
  In the process of building a socialist economy with Chinese characteristics, my country has established a large number of economic zones with local characteristics, such as economic development zones, high-tech industrial development zones, border economic cooperation zones, and special customs supervision zones, relying on the regional advantages of various regions. In August 1988, China's national high-tech industrialization development plan, the Torch Plan, began to be implemented. In 1992, the State Council approved the establishment of the first border economic cooperation zone. As an important carrier for the country to attract foreign investment, economic zones in various regions have made significant contributions to the economic development process of my country's reform and opening up.

  Whether it is a national or provincial economic zone, it is often accompanied by necessary policies such as infrastructure construction, enterprise support, and tax and land preferences, and it is given special historical significance according to the different regions and establishment purposes. After joining the WTO, China's economy has become more closely connected with the world economy. Development zones have attracted large multinational companies, and foreign capital has been introduced on a large scale and in batches. Advanced technology, equipment and management concepts have also come with it, which has directly greatly promoted the process of China's industrial modernization. But at the same time, there are too many development zones, and the phenomenon of blindly occupying land and opening without development is quite serious. In response to the excessive and excessive development zones of various types across the country, and some places occupying arable land in the name of development zones and infringing on the interests of farmers, the State Council has deployed and carried out the cleanup and rectification of various development zones across the country since July 2003. In early 2007, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Land and Resources, and the Ministry of Construction jointly issued the "China Development Zone Review Announcement Catalog (2006 Edition)". After more than three years of rectification, as of December 2006, the number of various development zones across the country has been reduced from more than 6,000 to more than 1,000, and the planned area has been reduced from nearly 40,000 square kilometers to more than 9,000 square kilometers.

  After decades of development, development zones have become the engine of rapid growth of local economies. my country will continue to actively promote all-round development, strengthen regional planning, improve development levels, and achieve healthy development.

  CnOpenData has launched administrative division data for China's development zones, covering existing development zone types such as high-tech zones, economic development zones, and border economic cooperation zones in my country. The data is divided into two tables, national and provincial, according to the level of the economic zone, and the three-level administrative division information of provinces, cities, and districts of each development zone is obtained, which is of great significance to the research of regional economics, industrial economics, etc.

Data scale

Administrative division data of China's development zones

Time interval

This data is cross-sectional data for June 2023

Field display

National Development Zone Administrative Division Data Field Table Provincial Development Zone Administrative Division Data Field Table
Unit name Unit name
Type Type
Province Province
Province code Province code Code
City City
City Code City Code
Administrative District Administrative District
Regional Code Regional Code
Region Region
Province Province
Level Level
Establishment Time Establishment Time< /td>
Approved area Approved area
Industry Industry
Address Address
Contact number Contact number
Fax Fax
Website Website
WeChat WeChat

Sample data

Country National Development Zone Administrative Division Data

Unit Name Type Province Province Code City City Code Administrative District Region Code Region Province Level Establishment Time Approved Area Industry Address Contact Number Fax Website WeChat
宾西经济技术开发区 国家级经济技术开发区 河北省 130000 廊坊市 131000 广阳区 131003 东北地区 黑龙江省 国家级 2010年06月 18.56平方公里 食品制造业、其他制造业、 0451-56150001 57950636 57950199 0451-57950636 0451-57950199 www.bxkfq.com
北京大兴国际机场综合保税区 海关特殊监管区域 北京市 110000 北京市 110100 大兴区 110115 华北地区 北京市 国家级 2020年11月 435平方公里 商贸电商物流 电子商务 电子信息
北京大兴国际机场综合保税区 海关特殊监管区域 北京市 110000 北京市 110100 大兴区 110115 华北地区 北京市 国家级 2021年11月
北京经济技术开发区 国家级经济技术开发区 北京市 110000 北京市 110100 东城区 110101 华北地区 北京市 国家级 34547 39.8平方公里 医药制造业、专用设备制造业、汽车制造业、软件和信息技术服务业 北京经济技术开发区管理委员会 010-67880172 http://kfqgw.beijing.gov.cn/ 北京亦庄
北京天竺综合保税区 海关特殊监管区域 北京市 110000 北京市 110100 顺义区 110113 华北地区 北京市 国家级 2008年07月 5.944平方公里 医药制造业、航空运输业、文化艺术业 北京市顺义区金航中路一号院2号楼 010-69478686 010-69478566
北京中关村综合保税区 海关特殊监管区域 北京市 110000 北京市 110100 海淀区 110108 华北地区 北京市 国家级 2023年05月 0.401平方公里
合芜蚌国家自主创新示范区 国家级自主创新示范区 北京市 110000 北京市 110100 朝阳区 110105 华东地区 安徽省 国家级 2016年06月
嘉定综合保税区 海关特殊监管区域 北京市 110000 北京市 110100 顺义区 110113 华东地区 上海市 国家级 2005年06月 0.95平方公里 汽车制造业、邮政业 上海市嘉定宝钱公路4500号 021-39568005
宁温国家自主创新示范区 国家级自主创新示范区 北京市 110000 北京市 110100 朝阳区 110105 华东地区 浙江省 国家级 2018年02月
乌昌石国家自主创新示范区 国家级自主创新示范区 北京市 110000 北京市 110100 朝阳区 110105 西北地区 新疆维吾尔自治区 国家级 2018年11月
中关村国家自主创新示范区 国家级自主创新示范区 北京市 110000 北京市 110100 海淀区 110108 华北地区 北京市 国家级 2009年03月 www.zgc.gov.cn/
中关村科技园区 国家级高新技术产业开发区 北京市 110000 北京市 110100 海淀区 110108 华北地区 北京市 国家级 1988年05月 232.523平方公里 计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业、其他制造业、生态保护和环境治理业 北京市海淀区阜成路73号裕惠大厦 010-88828800 010-88828882 www.zgc.gov.cn
中国(北京)自由贸易试验区 国家级自由贸易试验区 北京市 110000 北京市 110100 东城区 110101 华北地区 北京市 国家级 2020年09月 11968平方公里 新材料化工新材料锂电池、生物及生物医药、新一代信息技术及战略新兴产业
珠三角国家自主创新示范区 国家级自主创新示范区 北京市 110000 北京市 110100 大兴区 110115 华南地区 广东省 国家级 2015年09月
北辰经济技术开发区 国家级经济技术开发区 天津市 120000 天津市 120100 北辰区 120113 华北地区 天津市 国家级 2013年03月 2.484平方公里 专用设备制造业 天津市北辰区永进道88号 022-26314573 022-26895125 www.bceda.com/
东丽经济技术开发区 国家级经济技术开发区 天津市 120000 天津市 120100 东丽区 120110 华北地区 天津市 国家级 2014年02月 7.217平方公里 汽车制造业、其他制造业
天津滨海新区 国家级新区 天津市 120000 天津市 120100 滨海新区 120116 华北地区 天津市 国家级 2006年05月 2270平方公里 天津市滨海新区大连东道1060号 022-65622581 http://www.bh.gov.cn/
天津滨海新区综合保税区 海关特殊监管区域 天津市 120000 天津市 120100 滨海新区 120116 华北地区 天津市 国家级 2008年03月 1.599平方公里 航空运输业、邮政业
天津东疆保税港区 海关特殊监管区域 天津市 120000 天津市 120100 滨海新区 120116 华北地区 天津市 国家级 2006年08月 10平方公里 批发业、铁路运输业、租赁业 天津东疆保税港区美洲路联检服务中心3楼 022-25605029 25605025 022-25605020
天津东疆综合保税区 海关特殊监管区域 天津市 120000 天津市 120100 滨海新区 120116 华北地区 天津市 国家级 2020年06月 10平方公里
天津港综合保税区 海关特殊监管区域 天津市 120000 天津市 120100 滨海新区 120116 华北地区 天津市 国家级 2020年06月
天津国家自主创新示范区 国家级自主创新示范区 天津市 120000 天津市 120100 滨海新区 120116 华北地区 天津市 国家级 2014年12月
天津经济技术开发区 国家级经济技术开发区 天津市 120000 天津市 120100 河西区 120103 华北地区 天津市 国家级 1984年12月 37.9704平方公里 医药制造业、专用设备制造业、汽车制造业 天津经济技术开发区宏达街19号 0086-22-25202676 0086-22-25201836 www.teda.gov.cn
天津临港综合保税区 海关特殊监管区域 天津市 120000 天津市 120100 东丽区 120110 华北地区 天津市 国家级 2023年06月 5.56平方公里 新能源新经济等、新一代信息技术及战略新兴产业
天津子牙经济技术开发区 国家级经济技术开发区 天津市 120000 天津市 120100 静海区 120118 华北地区 天津市 国家级 2012年12月 1.173平方公里 废弃资源综合利用业
武清经济技术开发区 国家级经济技术开发区 天津市 120000 天津市 120100 武清区 120114 华北地区 天津市 国家级 2010年12月 9.1549平方公里 医药制造业 武清开发区新源道19号高新公寓16号办公楼 022-82166870 82166871 82166872 022-82101389 www.tjuda.com
西青经济技术开发区 国家级经济技术开发区 天津市 120000 天津市 120100 西青区 120111 华北地区 天津市 国家级 2010年12月 16.88平方公里 汽车制造业、电气机械和器材制造业 天津市西青经济开发区兴华七支路8号 86-22-83966666 86-22-23971259 www.xeda.gov.cn
中国(天津)自由贸易试验区 国家级自由贸易试验区 天津市 120000 天津市 120100 东丽区 120110 华北地区 天津市 国家级 2014年12月 119.9平方公里 天津滨海新区于家堡融和路681号8层 022-66615116 022-66615129 http://www.china-tjftz.gov.cn 中国天津自贸区
保定高新技术产业开发区 国家级高新技术产业开发区 河北省 130000 保定市 130600 涿州市 130681 华北地区 河北省 国家级 1992年11月 12.23平方公里 保定市创业路118号 0321-3108801 0321-3108830 www.bdgxq.gov.cn
沧州临港经济技术开发区 国家级经济技术开发区 河北省 130000 沧州市 130900 黄骅市 130983 华北地区 河北省 国家级 3.8058平方公里 石油、煤炭及其他燃料加工业、医药制造业 国家级沧州临港经济技术开发区管理委员会 0317-7559881 7559883 0317-7559880 www.czcip.gov.cn
曹妃甸经济技术开发区 国家级经济技术开发区 河北省 130000 唐山市 130200 曹妃甸区 130209 华北地区 河北省 国家级 2013年01月 14.48平方公里 化学原料和化学制品制造业 唐山市曹妃甸区唐海镇垦丰大街23号 0315-8716073 0315-8716073 http://www.caofeidian.gov.cn 曹妃甸发布
曹妃甸综合保税区 海关特殊监管区域 河北省 130000 唐山市 130200 曹妃甸区 130209 华北地区 河北省 国家级 2012年07月 4.59平方公里 邮政业 曹妃甸综合保税区投资服务中心B座 0315-8820088
承德高新技术产业开发区 国家级高新技术产业开发区 河北省 130000 承德市 130800 双桥区 130802 华北地区 河北省 国家级 2012年08月 6.2平方公里 铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业 0314-2121423 0314-2120444 www.cdkfq.gov.cn/
邯郸经济技术开发区 国家级经济技术开发区 河北省 130000 邯郸市 130400 丛台区 130403 华北地区 河北省 国家级 2013年11月 3.5平方公里 通用设备制造业、其他制造业 邯郸经济技术开发区和谐大街19号 0310-8066299 0310-8066299 http://www.hdkfq.gov.cn/ 邯郸经开
廊坊经济技术开发区 国家级经济技术开发区 河北省 130000 廊坊市 131000 广阳区 131003 华北地区 河北省 国家级 2009年07月 14.49平方公里 其他制造业 0316-6089343、6078228 0316-6078209 www.lfdz.gov.cn
廊坊综合保税区 海关特殊监管区域 河北省 130000 廊坊市 131000 广阳区 131003 华北地区 河北省 国家级 2018年01月 0.5平方公里 电气机械和器材制造业、邮政业
秦皇岛经济技术开发区 国家级经济技术开发区 河北省 130000 秦皇岛市 130300 海港区 130302 华北地区 河北省 国家级 1984年10月 22.98平方公里 其他制造业 秦皇岛开发区黄河中道69号 0335-8019178 8019288 0335-8019184 www.qetdz.com.cn
秦皇岛综合保税区 海关特殊监管区域 河北省 130000 秦皇岛市 130300 山海关区 130303 华北地区 河北省 国家级 2002年06月 2.5平方公里 纺织服装、服饰业、金属制品、机械和设备修理业、邮政业 河北秦皇岛出口加工区温州道一号 0335-5180007 5180065 0335-5180000
石家庄高新技术产业开发区 国家级高新技术产业开发区 河北省 130000 石家庄市 130100 裕华区 130108 华北地区 河北省 国家级 1991年03月 15.53平方公里 其他制造业、 石家庄市长江大道89号 0311-85962248 www.shidz.com
石家庄经济技术开发区 国家级经济技术开发区 河北省 130000 石家庄市 130100 长安区 130102 华北地区 河北省 国家级 2012年10月 8.2839平方公里 食品制造业、医药制造业、专用设备制造业 0311-88086336 0311-88086007
石家庄综合保税区 海关特殊监管区域 河北省 130000 石家庄市 130100 藁城区 130109 华北地区 河北省 国家级 2014年09月 2.86平方公里 邮政业
唐山高新技术产业开发区 国家级高新技术产业开发区 河北省 130000 唐山市 130200 丰南区 130207 华北地区 河北省 国家级 2010年11月 4.5平方公里 其他制造业 0315-3196078 www.tsgxq.gov.cn
雄安新区 国家级新区 河北省 130000 保定市 130600 安新县 130632 华北地区 河北省 国家级 2017年04月 300平方公里 河北省雄县、容城、安新3县及周边部分区域 http://www.xiongan.gov.cn/
燕郊高新技术产业开发区 国家级高新技术产业开发区 河北省 130000 廊坊市 131000 三河市 131082 华北地区 河北省 国家级 2010年11月 15.31平方公里 其他制造业 河北东燕郊行宫东大街1号 010-61594131 0316-3312796 0316-3313045 www.yanjiao.gov.cn
张家口经济技术开发区 国家级经济技术开发区 河北省 130000 张家口市 130700 桥东区 130702 华北地区 河北省 国家级 2021年06月 2.1664平方公里 其他制造业
中国(河北)自由贸易试验区 国家级自由贸易试验区 河北省 130000 石家庄市 130100 正定县 130123 华北地区 河北省 国家级 2019年08月 119.97平方公里 医药制造业、软件和信息技术服务业、生物及生物医药、高端装备制造
大同经济技术开发区 国家级经济技术开发区 山西省 140000 大同市 140200 平城区 140213 华北地区 山西省 国家级 2010年12月 8.2平方公里 医药制造业、汽车制造业 山西省大同市平城区道坛街68号 0352-6108837 0352-6116300 www.detdz.gov.cn/
晋城经济技术开发区 国家级经济技术开发区 山西省 140000 晋城市 140500 城区 140502 华北地区 山西省 国家级 2013年03月 4平方公里 其他制造业 山西省晋城市城区兰花路1199号 0356-2190564 0356-2193040 www.jcetda.gov.cn 晋城开发区发布
晋中国家农业高新技术产业示范区 国家农业高新技术产业示范区 山西省 140000 晋中市 140700 榆次区 140702 华北地区 山西省 国家级 2019年11月 106.49平方公里 农业、农副食品加工业绿色食品加工
晋中经济技术开发区 国家级经济技术开发区 山西省 140000 晋中市 140700 榆次区 140702 华北地区 山西省 国家级 2012年03月 5.2平方公里 食品制造业、医药制造业、其他制造业 山西省晋中市榆次区迎宾西街128号 0354-3366199 0354-3366199 www.sxjzedz.gov.cn/jzjjkfqwww/

Administrative division data of provincial development zones

< td>110119Beijing > < tr> d> 19.24 square kilometers td> /tr> < td>120100Beichen District < td>Nankai District 130000 130102 td>
Unit name Type Province Province code City City code Administrative district Region code Region Province Level Establishment time< /th> Approved area Industry Address Contact number Fax Website WeChat
Beijing Badaling Economic Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Beijing 110000 Beijing 110100 Yanqing District North China Beijing Provincial December 2000 4.8087 square kilometers
Beijing Caiyu Economic Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Beijing 110000 110100 Daxing District 110115 North China Beijing Provincial March 2006 1.283 square kilometers Automobile manufacturing
Beijing Changping Xiaotangshan Industrial Park Provincial Development Zone Beijing 110000 Beijing 110100 Changping District 110114 North China Beijing Provincial March 2006 1.2119 square kilometers
Beijing Daxing Economic Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Beijing 110000 Beijing 110100 Daxing District 110115 North China Beijing Provincial December 2000 4.1347 square kilometers Cultural Art
Beijing Fangshan Industrial Park Provincial Development Zone Beijing 110000 Beijing 110100 Fangshan District 110111 North China Beijing Provincial March 2006 2.4143 square kilometers
Beijing Airport Economic Core Zone Provincial Development Zone Beijing 110000 Beijing 110100 Shunyi District 110113 North China Beijing Provincial June 2006 23.8172 square kilometers Air transportation, business services
Beijing Mafang Industrial Park Provincial development zone Beijing 110000 Beijing 110100 Pinggu District 110117 North China Beijing Provincial August 2006 2.4908 square kilometers Automobile manufacturing,
Beijing Miyun Economic Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Beijing 110000 Beijing 110100 Miyun District 110118 North China Beijing Provincial December 2000 3.5268 square kilometers Pharmaceutical manufacturing industry,
Beijing Shilong Economic Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Beijing 110000 Beijing 110100 North China Beijing Provincial January 1992 1.4435 square kilometers Pharmaceutical manufacturing, other Other manufacturing industries,
Beijing Shunyi Science and Technology Innovation Industrial Functional Zone Provincial Development Zone Beijing 110000 Beijing 110100 Shunyi District 110113 North China Beijing Provincial December 2000 14.0072 square kilometers Automobile manufacturing, computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing
Beijing Tongzhou Economic Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Beijing 110000 Beijing 110100 Tongzhou District 110112 North China Beijing Provincial June 2006 20.7513 square kilometers Business services
Beijing Xinggu Economic Development Zone Provincial development zone Beijing 110000 Beijing 110100 Dongcheng District 110101 North China Beijing Provincial June 2006 9.72 square kilometers Food manufacturing, automobile manufacturing
Beijing Yanqing Economic Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Beijing 110000 Beijing 110100 Yanqing District 110119 North China Beijing Provincial August 1992 3.0357 square kilometers Pharmaceutical Manufacturing < /td>
Beijing Yanqi Economic Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Beijing 110000 Beijing 110100 Dongcheng District 110101 North China Beijing Provincial June 2006 10.7269 square kilometers Railway, shipbuilding, aerospace and other transportation equipment manufacturing
Beijing Yongle Economic Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Beijing 110000 Beijing 110100 Tongzhou District 1 10112 North China Beijing Provincial September 1992 4.3889 square kilometers Food manufacturing, instrumentation manufacturing, metal products, machinery and equipment repair
Ninth Division Baktu Industrial Park Provincial Development Zone Beijing< /td> 110000 Beijing 110100 Chaoyang District 110105 Northwest China Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Provincial June 2011 5.5972 square kilometers
Reshui Coal Industry Park Provincial Development Zone Beijing 110000 Beijing 110100 Tongzhou District 110112 Northwest China Qinghai Province Provincial April 2010 8.3099 square kilometers
Guizhou Heping (Goujiang) Economic Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Tianjin 120000 Tianjin 120100 Heping District 120101 Southwest China Guizhou Province Provincial January 2012 Other manufacturing
Tianjin Balitai Industrial Park Provincial Development Zone Tianjin City 120000 Tianjin City 120100 Jinnan District 120112 North China Tianjin Provincial April 2006 6.131 square kilometers Electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry
Tianjin Baodi Economic Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Tianjin 120000 Tianjin 12010 0 Baodi District 120115 North China Tianjin Provincial April 2006 7.0392 square kilometers
Tianjin Baodi Jiuyuan Industrial Park Provincial Development Zone Tianjin120000 Tianjin 120100 Baodi District 120115 North China Tianjin Provincial April 2006 6.699 square kilometers Pharmaceutical manufacturing, general equipment manufacturing
Tianjin Binhai Private Economy Growth Demonstration Base Provincial Development Zone Tianjin City 120000 Tianjin City 120100 Binhai New Area 120116 North China Tianjin City Provincial July 2009 7.823 square kilometers Oil and natural gas extraction, black Nonferrous metal mining and dressing industry
Tianjin Dagang Economic Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Tianjin City 120000 Tianjin City 120100 Hexi District 120103 North China Tianjin City Provincial July 1992 6.015 square kilometers Ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry, metal products, machinery and equipment repair industry
Tianjin Dagang Petrochemical Industrial Park Provincial Development Zone Tianjin City 120000 Tianjin City 120100< /td> Binhai New Area 120116 North China Tianjin Provincial January 2003 2 square kilometers Chemical raw materials and chemical products manufacturing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, chemical fiber manufacturing
Tianjin Daqiuzhuang Industrial Zone Provincial Development Zone Tianjin 120000 Tianjin 120100 Jinghai District 120118 North China Tianjin Provincial August 2009 6.9084 square kilometers Ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry, metal products, machinery and equipment repair industry
Tianjin Haihe Industrial Zone Provincial Development Zone Tianjin City 120000 Tianjin City 120100 Jinnan District 120112 North China Tianjin City Provincial April 2006 3.204 7 square kilometers Computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing
Tianjin Jizhou District Economic Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Tianjin City 120000 Tianjin City 120100 Jizhou District 120119 North China Tianjin Provincial June 1992 6.6808 square kilometers Food manufacturing, metal products, machinery and equipment repair
Tianjin Jinnan Economic Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Tianjin 120000 Tianjin City 120100 Jinnan District 120112 North China Tianjin City Provincial July 1992 6.8751 square kilometers Automobile manufacturing, computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing
Tianjin Jingbin Industrial Park Provincial Development Zone Tianjin City 120000 Tianjin City 120100 Wuqing District 120114 North China Tianjin City Provincial August 2009 9.4578 square kilometers Computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing, other manufacturing, >< /td>
Tianjin Jinghai Economic Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Tianjin City 120000 Tianjin City 120100 Jinghai District 120118 North China Tianjin City Provincial April 2006 11.7575 square kilometers Automobile manufacturing
Tianjin Junliangcheng Industrial Park Provincial Development Zone Tianjin City 120000 Tianjin City 120100 Dongli District 120110 North China Tianjin Provincial April 2006 1.8182 square kilometers Business services,
Tianjin Development Zone Modern Industrial Zone Provincial Development Zone Tianjin 120000 Tianjin Dongli District 120110 North China Tianjin Provincial October 1996 8.0735 square kilometers Petroleum, coal and other fuel processing, pharmaceutical manufacturing
Tianjin Airport Economic Zone Provincial Development Zone Tianjin 120000 Tianjin 120100 Dongli District 120110 North China Tianjin Provincial October 2002 22.751 square kilometers Other manufacturing
Tianjin Ninghe Economic Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Tianjin City 120000 Tianjin City 120100 Ninghe District 120117 North China Tianjin City Provincial April 2006 7.7341 square kilometers Metal products, machinery and equipment repair industry,
Tianjin Panzhuang Industrial Zone Provincial Development Zone Tianjin City 120000 Tianjin City 120100 Ninghe District 120117 North China Tianjin City Provincial April 2006 1.5 square kilometers Food manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, other manufacturing
Tianjin Shuangkou Industrial Park Provincial Development Zone Tianjin 120000 Tianjin 120100 120113 North China Tianjin Provincial April 2006 4.2997 square kilometers Wood processing and wood, bamboo, rattan, palm, straw products, computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing, other manufacturing
Tianjin Wuqing Fuyuan Economic Development Zone Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Tianjin 120000 Tianjin 120100 Wuqing District 120114 North China Tianjin Provincial April 2006 3.0054 square kilometers Computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing, metal products, machinery and equipment repair
Tianjin Zhongbei Industrial Park Provincial Development Zone Tianjin City 120000 Tianjin City 120100 Xiqing District 120111 North China Tianjin City Provincial 2006 April 3.0075 square kilometers Automobile manufacturing, electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing, computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing
Tianjin Special Purpose Vehicle Industrial Park Provincial Development Zone Tianjin City 120000 Tianjin City 120100 120104 North China Tianjin Provincial August 2009 13.6613 square kilometers
Hebei Anguo Modern Chinese Medicine Industrial Park Provincial Development Zone Hebei Province Baoding City 130600 Anguo City 130683 North China Hebei Province Provincial July 2011 5.8926 square kilometers Food manufacturing, pharmaceutical manufacturing
Hebei Anping High-tech Industrial Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Hebei Province 130000 Hengshui City 131100 Anping County 131125 North China Hebei Province Provincial February 2011 7.3615 square kilometers Automobile manufacturing, other manufacturing
Hebei Bazhou Economic Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Hebei Province 130000 Langfang City 131000 Bazhou City 131081 North China Hebei Province Provincial 1996 September 16.3027 square kilometers Furniture manufacturing, metal products, machinery and equipment repair
Hebei Baoding Economic Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Hebei Province 130000 Shijiazhuang City 130100 Chang'an District North China Hebei Province Provincial May 2011 18.1291 square kilometers Automobile manufacturing
Hebei Baoding Jingxiu Economic Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Hebei Province 130000< /td> Baoding City 130600 Jingxiu District 130602 North China Hebei Province Provincial January 2023 4.3315 square kilometers New materials, chemical industry, new materials, lithium batteries, life sciences, high-end equipment manufacturing
Hebei Beidaihe Economic Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Hebei Province 130000 Qinhuangdao City 130300 Beidaihe District 130304 North China Hebei Province Provincial January 1995 2.6618 square kilometers Special equipment manufacturing, computers, communications and other Electronic equipment manufacturing, metal products, machinery and equipment repair industry
Hebei Boye Economic Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Hebei Province 130000 Baoding City 130600 Boye County 130637 North China Hebei Northern Province Provincial October 2012 5.2993 square kilometers Rubber and plastic products industry, metal products, machinery and equipment repair industry,
Hebei Cangzhou High-tech Industrial Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Hebei Province 130000 Cangzhou City130900 Renqiu City 130982 North China Hebei Province Provincial January 2011 10.4477 square kilometers Other manufacturing
Hebei Cangzhou Economic Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Hebei Province 130000 Cangzhou City 130900 Canal District 130903 North China Hebei Province Provincial July 1992 9.957 square kilometers Pharmaceutical manufacturing, automobile manufacturing < /td>
Hebei Changli Economic Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Hebei Province 130000 Qinhuangdao City 130300 Changli County 130322 North China Hebei Province Provincial May 2006 9.1643 square kilometers Food manufacturing, ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing, metal products, machinery and equipment repair industry
Hebei Cheng'an Economic Development Zone Provincial Development Zone Hebei Province 130000 Handan City 130400 Cheng'an County 130424 North China District Hebei Province Provincial May 2011 4.9222 square kilometers Wood processing and wood, bamboo, rattan, palm, straw products, metal products, machinery and equipment repair

Related literature

  • Lu Fangwen, Sun Weizeng and Wu Jianfeng. 2023, "Special Economic Zones and Human Capital Investment: 30 Years of Evidence from China", American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.
  • Tian, Xuan and Xu, Jiajie, 2018, "Do Place-Based Policies Promote Local Innovation and Entrepreneurship? ", Review of Finance.
  • Simon Alder, Lin Shao, and Fabrizio Zilibotti, 2016, "Economic reforms and industrial policy in a panel of Chinese cities.", Journal of Economic Growth.
  • Hua Yue and Ye Yun, 2023: "Carbon Emission Reduction Effect of Green Location-Oriented Policies - Practice from National Ecological Industrial Demonstration Parks", Journal of Quantitative Economics and Technical Economics, No. 4.
  • Li Ben and Wu Lihua, 2018: "Development Zone Establishment and Enterprise Growth: A Study of Heterogeneity and Mechanism", China Industrial Economy, No. 4.
  • Bao Qun, Tang Shi, and Liu Bi, 2017: “Local Competition, Similarity of Leading Industries and Domestic Overcapacity”, World Economy, No. 10.
  • Wang Bing and Nie Xin, 2016: “Industrial Agglomeration and Environmental Governance: Help or Obstacle—Evidence from Quasi-natural Experiments in the Establishment of Development Zones”, China Industrial Economy, No. 12.
  • Wang Yongjin and Zhang Guofeng, 2016: “Sources of Development Zone Productivity Advantage: Agglomeration Effect or Selection Effect?”, Economic Research, No. 7.
  • Li Lixing and Shen Guangjun, 2015: “Economic Development Zones, Regional Comparative Advantages and Industrial Structure Adjustment”, Economics (Quarterly), No. 3.
  • Zheng Jianghuai, Gao Yanyan, and Hu Xiaowen, 2008: “Enterprise “Clustering”, Technology Upgrading and Economic Performance—Empirical Analysis of the Agglomeration Effect of Development Zones”, Economic Research, No. 5.

Related Literature

  • Yu Huayi, Hou Yujuan, Hong Yongmiao, 2021: "Regional Integration Effect of Urban District Mergers - Evidence from Real Estate Micro Data and Urban District Economic Data", "China Industrial Economy" No. 4.

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