全球化指数-英文字段 | 全球化指数-中文字段 | 指标说明 |
Country/Area | 国家/地区 | |
Code | 代码 | |
ContinentCode | 大陆板块代码 | |
Year | 年份 | |
Globalization index (0-100) | 全球化指数(0-100) | Definition: The overall index of globalization covers the economic, social, and political dimensions of globalization. Higher values denote greater globalization. More information and the original data can be obtained here. |
Economic globalization index (0-100) | 经济全球化指数(0-100) | Definition: Economic globalization has two dimensions: actual economic flows and restrictions to trade and capital. The sub-index on actual economic flows includes data on trade, FDI, and portfolio investment. The sub-index on restrictions takes into account hidden import barriers, mean tariff rates, taxes on international trade (as a share of current revenue), and an index of capital controls. More information and the original data can be obtained here. |
Political globalization index (0-100) | 政治全球化指数(0-100) | Definition: The degree of political globalization is determined by the number of embassies and high commissions in a country, the number of international organizations to which the country is a member, the number of UN peace missions a country participated in, and the number of treaties signed between two or more states. More information and the original data can be obtained here. |
Social globalization index (0-100) | 社会全球化指数(0-100) | Definition: Social globalization has three dimensions: personal contacts, information flows, and cultural proximity. The sub-index on personal contacts includes international telecom traffic, degree of tourism, transfers, foreign population, and number of international letters. The sub-index on information flows includes number of internet users, share of households with a television set, and trade in newspapers. The sub-index on cultural proximity includes trade in books and number of McDonald’s restaurants and Ikea located in a country. More information and the original data can be obtained here. |
Country/Area | Code | ContinentCode | Year | Globalization index (0-100) | Economic globalization index (0-100) | Political globalization index (0-100) | Social globalization index (0-100) |
国家/地区 | 代码 | 大陆板块代码 | 年份 | 全球化指数(0-100) | 经济全球化指数(0-100) | 政治全球化指数(0-100) | 社会全球化指数(0-100) |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1970 | 20.68 | 29.32 | 19.43 | 13.29 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1971 | 21.28 | 29.38 | 20.94 | 13.26 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1972 | 21.18 | 29.74 | 20.39 | 13.26 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1973 | 21.13 | 29.98 | 20.97 | 12.1 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1974 | 20.64 | 28.07 | 21.17 | 12.18 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1975 | 21.49 | 28.92 | 22.68 | 12.18 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1976 | 20.34 | 25.23 | 22.68 | 12.18 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1977 | 21.73 | 29.21 | 23.06 | 12.18 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1978 | 19.29 | 21.41 | 23.63 | 11.36 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1979 | 19.84 | 22.92 | 23.84 | 11.36 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1980 | 20.52 | 24.67 | 24.04 | 11.58 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1981 | 21.04 | 25.97 | 24.02 | 12 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1982 | 21.45 | 26.95 | 24.39 | 11.89 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1983 | 21.94 | 28.15 | 24.76 | 11.84 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1984 | 21.73 | 28.15 | 24.38 | 11.68 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1985 | 21.68 | 28.37 | 24.01 | 11.78 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1986 | 22.23 | 29.19 | 24.39 | 12.26 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1987 | 22.46 | 29.95 | 24.38 | 12.24 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1988 | 23.8 | 32.83 | 24.76 | 13.24 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1989 | 23.23 | 32.05 | 24.66 | 12.25 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1990 | 23.73 | 33.17 | 25.29 | 11.92 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1991 | 23.63 | 33.07 | 25.14 | 11.87 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1992 | 23.62 | 32.47 | 25.19 | 12.36 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1993 | 23.09 | 31.1 | 25.71 | 11.3 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1994 | 24.3 | 35.16 | 25.47 | 11.35 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1995 | 24.53 | 35.87 | 25.42 | 11.4 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1996 | 24.75 | 36.78 | 25.55 | 10.98 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1997 | 24.84 | 37.23 | 25.43 | 11.01 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1998 | 25.19 | 38.67 | 25.2 | 11.02 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 1999 | 25.36 | 38.68 | 25.54 | 11.19 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 2000 | 24.55 | 36.25 | 25.53 | 11.08 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 2001 | 24.51 | 36 | 25.41 | 11.43 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 2002 | 25.06 | 35.61 | 25.66 | 13.42 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 2003 | 26.35 | 35.01 | 27.04 | 16.55 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 2004 | 27.03 | 36.18 | 27.17 | 17.47 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 2005 | 31.4 | 35.92 | 35.62 | 21.27 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 2006 | 30.82 | 33.33 | 35.17 | 22.6 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 2007 | 32.22 | 33.16 | 37.05 | 24.99 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 2008 | 34.13 | 36.12 | 39.38 | 25.3 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 2009 | 35.13 | 34.15 | 40.18 | 29.61 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 2010 | 36.63 | 35.7 | 42.23 | 30.38 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 2011 | 38.88 | 41.37 | 42.85 | 31.27 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 2012 | 38.87 | 38.38 | 44.4 | 32.28 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 2013 | 38.45 | 34.65 | 45.2 | 33.67 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 2014 | 38.1 | 34.92 | 43.5 | 34.42 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 2015 | 39.79 | 34.08 | 46.8 | 36.59 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 2016 | 38.48 | 29.86 | 47.04 | 36.21 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 2017 | 38.16 | 29.39 | 47.43 | 35.12 |
Afghanistan | AFG | AS | 2018 | 38.52 | 32.64 | 45.61 | 35.4 |