alloy material project with an annual output of 320,000 tons. 2023/4/416:11
Hong Kong stocks closed: Hang Seng Index fell 0.66% in weak shock and NIO fell more than 7% Hong Kong stocks were weak and volatile. As of the close, the Hang Seng Index fell 0.66% and the Hang Seng Technology Index fell 1.61%. The new energy vehicle sector in Hong Kong stocks was among the top losers, with Weilai falling more than 7%, Xpeng Motors falling more than 6%, and Great Wall Motors, Li Auto, etc. following suit. 2023/4/416:09
Jingwei Huikai: The vice chairman plans to reduce his holdings in the company to no more than 0.39% of the company's shares Jingwei Huikai announced that the company's shareholder and vice chairman Dong Shulin, who holds 8.48% of the shares, plans to reduce its holdings of the company's shares by no more than 1.8 million shares (accounting for 0.3876% of the company's total share capital) through centralized bidding, block transactions, etc. 2023/4/416:06
Tenglong Shares: It is expected that the proportion of revenue from new energy products will further increase in 2023 Tenglong shares stated on the interactive platform that the revenue from new energy vehicle products among thermal management system components in 2022 is 667 million yuan. One of the reasons for the company's revenue growth is the increase in the proportion of new energy product revenue. According to reports, the value of air-conditioning pipeline assembly products supporting new energy vehicles ranges from 500 yuan to 1,300 yuan, which is significantly higher than the value of traditional fuel vehicle thermal management bicycles... 2023/4/416:05
Liu Aijie, former chairman of the Chinese Rowing Association and the Chinese Canoeing Association, is under review and investigation According to the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission of the State Sports General Administration and the Supervisory Committee of the Henan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection: Liu Aijie, the former chairman of the Chinese Rowing Association and the Chinese Canoeing Association, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently under investigation by the National Supervisory Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. The Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the State Sports General Administration and the Henan Provincial Supervisory Committee reviewed and investigated. 2023/4/416:02
Yahuilong: The fully automatic biochemical analyzer obtained the medical device registration certificate Yahuilong announced that recently, the company's wholly-owned subsidiary Hunan Yahuilong Biotechnology Co., Ltd. received a medical device registration certificate issued by the Hunan Provincial Food and Drug Administration. The product name is a fully automatic biochemical analyzer. The fully automatic biochemical analyzer certified this time is the first model of biochemical instrument independently developed by the company, achieving further breakthroughs in the field of biochemical testing. 2023/4/415:58
Sinopec Yijie joins hands with Changan Automobile to explore a new model of car purchasing at gas stations According to Xinhuanet, on April 3, Sinopec Yijie and Chongqing Changan New Energy Automobile Technology Co., Ltd. officially signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Beijing. The two parties will build a BOX exhibition hall at a Sinopec gas station to integrate Changan Automobile’s automotive industry chain. Advantages and Sinopec EasyJet add fuel, car wash, shopping and other rights to create an exclusive joint rights package for members to jointly explore gas stations... 2023/4/415:57
Shenzhen Fang A: The company has no business cooperation with Shenzhen Duty Free Group Shenzhenfang A stated on the interactive platform on April 4 that the company has no business cooperation with Shenzhen Duty Free Group. 2023/4/415:52
Whale Explorer will launch the first changeable digital collection According to 36Kr news, Ant Group’s digital collection platform Whaletan is promoting product updates and iterations, launching its first changeable digital collection as soon as tonight, and cooperating with an international super event sports brand. It is understood that AIGC may become the strategic exploration direction of Whale Explorer, and this new form of digital collection can be regarded as a new test under this strategy. 2023/4/415:52
What impact will OPEC member states’ oil production cuts have on China? Ministry of Foreign Affairs response On April 4, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning hosted a regular press conference. A reporter asked: China is the world's largest net energy importer. In recent months, China's relations with Saudi Arabia have become increasingly close. What impact will the recent oil production cuts by OPEC members led by Saudi Arabia have on China's recent energy security? Mao Ning said that oil is the world's bulk merchant... 2023/4/415:47
Penghui Energy: Plans to invest 7 billion yuan in building an energy storage battery project with an annual output of 21GWh Penghui Energy announced that the company's wholly-owned subsidiary Quzhou Penghui plans to build a new energy storage battery project with an annual output of 21GWh in the Intelligent Manufacturing New City in Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province. The total investment plan for this project is approximately 7 billion yuan (RMB). Announced on the same day, Henan Penghui plans to invest in the construction of the "Henan Penghui Large Energy Storage Lithium-ion Battery Production Line Construction Project". The total investment plan for this project is approximately 300 million yuan (... 2023/4/415:45
Will the Australian Prime Minister visit China this autumn? China’s response On April 4, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning hosted a regular press conference. A reporter asked a question. It is reported that the Australian Prime Minister will visit China this autumn. This may also be the first visit to China by an Australian Prime Minister since the two countries established diplomatic relations 50 years ago. Can the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirm this visit? Mao Ning said, regarding your specific question, I have no information to provide. Relations between China and Australia... 2023/4/415:44
Phoenix Media: The controlling shareholder’s agreement to transfer 10% of Phoenix Media’s shares was approved by the competent department... Phoenix Media announced that the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Finance and the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department have approved the agreement between Phoenix Group and China Mobile Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. to transfer 10% of Phoenix Media's shares. 2023/4/415:43
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Urges the U.S. not to arrange for U.S. officials to have contact with Tsai Ing-wen According to CCTV News, it is reported that Tsai Ing-wen will "transit" to the United States from April 4 to 6 and meet with Speaker of the House of Representatives McCarthy. In this regard, at the regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China held today (4th), spokesperson Mao Ning stated that China firmly opposes the US arrangement for Tsai Ing-wen to "transit" to the United States, and firmly opposes Speaker of the House of Representatives McCarthy, the third most powerful figure in the US government. .. 2023/4/415:42
Zhongwei Electronics: The company plans to carry out debt restructuring Zhongwei Electronics announced that the fourth meeting of the fifth board of directors was held on April 4, 2023, and the "Proposal on the Company's Planned Debt Restructuring" was reviewed and approved. 2023/4/415:42
"2022 China Wind and Solar Energy Resources Bulletin" released According to CCTV News, the China Meteorological Administration today (4th) released the "2022 China Wind and Solar Energy Resources Bulletin", which comprehensively analyzed the national wind and solar energy resources in 2022 and compared with the average resource amount in the past 10 and 30 years. Changes. The "Communique" pointed out that in 2022, the national wind energy resources will be slightly below normal, and the annual average wind speed at a height of 10 meters will be close to... 2023/4/415:38
Western Securities: There may be opportunities for the U.S. dollar index to rise again Western Securities issued a research report stating that the short-term economic cycles between China and the United States are still in dislocation, and the appreciation pressure of the US dollar against the RMB has slowed down. From a historical perspective, unless inflation is constrained and risk aversion ferments, the peak of interest rate hikes basically corresponds to the phased peak of the US dollar. Corresponding to the current situation, against the background of the end of interest rate hikes and the slowdown of the global financial economy, the US dollar has fluctuated and weakened but still has support... 2023/4/415:37

China Financial News Flash Text Data-D Source

Title Content Channel Release date
U.S. Treasury bond prices were higher, with the two-year Treasury yield falling 6 basis points to 1.86%. global,gold-forex 2019/6/315:15
[Zheng Chun 1909 fell 5.02%, hitting the limit, hitting a 13-month low] As of the close of June 3, Zheng Chun 1909 fell 5.02% to close at 2306, the lowest intraday of 2306, a record high of nearly 13 Monthly low. bestanalyst 2019/6/315:15
British Foreign Secretary Hunt: The UK does not agree with Trump on everything, such as the Iran issue; the security relationship with the United States is very important; the United States supports the UK in many areas, such as the Russian issue; Trump’s views on the transatlantic The league is very keen. global,forex 2019/6/315:13
Bitcoin continues to fall, falling below the 8400USDT mark OKEx market data shows that Bitcoin continues to fall, falling below the 8400USDT mark and now trading at 8355USDT. xiaocong-channel reminds investors to pay attention to market risks. xiaocong,blockchain 2019/6/315:11
Macau’s GDP in the first quarter was -3.2% year-on-year. global 2019/6/315:11
[Asphalt 1912 fell 4.73%, a new low in four months] As of the close of June 3, Asphalt 1912 fell 4.73% to close at 2978, with an intraday low of 2966, a new low in four months. bestanalyst 2019/6/315:11
Both the two additional bond issuances by Agricultural Development Bank of China were subscribed nearly 4 times On June 3, the Agricultural Development Bank of China’s 3-year and 5-year additional bond-channel bidding performed well. Not only was the bid yield significantly lower than the secondary market level, but the subscription multiple was also at a relatively high level in recent times. It is understood that the winning bid yields of the 3-year and 5-year Agricultural Development Bonds were 3.3161% and 3.5708% respectively, and the bidding multiples were 3.93 and 3.8 respectively. (China Securities Network) a-stock,xgb 2019/6/315:10
Study: 64% of ransomware attackers launder money through crypto exchanges According to Chainalysis analysis, 64% of ransomware attackers launder money through cryptocurrency exchanges when cashing out. Ransomware attacks involve infecting targets with malware and the demand for a ransom payment, often denominated in cryptocurrency. (Cointelegraph) xiaocong,blockchain 2019/6/315:09
[Huami Technology and Qualcomm have reached a cooperation to launch new smart wearable products with eSIM independent calls] Today, Huami Technology and Qualcomm Technologies jointly announced that the two parties have reached a cooperation in the field of smart wearable products. Huami Technology’s AMAZFIT brand will launch eSIM-based smart wearable products. Qualcomm Snapdragon mobile platform supports all-Netcom eSIM independent call function, a new smart wearable product. (Interface) a-stock,xgb 2019/6/315:09
Alex Beard, head of Glencore’s oil business, will retire on June 30. global,us-stock,oil 2019/6/315:08
Deutsche Bank's share price hit a record low in Germany, opening down 2.2%. global 2019/6/315:07
[Fuel 1909 fell 4.84%, a new low in three months] As of the close of June 3, fuel 1909 fell 4.84% to close at 2536, with an intraday low of 2508, a new low in three months. bestanalyst 2019/6/315:07
[Pulp 1909 fell 3.78%, setting a new contract low] As of the close of June 3, Pulp 1909 fell 3.78% to close at 4682, with an intraday low of 4650, setting a new contract low. bestanalyst 2019/6/315:06
European shares Infineon fell 4.8% after the company announced its acquisition of Cypress Semiconductor. global 2019/6/315:05
The Agricultural Development Bank of China issued a 5-year bond-channel with a scale of 4 billion yuan. The issuance interest rate was 3.5708%, expected to be 3.58%, and the bidding multiple was 3.80 times. The Agricultural Development Bank of China issued a 3-year bond-channel with a scale of 4 billion yuan, an issuance interest rate of 3.3161%, expected to be 3.35%, and a bid multiple of 3.93 times. bond,global 2019/6/315:03
[Shanghai Gold 1912 rose 1.54%, a three-month high] As of the close of June 3, Shanghai Gold 1912 rose 1.54% to close at 296.7, with an intraday high of 297.1, a three-month high. bestanalyst 2019/6/315:02
The net inflow of northbound funds was nearly 4.7 billion, the net inflow of Shanghai Stock Connect was 4.07 billion, and the net inflow of Shenzhen Stock Connect was 622 million. global,forex 2019/6/315:01
As of the close of a-stock-channel, the total net inflow of northbound funds was 4.692 billion yuan, of which the net inflow of Shanghai Stock Connect was 4.07 billion yuan. a-stock 2019/6/315:01
[The index surged higher and fell back throughout the day, sub-new stocks plunged across the board, and the dairy and 5G sectors pulled sharply during the session] The Shanghai Composite Index closed at 2890.08 points, down 0.30%, with a turnover of 208.1 billion. The Shenzhen Component Index closed at 8856.99 points, down 0.74%, with a turnover of 271.1 billion. The GEM closed at 1,468.98 points, down 0.99%, with a turnover of 83.6 billion. global,a-stock 2019/6/315:01
The European Stoxx600 index opened down 0.5%. Britain's FTSE100 index opened down 0.6%. Italy's FTSEMIB index opened down 0.62%. global 2019/6/315:01
Saudi Oil Minister: Saudi Arabia is paying close attention to the recent fluctuations in the oil market. oil 2019/6/315:00
[Oil-channel, Zheng Chun, and Zheng cotton futures closed at the limit, and fuel and asphalt closed down more than 4%] Coke, pulp, iron ore, PTA, and red dates closed down more than 3%, and cotton yarn, apples, rubber, coking coal, Ferrosilicon fell by more than 2%, and manganese silicon, thread, soybean oil, hot coil, Shanghai Nickel, and Shanghai Zinc fell by more than 1%. Shanghai gold, soybean meal and soybean prices closed up more than 1%. a-stock 2019/6/315:00
[Oil-channel, Zheng Chun, and Zheng cotton futures closed at the limit, and fuel and asphalt closed down more than 4%] Coke, pulp, iron ore, PTA, and red dates closed down more than 3%, and cotton yarn, apples, rubber, coking coal, Ferrosilicon fell by more than 2%, and manganese silicon, thread, soybean oil, hot coil, Shanghai Nickel, and Shanghai Zinc fell by more than 1%. Shanghai gold, soybean meal and soybean prices closed up more than 1%. global,gold-commodity,gold-gold,gold-oil 2019/6/315:00
[Closing comments on June 3: The index rose and fell throughout the day, sub-new stocks plunged across the board, and the dairy and 5G sectors pulled sharply during the session] On the 3rd, the three major indexes opened slightly higher. After the opening, although Ziguang Guowei said However, technology stocks collectively fell back, and the agricultural planting sector strengthened again. Brokerages led the three major indexes to rise for a time. After that, the index fell unilaterally. The recent surge in sub-singles collectively fell sharply. Market funds began to abandon early hot spots and funds were more cautious. The index consolidated weakly in the afternoon. The 5G sector was stimulated by the news and collectively strengthened, but the sustainability was average. The themes and concepts that had risen in the morning all had a correction. Near the end of the trading, the market stabilized slightly. a-stock 2019/6/315:00
The Hong Kong dollar exchange rate rose 0.06% to 7.8337 Hong Kong dollars per US dollar. global,hk-stock,forex 2019/6/314:58
[’s Paipai will merge with Aihuishou to create a full-category second-hand trading platform] On June 3,’s second-hand commodity-channel trading platform “Paipi” will merge with China’s well-known electronic product recycling platform “Aihuishou” Following the strategic merger, will also lead a new round of financing of more than US$500 million in Aihuishou, with Morningside Capital, Tiger Fund, Tiantu Capital, Qicheng Capital, and Fresh Capital participating in the investment. After this round of financing, Aihuishou’s valuation will exceed US$2.5 billion. (China News Service) us-stock 2019/6/314:57
China Photovoltaic Industry Association: China may accelerate photovoltaic installation after June. (Bloomberg) a-stock 2019/6/314:53
The Swiss franc rose 0.2% against the euro during the day, with the monthly increase in May being the largest in nine months. global,forex 2019/6/314:47
[NSFOCUS Technology stated on the interactive platform that the company is a customer of Huawei and holds 10% of the shares of Wuhan Shenzhidu Company through its wholly-owned subsidiary] Learned from the official website of Wuhan Shenzhidu Technology Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen Technology) , Deepin Technology previously released the Deepin operating system HiSilicon platform server version software V15.2 product for the Hi16xx CPU platform, and worked with Huawei to create a new domestic software and hardware platform based on Huawei's self-developed CPU. a-stock 2019/6/314:47
The official public account of Panzhihua Iron and Steel Group revealed that the D2 mold steel produced by Panchang Special Steel Rolling Plant will be sent to Huawei through a well-known domestic dealer to be used to make Huawei mobile phone casing molds. As of now, Panzhang Special has sent Huawei More than 1,200 tons of D2 series mold steel were supplied. a-stock 2019/6/314:45
[Alibaba responds to the addition of e-cigarettes: in compliance with laws and regulations, normal business behavior] Qixinbao data shows that on May 30, the business scope of Zhejiang Tmall Network Technology Co., Ltd. changed, adding "e-cigarette" sales (including Online sales), and changed the industrial and commercial liaison officer. Alibaba officially stated that all business activities comply with the corresponding national laws and regulations, and this is normal business behavior. (Sina) a-stock 2019/6/314:45
EOS holders voted to reduce the annual inflation rate as of June 1 from 5% to 1% EOS’s BP voting data shows that as of June 1, EOS holders voted to reduce the annual inflation rate from 5% to 1%. (Cointelegraph) xiaocong,blockchain 2019/6/314:45
The dairy industry sector has undergone changes, with Beingmate hitting the daily limit, and Baby Care, Western Animal Husbandry, and Cody Dairy all gaining strength. a-stock,xgb,global 2019/6/314:40
[Methanol 911 hit the lower limit, a decrease of 5.04%] At 14:40, the MA1911 contract fell 5.04% to a lower limit of 2338.00, a decrease of 5.04%. bestanalyst 2019/6/314:40
HSBC: The Reserve Bank of Australia may lower the cash rate target by 25 basis points to 1.25% for the first time in nearly three years, a record low, because inflation remains below target and unemployment is rising. gold-forex 2019/6/314:39
The National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Action Plan for Improving Domestic Infant Formula Milk Powder", striving to stabilize the self-sufficiency level of infant formula milk powder at above 60%. global,a-stock,xgb 2019/6/314:38
Beijing Junzheng stated on the interactive platform that the company, as the leading unit, jointly applied with two other units for the "mobile phone solution and prototype development based on domestic software and hardware" project and completed the project acceptance in 2018. Junzheng is mainly responsible for the chip and the development of mobile phone solutions. a-stock 2019/6/314:38
Bitcoin fell below the 8500USDT mark in the short term OKEx market data shows that Bitcoin has declined slightly in the short term, once falling below the 8,500 USDT mark, touching as low as 8,478 USDT, and now rebounding slightly to around 8,514 USDT. xiaocong-channel reminds investors to pay attention to market risks. xiaocong,blockchain 2019/6/314:37
[Alibaba responds to the addition of e-cigarettes: normal business behavior in line with laws and regulations] Qixinbao data shows that on May 30, the business scope of Zhejiang Tmall Network Technology Co., Ltd. changed, adding "e-cigarette" sales (including online Sales), and changed the industrial and commercial liaison officer. Alibaba officially stated that all business activities comply with the corresponding national laws and regulations, and this is normal business behavior. (Sina) global 2019/6/314:34
Cao Renxian, chairman of Sungrow, said at the 13th International Solar Photovoltaic and Smart Energy Forum that by 2025, the industry can achieve deep energy storage integration and solar hydrogen production, and the cost of photovoltaic hydrogen production is 0.15 yuan/kWh. (Polaris Energy Storage Network) a-stock 2019/6/314:32
South Korea's Seoul Composite Index closed up 1.3%. global 2019/6/314:30
Swiss May CPI was 0.3% month-on-month, expected to be 0.3%, and the previous value was 0.2%. global,gold-forex,gold,forex 2019/6/314:30
Swiss May CPI was 0.6% year-on-year, expected to be 0.6%, and the previous value was 0.7%. global,gold-forex,gold,forex 2019/6/314:30
[The lead-acid battery market is expected to be nearly 165 billion yuan in 2019] According to SHMET Shanghai Metal Network, with the country’s increasing emphasis on environmental protection and consumers’ increasing requirements for battery performance, the market demand for lead-acid batteries continues to expand. According to data, the market size of my country's lead-acid batteries exceeded 160 billion yuan in 2018. In recent years, the lead-acid battery market has grown steadily, and the market size is expected to be nearly 165 billion yuan in 2019. (China Business Industry Research Institute) bestanalyst 2019/6/314:27
Former Coinbase CTO: The entire technology industry will be rebuilt based on public chains Former Coinbase CTO Balaji Srinivasan tweeted: The entire technology industry will eventually be rebuilt on the public chain, but it will take time. Company establishment, financing, transfers, employee rights and interests, user incentives, encrypted communications, identity, accounting processing, mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance, etc... can all be automated through the chain. All major institutions hold Bitcoin, or for its generally recognized value. At the same time, he also agreed that not all projects are suitable for blockchain. For example, PostgreSQL (open source database) and L2 (Gartner research institute) may be more suitable for off-chain operation. xiaocong,blockchain 2019/6/314:26
HSBC: The latest forecast for Eurozone consumer price index inflation is likely to fall in May as the distortion of the Easter time effect subsides. The headline inflation rate is likely to fall back to 1.4% (year-on-year), while the core indicator is likely to fall to 1.0%, remaining in the 0.7-1.3% range since the end of 2015. gold-forex 2019/6/314:26
HSBC: The unusually warm weather in the United States in April may affect the growth of non-farm employment in May. The expected number will decrease from 263,000 in April to 190,000. The unemployment rate may remain at 3.6% in May, but the labor force participation rate may fall back, which may bring some upside risks. gold-forex 2019/6/314:24
Goldman Sachs: It is estimated that the possibility of the United States imposing a 5% tariff on Mexican imports of commodity-channel on June 10 is 70%, and the possibility of increasing the tariff to 10% on July 1 is more than 50%. global,gold-forex 2019/6/314:23
The Shanghai Gold Exchange issued an announcement to adjust the opening hours of the gold ETF market. (Full text) global,commodity 2019/6/314:18
The onshore RMB against the US dollar erased the day's gains and is currently trading at 6.9047. global,forex 2019/6/314:16

China Financial News Flash Text Data-E Source

Content Channel Release date
[Mingguan New Materials: Plans to invest 5 billion yuan in building a solar backsheet and functional film production base project] Mingguan New Materials announced that it plans to establish a new wholly-owned subsidiary (project company) in the jurisdiction of Feidong County People's Government Carry out the investment, construction and operation of the "Solar Backsheet and Functional Film Project". The total investment of the project is expected to be 5 billion yuan. The project will be implemented in two phases. The first phase has a new construction area of ​​approximately 200,000 square meters, with an annual output of 300 million square meters of solar backsheets and 200 million square meters of functional films. The second phase will be implemented in due course based on the construction and operation of the first phase. start up. Company 2023/1/31 17:05
Iceland’s final trade deficit in December was £12.232 billion. International 2023/1/31 17:05
London Metal Exchange (LME): Aluminum inventories decreased by 4,325 tons, copper inventories decreased by 875 tons, nickel inventories decreased by 294 tons, lead inventories remained unchanged, tin inventories increased by 15 tons, and zinc inventories decreased by 175 tons. Market, international 2023/1/31 17:04
[Shenzhen Municipal Development and Reform Commission issued a notice on the reporting of corporate foreign debt issuance] The Shenzhen Municipal Development and Reform Commission announced that in accordance with the relevant regulations on the management of corporate foreign debt issuance, local development and reform departments cooperate with the National Development and Reform Commission to do a good job in macro-monitoring of local corporate foreign debt and Management, strengthen interim and ex-post supervision, improve information on the issuance and implementation of corporate foreign debt, guide companies to strengthen information disclosure and risk management, and promote the improvement of the quality and efficiency of corporate medium- and long-term external debt. Macro 2023/1/31 17:03
Chairman of the German Energy Regulator: We have to discuss whether Germany or Europe should build strategic gas reserves. There will be no gas shortages this winter, but we must be prepared for the winter of 2023/2024. International 2023/1/31 17:03
[ST Kaiyuan: Plans to transfer industrial investment fund shares] ST Kaiyuan announced that the company plans to sign a "Partnership Share Transfer Agreement" with Li Xi and transfer the Hunan Leshang Investment Fund Partnership held by the company for a consideration of 50 million yuan ( limited partnership) 20% share. After the completion of this transaction, the company no longer holds shares in Hunan Leshang Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership). Company 2023/1/31 17:02
European Central Bank Bank Lending Survey: Rising interest rates have led to a sharp decline in loan demand. Loan demand is set to fall further in the first quarter of the year, with a "strong net decline" in home lending expected. International 2023/1/31 17:02
European Central Bank Bank Lending Survey: Banks expect credit standards to continue to tighten in the first quarter of this year. International 2023/1/31 17:01
European Central Bank Bank Lending Survey: Corporate credit standards have tightened to the largest extent since the 2011 sovereign debt crisis. International 2023/1/31 17:01
European Central Bank Bank Lending Survey: Eurozone banks sharply tightened credit standards in the fourth quarter. International 2023/1/31 17:01
The initial unemployment rate in Italy in December was 7.8%, expected to be 7.80%, and the previous value was 7.80%. Market, international 2023/1/31 17:00
The U.S. dollar rose 0.50% against the Canadian dollar USD/CAD during the day and is now at 1.3453. Market, international 2023/1/31 16:59
EUR/NOK rose 0.2% to 10.8473, its highest level since November 2020. Data, market, international 2023/1/31 16:58
[TEPCO restarts collection of internal deposits in Unit 1 of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant] According to a report on the Japanese Fuji TV website on January 31, local time, Tokyo Electric Power Company announced on the same day that Unit 1 of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant The collection of internal nuclear fuel fragments and other accumulations has been restarted. TEPCO started related operations on the 12th of this month, but was forced to interrupt due to equipment failure that prevented the underwater robot from working properly. (CCTV News) Other, international 2023/1/31 16:58
Citigroup maintains a "buy" rating on Zijin Mining with a target price of HK$14.7. Company, point of view 2023/1/31 16:57
[Changchun High-tech: Subsidiary Beike Biotech plans to issue global depositary receipts overseas and list on the Swiss Stock Exchange] Changchun High-tech announced that the company's subsidiary Beike Biotech plans to issue global depositary receipts ("GDR") overseas. And listed on the Swiss Stock Exchange, GDR uses the newly issued RMB ordinary shares (A shares) of Beike Biotech as the underlying securities. The company announced on the same day that Baike Biotech recently received the "Drug Registration Certificate" for the live attenuated herpes zoster vaccine issued by the State Food and Drug Administration. Company 2023/1/31 16:57
[Xinhua Fund has been enforced for more than 1.17 billion yuan] Tianyancha App shows that recently, Xinhua Fund Management Co., Ltd. has added more information on persons subject to execution, with a total execution target of more than 1.17 billion yuan. The enforcement courts are all Beijing Financial Court . The company was established in December 2004. Its legal representative is Zhai Chenxi, with a registered capital of approximately RMB 218 million. Its business scope includes fund raising, fund sales, asset management, and other businesses licensed by the China Securities Regulatory Commission. Shareholder information shows that the company is jointly held by Hengtai Securities Co., Ltd., Xinhua Trust Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Yongyuan Network Technology Co., Ltd. (The Paper) Company 2023/1/31 16:57
The number of unemployed people in Germany after seasonally adjustment in January was -22,000, a new low since February 2022. It is expected to be 5,000, and the previous value was -13,000. Data, market, international 2023/1/31 16:55
Germany’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in January was 5.5%, expected to be 5.50%, and the previous value was 5.50%. Data, market, international 2023/1/31 16:55
[The total assets of the Exchange Fund in Hong Kong were HK$4.01 trillion at the end of December last year, a decrease of HK$4.2 billion from the previous month] The Hong Kong Monetary Authority released data on January 31 that as of December 31, 2022, the total assets of the Exchange Fund were HK$4,011.1 billion. , a decrease of HK$4.2 billion from the end of November 2022, of which foreign currency assets decreased by HK$17.1 billion and Hong Kong dollar assets increased by HK$12.9 billion. The decrease in foreign currency assets was mainly due to a decrease in the month-end balance of purchased but unsettled securities, which was partially offset by the issuance of certificates of indebtedness. The increase in Hong Kong dollar assets was mainly due to the revaluation of Hong Kong stocks based on market prices. (Interface News) Macro, industry, data, market 2023/1/31 16:53
[Hong Kong Monetary Authority: Cathay Pacific Bank’s Hong Kong Branch violated the Anti-Money Laundering Ordinance and was fined HK$4 million] The Hong Kong Monetary Authority announced on January 31 that the Hong Kong Branch of Cathay Pacific Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. (WESTPAC) ( WBCHK) violated the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance and took disciplinary action. The Monetary Authority imposed a fine of HK$4 million on WBCHK for violating the Anti-Money Laundering Ordinance. Company, data, market, other 2023/1/31 16:53
Ministry of Finance: In December 2022, a total of 61.849 billion yuan in lottery tickets were sold across the country, a year-on-year increase of 29.592 billion yuan or 91.7%. Macro, industry, data, market, focus 2023/1/31 16:51
Brent crude oil fell 2.00% during the day and is now at $83.33/barrel; WTI crude oil is now down 1.3% at $76.77/barrel. Data, market, international 2023/1/31 16:51
[Loan interest rates hit a record low, and Hunan financial institutions transferred 28.5 billion yuan in profits to entities in 2022] As of the end of 2022, the interest rates for new loans in Hunan have been below 5% for 35 consecutive months, a record low, and various loans throughout 2022 The weighted average interest rate fell by 95 basis points year-on-year. In the same year, financial institutions provided 28.5 billion yuan in profits to entities by lowering loan interest rates and expanding lower-cost financing channels. (China News Service) Industry, data, market 2023/1/31 16:50
Market news: Due to inventory problems, Toyota Motor's Pakistan factory will be closed from February 1st to 14th, and a single shift will be implemented from February 15th. Company, International 2023/1/31 16:49
[Nandu Power Supply: Net profit is expected to be 280 million yuan to 330 million yuan in 2022, turning a year-on-year loss] Narada Power Supply released a performance forecast on the evening of January 31, with an estimated net profit of 280 million yuan to 330 million yuan in 2022, a loss of 1.37 billion yuan in the same period last year. billion. During the reporting period, the company carried out strategic transformation and focused on the energy storage market. With the explosive growth of the global energy storage market, the energy storage business continued to improve. Company, data 2023/1/31 16:48
Hong Kong Monetary Authority: Proper supervision can help resolve the financial stability risks that stablecoins may bring and promote the orderly and sustainable development of the industry. Industry, market 2023/1/31 16:47
The head of the Swedish Financial Services Agency (FSA): Banks have sufficient capital to absorb potential credit losses in the commercial real estate sector. Market, international 2023/1/31 16:45
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority announced the conclusions of talks on crypto assets and stablecoins, stating that it plans to bring stablecoins into the scope of supervision and will announce crypto regulatory arrangements at an appropriate time. Industry, market 2023/1/31 16:44
[Harbin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.: The drugs of its affiliated companies have passed the consistency evaluation of generic drugs] Harbin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. announced that the drugs of its affiliated companies have passed the consistency evaluation of generic drugs. Company 2023/1/31 16:44
[Wanders: Shareholder Venture Capital Phase II and Ningtai Venture Capital plan to reduce their holdings in the company by no more than 3% through centralized bidding] Wanders announced on the evening of January 31 that shareholder Jiangsu Talent Innovation Venture Capital Phase II Fund (Phase II) Limited Partnership) (referred to as "Venture Capital Phase II") and its concerted parties, Jiangsu Gaotou Ningtai Venture Capital Partnership (Limited Partnership) (referred to as "Ningtai Venture Capital"), hold a total of 5.57% of the shares and plan to reduce their shareholdings Within six months after the fifteen trading days of the pre-disclosure obligation of shares, the total reduction of the company's shares through centralized bidding shall not exceed 3% of the company's total shares. Company 2023/1/31 16:44
[Supor: Net profit attributable to parent company is expected to be 2 billion yuan to 2.1 billion yuan in 2022, a year-on-year increase of 2.88% to 8.03%] Supor announced on January 30 that the company expects to achieve operating income of 20.17 billion yuan in 2022, a year-on-year decrease of 6.56% %; net profit attributable to the parent company was 2 billion yuan to 2.1 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.88% to 8.03%. During the reporting period, the company's overall operating income decreased by 6.56% compared with the same period. Company, data 2023/1/31 16:43
BYD: Lu Xiangyang, a shareholder holding more than 5% of the company's shares, will go through the pledge procedures for 865,000 shares of the company, accounting for 0.03% of the company's total share capital. Company 2023/1/31 16:42
[Betta Pharmaceuticals: Befortinib mesylate capsules approved for clinical trials for postoperative adjuvant treatment indications] Betta Pharmaceuticals announced that recently, the company received the "Drug Clinical Trial Approval" issued by the State Food and Drug Administration. "Notice", the company applied for befutinib mesylate capsules compared with icotinib "for the surgical treatment of stage IB-IIIB (T3N2M0) non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with positive epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) sensitive mutation" Clinical trials of drugs for "post-adjuvant therapy" have been approved by the NMPA. Company 2023/1/31 16:42
[Important Milestone: Wing-body Fusion Large Passenger Aircraft Scaled Test Machine Successfully Tested] The reporter learned from Northwestern Polytechnical University that the scaled-down test machine of the wing-body fused large passenger aircraft developed by Northwestern Polytechnical University recently successfully tested at Jingbian General Airport in Shaanxi Province. This is an important milestone in the research on wing-body fusion civil aircraft technology. This kind of aircraft with wings and fuselage integrated into one has high aerodynamic efficiency, light structural weight, large loading space, energy saving and environmental protection. It is the development direction of future civil aircraft. (CCTV News) Industry, other 2023/1/31 16:41
[Norwegian Government Pension Fund will record a record loss of approximately US$164 billion in 2022] The Norwegian Government Pension Fund, the world's largest sovereign wealth fund, announced on January 31 that in 2022, the fund's global return will be -14.1%, equivalent to a loss 1.637 trillion kronor (approximately 164 billion U.S. dollars), exceeding the previous record of 633 billion kroner losses in 2008. The return on equity investment was -15.3%, the return on fixed income investment was -12.1%, the return on investment in unlisted real estate was 0.1%, and the return on unlisted renewable energy infrastructure was 5.1%. Data, market, international 2023/1/31 16:41
WTI crude oil fell below US$77/barrel, down 1.05% on the day. Data, market, international 2023/1/31 16:40
Head of the Swedish Financial Services Agency (FSA): It is not yet time to suspend mortgage amortization rules. Despite the fall in house prices, I don't think mortgages are likely to result in significant credit losses for banks. Market, international 2023/1/31 16:40
[Jiangnan Water: Tap water sales volume in the fourth quarter of 2022 dropped 9.06% year-on-year] Jiangnan Water announced on the evening of January 31 that tap water sales volume in the fourth quarter of 2022 was 59.1615 million cubic meters, a year-on-year decrease of 9.06%; In the fourth quarter, the value of newly signed contracts for water supply and drainage related business projects was 110 million yuan. In 2022, the cumulative value of newly signed contracts for water supply and drainage related business projects was 482 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 14.81%; the sewage treatment settlement volume was 2.1932 million cubic meters, a year-on-year decrease of 2.62%. Company, data 2023/1/31 16:40
[Biden confirmed that he will visit Poland, and foreign media speculated that it may be on the first anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine conflict] According to reports from Reuters, TASS and other media, US President Biden confirmed on Monday (30th) local time that he would visit Poland , but said he didn’t know when to go. NBC previously reported that Biden is considering visiting several European countries in February. Some media specifically mentioned that his trip to Europe may coincide with the first anniversary of the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on February 24. (Global Network) International 2023/1/31 16:39
The annual rate of money supply M3 in Hong Kong, China, in December was 0.6%, the previous value was -1.10%. Data, market 2023/1/31 16:38
[World Gold Council China CEO Wang Lixin: Gold jewelry and physical gold investment demand is expected to rebound this year] Wang Lixin, World Gold Association China CEO, analyzed that gold jewelry demand and gold physical investment demand are expected to rebound in 2023. Firstly, the Chinese economy is expected to show significant recovery after full liberalization, and the disposable income level of Chinese households is likely to increase accordingly; secondly, commercial banks' continued focus on physical gold sales will also provide support for boosting demand. ; In addition, as the willingness to save reaches new highs, gold will likely continue to attract a large number of investors as an effective and stable store of value. (China Business News) Industry, opinion 2023/1/31 16:37
[The most “bear” variety in the commodity futures market in January: pig futures fell nearly 10%] Wind data shows that as of the close of January 31, the January domestic commodity futures market ended, excluding inactive trading varieties and those listed in the month New varieties, the main live pig and rapeseed oil futures contracts fell by more than 7% that month, with declines of 9.99% and 7.42% respectively, ranking among the top two decliners of all commodity futures. Market 2023/1/31 16:36
[The most popular product in the commodity futures market in January: LPG futures rose more than 24%] Wind data shows that as of the close of January 31, the January domestic commodity futures market ended, excluding inactive trading products and those listed in the month Among the new varieties, the main contracts of LPG, Shanghai Tin, Apple, and Soda Ash futures all rose by more than 10% that month, with increases of 24.27%, 11.62%, 10.34%, and 10.06%, respectively, ranking among the top four among all commodity futures. Market 2023/1/31 16:36
According to a report on the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission, Lu Wenchang, the former Party Secretary and General Manager of the Online Marketing Service Center of China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd., was expelled from the Party. Others 2023/1/31 16:36
[ Net profit is expected to drop 81.50%-72.25% year-on-year in 2022] announced that it expects net profit to be 5-7.5 million yuan in 2022, a year-on-year decrease of 81.50%-72.25%. Company, data 2023/1/31 16:36
L'Occitane's net sales in the third quarter were 701.8 million euros. Company, data, international 2023/1/31 16:35
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority: Take disciplinary action against the Hong Kong branch of Westpac Banking Corporation of Australia. Company, market 2023/1/31 16:33
[Yiwei Lithium Energy: The subsidiary plans to invest 10.8 billion yuan in building a power energy storage battery production line and auxiliary facilities project] Yiwei Lithium Energy announced that its subsidiary Yiwei Power plans to sign a contract with the Jingmen High-tech Industrial Development Zone Management Committee "Contract", investing in the construction of a 60GWh power energy storage battery production line and auxiliary facilities project in Jingmen High-tech Zone, with a total investment of approximately 10.8 billion yuan. Company, data, market, focus 2023/1/31 16:32
London Metal Exchange (LME) tin fell 3.4% on the day. Market, international 2023/1/31 16:32

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