
  In today's world, about 90% of countries have implemented some form of minimum wage law. In 1938, Democratic President Roosevelt introduced the minimum wage law in the "New Deal" in response to the Great Depression. The United Kingdom implemented a national minimum wage law in 1998, and the German minimum wage law came into effect in 2015. China began to implement the "Minimum Wage Regulations" in 2004, and the minimum wage standards in various provinces have been continuously increased since then.

  2021 Nobel Prize in Economics, half was awarded to David Card, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and the other half was awarded to Joshua D. Angrist, Ford Professor of Economics at MIT, and Guido W. Imbens, a professor at Stanford University. Among them, Card's contribution lies in his "empirical contribution to labor economics" and won the award. His most influential research is the article in which Card and Krugman challenged the traditional view that the minimum wage law has a "destructive" impact on employment through natural experiments.

  The minimum wage guarantee system is a labor and social security system in my country. Article 48 of my country's "Labor Law" stipulates that the state implements a minimum wage guarantee system, that is, the wages paid by employers to workers shall not be lower than the local minimum wage standard. The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government in mainland China have officially promulgated and implemented local minimum wage standards.

  The factors that need to be considered in determining the minimum wage standard include: local urban residents' living expenses, employees' personal social insurance premiums, housing provident funds, employees' average wages, unemployment rate, economic development level, etc., and the local government will adjust it every year as relevant factors change. Therefore, the economic development level, employment situation, and changing trends of relevant factors in various regions can be glimpsed from the minimum wage data of various regions.

  CnOpenData data team launched the minimum wage data database of each region, including the minimum wage classification standards, amounts and adjustment dates of each district and county.

Time interval

Minimum wage classification standards of each district and county: 1999.06.01-2023.03.01
Minimum wage amount of each district and county: 1999.07.01-2023.03.01

Field display

Minimum wage classification standards of each district and county

Field English name Field Chinese name
Prov ince Province
AdjustedDate Adjustment date
City City
County District and county
ClassificationStandard Classification standard

Minimum wage amount in each district and county

Field English name Field Chinese name
CountyID Region code
Province Province
City City
County County
County yType District and county type
ClassificationStandard Classification standard
AdjustedDate Adjustment date
FullTimeMinimumWage Full-time minimum wage
PartTimeMinimumWage Part-time minimum wage

Sample data

Division standards for minimum wages in various districts and counties

Lincang area < td>Shuangjiang Lahu, Wa, Bulang and Dai Autonomous CountyYunnan Province
Province AdjustedDate City County ClassificationStandard
Yunnan Province 1999/7/1 Lincang County Second category
Yunnan Province 1999/7/1 Lincang area Yunnan County Third category
Yunnan Province 1999/7/1 Lincang area Fengqing County Third category
Yunnan Province 1999/7/1 Lincang area Three categories
Yunnan Province 1999/7/1 Lincang Area Yongde County Three categories
Yunnan Province 1999/7/1 Lincang Area Cangyuan Wa Autonomous County Three categories
Yunnan Province 1999/7/1 Lincang Area Gengma Dai and Wa Autonomous County Category 3
Yunnan Province 1999/7/1 Lincang Region Zhenkang County Category 3
Yunnan Province 2013/5/1 Lincang City Linxiang District Category 2
Yunnan Province 2015/9/1 Lincang City Lin Xiang District Second Class
Yunnan Province 2013/5/1 Lincang City Yun County Third Class
Yunnan Province 2015/9/1 Lincang City Yun County Third Class
Yunnan Province 2013/5/1 Lincang City Fengqing County Third Class
Yunnan Province 2015/9/1 Lincang City Fengqing County Three categories
Yunnan Province 2013/5/1 Lincang City Shuangjiang Lahu, Wa, Blang and Dai Autonomous County Three categories
Yunnan Province 2015/9/1 Lincang City Shuangjiang Lahu, Wa, Blang and Dai Autonomous County Three categories
Yunnan Province 2013/5/1 Lincang City Yongde County Three categories
Yunnan Province 2015/9/1 Lincang City Yongde County Three categories
Yunnan Province 2013/5/1 Lincang City Cangyuan Wa Autonomous County Three categories
Yunnan Province 2015/9/1 Lincang City Cangyuan Wa Autonomous County Three categories
Yunnan Province 2013/5/1 Lincang City Gengma Dai and Wa Autonomous County Three categories
Yunnan Province 2015/9/1 Lincang City Gengma Dai and Wa Autonomous County Three categories
Yunnan Province 2013/5/1 Lincang City Zhenkang County Category 3
Yunnan Province 2015/9/1 Lincang City Zhenkang County Category 3
Yunnan Province 1999/7/1 Lijiang Region Lijiang Naxi Autonomous County Category 2
Yunnan Province 1999/7/1 Lijiang Region Huaping County Three categories
Yunnan Province 1999/7/1 Lijiang Region Ninglang Yi Autonomous County Three categories
Yunnan Province 1999/7/1 Lijiang Region Yongsheng County Three categories
2013/5/1 Lijiang City Huaping County Three categories
Yunnan Province 2015/9/1 Lijiang City Huaping County Three categories

Minimum wage amount in each district and county

< td>Municipal District (Urban District) td> 12 1130
CountyID Provi nce City County CountyType ClassificationStandard AdjustedDate FullTimeMinimumWage PartTimeMinimumWage
530902 Yunnan Province Lincang City Linxiang District Class II 2013/5/1 1130 10
530902 Yunnan Province Lincang City Linxiang District Municipal District (Urban District) Class II 2015/9/1 1400 13
530922 Yunnan Province Lincang City Yun County County Class III 2013/5/1 955 9
530922 Yunnan Province Lincang City Yun County County Class III 2015/9/1 1180 12
530921 Yunnan ProvinceLincang City Fengqing County County Class III 2013/5/1 955 9
530921 Yunnan Province Lincang City Fengqing County County Class III 2015/9/1 1180 12
530925 Yunnan Province Lincang City Shuangjiang Lahu, Wa, Bulang and Dai Autonomous County Autonomous County Category 3 2013/5/1 955 9
530925 Yunnan Province Lincang City Shuangjiang Lahu, Wa, Bulang and Dai Autonomous County Autonomous County Category 3 2015/9/1 1180
530923 Yunnan Province Lincang City Yongde County County Class III 2013/5/1 955 9
530923 Yunnan Province Lincang City Yongde County County Class III 2015/9/1 11 80 12
530927 Yunnan Province Lincang City Cangyuan Wa Autonomous County Autonomous County Three categories 2013/5/1 955 9
530927 Yunnan Province Lincang City Cangyuan Wa Autonomous County Autonomous County Three categories 2015/9/1 1180 12
530926 Yunnan Province Lincang City Gengma Dai and Wa Autonomous County Autonomous County Three categories 2013/5/1 955 9
530926 Yunnan Province Lincang City Gengma Dai and Wa Autonomous County Autonomous County Class III 2015/9/1 1180 12
530924 Yunnan Province Lincang City Zhenkang County County Class III 2013/5/1 955 9
530924 Yunnan Province Lincang City Zhen Kang County County Class III 2015/9/1 1180 12
530723 Yunnan Province Lijiang City Huaping County County Class III 2013/5/1 955 9
530723 Yunnan Province Lijiang City< /td> Huaping County County Category III 2015/9/1 1180 12
530702 Yunnan Province Lijiang City Gucheng District Municipal District (Urban District) Category II 2013/5/1 1130 10
530702 Yunnan Province Lijiang City Gucheng District Urban District (Urban District) Class II 2015/9/1 1400 13
530724 Yunnan Province Lijiang City Ninglang Yi Autonomous County Autonomous County Class III 2013/5/1 955 9
530724 Yunnan Province Lijiang City Ninglang Yi Autonomous County Autonomous County Category 3 2015/9/1 1180 12
530722 Yunnan Province Lijiang City Yongsheng County County Category 3 2013/5/1 955 9< /td>
530722 Yunnan Province Lijiang City Yongsheng County County Class III 2015/9/1 1180 12
530721 Yunnan Province Lijiang City Yulong Naxi Autonomous County Autonomous County Class II 2013/5/1 9
530721 Yunnan Province Lijiang City Yulong Naxi Autonomous County Autonomous County Class II 2015/9/1 1400 13
530521 Yunnan Province Baoshan City Shidian County County Class III 2013/5/1 955 9
530521 Yunnan Province Baoshan City Shidian County County Class III 2015/9/1 1180 12
530524 Yunnan Province Baoshan City Changning County County Class III 2013/5/1 955 9
530524 Yunnan Province Baoshan City Changning County County Three categories 2015/9/1 1180 12

Related literature

  • Ma Shuang, Xiao Han, Li Ding, Zhang Peng, 2023: "Minimum Wage and Heterogeneous Human Capital Demand: A Study Based on Recruitment Website Data", World Economy, No. 12.
  • Wang Huanhuan, Hu Dongmin, Zhang Ji, 2022: "Minimum Wage System, Labor Contract Term and Enterprise Employment Form", Economics (Quarterly), No. 4.
  • Qing Tao, Huang Xianhai, 2022: "Minimum Wage and Enterprise Technological Progress Path - Technology Introduction or Independent Innovation", Economic Dynamics, No. 8.
  • Xie Jie, Guo Chongyang, Chen Kejie, Guo Jia, 2022: "Minimum Wage, Industrial Automation and Skill Premium", China Industrial Economy, No. 9.
  • Decio Coviello, Erika Deserranno, and Nicola Persico. 2022, "Minimum Wage and Individual Worker Productivity: Evidence from a Large US Retailer", Journal of Political Economy.

Data update frequency

Annual update
