Introduction to movie review data

 The social significance of film and television works is multifaceted. On the one hand, driven by the development of social economy and spiritual civilization, people's cultural and entertainment life has become increasingly enriched, and film and television works have become one of the important forms of life and entertainment. In addition to small-screen works and TV series, following the development of popular literature and art appreciation literacy Movies, the big-screen works that have improved and increasingly accounted for their share, have become mainstream. On the other hand, as the seventh art in the history of human art, film is a spiritual product carrying cultural output and an important carrier that reflects the current social and cultural form and people's spiritual consciousness. Australian scholar Graeme Turner pointed out in his book "Film as a Social Practice" that film can participate in the process of social construction of culture and ideology. Nowadays, movies are not only a simple aesthetic object and entertainment method, but also gradually become a social practice for audiences to understand and participate in society.

 Writing film reviews is the main way for audiences to participate in films. It is not only a further exploration of topics and ideas in films, but also a supervision of film quality in a commercial context. The development of online media and social platforms has facilitated the release, dissemination and dissemination of film reviews. Communication provides a platform. As the largest online film review community in China, Douban has the best and most fair film rating system in mainland China. Its film review writers include both general audiences and many movie fans with specific interests. In addition, the Douban platform also has a professional and niche rating system, and the relevant discussion content generated will be important information for us to evaluate the quality of movies, delve into the ideological connotation of movies, and gain insights into socio-economic development and cultural awareness.

  The movie review data launched by CnOpenData consists of 5 parts: Movie information table, movie staff information table, movie short review information table, movie long review information table, and film review user information table, which comprehensively covers movies All relevant review information, especially including a large number of concise short stories and high-quality full-length movie reviews, provides rich text data for related research.

Time interval

The situation of each table is different

Field display

Movie information table Film Personnel Information Form Movie short review information table Movie review information table Movie Review User Information Form
Movie ID Movie ID Movie ID Movie ID Film critic ID
Movie name Name Short review ID Movie review ID Film critic nickname
Director Gender Film critic ID Film critic ID
Screenwriter Constellation Film critic nickname Film critic nickname
Starring Date of birth Evaluation Evaluation
Type Dates of birth and death Short comment time Movie review time
Country/Region of Production Birthplace Short review content Movie review title
Language Career Useful numbers Whether it is a spoiler
Release date More Chinese names Useful numbers
Length More English names Useless numbers
aka Family members Movie review text
IMDb IMDb number
Plot summary Introduction
tag Number of fans
Douban rating
Number of raters
Rating distribution

Sample data

Movie Information Table

Movie ID Movie title Director Screenwriter Starring Type Country of production Language Release date Length aka IMDb Plot synopsis tag Douban rating Number of raters Rating distribution
1300268 圣经密码战 The Body Jonas McCord: Jonas McCord:1019494/Richard Sapir:1024338 安东尼奥·班德拉斯 Antonio Banderas:/德里克·雅克比 Derek: 剧情/爱情/惊悚 美国 / 以色列 / 德国 英语 / 阿拉伯语 / 希伯来语 2001-01-05 109 分钟 tt0201485 以色列的女考古学家莎朗歌本(Olivia Williams 饰)和教廷派任的耶稣会神父麦特盖提耶瑞兹(Antonio Banderas 饰),两个天南地北的人因为一具千年尸骨而在耶路撒冷相会,他们都想知道真相,那是不是耶稣的尸骨...如果是,那么耶稣是否不曾从死亡中复活?那么,一两千年来基督教与天主教徒的信仰,是否会因此而毁灭?而中东片刻不得安歇的危机处境,是否又会因此而再度爆发?为了信仰的麦特神父(是个有战地经验的军人),与追求科学真理的莎朗(是个坚强的寡妇),无法抗拒地卷入了这个混杂著政治与宗教矛盾的漩涡里,然而有一批人,正虎视眈眈地窥伺著他们,每当他们越接近真相一步,危机便更加深一些,死亡的阴影也渐渐地逼近...在此同时,他们之间似乎也开始产生了些淡淡的感情...《圣经密码战》改编自理察班萨皮的争议小说,内容对于基督... 宗教/美国/圣经/班德拉斯/剧情/悬疑/以色列/美国电影 6.3 209 7.9%/22.3%/49.6%/17.3%/2.9%
1300271 冲出死亡域 The Danger Zone Henry Vernon: Jason Williams (I):/Karen Levitt:/Tom Friedman: 动作 美国 英语 tt0090902 动作
1300272 枕边杀机 Our Mother's Murder 比尔·诺顿:1435030 Richard DeLong Adams: 霍莉·玛丽·库姆斯:1036303/罗珊妮·哈特:1022779/萨拉·乔克:1049516 剧情 美国 英语 1997-07-16(美国) tt0118932 这部以激情与背叛为主题的骇人惊悚片,乃根据轰动一时的丑闻改编而成。一位养尊处优的贵妇,认识了一位年轻而风度翩翩的男士,并为其魅力所倾倒。虽然其家人及朋友均怀疑这位年轻男士图谋不轨,但是这位贵妇已意乱情迷,沈迷于浪漫甜蜜的两人世界中。没想到在婚礼不久之后,这位原本温柔的英俊男士竟性情大变,判若两人,性情大变,露出原来具暴力与虐待倾向的面目。这位贵妇在后悔之余,决定想办法逃脱魔掌。但是在疯狂、变态丈夫的掌控之下,她每一次的绝望挣扎,都像在与死神挑战般地危险,唯一能挣脱魔掌的方法,似乎只有…… PLAN
1300277 恐怖列车 Horror Express 欧亨尼奥·马丁:1291179 阿诺·德于索:1002079/Julian Zimet: 克里斯托弗·李:1054467/彼得·库欣:1019084/阿尔维托·德·门多萨:1080297/西尔维娅·托尔托萨:1033252/胡利奥·培尼亚:1019673/安赫尔·德尔波佐:1135579/赫尔佳·丽列:1121537/Alice Reinheart:1142177/何塞·加斯帕:1060164/乔治·里戈:1138875/Víctor Israel:1109843/Barta Barri:1064728/José Canalejas:1078818/特利·萨瓦拉斯:1007045/Juan Olaguivel:/Faith Clift:/Peter Beckman: 科幻/惊悚/恐怖/冒险 英国 / 西班牙 西班牙语 / 英语 1973-12-03 USA: 90 分钟 / USA: 88 分钟 / Spain: 84 分钟 恐怖快车 / Pánico EN EL Transiberiano tt0068713 1906年,英国人类学家克里斯在中国境内东北地区的山岭中发现一个冷冻的人型怪物,并把它带上了开往欧洲的列车上。但没想到半途中怪物解冻,开始猎杀车上的所有乘客,凡是死亡的人脑浆都被吸干,模样恐怖。虽然车上的军队及时将怪物杀死,但其意识却转移到另一个人身上,于是杀戮继续进行,更可怕的是它还把已死的人变成活死人为己所用。就在事态无可逆转的情况下,幸存的乘客决定把火车销毁…… 恐怖/英国/惊悚/悬疑/Cult/1972/科幻/血腥 6.2 336 6.5%/22.7%/51.8%/13.8%/5.3%
1300278 潜艇侦察舰 Submarine Patrol 约翰·福特:1007035 Darrell Ware:/Don Ettlinger:/Gene Markey: 理查德·格林:1050100/南茜·凯利:1000591/普雷斯顿·福斯特:1087625 冒险 美国 英语 1938-11-25 95 分钟 潜艇驱逐队(港) tt0030808 海战/美国/经典老片/战争/二战/M美国/FordJohn/D约翰·福特
1300281 伟大的国王 Der große König 威特·哈尔兰:1050549 威特·哈尔兰:1050549/格哈德·门策尔:1031257/Hans Rehberg: Otto Gebühr:1097630/克里斯蒂娜·泽德尔鲍姆:1050752/古斯塔夫·佛力施:1085423/汉斯·尼尔森:1128330/Hilde Körber:1105191/保罗·威格纳:1037430/奥托·维尔尼克:1168964/Harry Hardt:1095251/Hans Hermann Schaufuß:/Claus Clausen:1025742/Klaus Detlef Sierck:1146358/Paul Henckels:1101194/Elisabeth Flickenschildt:1080813/弗朗茨·沙夫海特林:1137533/Kurt Meisel:1025625/Karl Günther:1095198/Otto Graf:1101971/Hans Stiebner:1158521/Walter Franck:1088044/Knut Hartwig:1097119/Hermann Meyer-Falkow:1118218/Armin Schweizer:1139805/汉斯·斯腾伯格:1151524/Ernst Dernburg:1089998/Leonore Ehn:1218904/Arthur Fritz Eugens:1087531/Franz Fiedler:1080397/Hugo Flink:1082669/Herbert Gernot:1093113/伯恩哈德·格茨克:1095893/Kristian Veit Harlan:1198806/Clemens Hasse:1096029/Karl Hellmer:1100754/Otto F. Henning:1101103/Herbert Hübner:1107865/Käthe Jöken-König:1107473/Maria Krahn:1104391/Alexander Kökert:1191124/Maria Loja:1118942/Hans Meyer-Hanno:1117883/Franz Nicklisch:1126969/Reginald Pasch:1137101/Josef Peterhans:1129017/Anton Pointner:1131474/Erik Radolf:1141883/路易斯·拉尔夫:1137825/Heinz Salfner:1145282/Just Scheu:1035954/Werner Schott:1146425/Heinrich Schroth:1141895/Ernst Stimmel:1151900/Jakob Tiedtke:1159744/Otz Tollen:1157579/Wolf Trutz:1157779/Leopold von Ledebur:1160853/Michael von Newlinsky:1164894/Jaspar von Oertzen:1164534/Paul Westermeier:1162182/Willi Witte:1168169 剧情/历史/战争 德国 德语 1942-03-03(德国) 118 分钟 The Great King tt0034814 A story of Prussian king (from 1740 to 1786) Frederick II the Great. 德国/战争/普鲁士/历史/德国电影/普魯士/金狮奖/VeitHarlan
1300284 荒城喋血 The Last Day 文森特·麦克伊维提:1341699 A.C. Lyles:1045613/吉姆·拜恩尼斯:1050024/Steve Fisher: 理查德·威德马克:1013946/芭芭拉·拉什:1014099/罗伯特·康瑞德:1032070/理查德·杰克尔:1054894/提姆·麦锡森:1013872/克里斯多夫·康奈利:1076327/汤姆·斯凯里特:1049603/洛丽泰·斯威:1158256 西部 美国 英语 1975-02-15 100分钟 神枪手宝刀未老 tt0073267
1300285 别假正经 Stop Making Sense 乔纳森·戴米:1032064 Talking Heads:/乔纳森·戴米:1032064 大卫·伯恩:1067450 纪录片/音乐 美国 英语 1984-09-07 88 分钟 tt0088178 纪录Talking Heads 1983年12月宣传专辑Speaking in Tongues的演唱会表演 纪录片/音乐/摇滚/美国/1980s/新浪潮/RockLive/Documentary 9.4 692 75.9%/18.9%/4.5%/0.0%/0.7%
1300292 谍海计中计 The Recruit 罗杰·唐纳森:1040805 罗杰·唐尼:1299444/科特·维莫:1274260/米奇·格雷泽:1328942 阿尔·帕西诺:1054451/科林·法瑞尔:1084255/布丽姬·穆娜:1044868/盖布瑞·马赫特:1004638/肯内特·米歇尔:1214776/迈克·瑞巴:1215730/罗恩·利:1369996/Karl Pruner:1294957/珍妮·卡列雅:1279897/詹妮 库珀:1435135/尤金·里皮斯基:1041403/克里斯·欧文斯:1131565/默温·蒙德瑟:1382888/艾丽莎·莫勒切里:1360560/许韶洋:1433811/阿琳 马泽罗勒:1436552/Brian Rhodes:1033497/简·莫凡特:1357527/托尼·克雷格:1005584/尼尔·克容:1076749/斯科特·麦克科德:1291486/Shaun Verreault:1180897/Safwan Javed:1219088/Earl Pereira:1219073/Misty Kelley:1215376/Aaron Michael Lacey:1019306/迈克尔·塞尔切基:1394628 剧情/动作/惊悚 美国 英语 / 波斯语 / 俄语 2003-03-21(中国大陆)/2003-01-25(Febio电影节)/2003-01-31(美国) 115 分钟 特工新兵 / C.I.A. 追缉令 / 惊天杀局 / 紧急特训 / 新兵征募 tt0292506 詹姆斯(柯林·法瑞尔 Colin Farrell 饰)以优等生的身份顺利通过中情局的初期审查,和其它精英学子一起进入训练基地接受特种训练。中情局派出了最有经验的王牌特工沃特(阿尔·帕西诺 Al Pacino 饰)来训练这群年轻人。在近乎冷血的各式各样的残酷训练当中,表现最佳的詹姆斯却莫名被淘汰出局。在新人中,女学员莱拉(布丽姬·穆娜 Bridget Moynahan 饰)引起了上层的怀疑。被怀疑是个敌对情报组织派来的卧底。于是,在训练中和莱拉关系甚好的詹姆斯被悄悄安排了反卧底工作。詹姆斯开始刻意接近莱拉,打探情况。但随着两个人的相处,他竟对不知道敌友的莱拉情愫。在国家的荣誉与个人的情感面前,詹姆斯那苦恼的心,又要如何去抉择呢? 美国/间谍/悬疑/AlPacino/阿尔·帕西诺/动作/ColinFarrell/美国电影 7.0 19200 8.4%/39.9%/47.2%/4.0%/0.5%
1300296 血染奇河城 City Across the River Maxwell Shane: Dennis J. Cooper:/欧文·舒尔曼:1019823/Maxwell Shane:1051416 斯蒂芬·麦克纳利:1122196/瑟尔玛·瑞特:1004925/托尼·柯蒂斯:1019051 剧情/犯罪 美国 英语 1949-04-07 91 分钟 tt0041251 The macho head of an urban community center tries to reform juvenile delinquents. 黑色电影/40s/美国/无资源
1300297 太虚天使 Englar alheimsins Friðrik Þór Friðriksson: 埃纳尔·格维兹门松:1053524 Ingvar Eggert Sigurðsson:/Baltasar Kormákur:/Hilmir Snær Guðnason: 剧情/传记 冰岛 / 挪威 / 德国 / 瑞典 / 丹麦 Icelandic 2000-09-09 100 分钟 / Germany: 102 分钟 Angels of the Universe tt0233651 Páll is an artistic and sensitive young man. Getting dumped by his girlfriend, Dagny, triggers his descent into madness. We follow him on his way to inevitable doom; at home with his parents who finally can't cope, and in the mental institution, Kleppur. 冰岛/独立/北欧/冰岛电影/FriðrikÞórFriðriksson/Iceland/当后摇遇上电影/丹麦 7.6 73 27.3%/38.2%/25.5%/7.3%/1.8%
1300298 每个孩子 Every Child 尤金·法德仁科 :1283508 伯纳德·卡里兹:1051988/德里克·兰姆:1021303/Raymond Pollender: 伯纳德·卡里兹:1051988/Sophie Cowling:/Raymond Pollender: 喜剧/动画/短片/家庭 加拿大 英语 / 法语 弃婴 / Chaque enfant tt0079126 1980年奥斯卡最佳动画短片。两名口技演员抱着小孩开始了表演,各种声音向我们讲述了一个孩子和大人间的故事。童话里孩子被当作礼物,由安琪儿送到每个人的门口。然而每个人面对孩子的到来,却有着不同的感触。有的只是一时兴起,有的难以割舍工作或是自由的生活。结果孩子从一个门口 被送到另一个门口。直到一个能够真正接受他,爱惜他,让他成为生活中快乐源泉的地方,而那里却不一定有一扇门。 动画短片/加拿大/短片/动画/奥斯卡最佳动画短片/Child/1979/Every 8.3 14478 33.7%/49.2%/16.2%/0.7%/0.2%
1300300 死神来了 Final Destination 黄毅瑜:1301190 格伦·摩根:1292490/黄毅瑜:1301190/杰弗里·雷迪克:1436457 戴文·萨瓦:1047960/艾丽·拉特:1018978/科尔·史密斯:1031945/克里森·克拉克:1049871/丹尼尔·洛巴克:1032119/罗杰·格午埃文·史密斯:1159598/查德·多纳拉:1089653/西恩·威廉·斯科特:1027153/托尼·托德:1036498/阿曼达·达特曼:1027337/布兰登·费尔:1040563/Forbes Angus:/Lisa Marie Caruk:/克里斯汀·查特莱恩:1314779/芭芭拉·泰森:1152942 惊悚/恐怖 美国 / 加拿大 英语 / 法语 2000-03-17(美国) 98 分钟 绝命终结站(台) / 终点 tt0195714 剧情惊险恐怖,环环相扣。高中生艾利克斯-伯朗宁(德文•萨瓦 Devon Sawa 饰)与7名同班同学登机前往巴黎。起飞前,他突然预感到恐怖的一幕:飞机将会在空中爆炸。艾利克斯非常惊恐,大喊飞机即将出事,大家要立刻下机,结果混乱中他和其余6名乘客被机组人员赶了出来。但是,被艾利克斯不幸言中,飞机在半空中爆炸,全部人员罹难。所有下了机的人都在庆幸大难不死,却不知死神还是不愿放过他们。接下来,等待他们的将会是更恐怖的死亡方式和更难逃脱的死亡命运。而艾利克斯又能从各人的死亡顺序里面发现什么秘密,在死神的魔爪中逃出生天? 惊悚/恐怖/美国/死神来了/悬疑/血腥/美国电影/恐怖片 7.9 285016 22.8%/50.0%/24.9%/1.9%/0.4%
1300306 一个国家的诞生 The Birth of a Nation 大卫·格里菲斯:1004875 大卫·格里菲斯:1004875/Frank E. Woods:/Thomas F. Dixon Jr.: 丽莲·吉许:1027928/梅·马什:1041421/亨利·B·沃斯奥:1054307 剧情/爱情/历史/战争/西部 美国 无对白 1915-02-08(美国) 190 分钟(16 fps) / USA: 125 分钟(video version) / USA: 187 分钟(DVD) / Argentina: 165 分钟 重见光明 / The Clansman tt0004972 美国南北战争时期,南方庄园主卡梅伦一家原本过着安逸的生活。卡梅隆和斯通曼家的孩子同在一所寄宿学校念书,接触中,年轻的本杰明·卡梅隆(亨利·B·沃斯奥 Henry B. Walthall饰)和埃尔西·斯通曼(丽莲·吉许 Lillian Gish饰)互生情愫。然而不久南北战争爆发。本杰明参加了南方军队,奔赴前线,与北方的昔日好友斯通曼(拉尔夫·李维斯 Ralph Lewis饰)成了敌手。战后,黑人烧杀抢掠。本杰明组织三K党,对黑人进行报复,粉碎了建立所谓的“黑人王国”的阴谋。本杰明与埃尔西这对患难情侣也终于走到了一起。他们的结合,预示着一个新的国家的诞生和统一。这部由美国电影巨匠D·W·格里菲斯编导的长达三个多小时的鸿篇巨制《一个国家的诞生》,是世界电影史上最重要的里程碑式电影,也是默片时代的经典之作。本片因为对白人优越主义的提倡,以及对三K党的美化而... 格里菲斯/美国/默片/经典/历史/美国电影/1915/D.W.Griffith 7.9 8648 27.7%/46.3%/21.1%/2.9%/2.0%
1300307 欲望阶梯 The Corporate Ladder Nick Vallelonga: 克里斯托弗·里德:1028218/Greg Mellot:/尼克·瓦莱隆加:1050517 罗伯特·R·谢弗:1000613/凯瑟琳·金蒙特:1108800/塔丽萨·索托:1000071/安东尼·约翰·邓尼森:1049956 动作/惊悚 美国 英语 1997-05-10 112 分钟 tt0115946 麦特是一位顶尖的广告代理商。他的娇妻正在家待产,而他只想专心朝事业冲刺,以为家中妻小奠定经济基础。一日,一位名叫妮可的女子前来应徵他的助理。拥有姣好容貌、火辣身材的她曾涉入一起性骚扰案。但是妮可高超的办事能力让麦克决定正式聘用。然而,不久后,麦特竟被误控唯一件凶杀案的嫌犯。在他努力为自己洗刷清白之际,他赫然发现妮可涉嫌重大,同时也洞悉妮可利用她诱人身体在广告界闯出前途的阴谋。身陷重案的麦特,能成功让妮可的真面目公诸于世吗? 美国/李善喜/惊悚/情色/rNud/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/11
1300311 灵魂啊!你在何方? Possible Worlds Robert Lepage: 约翰·迈顿:1028557 Tilda Swinton:/Sean McCann: 剧情/科幻/悬疑/犯罪 加拿大 英语 2001-04-11 93 分钟 tt0222293 乔治有一种特异功能,可以同时存在于无数可能世界。但是他死了,连脑也给人偷走。顺著两名侦探的线索,我们进入了乔治的存在多面体。他在不同时空仍寻觅他一爱再爱的乔伊丝,但这个灵魂伴侣却时而是他妻子,时而是陌生人。编剧约翰米顿精通数学,将灵魂是否存在于大脑,想像力对思维的影响等问题,写成两幕黑色喜剧,九○年上演曾获奖项,此刻更亲自改编成电影。导演罗拔利伯殊(《能/不能》,《我为兄狂》)亦是魁北克剧坛奇才,最擅时空交错和迷幻场景,在本片更将科幻、哲理和奇情融为一体 科幻/加拿大/李欣频荐/灵魂啊!你在何方?/李欣频推荐/TildaSwinton/哲学/电影 7.6 298 20.5%/47.9%/27.0%/2.3%/2.3%
1300313 河娘泪 La donna del fiume 马里奥·索达蒂:1042201 阿尔贝托·莫拉维亚:1041936/Antonio Altoviti:/巴西利奥·弗兰基纳:1008576 Sophia Loren: 剧情 意大利 / 法国 意大利语 1955-10-21 105 分钟 Woman of the River tt0048005 索菲娅·罗兰/意大利电影/索菲亚·罗兰/帕索里尼/1950s/欧美电影/欧片/意大利
1300315 春风入罗幛 Three Into Two Won't Go 彼得·豪尔:1041335 Andrea Newman:/埃德娜·奥布莱恩:1037857 罗德·斯泰格尔:1002747/克莱尔·布鲁姆:1007058/朱迪·吉森:1055863/佩吉·阿什克罗福特:1036942/保罗·罗杰斯:1000886/琳恩·法利:1088472 剧情 英国 英语 1969-07-02 92 分钟 春风入罗帐 tt0065097 金熊奖(提名)/被忽视的片子/P-BerlinA入围主竞赛
1300318 万里寻儿记 Where Are My Children? 乔治·考岑德:1326414 Michael Zagor: 玛格·海根柏格:1040559/柯宾·伯恩森:1049758/克里斯·诺斯:1040515/杰里·哈德因:1095089/安吉拉·佩顿:1126322/邦妮·芭利特:1019149 剧情 美国 英语 1994-09-18 100分钟 Where Are My Children? tt0111694 ...
1300324 007之八爪女 Octopussy 约翰·格兰:1045308 乔治·麦克唐纳·弗莱泽:1001103/理查德·麦鲍姆:1018729/迈克尔·G·威尔森:1301051/伊恩·弗莱明:1056190 罗杰·摩尔:1027840/莫德·亚当斯:1004897/路易斯·乔丹:1019129/克里斯蒂娜·韦伯恩:1027648/卡伯·贝迪:1016703/史蒂文·伯克夫:1025293/大卫·迈耶:1023498/Tony Meyer:1116188/戴斯蒙德·莱维林:1049891/罗伯特·布朗:1075329/露易丝·麦斯威尔:1004788/Michaela Clavell:/沃尔特·戈塔尔:1092887/Vijay Amritraj:1037176/阿尔伯特·摩西:1136289/格佛雷·肯:1105060/道格拉斯·威尔默:1167827/Andy Bradford:1070919/菲利普-沃斯:1329996/布鲁斯·博阿:1063775/里夏尔·勒帕芒捷:1009881/保罗·哈德威克:1100126/德尔莫特·克劳利:1070924/Peter Porteous:1135172/杰米·布洛奇:1007154/William Derrick:1089617/帕特里克·巴尔:1062937/格尔坦·克劳伯:1109790/布莱恩·科伯恩:1077698/Mary Stavin:1156347/Carolyn Seaward:1142610/Carole Ashby:1058931/Joni Flynn:1079826/Susanne Dando:1072880/Ishaq Bux:1068281/Sneh Gupta:1099739/马克·希普:1045125 动作/惊悚/冒险 英国 英语 / 俄语 / 德语 / 西班牙语 / 印地语 1983-06-10 131 分钟 铁金刚勇破爆炸党 / 八爪女 tt0086034 这次007(罗杰•摩尔 Roger Moore 饰)的任务是追寻真正的法布尔金蛋,在追踪过程结识了美丽的马戏团女郎“八爪女”(莫德•亚当斯 Maud Adams 饰)。007在“八爪女”的房间找到了重要的证据,从而揭露了苏联的一个大阴谋。原来苏联以走私珠宝的名义和“八爪女”合作,其实暗中企图利用“八爪女”的马戏团巡回表演时当场引爆核弹。007深知事态严重,他必须在苏联引爆核弹前阻止他们的阴谋,他费尽千辛万苦在人群拥挤的马戏团里终于找到核弹并将它拆除。随后,“八爪女”不小心被抓走了,为了朋友,007将只身闯虎穴! 007/动作/英国/间谍/1983/美国/特工/电影 6.8 6859 10.2%/29.9%/53.0%/6.0%/1.0%
1300325 心墙魅影 Mickey One 阿瑟·佩恩:1027516 Alan M. Surgal: 沃伦·比蒂:1002722/亚历山德拉·斯图尔特:1019212/赫德·哈特菲尔德:1093625/法兰奇·汤恩:1032323/特迪·哈特:1092975/杰夫·科里:1025313/藤原釜足:1016877/当娜·米歇尔:1125965/拉尔夫·富迪:1083508/诺曼·戈特沙尔克:1100604/Dick Lucas:/Jack Goodman:/Jeri Jensen:/Charlene Lee:/本尼·邓恩:1080165 剧情/犯罪 美国 英语 1965-09-27 93 分钟 四面楚歌 / 米老鼠一号 tt0059447 After incurring the wrath of the mob, a comic flees Detroit for Chicago taking the name "Mickey One" from a stolen Social Security card from a homeless bum he witnesses being beaten up and robbed. As he returns to the stage and becomes successful, he fears that the mob will track him down. He wishes to square himself with the mob, but doesn't know what he did to anger them or w... Arthur_Penn/美国/阿瑟·佩恩/美国电影/黑白/ArthurPenn/剧情/1965
1300328 花落断肠时 Christine 皮埃尔·加斯帕尔-于特:1094079 阿图尔·施尼茨勒:1048413/Georges Neveux:/Hans Wilhelm: 罗密·施奈德:1027907/阿兰·德龙:1041174 剧情/爱情 法国 / 意大利 法语 1958-12-19 France: 100 分钟 / Hungary: 109 分钟 魅力姬丝汀 / 花月断肠时 tt0051477 克里斯汀(罗密·施奈德 Romy Schneider 饰)的父亲是一位有名的音乐家,她自幼生长在充满了艺术氛围的家庭之中,个性奔放而又向往着自由。成年后,在父亲的安排下,克里斯汀和一名男子结下了婚约,但之后,她邂逅了名为弗朗茨(阿兰·德龙 Alain Delon 饰)的年轻军官,啥时间,两人疯狂的坠入了情网。为了能够和弗朗茨在一起,克里斯汀甚至背信弃义,解除了婚约。谁知道,风流的弗朗茨曾经和男爵夫人(米谢琳·普雷斯勒 Micheline Presle 饰)有过一段桃色的往事,虽然这段情事早已经成为了历史,但还是被男爵知道了。愤怒的男爵找到了弗朗茨,要同他进行决斗。 法国/阿兰·德隆/爱情/罗蜜·施耐德/AlainDelon/法国电影/RomySchneider/1950s 7.2 512 11.9%/41.5%/42.0%/4.1%/0.5%
1300329 大侠谷 The Missouri Breaks 阿瑟·佩恩:1027516 托马斯·麦瓜恩:1037259 马龙·白兰度:1041025/杰克·尼科尔森:1054528/兰迪·奎德:1027846/凯瑟琳·劳埃德:1115370/弗雷德里克·福瑞斯特:1013982 剧情/西部 美国 英语 1976-05-19 126 分钟 原野双雄 / 密苏里河分岭 / 密苏里州大断裂 tt0074906 美国初期的拓荒时代,西部边境一片广土众民,以求在西部安身立命,这批移民之中以已命徒为最多,粗旷的山谷与莽汉恰成一格。汤姆洛根家道中落,遂与三位朋友前往西部,企图以抢劫火车、银行的方式凑钱买块农场,然后洗心革面重新做人,无奈刚抵西部,其中一人就因偷马而被当地富绅问吊,该富绅并请来身手不凡的法务…… 美国/西部片/马龙·白兰度/西部/MarlonBrando/JackNicholson/1976/美国电影 6.4 89 8.3%/25.0%/45.0%/20.0%/1.7%
1300331 鸟笼 The Birdcage 迈克·尼科尔斯:1040548 埃德沃德·莫利纳罗:1019300/伊莲·梅:1045170 罗宾·威廉姆斯:1009241/吉恩·哈克曼:1004589/内森·连恩:1007022/黛安·韦斯特:1002725/丹·福特曼:1018070/卡莉斯塔·弗洛克哈特:1040499/汉克·阿扎利亚:1044724/克里斯汀·芭伦斯基:1048137 喜剧/同性 美国 英语 1996-05-23 117 分钟 假凤虚凰 / 鸟笼夜总会 tt0115685 故事发生在一间名为“鸟笼”的夜总会中,艾伯特(内森·连恩 Nathan Lane 饰)是其中的当家花旦,不仅如此,他和夜总会的老板阿曼德(罗宾·威廉姆斯 Robin Williams 饰)还是出双入对的同性情人。某日,阿曼德同前妻所生的儿子瓦尔(丹·福特曼 Dan Futterman 饰)找到了老爸,喜滋滋的告诉他他即将带着未婚妻芭芭拉(卡莉斯塔·弗洛克哈特 Calista Flockhart 饰)前来造访。阿曼德在感到欣喜的同时亦十分紧张,因为芭芭拉的父母凯文(吉恩·哈克曼 Gene Hackman 饰)和路易斯(黛安娜·维斯特 Dianne Wiest 饰)是保守派人士,如果让他们知道了自己同艾伯特之间的关系,儿子的婚事可能就要岌岌可危了。于是,阿曼德开始劝说艾伯特,让他假扮成为一个正常人,表面上答应了阿曼德的请求,艾伯特的内心里却十分郁闷。 喜剧/美国/同志/同性/RobinWilliams/1996/美国电影/gay 7.9 1414 23.8%/49.7%/24.2%/1.6%/0.7%
1300332 空军敢死队 Luciano Serra pilota 戈弗雷多·亚历山德里尼:1051354 切萨雷·朱利奥·维奥拉:1039150/Francesco Masoero:/Fulvio Palmieri:1031683 阿梅德奥·纳扎里:1133169/Germana Paolieri:1131702/Roberto Villa:1150410 战争 意大利 意大利语 102 分钟 Luciano Serra, Pilot / 飞行员卢西阿诺•塞拉 tt0030393 战争/意大利/金狮奖/空战/意大利电影/黑白/金狮奖(提名)/金狮
1300334 熊的故事 L'ours 让-雅克·阿诺:1056047 詹姆斯·奥利弗·柯尔伍德:1019762/热拉尔·布拉什:1072323 巴特熊:1206098/Youk the Bear:/切基·卡尤:1027887/杰克·华莱士:1300329/安德烈·拉孔布:1106343 剧情 法国 / 美国 英语 / 法语 1988-10-19(法国) 94分钟 / 85分钟(德国) 熊 / 子熊故事 / The Bear tt0095800 宁静的原始森林,熊妈妈正带着自己的孩子约克寻找蜂蜜。正当母子享受这顿美餐时,灾难不期而至。熊妈妈被一块巨石砸死,约克伤心备至,不得已踏上了独自生存的艰险之路。它路遇被猎人伤害的成年灰熊,灰熊一心报复伤害它的人类,对待约克分外冷淡。但随着一段时间的相处,它和约克慢慢成为了好朋友。它们一路遭到猎人的追踪,也遇到了各种各样的险情,在这个危机重重的原始丛林中寻找属于自己的一片天地……本片根据1885年发生在美国洛基山脉中人与熊之间的真实故事改编,并荣获1989年法国凯撒奖最佳导演奖、1990年Genesis奖最佳外语片奖、1990年年德国艺术院电影公会公会电影奖银奖最佳外语片、1988年法国电影学院奖。 动物/法国/自然/熊/法国电影/温情/经典/电影 9.1 25353 61.8%/30.9%/6.6%/0.5%/0.2%
1300336 抱歉借过 Excuse My Dust 罗伊·罗兰德:1014764/巴斯特·基顿:1031792/爱德华·塞奇威克:1041967 巴斯特·基顿:1031792/Stephanie Nordli:/Bellamy Partridge:1173028/乔治·韦尔斯:1167034 雷德·斯克尔顿:1010717/莎莉·佛瑞斯特:1018745/麦克唐纳·凯瑞:1032326/威廉·德马雷斯特:1087199/莫妮卡·里维斯:1115431/雷蒙德·沃伯恩:1050770/简·达威尔:1027976/莉莲·布朗森:1077928/赫伯特安德森:1058528/保罗·哈维:1098857/Marjorie Wood:1166069/Lee Scott:/亚历克斯·格里:1101713/Jim Hayward:/威尔·赖特:1167155/Jessie Arnold:1059364/波莉·贝利:1056674/Hernán Belmonte:1065692/Roy Bucko:1069776/詹姆斯·伯克:1076273/罗伊·巴特勒:1071702/Harry Cody:1067966/Gene Coogan:1078095/桑德拉·古尔德:1094387/A. Cameron Grant:1097917/Donald Kerr:1111908/Kate Drain Lawson:1111857/杰克·洛:1123020/Philo McCullough:1123288/哈罗德·米勒:1123300/Howard M. Mitchell:1054332/John Nesbitt:1051137/谢瑞·诺丝:1016695/Norman Ollestad:1135386/Edward Peil Sr.:1061333/Jack Perrin:1131558/Frank Pharr:1137283/理查德·里夫斯:1146038/Charles Regan:1138869/伯特·罗奇:1054283/Bob Rose:1146648/Fred Santley:1145420/J. Lewis Smith:1154377/Henry Sylvester:1159617 喜剧/歌舞 美国 英语 1951-06-29(美国) 82分钟 tt0043514 巴斯特·基顿/歌舞片/美国电影/罗伊·罗兰德/M美国/演Keaton/导Keaton/US
1300340 复仇使者 Vital Parts Craig Corman: Gene Corman:1028421/哈罗德·罗宾斯:1019359 动作/惊悚/犯罪 tt0195393 泰的朋友J.J. 1992年在香港一宗谋杀和可卡因偷窃案中对他进行了调查。泰的妻子雷切尔可能在监狱里,所以,当泰提前从监狱释放出来,作为一个来自新大陆政府的善意的姿态时,他不会去找她。但她发现他在南加州警告他J.J.要他死。首先,她告诉泰,所以他去了马尼拉,在那里J.J.在出口热带鱼的掩护下经营着有利可图的生意。但那是什么,谁在幕后操纵?在伊内兹的帮助下,一个年轻的菲律宾妓女,即使在伊内兹不再有勇气去追求有罪的人之后,她也会成为这个问题的核心。 WK/Athena_Massey
1300341 大内傻探 The Private Eyes Lang Elliott: John Myhers:1037449/蒂姆·康威:1036591 蒂姆·康威:1036591/唐·诺茨:1010611/特丽莎·诺贝尔:1136396 喜剧/悬疑 美国 英语 91 分钟 美国式的玩笑 / 笑弹两人行 / 上帝的玩笑 / 活宝出差 / 乌龙神探 / 诅咒警魂 tt0081376 喜剧/美国电影/悬疑/美国/shortlist/obscure/7.4/1980
1300342 鳄鱼街 Street of Crocodiles 史蒂芬·奎:1295047/狄莫瑞·奎:1295056 布鲁诺·舒尔茨:1012205/史蒂芬·奎:1295047/狄莫瑞·奎:1295056 Feliks Stawinski: 动画/短片 英国 无对白 1987 21分钟 tt0092020 《鳄鱼街》改编自波兰作家Bruno Schulz的同名短篇小说 ,它更进一步地将有机材料和机械物体做了混合使用。一个男人往一台老放映机的镜头上吐了口唾沫,这台发霉的机器就运转起来,把观众带进一个灰尘污秽中的阴曹地府。螺丝从物体中扭动出来,四处活动。一些奇怪的机器毫无目的地重复着没有效益的工作,一个小顽童将光照射在无生命的物体上使它们活动起来。在整个影片情境上,短片大量取材原作中队鳄鱼街的描写,铁锈、螺丝和灯泡、没有眼睛的塑料人偶、玻璃等等,凝造出一种孤独、悬疑、颓废的气氛,塑造出破败贫乏的工业城市形象。 短片/英国/动画/奎氏兄弟/动画短片/BrothersQuay/1980s/英国电影 8.2 998 36.6%/41.9%/18.6%/2.6%/0.3%
1300343 幻影英雄 Last Action Hero 约翰·麦克蒂尔南:1013971 沙恩·布莱克:1036569/David Arnott:1027345/扎克·佩恩:1294247/Adam Leff:1289717 阿诺·施瓦辛格:1035643/F·默里·亚伯拉罕:1055073/阿特·卡尼:1041241/查尔斯·丹斯:1027299/弗兰克·麦克雷:1115949/汤姆·诺南:1002771/罗伯特·普罗斯基:1036653/安东尼·奎恩:1048161/梅塞迪丝·鲁尔:1032042/奥斯汀·奥布莱恩:1137436/伊恩·麦克莱恩:1054410/田中通教授:1157875/琼·普莱怀特:1041184/Keith Barish:1042394/凯伦·达菲:1081638 喜剧/动作/奇幻/冒险 美国 英语 1993-06-18 130 分钟 最后魔鬼英雄(台) / 最后的打斗英雄 / 最后的动作英雄 tt0107362 杰克系列电影是由施瓦辛格主演的系列电影。在这电影中,施瓦辛格扮演的杰克(阿诺•施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)总是世界的救世主,每当他的老对头班尼迪(查里斯•丹斯 Charles Dance 饰)出来作恶时,杰克总是能及时赶到,讲班尼迪打得落花流水。小男孩丹尼是杰克系列电影的忠实影迷,杰克系列电影的前三集他都能倒背如流。这天他的好朋友,电影放映员尼克给了丹尼一张神奇的电影,丹尼凭着这张电影票进入到了还未上演的杰克系列第四集中。不料班尼迪抢走了丹尼的电影票,从电影中来到了现实中。他的目标就是除掉杰克的扮演者施瓦辛格,这样在电影世界里就不再有人能够阻止他的邪恶计划。 动作/美国/科幻/喜剧/施瓦辛格/1993/阿诺德·施瓦辛格/奇幻 7.6 7578 18.9%/46.1%/31.6%/2.8%/0.5%
1300345 毒海孤雏 Handvoll Gras, Eine 罗兰德·苏索·里希特:1014555 乌韦·蒂姆:1002402 Oliver Korittke:1109053/Arman Inci:1109114/Ercan Durmaz:1080828 剧情 德国 / 伊朗 德语 2000-11-02 100 分钟 A Handful of Grass tt0206795 编剧从报上获知有个库尔德小孩被毒贩私下处死,进而搜集资料,了解到德国有许多未成年难民给人有组织地运入境内从事贩毒。本故事的少年肯达家境贫穷,叔叔带他到汉堡赚钱,其实是要利用他去运毒。十岁的他觉得种种经历活像一场游戏,但游戏的风险愈来愈大。肯达和的士司机赫金的友情并非一帆风顺,但当肯达在毒海涡流中作最后挣扎时,唯一可以让他抓住的一撮小草,也许就数赫金(连同赫金女友和邻居女儿)。影片几乎一直追随肯达的情绪变化和友情开展,角色难度极高,但扮演肯达的土耳其小孩阿曼演来却如同游戏 儿童/犯罪/剧情/DanielBrühl/电影/未下到/德国贩毒/德国
1300347 血染雪山堡 Where Eagles Dare 布莱恩·G·赫顿:1315216 阿利斯泰尔·麦克林:1045367 理查德·伯顿:1041147/克林特·伊斯特伍德:1054436/玛丽·乌尔:1004985/帕特里克·怀马克:1167010/迈克尔·霍尔德恩:1101468/唐纳德·休斯敦:1041507/彼得·巴克沃斯:1062564/威廉·斯夸尔:1154381/罗伯特·比提:1028098/布鲁克·威廉姆斯:1160720/尼尔·麦卡锡:1125210/文森特·鲍尔:1066923/安东·迪夫伦:1027996/费迪·梅恩:1117002/德伦·内斯比特:1132451 动作/战争/冒险 英国 / 美国 英语 / 德语 1968-12-04(英国) 158 分钟 壮士雄风 / 魔窟寻谍 tt0065207 改编自畅销小说的战争动作片,由理查德.伯顿与克林特.伊斯特伍德主演。故事发生在二次世界大战时期,英国军官率领一支突击队去拯救被德军俘虏的美国将军。他们的目的地是阿尔卑斯山上地势凶险的城堡,六名队员穿着德军制服越过种种关卡,但其中一名成员突然神秘死亡,揭露出队伍中有内奸,于是队长策划了一个危险的计划来救人除凶。导演布莱恩.G.赫顿擅长于利用大自然的地形地物来安排一连串的爆炸追逐场面,尤其高空缆车中的生死斗拍得相当紧张刺激,是突击队电影中的佼佼者。《血染雪山堡Where Eagles Dare》是擅长执导战争片的导演布莱恩·G·赫顿1969年打造的代表作之一,在随后的1970年布莱恩·G·赫顿再次与克林特·伊斯特伍德合作了另外一部经典的二战电影《凯利和他的英雄们》,此是后话,暂且按下不表。《血染雪山堡》曾经以《魔窟寻谍》为片名在国内公映过,配音工... 二战/战争/英国/克林特·伊斯特伍德/经典/悬疑/动作/英国电影 8.1 3255 29.0%/50.1%/18.8%/1.7%/0.5%
1300349 媒人 The MatchMaker Mark Joffe: 格雷厄姆·莱恩汉:1275724/Greg Dinner:/凯伦 简森 (Karen Janszen): 詹妮安·加罗法洛:1027823/大卫·奥哈拉:1131482/米罗·奥西:1131842/杰伊·桑德斯:1002769/萨弗蓉·布罗斯:1027165/丹尼斯·利瑞:1025202 喜剧/爱情 爱尔兰 / 英国 / 美国 英语 1997-10-03 97 分钟 最索情缘 tt0119632 Marcy is an assistant to Senator John McGlory, who is having problems with a re-election campaign. Desperate for Irish votes, McGlory's chief of staff Nick sends Marcy to Ireland to trace McGlory's relatives or ancestors. Marcy arrives at the village of Ballinagra when it is preparing for an annual Matchmaking Festival. A well-dressed, handsome and single young lady, she become... 爱情/爱尔兰/英国电影/uk/love/ireland/drama/月老儿
1300350 伤心街角恋人 접속 张允炫 (Yoon-Hyun Chang): Myung Joo Cho:/张允炫:1280470 韩石圭:1037285/全度妍:1067813/秋相美:1314333 爱情 韩国 韩语 2001-01-20 105分钟 接触 / The Contact tt0140914 一个失意的电台DJ车贤(韩石圭 饰)忘我地沉浸在工作中,完全忽略了女同事银姬(秋相美 饰)的主动表白,因为他一直在缅怀6年前因车祸丧生的女友,每次在电台播出女友深爱的黑胶碟,都会让他浮想联翩,不能自已。电话推销员秀贤(全度妍 饰)刚好是那场车祸的见证者,她也因此记住了这段伤感的蓝调歌曲。她曾经有过深爱的男人,但由于他是自己闺蜜的男友,因此她只能小心翼翼地收藏着关于他的点点滴滴,从未表露心意。直到他们准备结婚,她才恍然发觉错过的人无法挽回。这次的情感波折,也让她醉心于工作。两个同样伤心之人通过网上聊天相识相知、互吐心事。渐渐地,车贤感觉秀贤仿佛就是昔日的心上人,于是发疯似的探寻与追问,然而结果却出乎意料…… 韩国/全度妍/韩国电影/韩石圭/爱情/1997/张允炫/韓國 7.2 497 15.3%/36.8%/41.8%/5.8%/0.3%
1300352 七次机会 Seven Chances 巴斯特·基顿:1031792 罗伊·库珀·梅格鲁:1018916/克莱德·布鲁克曼:1050831/让·C·阿韦:1015247/Joseph A. Mitchell: 巴斯特·基顿:1031792/T.罗伊·巴尔内斯:1066840/辛兹·爱德华:1084111/露丝·德怀尔:1088533/弗朗西丝·雷蒙德:1142103/Erwin Connelly:/朱尔斯·考尔斯:1071172/琪恩·亚瑟:1027925/Lori Bara:1066169/Bartine Burkett:1073914/Rosalind Byrne:1071599/Louise Carver:1074853/Doris Deane:1088855/Hazel Deane:1085983/Connie Evans:/Eugenia Gilbert:1098540/Rosa Gore:1098499/Marion Harlan:1098920/让·C·阿韦:1015247/Judy King:1108840/凯特·普莱斯:1054480/Julian Rivero:1146239/康斯坦斯·塔尔梅奇:1000906/S.D. Wilcox:1166215 喜剧/爱情 美国 英语 1925-03-11 56分钟 / 95分钟 七个机会(港) / 七个偶然 tt0016332 讲述商人吉姆面临经济危机,幸好去世的祖父留下巨额财产给他,但条件是他必须在27岁生日晚上七点前结婚,结果引来全城妇女的求婚,当然,最后还是有情人终成眷属。 喜剧/默片/巴斯特·基顿/美国/黑白/1925/美国电影/1920s 8.9 9630 53.1%/39.8%/6.4%/0.5%/0.2%
1300354 金刚:传奇重生 King Kong 约翰·吉勒明:1041544 詹姆斯·阿什莫尔·克里尔曼:1051216/露丝·罗斯:1142869/梅里安·C·库珀:1041669/埃德加·华莱士:1002941/洛伦佐·森普尔:1297195 杰夫·布里吉斯:1036313/查尔斯·格罗丁:1048196/杰西卡·兰格:1000091/约翰·兰道夫:1142311/勒内·奥贝尔若努瓦:1022508/尤利乌斯•哈里斯:1097756/杰克·奥哈罗兰:1000374/Dennis Fimple:1084824/埃德·劳特尔:1111563/马里奥加洛:1055989/尊龙:1027367/Garry Walberg:1168161/约翰·艾加尔:1007118/Sid Conrad:1069980/韦恩·赫弗雷:1097080/福里斯特·J·阿克曼:1055025/里克·贝克:1036707/柯宾·伯恩森:1049758/Ray Buktenica:1074453/彼特·库伦:1025212/James Dunaway:1229015/Ned Gill:1094360/唐诺·葛勒特:1005609/Walt Gorney:1098087/布伦特·哈夫:1287094/Shawn McAllister:1118096/伊娃·麦克维:1115690/乔·皮斯科波:1018189/Harrison Ressler:1146979/Ron Roccia:1148639/David Roya:1140002/Billy Zoom:1161067 动作/奇幻/冒险 美国 英语 1976-09-08(法国) 134分钟 金刚 tt0074751 佛烈到印尼一小岛寻找石油,途中遇偷渡客积斯高与沉船获救的戴安。戴安被士人捉去祭神,原来士人膜拜的金刚是一头身高十丈的大猩猩。金刚对戴安起了怜惜之心,但佛烈却将金刚迷倒,送到纽约展览。金刚醒来却找寻戴安,大闹纽约。 科幻/美国/金刚/美国电影/老片/1976/爱情/经典 6.4 1313 9.1%/21.9%/52.4%/13.1%/3.5%
1300355 终极奇兵 Watchers III Jeremy Stanford (I): 迪恩·孔茨:1009680/Michael Palmer (I): 维林斯·豪塞尔:1036505 科幻/恐怖 美国 / 秘鲁 英语 1999-08-26 Germany: 80 分钟 / Argentina: 80 分钟 / USA: 84 分钟 绿林食人兽 / 在地球染血3 tt0111672 When a new and dangerous "Outsider" chases an intelligent golden retriever in the South American jungles, Terror grips a team of ex-Military convicts sent to capture the 恐怖/终极奇兵/科幻/动作/剧情/美国/1994/战争 5.1 75 0.0%/6.4%/46.8%/40.4%/6.4%
1300360 齐格菲歌舞团 Ziegfeld Follies 莱缪尔·艾尔斯:1006708/罗伊·德尔·鲁斯:1028465/文森特·明奈利 Vincente Minnelli:/罗伯特·刘易斯:1033430/乔治·西德尼:1143886/梅里尔·派伊:1025766/查尔斯·沃尔特斯:1041781 约翰·默里·安德森:1051433/莱缪尔·艾尔斯:1006708 弗雷德·阿斯泰尔:1048163/露西尔·鲍尔:1025227/朱迪·加兰:1017889/莱娜·霍恩:1009426/吉恩·凯利:1049621/威廉·鲍威尔:1055463/赛德·查里斯:1032107/休姆·克罗宁:1010654 喜剧/歌舞 美国 英语 1945-08-13(美国) 110 分钟 / West Germany: 85 分钟 tt0039116 The late, great impresario Florenz Ziegfeld Jr. looks down from Heaven and ordains a new revue in his grand old style. 歌舞/美国/1940s/歌舞片/FredAstaire/美国电影/GeneKelly/JudyGarland 7.4 237 19.7%/33.1%/43.8%/3.4%/0.0%
1300361 第一滴血2 Rambo: First Blood Part II 乔治·P·科斯马图斯:1014181 西尔维斯特·史泰龙:1047996/詹姆斯·卡梅隆:1022571/Kevin Jarre:/大卫·莫瑞尔:1045577/George Cheung: 西尔维斯特·史泰龙:1047996/理查德·克里纳:1036515/史蒂文·伯克夫:1025293/查尔斯·纳佩尔:1002794/朱莉娅·尼克森:1134173/马丁·科夫:1106243 动作/惊悚/冒险 美国 英语 / 越南语 1985-05-22(美国) 96 分钟 兰博2 tt0089880 神勇的蓝波(西尔维斯特•史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone 饰)又回来了!这次,蓝波奉命返回越南调查失踪的美军是否已成为战俘。然而,蓝波甫一登陆越南,所有装备和武器都丢失了!随身剩下的,只有一把军刀和一套军用弓箭。身处逆境的蓝波,偶然发现了出卖他的正是自己的部队!蓝波在九死一生之际,得到了当地一名越南少女的帮助。在少女的帮助下,蓝波凭借其高超的求生技能和坚强的意志,克服了一切困难,终于逃出生天。蓝波决定向出卖他的人重拳出击! 动作/史泰龙/美国/战争/第一滴血/越战/美国电影/1985 7.8 44302 21.7%/50.1%/26.1%/1.8%/0.3%
1300362 水银灯下死 ラストシーン 中田秀夫:1009618 中村义洋:1274398/铃木谦一:1043817/一濑隆重:1016939 西岛秀俊:1001042/若村麻由美:1015748/麻生祐未:1058624/麻生久美子:1058969/野波麻帆:1020232/大杉涟:1134227/笹野高史:1012794/小林隆:1312824/生濑胜久:1029321/小日向文世:1009219/水川麻美:1023587/根岸季衣:1008299/大家由祐子:1072112/竹中直人:1035579/柳忧怜:1001599 剧情/喜剧 日本 / 韩国 日语 2002-11-09 99分钟 Last Scene tt0347386 三原曾经是60年代的著名小生,生活放任,喜欢喝酒,当电视进入普通家庭的时候,电影业遭受着前所未有的考验,这是他的妻子死于一场交通事故,在这双重打击里三原的身影从影坛消失,没有人知道他的踪影,30多年后,年老的三原应邀扮演一个小角色,大家看到他时几乎都大吃一惊,酒精和消极已经把这个男人折磨得不成人样,他的迟钝让导演甚为不满,只有影棚的小道具师密儿鼓励着这个沧桑的老人,三原在恍惚里却见到了妻子的身影......----kavkalu 日本/西岛秀俊/日本电影/麻生久美子/中田秀夫/西島秀俊/文艺/2002 7.3 134 11.6%/43.0%/41.9%/3.5%/0.0%
1300364 隐身女人 The Invisible Woman A. Edward Sutherland: 科特· 西奥德梅克:1025436/弗雷德里克·I·里纳尔多:1030414/格特鲁德·珀塞尔:1022101 John Barrymore:/John Howard:/Charles Lane: 喜剧/爱情/科幻/恐怖 美国 英语 1941-05-05 72 分钟 tt0032637 Eccentric Professor Gibbs, brilliant but impractical, invents an invisibility machine and advertises for a guinea pig. What he gets is Kitty Carroll, an attractive, adventurous model, who thinks being invisible would help her settle a few scores. Complications arise when three comic gangsters steal the machine to use on their boss. But they fail to reckon with the Revenge of th... 美国/科幻/黑白/喜剧/隐形人系列/电影/美国电影/不是默片
1300365 烈血大风暴 Mississippi Burning 艾伦·帕克:1004765 Chris Gerolmo: 吉恩·哈克曼:1004589/威廉·达福:1010539/弗兰西斯·麦克多蒙德:1010548/布拉德·道里夫:1031866/李·厄米:1055710 剧情/悬疑/惊悚/犯罪 美国 英语 1988-12-09 128 分钟 密西西比在燃烧 / 烈血暴潮 tt0095647 故事发生在1964年的6月,一辆载有三位民权主义者的车辆被三K党所劫持,之后一行人音信全无。鲁帕特(吉恩·哈克曼 Gene Hackman 饰)和艾伦(威廉·达福 Willem Dafoe 饰)是两帮调查局的探员,他们被指派调查这起恶劣的事件,然而,当两人到达小镇开始调查时,却发现他们的工作遭遇了重重的困难,没有人愿意相信他们,更没有人能够提供有价值的线索。皮尔(布拉德·道里夫 Brad Dourif 饰)是小镇的副镇长,同时亦是一名坚定的三K党成员,个性粗暴邪恶的他常常将软弱温和的妻子(弗兰西斯·麦克多蒙德 Frances McDormand 饰)揍得遍体鳞伤。鲁帕特十分同情皮尔妻子的遭遇,随着时间的推移,皮尔的妻子渐渐对鲁帕特产生了感情,这让鲁帕特和艾伦看到了案件的突破口。 美国/种族/犯罪/剧情/1988/美国电影/艾伦·帕克/悬疑 8.0 2048 20.7%/59.0%/19.0%/0.5%/0.8%
1300369 焦头烂额 Scorched Gavin Grazer: Joe Wein:/Max Wein: 艾丽西亚·希尔维斯通:1031789/瑞切尔·蕾·库克:1027150/伍迪·哈里森:1053560/约翰·克里斯:1041137/保罗·卡斯坦佐:1047961/大卫·克朗姆霍茨:1044908/乔舒华·莱纳德:1018113/伊凡·谢尔盖:1044926/杰弗里·塔伯:1010578/芮妮·奥斯黛德:1017937/妮可·希尔兹:1049575/肖恩·弗林:1058473/马库斯·托马斯:1327390/max wein:/加文·格雷泽:1042035 喜剧/犯罪 美国 英语 2002-05-17 UK: 89 分钟 / USA: 95 分钟 tt0286947 一个沙漠小镇上有一个银行,银行里三个职员,三个职员都想监守自盗撬保险箱。不幸的是,他们三个并不知道别人的计划,而且,他们都选择了在同一个周末下手…… 喜剧/美国/美国电影/犯罪/搞笑/2002/RachaelLeighCook/SonychenReviews 7.1 329 12.1%/38.5%/41.1%/6.5%/1.7%
1300370 新干线爆炸案 新幹線大爆破 佐藤纯弥:1296738 佐藤纯弥:1296738/Ryunosuke Ono: 宇津井健:1042686/千叶真一:1055049/高仓健:/北大路欣也:1033794/山本圭:1012812/田中邦卫:1040946/丹波哲郎:1157326/志村乔:1032411 剧情/惊悚/犯罪 日本 日语 1975-07-05(日本) 152 分钟 / Sweden: 100 分钟 / USA: 115 分钟(DVD version) / USA: 115 分钟(edited/dubbed) 新干线大爆破 / The Bullet Train / Super Express 109 tt0080479 冲田哲男因为事业的不顺失去了一切,妻子和儿子亦选择了弃他而去,心中愤愤不平的哲男找到了好友古贺胜与大城浩一,三人相互鼓劲想要自力更生,哪知道大城浩一在工作中受了重伤无钱医治,无奈之下,哲男和古贺胜制作了及其危险的炸弹,并将炸弹偷偷安放在了新干线光号109次客车的2号车厢之中。一切工作完成之后,冲田哲男联系了新干线管理中心,以全车乘客的性命为筹码,向对方敲诈巨额赎金,如果不能满足其要求,他便会在半个小时之后引爆炸弹。得知此事的乘客们瞬间陷入了混乱之中,其中一名孕妇更是出现了难产症状,急需就医。在列车长青木和新干线管理局局长的里应外合之下,哲男最终落入了法网,乘客亦安全抵达目的地。 日本/高仓健/犯罪/日本电影/佐藤纯弥/1975/铁路/警匪片 8.0 1616 25.5%/53.9%/18.7%/1.2%/0.7%
1300371 机器战警3 RoboCop 3 弗莱德·戴克尔:1000574 弗兰克·米勒:1004675/弗莱德·戴克尔:1000574 罗伯特·约翰·伯克:1049757/马里奥·马卡多:1119767/里米·瑞安:1144236/乔迪·朗:1121121/约翰·波西:1129691/雷普·汤恩:1006985/岩松信:1036406/约翰·卡索:1016751/S.D. Nemeth:/Edith Ivey:/Curtis Taylor:/希·庞德:1013803/贾德森·沃恩:1156763/吉尔·亨内斯:1036458/斯坦利·安德森:1027583 剧情/动作/科幻/惊悚/犯罪 美国 英语 / 日语 1993-11-05 104 分钟 机械战警3 / 铁甲威龙 3 tt0107978 泛消费公司已完全掌控了底特律市之后,与日本金光财团合作组建OCP,在底特律开发三角洲城,并招揽雇佣兵组成暴力改建队,驱逐居民,相当数量的拆迁地居民为捍卫家园组成武装力量反抗财阀的不义计划,女童妮科(Remy Ryan Hernandez 饰)凭借高超的电脑技术在反抗军中表现抢眼。机器战警墨菲(Robert John Burke 饰)与老搭档路易斯执行任务期间偶然发现了居民们的藏身地点,出于正义感,墨菲同随后赶到的改建队交火,机体损坏严重,路易斯不幸身亡,墨菲决定加入反抗军。同时日本方面为执行拆迁计划派出特工忍者雄志,改建队头目亦利用反抗军中的叛徒查到了反抗总部。在妮科的帮助下,墨菲被拉瑟斯博士整修完备,汇同不齿改建队暴力行径而选择站到居民一边的底特律警察们,同雄志、改建队展开最后决战。 科幻/美国/动作/美国电影/机器人/1993/警匪/经典 6.7 8840 10.1%/27.2%/53.4%/8.0%/1.3%
1300373 小镇疑云 Incident in a Small Town 德尔伯特·曼:1007219 辛蒂·梅尔斯:1366951 沃尔特·马修:1027849/哈里·摩根:1002753/斯蒂芬尼·齐姆巴丽斯特:1027319/尼克·斯塔尔:1036403 剧情/战争 美国 英语 1994-01-23 85分钟 tt0110132 Walter Matthau and Harry Morgan star in this made-for-television drama, in which a judge in a small town discovers that the skeletons in his family closet are aired for all to see after he's named as a prime suspect in a murder. M美国/D德尔伯特·曼
1300376 陇上春色 The Sea of Grass 伊利亚·卡赞:1049771 康拉德·里克特:1030336/玛格丽特·罗伯茨:1051143/文森特·劳伦斯:1043334 斯宾塞·屈塞:1002743/凯瑟琳·赫本:1047984/罗伯特·沃克:1166209/茂文·道格拉斯:1002803/菲莉丝·德丝达:1152614/埃德加·巴詹南:1032242/哈里·凯瑞:1016709/鲁思·尼尔森:1129603/威廉·菲利普斯:1130205/罗伯特·阿姆斯特朗:1041513/詹姆斯·贝尔:1065684/罗伯特·巴拉:1063055/查尔斯·特罗布里奇:1159276/拉塞尔·希克斯:1054496/特雷弗·巴德特:1062871/莫里斯·安克鲁姆:1059779 剧情/西部 美国 英语 1947-04-25 123分钟 血溅山河 / 陇上秋色 tt0039806 一位新墨西哥州的牧场主人,由于过分热心工作而逐渐疏远了他的家庭,家人并没有放弃他,而是积极地帮助他,最后使得他又重回了家庭的怀抱。这是一部拍得十分缓慢而感伤的西部文艺片,内容和趣味性都显得有点单薄,显然影片是拍得太长了。导演伊莱亚.卡赞的导技在本片中表现得平凡无奇,而史班赛屈塞和凯瑟琳.赫本这对美妙的搭档也显不出应有的光芒。不过摄影倒相当出色。 凯瑟琳·赫本/西部/美国/伊利亚·卡赞/美国电影/史宾塞·屈赛/1947/EliaKazan 6.9 105 9.5%/29.7%/56.8%/2.7%/1.4%
1300378 极速酷客 Torque 乔瑟夫·卡恩: Matt Johnson: 阿达姆·斯科特:/杰米·普莱斯利:1022590/李威尹:/艾斯·库珀:1017946/马丁·亨德森:1027267/莫奈特·玛佐:1000108/杰伊·埃尔南德斯:1031940/马特·斯查尔兹 Matt Schulze: 动作/犯罪 美国 / 澳大利亚 英语 2004-01-23 84 分钟 极速飞车 tt0329691 福特(马丁·亨德森 Martin Henderson 饰)是一名赛车手,曾经,他效力于凶残而又狠毒的毒贩亨利(马特·斯查尔兹 Matt Schulze 饰),如今,重返家乡的他只希望能够和女友夏恩(莫奈特·玛佐 Monet Mazur 饰)一起过上平静的生活。然而,亨利显然并不愿意放过福特,在各种威逼利诱福特重新回到他的身边无果之后,亨利将一桩杀人案栽赃到了福特的头上,而死者不是别人,正是飞车党老大泰瑞(艾斯·库珀 Ice Cube 饰)的弟弟,于是,泰瑞开始了对于福特锲而不舍的追杀,与此同时,联邦调查局亦因此而对福特展开了追踪调查,在如此危机的情况之下,腹背受敌的福特能否证明自己的清白? 动作/美国/赛车/极速飞车/极速酷客/美国电影/犯罪/2004 6.4 1734 8.4%/22.5%/54.4%/11.4%/3.4%
1300380 复仇恶女 The Stepdaughter Howie B (Peter Liapis): Cyndi Pass:/Richard Dana Smith:/Suzanne Dolan: 惊悚/恐怖 美国 英语 2000-10-31 92 分钟 tt0221581 惊悚/美国/美国电影/打点/2000

Film Crew Information Form

Movie ID Name Gender Constellation Date of birth Dates of birth and death Birthplace Career More Chinese names More English names Family members imdb number Introduction Number of fans
1022532 Paul Franklin Paul Franklin Gemini May 30, 1899 to May 15, 1980 USA, New York Screenwriter nm0291515 0
1022632 Kasia Smutniak Female Leo August 13, 1979 Poland, Pila Actor Katarzyna Anna Smutniak (real name) Kasha Smutniya nm0810738 Polish actress, now mainly developed in Italy. The main works are "The Spy in Paris" and the Italian version of "Perfect Strangers". 505
1022732 Katie Leung Female Leo August 8, 1987 UK, Scotland, Motherwell Actor dubbing Katie Liu Leung (real name) / Katt (nickname) Katie Leung nm1648520 Katie Leung, born on August 8, 1987 in Motherwell, Scotland, is a Chinese-British actor. In 2005, Liang Peishi played Harry Potter's first love girlfriend Qiu Zhang in the movie "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". In 2008, she was nominated for Best Kiss Scene at the 17th MTV Movie Awards for her performance in the movie "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". In 2010, Liang Peishi was selected as one of the top ten outstanding Chinese young people in the UK. She made her theater debut in 2012 with Wild Swans. Pei-shi Leung's father, Peter Leung, is a Hong Kong businessman who runs a company in Glasgow, and her mother is a banker in Hong Kong. The two divorced when Pei-shi Leung was three years old. In 2005, Liang Peishi's father saw an advertisement for actors in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" and hoped that his daughter would give it a try. So Liang Peishi participated in the audition for the role of Qiu Zhang, waiting to complete the performance of only five minutes. It took a full four hours, and finally defeated 3,000 competitors and became Qiu Zhang's best choice. Outside of acting, Liang Peishi enjoys painting and photography, and is studying art and design at the University of the Arts London. 839
1022832 Scott Bloom Male Leo July 28, 1973 USA, New York Actor Producer Director Scott Matthew Bloom (real name) nm0089231 0
1022932 Robert Wall Leo August 22, 1939 USA, California Actor Producer Screenwriter Bob Wall nm0908378 16
1023032 Rondell Sheridan Rondell Sheridan Leo August 15, 1958 USA, Illinois, Chicago Actor Director Screenwriter Rondell Jerome Sheridan (real name) nm0792251 2
1023132 Danielle Lozeau Leo August 22, 1987 United States, Massachusetts, Leopards Actor dubbing Danielle C. Lozeau (real name) / Danni (nickname) nm1699451 17
1023200 Gary Kurtz Male Leo July 27, 1940 United States, California, Los Angeles Producer Actor Assistant Director Editor Gary Douglas Kurtz (real name) nm0476030 3
1023201 Mercedes Cabral Leo August 10, 1986 Actor nm2995617 15
1023202 Lori Nelson Lori Nelson Female Leo August 15, 1933 to August 23, 2020 United States, New Mexico, Santa Fe Actor Dixie Kay Nelson (real name) nm0625562 20
1023204 Annabel Jankel Annabel Jankel Leo August 01, 1955 UK, London Director Producer Screenwriter Ajay (nickname) nm0417708 26
1023205 Don Hertzfeldt Leo August 01, 1976 United States, California, Fremont Director, screenwriter, producer, dubbing, photography Donald Charles Hertzfeldt (real name) nm0381116 Don Herzfeld, American animation director. He has created numerous animated short films, including Everything Will Be OK and the Academy Award-nominated Rejected. His cartoons have received over 150 awards and have been broadcast around the world. Before the age of thirty, he had already held several career retrospectives. He is the youngest director to be named among the "Pictures They Take, They Don't Want" among "100 Important Animation Directors" and in 2010, at the age of 33, he won the "Persistence of Vision" award from the San Francisco International Film Festival. "Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2012, he was ranked 16th among the "100 Most Influential Animation Figures" by the Animation Industry and History Survey. In the field of independent animation, Hertzfeldt's fame is unprecedented, and his films are often cited and referenced in pop culture. The 2009 Sundance Film Festival noted, "If moviegoers think short films, as genre films, don't generate the same kind of advertising and fandom, they clearly haven't heard of Don Hertzfeldt." Hertzfeldt recently embarked on a 30-city cultural tour. to promote his latest short film, the 23-minute Such a Beautiful Day, the third and final installment of his 2006 film All's Well. In 2008 and 2009, Hertzfeldt embarked on a similar 22-city tour in support of the second installment in the series, "I'm Proud of You." “An Evening with Don Herzfeld” presents a retrospective of his animated films, followed by regional premieres of new films and live interviews and audience Q&A. Hertzfeldt lives in Austin, Texas. After college he spent many years in Santa Barbara, California. He maintains a blog on his website, which has been continuously updated and archived since 1999. 648
1023206 Natasha Slayton Female Leo August 19, 1988 United States Actor nm0805656 1
1023207 Gustavo Cerati Gustavo Cerati Leo August 11, 1959 Argentina, Buenos Aires, Urquiza Actor Music Director Gustavo Adrián Cerati Clark (real name) / Soda Stereo (nickname) / Gus (nickname) nm0148455 3
1023208 Arthur Napiontek Leo July 23, 1987 United States, Washington, Port Angeles Actor Arthur Michael Napiontek (real name) nm2433886 8
1023209 Lucy Dahl Lucy Dahl Female Leo August 4, 1965 UK, England Screenwriter Liccy Dahl Roald Dahl (father) / Patricia Neal (mother) / Michael Faircloth (ex-husband) / John LaViolette (ex-husband) nm1779941 Lucy Neal Dahl (born 4 August 1965) is a British screenwriter and daughter of British author Roald Dahl and American actress Patricia Neal. 0
1023210 Natalie Trundy Leo August 5, 1940 USA, Massachusetts, Boston Actor Natalie Trundy Jacobs Lopez nm0874353 27
1023211 Pearry Reginald Teo Male Leo July 23, 1978 Singapore Director, screenwriter, editor, producer Peary Reginald Teo Zhang Pingli (real name) nm1182611 At 22, he started making movies later than most filmmakers. His first short film, Free of Me (2002), screened in Cannes, won Best Horror Film at the New York International Film Festival, and won the Communicator Award for Excellence in Keyboard Grenade for The Doors ·Praise from celebrities such as Ray Manzarek. Shortly after completing the Liberata Me Film Festival circuit, Perry Teo enrolled in Pima Community College to study basic video production and cinematography, but quickly failed all his classes while filming his second short film, Children of Arcana. Was dropped out of school. At the 2003 New York International Film Festival, "Mysterious Children" (the following year) won the Best Horror Film Award. 9
1023212 Ilya Salkind Ilya Salkind Leo July 27, 1947 Mexico, Federal District of Mexico City Producer Screenwriter Ilya Juan Salkind Dominguez (real name) nm0007163 1
1023213 Mary Nash Leo August 15, 1884 to December 3, 1976 USA, New York, Troy Actor Mary Ryan (real name) nm0621770 6
1023214 Jerry Garcia Leo August 1, 1942 to August 9, 1995 USA, California, San Francisco Music, Actor, Director, Editor Jerome John Garcia (real name) / Spud (nickname) / The Fat Man (nickname) / Captain Trips (nickname) nm0305263 11
1023215 Sharunas Bartas Male Leo August 16, 1964 Lithuania, Siauliai Director, screenwriter, actor, photographer, producer Sarunas Bartas / Šarūnas Bartas Ekaterina Golubeva (ex-wife) / Ina Maria Batet (female) nm0058401 Šarūnas BARTAS (1964-) – Lithuanian film director, one of the most outstanding representatives of cinematographers. His contacts with cinema began in 1985 with the TV serial “Sixteen-years-olds” (dir. Raimondas Banionis), where Bartas played one of the main roles. He is a graduate of the Moscow Film School (VGIK). He made his directorial debut with his diploma film, the short documentary “Tofolaria” and mediocre-length film (which called spectators’ attention) “For the Remembrance of Last Day” (1989), where the real personages are “acting themselves” according to the principles of feature film. The author further “purified” the specific cinema language in the full-length film “Three Days” (1991) , which was awarded the prize of oicumene committee at Berlin Film Festival (for the problems, the importance of the theme, the profundity) in 1992, and FIPRESCI Prize for the originality of the style, the significance of the theme, the beauty of pictures . This is a story (almost without plot) about three young Lithuanians visiting Kaliningrad-Karaliautchus-Kionigsberg – a moribund, outraged town. The traditional dramaturgy is ignored in later Bartas' films, as well: "The Corridor" (1994, it was shown at Berlin Film Festival), "Few of Us " (1995, shown in Cannes, in the program "Other Point"), "Home" (1997, shown in the same program in Cannes). All of them are works of free structure, minimalistic form, philosophical associations. The works of Bartas are not well-known and analyzed in Lithuania, but they have a small, faithful round of admirers in the West. 296
1023216 Salvatore Samperi Male Leo July 26, 1944 to March 4, 2009 Italy, Padua Director, screenwriter, actor, producer Francesca Bardella (wife) nm0760072 Salvatore Samperi was born on July 26, 1943 in Padua, Veneto, Italy. He is a director and writer, known for Malizia (1973), Ernesto (1979) and La sbandata (1974). He married Francesca Bardella and they had one son. He died on March 5, 2009 in Trevignano Romano, Lazio, Italy. 253
1023217 Jenny Hanley Female Leo August 15, 1947 UK, Buckinghamshire, Gerard Cross Actor Herbie Clark (ex-husband) nm0360081 Jenny Hanley (born 15 August 1947 in Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire) is an English actress, the daughter of Dinah Sheridan and Jimmy Hanley. She remains best known for being one of the presenters of the ITV children's magazine program Magpie. 17
1023218 David Essex Male Leo July 23, 1947 UK, London, Plaistow Actor Music David Albert Cook (real name) nm0261390 4
1023219 Eytan Fox Male Leo August 21, 1964 USA, New York Director, screenwriter, producer Eitan Fuchs nm0297202 Ito Fox, born in New York, came to Israel as a child, grew up in Jerusalem and the military environment, and majored in film and television at Tel Aviv University. His first film, Time Off, was a 45-minute script that discussed gender issues in the Israeli military. The film won the 1990 Best Film of the Year at the Israel Film Association and the First Prize at the Munich International Student Film Festival. , was also invited to be broadcast on European and American TV channels and was widely praised. 444
1023220 Victor Drai Victor Drai Leo July 25, 1947 Casablanca, Morocco Producer nm0236819 0
1023221 Torkel Petersson Leo August 19, 1969 Sweden, Skåne, Lund Actor Screenwriter Ola Torkel Petersson (real name) nm0677471 47
1023222 Carlos Carrera Leo August 18, 1962 Mexico, Federal District of Mexico City Director, screenwriter, producer Luis Carlos Carrera González (real name) nm0140196 16
1023223 Marcel Schlutt Leo August 01, 1977 Germany, Berlin Actor Marcel / Ben Rogers Marcel Schlote nm1759534 Marcel Schlutt Male, born on August 1, 1977, German zodiac sign: Leo. Growing up in the suburbs of Berlin, Germany, Marcel's environment was not very ideal since he was a child. Because his parents divorced, he lived with his mother for ten years. When he was just a few years old, he left home alone because he was raped by his stepfather. Marcel, who knew his homosexuality at a very young age, decided to become a pornographic star when he was 15 years old. When he was 17 years old, Marcel participated in the beauty boy selection held by the TV station and was lucky enough to win the first place. As a model, he obtained a contract with the Model agency, so Marcel was able to earn a relatively financially secure life for himself. Not only did he become a frequent visitor to the Model runway, he also shot many advertisements for print and television media. At that time (1998), he was just established in Germany. The gay TV station hosts a report program on gay activities. Marcel is full of talent and has his own ideas. In addition to continuing to work hard in the German entertainment industry, he also works hard to learn painting and photography. Marcel also works hard at the art gallery in Berlin. He has held art exhibitions and photography exhibitions and can be regarded as an all-around artist. His main works include: "The Boy with the Sun in His Eye", "Love Prison", "Every Love Story Is the Same", "Otto and the Zombies" and "Infidelity" 565
1023224 Peter Suschitzky Peter Suschitzky Leo July 25, 1941 Poland, Warsaw Photography Actor Director The Prince of Darkness (nickname) nm0005893 8
1023226 John Foreman Leo July 26, 1925 to November 20, 1992 United States, Idaho, Idaho Producer John C. Foreman nm0286048 0
1023227 David Farrar Leo August 21, 1908 to August 31, 1995 UK, London, Forest Gate Actor nm0268119 12
1023228 Hans-Christian Schmid Male Leo August 19, 1965 Germany, Altötting Screenwriter, Director, Producer nm0772691 81
1023229 Sean Hood Leo August 13, 1966 USA, Wisconsin, Milwaukee Screenwriter, Director, Editor nm0393517 5
1023230 Tanya Wexler Female Leo August 5, 1970 USA, Illinois, Chicago Director nm0923330 Tanya Wexler is an American director whose works include "Hysteria", "Ball in the House", "Finding North", etc. She is openly gay. When she was 21 years old, she was studying at Yale University and met 19-year-old Amy Zimmerman in the school's a cappella group. The two have since dated and got married in Massachusetts. They have a total of 4 children. 24
1023231 Ted Hughes Male Leo +August 17, 1930 to +October 28, 1998 UK, England, Yorkshire, Mytholmroyd Screenwriter Edward James Hughes (real name) Ted Hughes nm0400954 British poet. Born in Yorkshire. Graduated from Cambridge University. His poetry collections include "Eagle in the Rain" (1957), "Meeting My Family" (1961), "Crow Song" (1970), "Selected Poems" (1973), etc. Hughes's poems are rigorous in style, strong in emotion and full of images. Most of the poems reflect the poet's painful feelings after World War II. The "crow" in "Crow Song" symbolizes those who survived the destruction of the world. The stone tablet inscribed with the poet's life achievements in 2011 was placed at the "Poet's Corner", a national sacred site in the UK, on ​​Tuesday evening local time. The monument stands alongside the tombstones of Chaucer, Shakespeare, Shelley, Dickens and others. 102
1023232 Grant Aleksander Grant Aleksander Leo August 6, 1959 USA, Maryland Actor Director nm0017875 0
1023233 Jean Hazlewood Female Leo August 4, 1916 to March 2, 1997 USA, Illinois Screenwriter Ora Jean Hazlewood (real name) nm0372039 0
1023234 James Glickenhaus Male Leo July 24, 1950 USA, New York Director, screenwriter, producer, actor nm0322785 8
1023235 Ernesto Alterio Leo July 25, 1970 Argentina, Buenos Aires Actor Enastro Adario nm0022764 58

Movie review information table

Movie ID Short comment ID Film critic ID Film critic nickname Review Short review time Short review content Useful numbers
10437779 798824451 adi Adi Recommended 2014-04-20 18:54:54 It doesn’t matter what kind of relationship it is, Ding Qing is using his life to fulfill Li Zicheng’s future! 5
10437779 979582908 saobing Ball Baby Recommended 2015-12-02 03:56:09 Gay film. 3
10437779 679941874 Makoto-Ri Recommended 2013-05-16 15:09:50 4 "The more cruel you are, the longer you will live." Ding Qing's words made Li Zicheng understand that there is no right or wrong in terms of status in this world, there are only reasons to live for the sake of living. You can live for your beliefs one second ago, and you can live for your interests the next. This is in line with the laws of survival in any time and space - the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. PS: This arrangement of both being overseas Chinese is awesome. It once again verifies Kong Laoer's statement about the "bloodline theory". 2
10437779 1619906079 46218794 Follow the top and bottom Recommended 2019-01-09 14:12:44 There are three essential themes in this type of film: police stories, human dilemmas, and political metaphors. Anyone can do the first one, Park Hoon-jung also completed it very well, and there is no way around the third one. It’s not as good as Johnnie To, after all, South Korea is not Hong Kong 1
10437779 677926578 yahooor Mr. Beta Recommended 2013-05-09 00:35:13 I watched another Korean gangster movie. 2
10437779 797512455 1067537 [Logged out] Recommended 2014-04-16 22:12:30 Korean movies should not be underestimated now, they have completely reached the level of the peak of Hong Kong movies back then 1
10437779 2930427879 54056542 Zhang Huami 2021-06-26 23:11:58 I want to be Huang Zhengmin’s younger brother 1
10437779 1186979332 shoegazerbaby 西名 Okay 2017-12-08 14:14:46 The darkening in the end was a bit surreal. The actors are great. They don’t rely on their faces, but really rely on their eyes to act. It feels like the photographer captured every pore of these actors and actresses, and their expressions must be very precise. That's it, and the underworld romance is indeed the most exciting. The movie "Memory Killing" is not fully filmed and can be used to imagine many comics and novels of the same type 23333 3
10437779 679520666 snowbusy Temporary nickname Okay 2013-05-12 22:47:43 Most gangster movies are based on gangster fantasy. This one is different. It is a fantasy based on gangster fantasy. The car park rampage scene was more explosive, but the rest of it was as boring as second-hand smoke. Also the soundtrack is good. 2
10437779 1479552809 157276889 A Little Life in the Sea Recommended 2018-09-29 06:37:11 You can’t go back, so it’s very realistic! 3
10437779 758684797 easytodo The remnants of cold weapons Recommended 2014-01-01 21:04:42 "Infernal Affairs" and "Underworld" are mixed together to create a Korean film style that is different from Japanese gangster films and Hong Kong gangster films. The performances of several male actors have their own characteristics and are very outstanding. Women take a back seat in this film. This idea of ​​​​structuring the story is obviously similar to that of Wu and Noir films. One of the best Korean films of 2013. 0
10437779 771136792 FK621 Shadow Poison Fat Man Okay 2016-02-06 18:23:49 Choi Min-sik, Hwang Jung-min, Lee Jung-jae. Buy the disc and watch it quickly. Sorry, that’s why the rating is low. I can’t help it. It’s not in the theater... 1
10437779 1479875579 ISRAFEL Maximilian Recommended 2018-10-23 23:25:19 Master Shouyang is so sexy. 0
10437779 687978470 xzfd Zhang Xiaobei Okay 2013-06-02 19:05:50 The central idea of ​​the copycat route in Korean movies is [Siba! 】——If you want to do it, do it harder, and then something new will appear. 1232
10437779 1102897911 3516023 Rabbit Z without ears Recommended 2016-10-29 13:38:35 "What would you do if I were alive?" 425
10437779 679987705 bofu Baggage Okay 2013-08-21 13:13:09 It turned out to be a romance movie, but the memory at the end was directly upgraded to add an extra point 222
10437779 877912960 1716436 Lancelot on the Lake 2015-01-01 20:08:30 It’s hard to imagine that the director of this film is just someone who has made one feature film. The level of completion is staggering. What's even more difficult is that after "Infernal Affairs" and similar Hong Kong films failed to make the undercover theme, a Korean screenwriter can still find new ideas from it. The industrial level is really frighteningly high. 120
10437779 717913224 ms_underwater Ms_underwater Recommended 2017-11-21 23:13:48 Yanbian Laobangzi hahahahahaha 4
10437779 677657929 aQuabLus aQuabLus Recommended 2013-05-08 13:10:01 It would be better if the front is more compact. It's dark behind. Bonus points for the lead performance. 121
10437779 857923678 xiaopapi [Logged out] Recommended 2014-10-28 00:32:32 What Korean movies have done in the past two years is true, no, wrong! I like Cui Minzhi so much~~~ 34
10437779 790776660 krejerk KREJERK Highly recommended 2014-03-30 00:31:53 The best movie I have seen in the past year, in various aspects 32
10437779 679193945 veverlee Inland Flying Fish Okay 2013-05-12 09:23:47 It also lacks persuasiveness. It is procrastinating in the front and hasty in the back. Cui Minzhi's image is not vivid enough. 53
10437779 757903691 SydneyCarton SydneyCarton Okay 2013-12-26 23:23:45 Instead of learning from "Infernal Affairs", it is better to learn from "Dragon Tiger", and also added some materials from "Underworld" and "Stealth Sniper", but it is really smelly and long, with countless loopholes. ps: It’s really sad to see that Uncle Cui Minzhi has moved closer to Lin Xue. 25
10437779 799310130 46843344 Liu Kangkang Okay 2014-04-22 02:21:59 The first half is draggy, and the second half is too fast. Basically, the characters don’t stand up. 6
10437779 679621012 3322566 Water Margin Three Kingdoms King Kong Recommended 2013-05-13 09:06:56 Infernal Affairs + Extreme Evil + Underworld 5
10437779 795925601 cryingcatjojo Kuso Recommended 2014-04-12 01:58:49 It is indeed Infernal Affairs + Underworld, but it can definitely be added to the #Wonderful Ending# list! 5
10437779 679827645 flowermumu Happy Split Recommended 2013-05-13 19:45:42 The character setting is similar to "The Evil Dead", both are closer to Hong Kong-style Infernal Affairs. In terms of the fullness of the characters and the detail of the screenwriter, they are less exciting, but they are both more direct and violent; Lee Jung-jae's cowardly and gloomy performance It's very good, the changes from front to back are a little abrupt, if the final foreshadowing is made earlier, it would be more convincing; Huang Zhengmin's gangster brother is so handsome that he almost steals the show; Cui Minzhi is worthy of the veteran actor, and his expression, psychology and body are well grasped; overall it is a good film. 5
10437779 679595262 sputnikII jun. Okay 2013-05-13 03:43:37 Scrap script. 7
10437779 677907543 qijiuzhiyue Taotaolinlin Recommended 2013-05-08 23:38:20 Even though there are many unsatisfactory aspects, it is still very watchable. The whole story is very tense, with a "gangster"-style ultimate goal, various struggles and inner changes. The rhythm is not very reasonable, and the pace is too fast later on, especially the clues of Huang Zhengmin and Li Zhengjae are not too laid out. The casting of several characters is very good, especially Huang Zhengmin, the character is really full-bodied. The ending memory is predictable, but the juxtaposition of the two memories is a bit strange 991
10437779 679827645 flowermumu Happy Split Recommended 2013-05-13 19:45:42 The character setting is similar to "The Evil Dead", both are closer to Hong Kong-style Infernal Affairs. In terms of the fullness of the characters and the detail of the screenwriter, they are less exciting, but they are both more direct and violent; Lee Jung-jae's cowardly and gloomy performance It's very good, the changes from front to back are a little abrupt, if the final foreshadowing is made earlier, it would be more convincing; Huang Zhengmin's gangster brother is so handsome that he almost steals the show; Cui Minzhi is worthy of the veteran actor, and his expression, psychology and body are well grasped; overall it is a good film. 5
10437779 1065779512 chahuzi Back Mountain Recommended 2016-07-29 03:09:27 Lee Jung Jae is so damn handsome, and he interprets the character's state so well. He must be the best actor. 6
10437779 679243745 reave Thank you for the fish Highly recommended 2013-05-12 12:01:49 "The Most Evil" + "War on Crime: The Heyday of the Bad Guys", the design and complexity of the plot can only be compared to "Infernal Affairs". The unscrupulous police and ruthless gang members betray each other from beginning to end, and the agencies are exhausted. It is not just an undercover film. 4
10437779 798824451 adi Adi Recommended 2014-04-20 18:54:54 It doesn’t matter what kind of relationship it is, Ding Qing is using his life to fulfill Li Zicheng’s future! 5
10437779 979582908 saobing Ball Baby Recommended 2015-12-02 03:56:09 Gay film. 3
10437779 679941874 Makoto-Ri Recommended 2013-05-16 15:09:50 4 "The more cruel you are, the longer you will live." Ding Qing's words made Li Zicheng understand that there is no right or wrong in terms of status in this world, there are only reasons to live for the sake of living. You can live for your beliefs one second ago, and you can live for your interests the next. This is in line with the laws of survival in any time and space - the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. PS: This arrangement of both being overseas Chinese is awesome. It once again verifies Kong Laoer's statement about the "bloodline theory". 2
10437779 1619906079 46218794 Follow the top and bottom Recommended 2019-01-09 14:12:44 There are three essential themes in this type of film: police stories, human dilemmas, and political metaphors. Anyone can do the first one, Park Hoon-jung also completed it very well, and there is no way around the third one. It’s not as good as Johnnie To, after all, South Korea is not Hong Kong 1
10437779 677926578 yahooor Mr. Beta Recommended 2013-05-09 00:35:13 I watched another Korean gangster movie. 2
10437779 797512455 1067537 [Logged out] Recommended 2014-04-16 22:12:30 Korean movies should not be underestimated now, they have completely reached the level of the peak of Hong Kong movies back then 1
10437779 2930427879 54056542 Zhang Huami 2021-06-26 23:11:58 I want to be Huang Zhengmin’s younger brother 1
10437779 1186979332 shoegazerbaby 西名 Okay 2017-12-08 14:14:46 The darkening in the end was a bit surreal. The actors are great. They don’t rely on their faces, but really rely on their eyes to act. It feels like the photographer captured every pore of these actors and actresses. Naturally, their expressions have to be very precise. That's it, and the underworld romance is indeed the most exciting. The movie "Memory Killing", which was not fully filmed, can be used to imagine many comics and novels of the same type 23333 3
10437779 679520666 snowbusy Temporary nickname Okay 2013-05-12 22:47:43 Most gangster movies are based on gangster fantasy. This one is different. It is a fantasy based on gangster fantasy. The car park rampage scene was more explosive, but the rest of it was as boring as second-hand smoke. Also the soundtrack is good. 2
10437779 1479552809 157276889 A Little Life in the Sea Recommended 2018-09-29 06:37:11 You can’t go back, so it’s very realistic! 3
10437779 758684797 easytodo The remnants of cold weapons Recommended 2014-01-01 21:04:42 "Infernal Affairs" and "Underworld" are mixed together to create a Korean film style that is different from Japanese gangster films and Hong Kong gangster films. The performances of several male actors have their own characteristics and are all very brilliant. Women take a back seat in this film. This idea of ​​​​structuring the story is obviously similar to that of Wu and Noir films. One of the best Korean films of 2013. 0
10437779 771136792 FK621 Shadow Poison Fat Man Okay 2016-02-06 18:23:49 Choi Min-sik, Hwang Jung-min, Lee Jung-jae. Buy the disc and watch it quickly. Sorry, that’s why the rating is low. I can’t help it. It’s not in the theater... 1
10437779 1479875579 ISRAFEL Maximilian Recommended 2018-10-23 23:25:19 Master Shouyang is so sexy. 0
10437779 687978470 xzfd Zhang Xiaobei Okay 2013-06-02 19:05:50 The central idea of ​​the copycat route in Korean movies is [Siba! 】——If you want to do it, do it harder, and then something new will appear. 1232
10437779 1102897911 3516023 Rabbit Z without ears Recommended 2016-10-29 13:38:35 "What would you do if I were alive?" 425
10437779 679987705 bofu Baggage Okay 2013-08-21 13:13:09 It turned out to be a romance movie, but the memory at the end was directly upgraded to add an extra point 222
10437779 877912960 1716436 Lancelot on the Lake 2015-01-01 20:08:30 It’s hard to imagine that the director of this film is just someone who has made one feature film. The level of completion is staggering. What's even more difficult is that after "Infernal Affairs" and similar Hong Kong films failed to make the undercover theme, a Korean screenwriter could still find new ideas from it. The industrial level is really frighteningly high. 120
10437779 717913224 ms_underwater Ms_underwater Recommended 2017-11-21 23:13:48 Yanbian Laobangzi hahahahahaha 4

Movie review information table

Movie ID Movie review ID Film critic ID Film critic nickname Review Movie review time Movie review title Whether it is a spoiler Useful numbers Useless numbers Movie review text
10741220 12239335 162502689 oo55oo 还行 2020-02-11 13:37:57 试论为何这部电影没给我很好的观感? FALSE 0 0 冲着罗南来,最后的结果却真的让人有点怅然若失啊,简单说几句吧。这部电影取自托宾的同名小说,我没看过原著,但电影给人的观感以Rosie的意外去世为界,尤为割裂。前半部分是美国生活(开头几分钟的交代女主家乡背景根本无法构建女主的个人形象),讲女主如何“适应”美国生... (展开)
10741220 12147422 198687208 唯爱抓马 力荐 2020-01-05 21:47:33 此心安处是吾乡 FALSE 0 0 罗兰雾蓝色的瞳孔,爱尔兰小镇独有的迷人风光,纽约布鲁克林的繁华,以及徐徐而来的音乐,将这个叫艾丽斯的爱尔兰女孩儿的生活慢慢展示在眼前。一直以来对这种叙事的,暖色调的,温柔的电影没有一点抗拒之力,这部电影我看到的只有一个女孩儿对生活的乐观,在离开家乡之初的迷... (展开)
10741220 12118478 168434480 玖月 力荐 2019-12-23 23:44:17 我们与日常,与世界。 FALSE 0 0 在《十三邀》关于陈冲的采访那集里听到这部电影,期待不高,看完后竟然有些小小的惊艳,如它的观众所知,这是一部有关乡愁的电影,讲的是移民的情感经历,但好像打动我的并不是那深沉而不可言说的乡愁,莫名其妙地,我被爱尔兰这个国度和剧中的女主所吸引。爱丽丝怀揣着对与爱... (展开)
10741220 10427467 68430201 小方盒 推荐 2019-08-21 00:25:13 布鲁克林的绿茶婊,爱尔兰的白莲花 这篇影评可能有剧透 1 0 这篇影评可能有剧透其实本人非常不喜欢“绿茶婊”、“白莲花”这种给女性贴标签的侮辱性称谓,但这个《布鲁克林》的女主可把我恶心坏了。除了这俩词我真不知道怎么形容。1.背叛信仰考虑到故事所处时代,看服装、道具、电影海报等等推测故事应该发生在上世纪50年代初,那个时代美国都没开始性解... (展开)
10741220 10373996 144148689 Yomi 推荐 2019-08-05 00:22:27 心之所望 FALSE 0 0 艾莉丝背井离乡,前往繁华的美国寻求新的生活。积极进取下艾莉丝获得了工作上的进步,事业逐渐明朗,同时也收获了爱情。由于家庭变故,重返家园的她,面对日渐年迈的母亲、小城镇商务抛出的橄榄枝与家乡富二代的追求有些动摇。该再次回到美国吗?其实在美国她也仅仅是在布鲁克... (展开)
10741220 9969960 144684642 依米 力荐 2019-02-12 22:50:33 觅得心安处 这篇影评可能有剧透 0 0 这篇影评可能有剧透挺简单的小故事。很感恩在这个时间看了这部电影,是带着个人困惑看的。我的心里总有个“离家远一些,去生活”的冲动,未付诸行动。艾莉丝初到美国的时候:难以适应新工作,摆出那职业般的微笑;难以摆脱想家的情绪......而她渐渐也要在现在的生活中扎下根来:上夜校学习会计... (展开)
10741220 9907276 56855422 浮夸不是夸 力荐 2019-01-20 14:15:04 简单、纯美且带有淡淡修饰的普通故事(评《布鲁克林》) FALSE 0 0 影片讲述了一个极其简单的故事——在家乡前途渺茫的艾莉丝只身前往美国去寻找未知的一切,在不适应中也慢慢得到工作、爱情和渐渐融入的生活;因故归家后,她才发现自己已经从之前生涩怯懦泯然众人的女孩成长为自信干练人见人爱的姑娘,第一次面对可以选择的命运,她又会做些什... (展开)
10741220 9858710 68436535 丽莎 力荐 2018-12-29 23:33:56 这是爱情最美的样子 FALSE 0 0 故事中,爱情并非最主要的部分,但电影的美,离不开这段美丽的爱情。在爱丽丝离开的时候,除了亲人,家乡没有太多留恋的东西。没有体面的工作,没有恋人。她踏上了去美国的轮船。陌生女人的慷慨,是意外的恩赐。爱丽丝是幸运的。在布鲁克林,有神父帮助,有房东的喜爱,有一份... (展开)
10741220 9654042 167156878 Hannnnnaaa 力荐 2018-09-16 19:39:45 布鲁克林:Home Is Home 这篇影评可能有剧透 1 0 这篇影评可能有剧透我想知道在这里和你相伴是一种什么感觉当风在下面的山谷里抖掉身上的灰尘用刚刚洗净的手去触摸你的时候此时的疼痛就像远方单调嗡鸣的饥渴和恼怒最终只有微小的寂静沉入宏大的寂静之中今天想和你们分享一部北美的电影《布鲁克林》。有时候,我想和它在一起。一起去看... (展开)
10741220 9222678 148538686 管王里口贝 推荐 2018-03-13 23:30:55 布鲁克林 随笔 这篇影评可能有剧透 0 0 这篇影评可能有剧透埃利斯是个善良腼腆的爱尔兰女孩,在姐姐的帮助下,她离开小镇,只身一人来到了纽约,在这里有更多的机会。初来乍到,埃利斯对于在陌生的环境,面对陌生的人,显得信心不足,格格不入。并且开始想家了。在一次偶然的舞会上,埃利斯笨拙的舞步引起了一位意大利的水管维修工托... (展开)
10741220 9222677 148538686 管王里口贝 推荐 2018-03-13 23:30:49 布鲁克林 随笔 这篇影评可能有剧透 0 0 这篇影评可能有剧透埃利斯是个善良腼腆的爱尔兰女孩,在姐姐的帮助下,她离开小镇,只身一人来到了纽约,在这里有更多的机会。初来乍到,埃利斯对于在陌生的环境,面对陌生的人,显得信心不足,格格不入。并且开始想家了。在一次偶然的舞会上,埃利斯笨拙的舞步引起了一位意大利的水管维修工托... (展开)
10741220 9120722 172968092 mialalala 力荐 2018-02-02 01:08:56 人生总是关乎选择 这篇影评可能有剧透 0 0 这篇影评可能有剧透人生总是伴随着选择。这个故事讲述了小镇姑娘爱丽莎独自一人来到大城市闯荡,在这座城市里遇到了自己挚爱的人和工作,在回到家乡和留在大城市打拼二者中,选择了后者的故事。首先,我认为爱丽莎是幸运的,她认为小城市没有她的立足之地,所以在教父的帮助下来到布鲁克林,并找... (展开)
10741220 9117921 150572668 Silvia 力荐 2018-01-31 23:23:05 当她说出夫姓的那一刻 FALSE 0 0 最终她大声讲出自己的夫姓,那个时候,大概是她的心灵真的完全远渡重洋,漂浮了这么久之后,终于在布鲁克林沉淀下来,手里踏实的握着属于她自己的生活,那一刻,才真的是嫁给了托尼,她真正清楚了自己的所求。她差点忘了这是个小到人言可畏的爱尔兰小城,差点永远的滞留在过去... (展开)
10741220 9047644 68825649 Isla 力荐 2018-01-06 01:35:01 回不去的地方,叫做家乡 这篇影评可能有剧透 0 0 这篇影评可能有剧透首先,要说明这部电影在开篇九分钟就让我哭得稀里哗啦,加之上床之前涂了眼霜,手一摸眼睛,眼霜钻进眼睛,辣得我又继续掉眼泪。爱尔兰小镇女孩Ellis只身前往纽约寻找新生的生活,在纽约工作学习恋爱并且渐渐适应了移民生活,却在这时接到噩耗,姐姐Rose去世,她不得不放下爱... (展开)
10741220 9039983 171996834 嗷呜要读书 推荐 2018-01-03 11:14:48 他乡故乡 这篇影评可能有剧透 0 0 这篇影评可能有剧透布鲁克林布鲁克林,最初看到这个名字觉得蛮奇怪的,看完电影之后越发这个名字奇怪,回味良久,发现还真的没有一个名字比这个更合适。平静的街景,灰暗的色调,在礼拜的时候偷偷打呵欠的小姑娘,固定礼拜几销售特定商品的商店,无一不是对这个小镇平静乏味刻板生活的控诉,更... (展开)
10741220 9028329 156830411 Rockwellie 还行 2017-12-29 23:51:03 想家,想你 FALSE 0 0 女孩很有魅力独立思考和风趣的人格魅力怪不得会有很多优秀的男孩子拜倒在石榴裙下,意大利男孩子让我莫名想到好几个喜欢过我的男孩,原来喜欢一个人是这样的,惶恐又充满担心,看起来羞涩又充满欢喜,心心念念全是你。结尾看得很开心。还有就是几个片段很感动,孤寡老人一起唱... (展开)
10741220 8971320 68010492 切尔西之迷 还行 2017-12-08 14:28:22 心之所向 FALSE 0 0 现在移民成为越来越热门的得话题,我看到了好多类型的移民电影,感觉以前移民好难的样子,现在时代不一样了吧,看欧洲移民,以前遥不可及的欧洲也变得可亲近了,像希腊买房移民,我了解之后其实是有点惊讶的怎么说呢,觉得适合自己的... (展开)
10741220 8886110 150684867 Monica 还行 2017-10-25 23:35:25 站在十字路口 这篇影评可能有剧透 0 0 这篇影评可能有剧透晓松老师曾经批评过这部电影,大致意思就是和许多怀揣美国梦的青年比起来,爱丽丝所经历的这些根本就不是事儿,这般平顺的过度哪够得上沧海桑田。事实也确实如此。爱丽丝去往美国的旅途可谓一帆风顺,有神父帮助她联络工作,在船上结实的美女室友教会她抬头挺胸面对未知,接着... (展开)
10741220 8807969 149856868 喝牛奶看星星 推荐 2017-09-11 11:44:24 总有女孩要长大,要去寻找新生活 这篇影评可能有剧透 0 0 这篇影评可能有剧透一部隽永的小品。画面色调清新,场景服装精致,人物立体饱满。毫无波澜,却又细腻动人。女主Eilis离开家乡爱尔兰远赴布鲁克林去寻找工作机会,开展新生活。初次离家的寂寞,初入职场的局促,都让Eilis无所适从。在神父的帮助下,她开始上夜校学习,同时在舞会上认识了可爱的男... (展开)
10741220 8493472 2896689 离瑾 推荐 2017-04-22 20:00:54 回不去的远方叫做家乡 这篇影评可能有剧透 0 0 这篇影评可能有剧透很惊奇在无意之中发现喜欢的电影…布鲁克林就是其中之一。电影的开始其实是一个平凡的姑娘为了寻找更好的工作和未来去到了布鲁克林,身在异乡发生的种种故事。到了电影结尾,可以感觉她有了明显的成长与蜕变,回到了家乡小镇,除了衣着打扮光彩照人,内心深处也有了面对一... (展开)
10741220 8445597 68709652 轻度狂躁症 力荐 2017-03-30 13:43:21 布鲁克林or爱尔兰小镇?北上广or回老家? 这篇影评可能有剧透 0 0 这篇影评可能有剧透版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。作者:轻度狂躁症(来自豆瓣)来源:电影《布鲁克林》讲的是一个关于年轻人选择的故事。如果你把它看作一部小年轻去大城市的奋斗史,那你就错了,因为你会发现,她... (展开)
10741220 8299048 cyc455796668 迟夏 推荐 2017-01-18 15:28:09 家与远方 FALSE 0 0 很喜欢片子的色调还有各种穿衣风格,女主慢慢慢慢让人觉得美到哭,有种坦率的天真,又有必不可少的聪明头脑。个人觉得它的主题也不能完全算是爱情,更是对于「家」与「远方」的一种选择。电影中有一句台词,大意是“一想到我这辈子可能只能困在这个小小的镇上,从没去过伦敦、... (展开)
10741220 8212441 61807268 布袋阿灯 力荐 2016-12-05 19:19:57 Irish girl Elise FALSE 0 0 就是喜欢這麼靜靜的電影,近兩個小時的時間里隨著Elisie的心情波動起伏。是在地鐵上看完的,Rose突然離開的那段,止不住的掉眼淚,覺得很是丟人…離開家鄉,家人離世,回到家鄉,又要離開親人,像這樣回不去的家鄉,最後Elisie的決定下得也是如此艱難,但是Italian丈夫下班抬頭... (展开)
10741220 8130802 zdq3973688 糊涂女王 力荐 2016-10-15 22:53:07 如诗般的生命 FALSE 0 0 这是一部与布鲁克林没有太多关系的电影,它可以发生在任何一个叫他乡的地方。它是乡愁,是勇敢,是自信,是犹豫,是坚定。它是我们每一个人走过或者即将面对的路。女主柔弱亦坚强,混沌亦清醒。故事像画一般地铺展开来,如同生命般脆弱和灿烂。最后她回来了,眼神清澈,抬头向... (展开)
10741220 7878878 47868031 laliugang 推荐 2016-05-03 18:29:43 爱尔兰打工妹的故事 FALSE 1 0 《布鲁克林》其实就是个打工妹的故事:故乡没有就业机会,为了自己的未来,她背井离乡去大城市打拼。在那里,她付出了辛劳,也收获了爱情,渐渐适应了城里的一切。重返小镇,家长里短波澜不惊的生活让她无法适应,只能再次离开——这种故事其实每天都在发生,区别在于,她们去... (展开)
10741220 7772808 4426368 Rabwe 推荐 2016-02-14 16:45:49 小岛女孩 FALSE 1 0 最近南方的日子阴冷难耐,像把这个亚热带地区的子民们腾空地搬离到对流层上的冷锋中,骤然对阳光显得谄媚、贪婪以及痴恋。我对阳光的依恋,只有在爱尔兰时才显得足够真挚。疾风暴雨式的恶之形态,有时就似阿加莎克里斯蒂小说下无人孤岛般的背幕,张扬着昏黑的传说与泥泞的... (展开)
10741220 7906784 133405682 冬青里 推荐 2016-05-22 22:22:32 那个我所未知的远方 FALSE 0 0 西尔莎·罗南,这位长相甜美,在《布达佩斯大酒店》里那个可爱的蛋糕女孩,这次在电影《布鲁克林》中独挑大梁。她的甜美与水灵符合爱尔兰女孩独特的气质,也成功演绎了一段乡村女孩独自一人奔赴纽约,最后成为自信富有魅力的时尚女孩的故事。影片中女主与两位不同背景的男主... (展开)
10741220 7840518 68321198 lisong 推荐 2016-04-05 00:16:26 典型冲奖电影没必要过度解读 FALSE 0 0 翻了翻豆瓣影评,高度一致的关键词“乡愁”,“选择”,满满的正能量啊,不由得感慨我看的电影怎么那么就那么不同呢。说到乡愁,电影几乎没有花笔墨描写新移民面对的文化生活习惯差异,甚至大城市有什么不同--然后突然乡愁就来了,还要每个人都知道。窃以为都是给女主演飙演... (展开)
10741220 9242572 168478412 十八 推荐 2018-03-22 23:29:38 浅谈《布鲁克林》 这篇影评可能有剧透 2 0 这篇影评可能有剧透这部片同样由罗南主演,和与之前写过的《伯德小姐》是同一主演。在我个人看来,我更倾心于这部,当然,它们类型不同。电影讲述了爱尔兰小镇女孩到异国纽约闯荡的经历,后因家里变故回到故乡的一系列故事,这次的故事,我觉得应该是关于“选择”。女主eilis刚开始怯懦和不知所... (展开)
10741220 7724391 75680612 鹿角 力荐 2016-01-06 22:45:18 大量剧透慎入 这篇影评可能有剧透 0 0 这篇影评可能有剧透女主去美国布鲁克林是有3个原因。影片一开始就表现出女主对她所在小镇的小部分人文环境表示不满意,不满意嚼舌根且过分势力以及挖取别人私事儿为乐趣的便利店主凯琳,不满意高尔夫俱乐部里那些刷着发油,由于继承家业而整天无所事事男人这是外部原因。而内部原因是因为家里只有... (展开)
10741220 7738916 21771687 七姐Claudia 还行 2016-01-17 15:32:21 她的布鲁克林,我的文良港 FALSE 2 2 2013年我离开了工作和生活8年的桂林,只身一人来到马来西亚,因为我得到了一份在西海岸度假村的工作,在度假村担任中文接待,负责中国的客人在度假村的活动,一年后我辗转来到吉隆坡,至今已来大马近三年,我居住的地方叫做文良港。所以,同样在异国漂泊的我,同样起步于面... (展开)
10741220 8489898 68629451 jasper 推荐 2017-04-20 20:03:31 布鲁克林引发的思考 这篇影评可能有剧透 13 0 这篇影评可能有剧透可能我还处在看电影的低层次上,只有那些触碰自己心灵,或者说只有从主人公身上看到自己的电影,给我的震撼才最大。布鲁克林不仅是给了我震撼,同时也给了我一个指引。电影的主人公艾莉丝是一个爱尔兰姑娘,在家乡小镇的一个小杂货店上班,电影一开始就通过死气沉沉的街道、尖... (展开)
10741220 8685963 156841179 鸥怩 推荐 2017-07-22 12:58:43 独自漂泊打拼的女孩 FALSE 12 0 我相信很多在北上广深等地打拼的女孩也都有这样的经历,在经过一段时间的大城市生活后,她们会对自己的将来重新进行一个审视,当初闯荡时候的信心和好奇心已经有所退去,思乡的情感和家乡的安逸滋味又重新泛上心头。其实做出什么样的决定都没有对错之分,影片中爱丽丝忍受了... (展开)
10741220 9297737 92566871 better me 推荐 2018-04-15 11:11:11 走出乡镇的少女成长史 FALSE 0 0 一部色彩和角色颜值满分的电影!移民潮下乡村女孩的成长。罗南的表演很棒,自从布达佩斯大饭店开始关注她,又到了LadyBird里的不羁女孩,到布鲁克林中从懵懂少女到魅力成熟都市女性,都表演的如此之好。回乡后的个人挣扎其实也很真实,大城市的压力对比家长的安逸稳定,这不一... (展开)
10741220 7810988 68361959 风吹草低牛小羊 推荐 2016-03-13 19:53:59 I've forgotten what this town was like 这篇影评可能有剧透 2 0 这篇影评可能有剧透快到结局女主说i'veforgottenwhatthistownwaslike这句话真是全片精髓。于是这个故事就不再是千篇一律的“拔根”移民故事,不光是讲思乡、剪不断的亲情,异乡独立生活的恐惧和艰辛,而是上升到了人性的讨论层面,与纽约的艰辛相比,小镇生活看似舒适、优越,有好工作,... (展开)
10741643 7332023 59901681 東川 推荐 2015-01-09 16:08:03 拽神下神坛就是可爱(反骨还有情怀) FALSE 242 20 阿米尔.汗很萌,看完《PK》才看到导演原来是拍三傻的拉吉库马尔•希拉尼,导演还真是挺有情怀的。《PK》依旧是印度片的特色,集幽默搞笑,歌舞,戏剧性,还能讲出点道理的一部片,不同的是这次的故事很有愤青气质,通常能拍些把神拉下神坛的故事总是会有争议的,反骨还要有... (展开)
10741643 8794424 151268747 爱吃馒头的宝宝 推荐 2017-09-03 22:16:43 印度电影很欢乐的 这篇影评可能有剧透 35 0 这篇影评可能有剧透电影挑战了印度当局的权威,差点被禁止上映,本片将印度教,爱情,信仰串联在一起,通过一个外星人来地球的经历拷问了人们对财富和人生自由的思考,辛辣的讽刺了宗教给人类带来的盲目崇拜。一个外星人对抗全世界宗教,在批判愚昧信仰导致人类进步的同时,还把爱情亲情友情元素... (展开)
10741643 7815680 68077135 Aurora_221 推荐 2016-03-17 14:53:09 我的个神啊 PK (2014) FALSE 0 0 宗教问题高能上线,还在想印度这种大教小教多元化发展的国家怎么会允许这部电影上映,一看果然当初还是受到了一定限制的,不过压制不住民众的热情啊。而且后面二神论出来时就知道端倪了,反的是神的人间代言人这个恶势力,对于宇宙自然神还是满怀敬畏之心的。私下猜想毕竟印度... (展开)
10741643 7756131 44990968 臭P宝宝 力荐 2016-01-31 17:08:09 三哥还是很猛 这篇影评可能有剧透 0 0 这篇影评可能有剧透不知道有多少人是因为三傻才去看了的pk,至少我是……居然不搞笑,居然还穿插各种MV,居然女主辣么丑,居然科幻的没有一点惊奇……那么多居然,居然我完完整整的看完了,而且临近尾声时内牛满面!宗教题材的电影,这不是第一部,也不会是最后一步,但能把侏罗万象林林总总... (展开)
10741643 7482278 52288682 雷公 力荐 2015-05-26 02:19:27 《我的个神啊》:给幽默找到“正确的号码” FALSE 0 0 这是一部印度电影史上绝对的巅峰之作,不光是票房是最高,而且是最具争议性的电影,在印度这个国家,能够拍出这样的电影,我想所有创作者都有着无比的勇气,就像电影里那个台长被枪击的下场,这可是不只是挑战那么简单了。在看这部电影前,已经在网站上看过一些资讯,而在影院... (展开)
10741643 13376741 226851634 旧金山 2021-04-08 12:48:02 搞笑又讽刺,不错 这篇影评可能有剧透 0 0 这篇影评可能有剧透很喜欢,很有讽刺意味,我看的是王宝强配音版,喜欢阿什米尔汗的作品!从一个外星人的角度来体会了印度多个宗教的教义,男女主的感情故事穿插很美,是最具现实意义的讽刺,最后电话打通那里很感人,剧情设定很好,情节起伏搞笑,有一段裸体追火车的镜头牺牲还蛮大的,没想到找了王宝强配音... (展开)
10741643 12585512 206845171 酸辣土豆丝 推荐 2020-05-11 13:56:39 两部 FALSE 0 0 《偶滴神啊》和《我的个神啊》在豆瓣上的评分都是八点几,不得不说这两部电影首先都是很好看的,包括情节叙事甚至印度经典的歌舞元素。后者的导演拉库马·希拉尼同时也是《三傻大闹宝莱坞》的导演,有人说《三傻大闹宝莱坞》是对印度教育制度的批判,《我的个神啊》是对印度宗... (展开)
10741643 9143205 156871215 Stephencurry😘 力荐 2018-02-11 00:17:10 我滴个神啊 FALSE 0 0 一部有关宗教的电影:《我的个神啊》这是我看的首部印度电影和有关的宗教电影,电影前部分大量展示印度的宗教生活,各类鱼龙混杂、匪夷所思的宗教派别。本身对于这类电影不是很有好感,但男主的搞笑风格,一出场就吸引了我,傻傻的作派有憨豆的潜质,才会让我完全想... (展开)
10741643 8567251 134683790 云岫 推荐 2017-05-28 11:14:15 未彻底的宗教解放 FALSE 0 0 电影中所做的事跟马丁·路德的宗教改革性质一样。但仍然不是彻底的宗教解放。的确,他战胜了虔信造成的奴役制,是因为他用信念造成的奴役制代替了它。他破除了对权威的信仰,是因为他把信仰变成了权威;他把僧侣变成世俗人,是因为他的世俗人变成了僧侣。他把人从外在的宗教虔... (展开)
10741643 8545312 52823568 几木朵朵 推荐 2017-05-17 01:09:30 当你们看摔跤吧爸爸的时候,我在看我滴个神啊之借问众神明 这篇影评可能有剧透 0 0 这篇影评可能有剧透如果说,这个世界上真的有神明存在,那他们到底住在哪里呢?这是个问题,或许说这又不是个问题。比如作为一个个体,我虽然并没有信仰任何宗教,但是出生的地方是一个初一十五都要烧香、有一句很有名的口头禅就是“老爷保号”,至少对于牛鬼蛇神这一些事物体系的认知,还没有达... (展开)
10741643 7570702 60013681 兄弟饭馆 推荐 2015-08-15 17:00:15 印度惯有的电影特点 FALSE 0 0 电影讲述的是从外星球来的PK,因刚下飞船就被人类抢去了飞船遥控器,进而去寻找遥控器而引发一系列搞笑却有丰富的哲理事情。电影开头通过讲述女主角嘉谷与巴基斯坦沙弗莱次因受宗教信仰在塔帕兹伪代理神的言论诱导下阴差阳错的与沙弗莱次结束了爱情。电影中间嘉谷通过... (展开)
10741643 7417931 98152368 颂恩 力荐 2015-03-19 14:57:40 论宗教—评《外星醉汉PK地球神》 FALSE 1 0 信仰不一定是宗教,但宗教一定是信仰。信仰不等同于宗教,宗教只是信仰中的一个分支。自古人类便有很强的“宗教情结”。在世界各个种族的原始文化里,都有宗教的发明。可见宗教思想和意识在人类是何等的根深蒂固。宗教万千,到底何为真呢?其实所谓宗教万千、究其本质... (展开)
10741643 7750769 67646824 楠楠王 推荐 2016-01-26 21:53:30 让人感觉“特别”的印度电影 FALSE 0 0 在电影高分推荐中看的这部电影,讲述了一个外星人来到地球印度所发生的一系列事情。首先女主令人眼前一亮,不是印象中那种画的黑黑的眼睛、脑门点着红点的形象,其次,这个电影里面有印度的歌,却没有印度的舞~之前看过男主的《三傻大闹宝莱坞》,现在又看到这个电影,让人感... (展开)
10741643 7589632 41864568 阳光下的傻丫头 力荐 2015-09-02 22:23:52 搞笑中带着温情,让人又哭又笑 FALSE 0 0 全片用几个简单的问题来挑战宗教和信仰:那么多神,我们要相信哪一个?对神的信仰,如果只是通过外表来打上标记,这真的有意义么?你真的可以把你的诉求正确的传达到神那里,而神的旨意也同时能正确的传达给你么?我认为最棒的一句话是:我们要相信造物主,但是我们对造物主... (展开)
10741643 7589631 41864568 阳光下的傻丫头 力荐 2015-09-02 22:23:46 搞笑中带着温情,让人又哭又笑 FALSE 0 0 全片用几个简单的问题来挑战宗教和信仰:那么多神,我们要相信哪一个?对神的信仰,如果只是通过外表来打上标记,这真的有意义么?你真的可以把你的诉求正确的传达到神那里,而神的旨意也同时能正确的传达给你么?我认为最棒的一句话是:我们要相信造物主,但是我们对造物主... (展开)

Movie Review User Information Form

Film critic ID Film critic nickname
64723458 Shimo
2774133 $Morning Glory&
seven7u7u7 Zhazha
220050390 Give me thin-skinned green peppers
souchun 薮春
59042355 final わり
blueskyfly Green Sunshine
17039920 Crazy King
32474247 Hearing the truth is not a group
56334190 Can't help it
lakh One Hundred Thousand Degrees
159518982 Vagabond
a-sh Zhang Tiechui
203717362 Charlatans
20760667 Uncle
69586774 sharpener
58898719 Denzel
61900609 Barney
52536059 Yu Xi
king864468 Ambiguous body
242225697 Ni
202692491 Hmm
anniegyl Andidoobrie
84138251 Calabash Mom
Shinran Dami Dami
211271103 YiBo-Cat No. 85
134942753 Xiao Xian loves beef
predream Suese
62861187 Happy Bar
143103999 Mai Xiang Peach
sijun sosom
topmuxing [Logged out]
fangyunan Fang Yunan
vkark Don’t make assumptions when doing things
31678134 King
qingx0 po
60366405 Don’t lean on the fence alone
54622816 Min Min Xiong Meow
miachen Mia RB
toothness toothness
64608800 HaeJoo
39363470 OsiriS
62886863 Little fresh and good gay friend
54116105 Eat bones but not fish
72238748 138****2074
62916925 Sakura
wkpeng Cough God
56853179 A fool troubles himself
magicalminmin mag
2798473 Full of hope

Related literature

  • Wang Fenmian, Ren Qianyi, Zhou Xuan, 2021: "Niche breadth, audience perception and market performance-Evidence from the Chinese film market", "China Industrial Economy" Issue 11.
  • Zhu Haipeng, 2018: "Comparative Analysis of Movie Acceptance by Chinese and Western Audiences - Based on Douban and IMDB Top250 Movies", "New Media Research" Issue 23.

Data update frequency

Annual Update
