
 GlobeLand30 data is an important achievement of the Global Land Cover Remote Sensing Mapping and Key Technology Research Project of China’s National High-tech Research and Development Program (863 Program). The dataset contains ten major land cover types, namely arable land, forest, grassland, shrubland, wetland, water body, tundra, artificial surface, bare land, glacier and permanent snow .

 Land surface cover and its changes are indispensable and important basic information and key parameters for environmental change research, geographical and national (world) situation monitoring, sustainable development planning, etc. The current resolution of existing global land cover data sets ranges from 1 km to 300 meters, which is far from meeting the demand. There is an urgent need for higher resolution global land cover data sets. The GlobeLand30 dataset developed by China is the world's first 30-meter resolution global land cover dataset. It contains richer and more detailed spatial distribution information of global land cover and can better characterize most human land use. activities and the landscape patterns they create.

 The 2000 and 2010 GlobeLand30 data sets can support the monitoring and analysis of land cover changes. This data set was developed by the same research team using the same classification method and has good consistency, ensuring the objectivity and accuracy of data analysis.

 CnOpenData has obtained permission from the National Center for Basic Geographic Information to include the 30-meter global land surface coverage data in the public data section for the convenience of scholars. To download data, please go to National Geographic Information Resources Directory Service System.

 The content of this page is transferred from the National Geographic Information Resources Directory Service System, the URL is www.webmap.cn .

Type and code

Code Class Content
10 Cultivated Land Lands used for agriculture,horticulture and gardens.
20 Forest Lands covered with trees,with vegetation coverover 30%.
30 Grassland Lands covered by natural grass with cover over 10%.
40 Shrubland Lands covered by natural grass with cover over 10%.
50 Wetland Lands covered with wetland plants and water bodies.
60 Water Bodies Water bodies in the land area.
70 Tundra Lands covered by lichen, moss, hardy perennial herb and shrubs in the polar regions.
80 Artificial Surfaces Lands modified by human activities.
90 Bareland Lands with vegetation cover lower than 10%.
100 Permanent Snow & Ice Lands covered by permanent snow, glacier and icecap.


 GlobeLand30 can provide intuitive spatial distribution and information of land surface coverage including geographical location, distribution range and landscape pattern. According to statistics from the 2010 GlobeLand30 data, the type that accounts for the largest global surface area is forestland, accounting for 28.54% of the global surface area. The other nine types in order of area are: grassland (23.31%), bare land (14.59%), cultivated land (14.35%), shrub land (7.00%), tundra (4.67%), wetland (2.50%), water body ( 2.34%), glaciers and permanent snow (1.81%) and artificial surfaces (0.90%).

 Based on the statistical results of global water bodies, three statistical indicators are defined: one is the total area of ​​global surface water bodies (Area-LSW), one is the proportion of water bodies in each continent in the world (%) (WR-LSW), and the other is the area of ​​water bodies And the proportion of land surface area (Water Rate) (%). According to the statistics of water body data in the 2010 GlobeLand30, the total area of ​​global surface water bodies is 3,676,700 km2, accounting for 2.73% of the global land area.

Application value

 GlobeLand30 has important application value in global climate change research, sustainable development planning and implementation, etc. For example, using this data, we can obtain statistical values ​​and changes in different land cover types, analyze the spatial distribution of global carbon pools, assess deforestation and restoration processes, monitor global urbanization trends, and study changes in cultivated land to contribute to global food security and End Hunger provides decision support.

 The total global forest carbon pool is estimated to be 861 PgC, of ​​which 55% is stored in tropical rainforests, 32% is stored in boreal woodlands, and 14% is stored in temperate forests. The main distribution areas of forest carbon pools in the past ten years can be directly reflected in GlobeLand30.