
  Banks are financial institutions that operate currency and credit businesses. They issue credit currency, manage currency circulation, adjust fund supply and demand, and handle currency deposits, loans and settlements. They are the product of a commodity-currency economy that has developed to a certain stage.

  Since the reform and opening up, my country's commodity economy has become increasingly active, and the scale of the banking industry has developed rapidly. However, in the context of accelerated interest rate marketization, intensified domestic and foreign competition, and declining profit growth, banking financial institutions must make corresponding strategic adjustments in business structure, resource allocation and regional layout. Industry research on the industry development environment and market demand is becoming increasingly important.

  To assist related research, CnOpenData has launched China's all banking business operation data, covering the business operation information disclosed in the annual and semi-annual reports of hundreds of domestic banks, including personal financial services, asset management services, channel construction and other content.

Time interval


Field display

< td>Personal financial business-personal deposit amount (RMB)
China's total banking business operation data field table
Bank name
Reporting period
Personal financial business-Personal financial asset scale (yuan)
Personal financial business-number of personal deposit customers (households)
Personal financial business-personal loan amount (RMB)
Personal financial business-number of personal loan customers (households)
Personal financial business-personal bank asset management scale (RMB)
Personal financial business-number of private bank customers (households)
Personal financial business-wealth customer asset scale (RMB)
Personal financial business-number of wealth customers (households)
Personal financial business-number of bank cards issued (cards)
Personal financial business-number of debit cards issued (cards)
Personal financial business-debit card consumption amount (yuan)
Personal financial business-number of credit cards issued (cards)
Personal financial business-credit card consumption amount (yuan)
Personal financial business-credit card overdraft balance (yuan)
Personal financial business-credit card bad debt rate (%)
Asset management business-wealth management product balance (RMB)
Asset management business-personal wealth management product balance (RMB)
Asset management business-corporate wealth management product balance (RMB)
Asset management business-guaranteed wealth management product balance (RMB)
Asset management business-non-guaranteed wealth management product balance (RMB)
Asset management business-net-value wealth management product balance (RMB) )
Asset management business-custodial asset size (total net value) (yuan)
Asset management business-trusted pension fund size (yuan)
Asset management business-number of individual pension accounts (households)
Asset management business-custodial pension fund size (yuan)
Asset management business-trusted enterprise annuity size (yuan)
Asset management business-number of individual enterprise annuity accounts (households)
Asset management business-custodial enterprise annuity scale (RMB)
Channel construction-business outlets and institutions (units)
Channel construction-self-service banks (units)
Channel construction-number of self-service equipment (units)
Channel construction-number of online banking customers (households)
Channel construction-online banking transaction volume (RMB)
Channel construction-number of personal online banking customers (households)
Channel construction-personal Online banking transaction amount (RMB)
Channel construction-Number of corporate online banking customers (households)
Channel construction-Enterprise online banking transaction amount (RMB)
Channel construction-Number of mobile banking customers (households)
Channel construction-Mobile banking transaction amount (RMB)
Channel construction-Number of personal mobile banking customers (households)
Channel construction-Personal mobile banking transaction amount (RMB)
Channel construction-Enterprise mobile banking customers Number of accounts (accounts)
Channel construction-corporate mobile banking transaction amount (yuan)
Channel construction-number of electronic banking customers (accounts)
Channel construction-electronic banking transaction amount (yuan)
Channel construction-number of personal electronic banking customers (accounts)
Channel construction-personal electronic banking transaction amount (yuan)
Channel construction-number of corporate electronic banking customers (accounts)
Channel construction-corporate electronic banking Transaction amount (RMB)
Channel construction-WeChat banking customers (households)
Channel construction-WeChat banking transaction amount (RMB)
Channel construction-Direct banking customers (households)
Channel construction-Direct banking transaction amount (RMB)
Channel construction-Transaction banking contracted customers (households)
Channel construction-Transaction banking transaction amount (RMB)
Information technology-Number of new patent authorizations (items)
Information technology-total number of patent authorizations (items)
Information technology-invention patents (items)
Core platform construction-mobile banking-monthly active (accounts)

Sample data

Bank name Year Reporting period Personal financial business-personal financial asset scale (yuan) Personal financial business-personal deposit amount ( Personal financial business-Number of personal deposit customers (households) Personal financial business-Amount of personal loans (yuan) Personal financial business-Number of personal loan customers (households) Personal financial business-Private banking asset management scale (yuan) Personal financial business-Number of private banking customers (households) Personal financial business-Wealth customer asset scale (yuan) Personal financial business-Number of wealth customers (households) Personal financial business-Bank card issuance volume (cards) Personal financial business-Debit card issuance volume (cards) Personal financial business-Private banking asset management scale (yuan ... Personal financial business-Debit card consumption amount (RMB) Personal financial business-Credit card issuance volume (cards) Personal financial business-Credit card consumption amount (RMB) Personal financial business-Credit card overdraft balance (RMB) Personal financial business-Credit card bad debt rate (%) Asset management business-Wealth management product balance (RMB) Asset management business-Personal wealth management product balance (RMB) Asset management business-Corporate wealth management product balance (RMB) Asset management business-Guaranteed wealth management product balance (RMB) Asset management business-Non-guaranteed wealth management product balance (RMB)Asset management business-balance of net value wealth management products (RMB) Asset management business-scale of managed assets (total net value) (RMB) Asset management business-scale of pension funds under trust management (RMB) Asset management business-number of individual pension accounts (households) Asset management business-scale of managed pension funds (RMB) Asset management business-scale of managed enterprise annuities (RMB) Asset management business-number of individual enterprise annuity accounts (households) Asset management business-scale of managed enterprise annuities (RMB) Channel construction-business outlets and institutions (units) Channel construction-self-service banks (units) Channel construction-number of self-service devices (units) Channel construction-number of online banking customers (households) Channel construction-online banking transaction amount (yuan) Channel construction-number of personal online banking customers (households) Channel construction-personal online banking transaction amount (yuan) Channel construction-number of corporate online banking customers (households) Channel construction-corporate online banking transaction amount (yuan) Channel construction-number of mobile banking customers (households) Channel construction-mobile banking transaction amount (yuan) Channel construction-personal mobile banking customers Number of accounts (accounts) Channel construction-personal mobile banking transaction amount (RMB) Channel construction-corporate mobile banking customer number (accounts) Channel construction-corporate mobile banking transaction amount (RMB) Channel construction-electronic banking customer number (accounts) Channel construction-electronic banking transaction amount (RMB) Channel construction-personal electronic banking customer number (accounts) Channel construction-personal electronic banking transaction amount (RMB) Channel construction-corporate electronic banking customer number (accounts) Channel construction-corporate electronic banking transaction amount (RMB) Channel construction-WeChat Number of bank customers (households) Channel construction - WeChat bank transaction amount (RMB) Channel construction - number of direct bank customers (households) Channel construction - direct bank transaction amount (RMB) Channel construction - number of contracted transaction bank customers (households) Channel construction - transaction bank transaction amount (RMB) Information technology - number of new patent authorizations (items) Information technology - total number of patent authorizations (items) Information technology - invention patents (items) Core platform construction - mobile banking - monthly active users (households)
国家开发银行 2022 年报 42 17491070000000 34400
国家开发银行 2021 年报 42 14726629000000 35200
国家开发银行 2020 年报 496700000000
国家开发银行 2019 年报 473900000000
国家开发银行 2018 年报
中国农业发展银行 2022 年报 2003 11059990000000 147000 50850000000 25000
中国农业发展银行 2021 年报 2003 0 104000 2129000000 0 3500
中国农业发展银行 2020 年报 2201
中国农业发展银行 2019 年报 2062
中国农业发展银行 2018 年报 2197
中国建设银行股份有限公司 2023 中报 18140000000000 14536638000000 8431127000000 2410000000000 213300 1284000000 13100000000000 137000000 939596000000 1.66 1572509000000 29960000000 68434000000 20370000000000 14337 97036 410000000 13281300 450000000 4957300 26500000 521 1777 1026
中国建设银行股份有限公司 2022 年报 17000000000000 13074250000000 8236768000000 2250000000000 193700 1276000000 23980000000000 140000000 924873000000 1.46 2014460000000 19390000000000 14239 21558 105538 315700522000000 404767100 12359800 440000000 440000000 4142000 22500000 15414000000 525 1256 739
中国建设银行股份有限公司 2022 中报 16000000000000 12359327000000 8087189000000 2180000000000 190500 1270000000 11700000000000 152000000 910311000000 1.44 2151580000000 75082000000 29496000000 19020000000000 14461 22537 110497 398000000 8300000000000 11755600 138910000000000 428000000 43120000000000 3491400 1170000000000 145000000 934 540
中国建设银行股份有限公司 2021 年报
中国建设银行股份有限公司 2021 中报 14000000000000 11173783000000 7529011000000 1930000000000 175610 1226000000 12850000000000 146000000 839412000000 1.28 1849393000000 639101000000 264026000000 28327000000 874800000000 286238000000 16790000000000 14656 24831 73065 383000000 9030000000000 10802800 133170000000000 403000000 47150000000000 2510300 975100000000 128000000 606 389
中国建设银行股份有限公司 2020 年报 13000000000000 10184904000000 7233869000000 1780000000000 160794 1208000000 23480000000000 144000000 825710000000 1.4 2224848000000 1112517000000 415347000000 56854000000 1471010000000 293929000000 15250000000000 14624 25529 127877 266224405000000 371379800 22450000000000 10288700 243780000000000 91089331000000 387938500 80650000000000 2169200 2040000000000 120000000 31978000000 564
中国建设银行股份有限公司 2020 中报 9762389000000 6866895000000 1674333000000 153928 1162000000 10710000000000 139000000 774595000000 1.17 2016991000000 1506296000000 510694000000 186948000000 1606220000000 388511000000 14270000000000 14846 26360 131740 354000000 9780000 367000000 1880000 109000000
中国建设银行股份有限公司 2019 年报 8706031000000 6477352000000 1510000000000 142739 1129000000 23190000000000 133000000 741197000000 1.03 2145723000000 1624721000000 176847000000 1885050000000 478533000000 13130000000000 14912 27126 136902 341000000 31090000000000 9090000 208680000000000 351000000 58930000000000 1590000 1060000000000 102000000 28814000000
中国建设银行股份有限公司 2019 中报 8494856000000 6132851000000 1496123000000 139995 1085000000 11200000000000 128000000 672148000000 1.21 2037294000000 1599833000000 226481000000 1810813000000 343000000000 12360000000000 14941 27778 139230 322000000 8380000 329000000 94090000
中国建设银行股份有限公司 2018 年报 7771165000000 5839803000000 1348512000000 127211 1041000000 21000000000000 121400000 651389000000 0.98 2188300000000 1684329000000 341779000000 1846524000000 299624000000 12220000000000 14977 28238 92225 240390000000000 305000000 7570000 58240000000000 310000000 1060000 89000000
大连银行股份有限公司 2022 年报 129091503000 48165615000 1051530000 62518000000 167 76 1089319000000 448900 42000 337930000000 1794300 600 40000000
大连银行股份有限公司 2021 年报 101970298000 46989067000 1455432000 52940000000 168 143 1665326000000 446600 41000 352424000000 1616000 287000000
大连银行股份有限公司 2020 年报 88948041000 39927964000 1847526000 59770000000 182 120 2059883000000 432600 36000 232097000000 1325700 41000000
大连银行股份有限公司 2019 年报 79352477000 28764373000 2622955000 174
大连银行股份有限公司 2018 年报 206938580000 174
温州银行股份有限公司 2023 中报 181
温州银行股份有限公司 2022 年报 103800332000 85542845000 215200 2535000000 55405000000 170 514843 1059731
温州银行股份有限公司 2022 中报 177
温州银行股份有限公司 2021 年报 65730036000 64769896000 3983346000 54073000000 178 466060 41310 858776 249190
温州银行股份有限公司 2021 中报 178
温州银行股份有限公司 2020 年报 59836616000 48153908000 50215000000 23185000000 178 461710 35928 692480
温州银行股份有限公司 2019 年报 45563187000 46412734000 11237415000 51811000000 5411000000 176 450051 30330 592908
温州银行股份有限公司 2018 年报 37214463000 52302289000 15169000000 1.16 170 431800 219867000000 26000 497537000000 505000 316500000000 240000
赣州银行股份有限公司 2022 年报 93844757000 39488626000 125553000 162
赣州银行股份有限公司 2021 年报 84838318000 38789476000 226194000 160
赣州银行股份有限公司 2020 年报 75878829000 30452668000 380376000 134 654100
赣州银行股份有限公司 2019 年报 53932772000 23254036000 459343000
赣州银行股份有限公司 2018 年报 14358960000 9473000000 462 90000 170000 280000 23500
晋商银行股份有限公司 2023 中报 128915400000 30484300000 4685900000 6.75 46469100000 155
晋商银行股份有限公司 2022 年报 120002200000 28806800000 4698200000 5.32 48230900000 154
晋商银行股份有限公司 2022 中报 109070400000 27345700000 4491000000 3.7 53142700000 159
晋商银行股份有限公司 2021 年报 148978000000 94259900000 26872000000 1150000 52080700000 162
晋商银行股份有限公司 2021 中报 89706600000 25507100000 4084000000 3.39 39086600000 159
晋商银行股份有限公司 2020 年报 82113900000 22044900000 2.33 38334900000 160
晋商银行股份有限公司 2020 中报 76953700000 19093300000 3330900000 1.79 31771900000 162
晋商银行股份有限公司 2019 年报 68492400000 17835400000 2850100000 0.98 31617500000 159
晋商银行股份有限公司 2019 中报 63367700000 15090600000 1560600000 1.08 29944900000 159
晋商银行股份有限公司 2018 年报 57950139000 15037716000 160
廊坊银行股份有限公司 2022 年报 135800000000 127947000000 67002116000 3920000 7655000000 103 1430000
廊坊银行股份有限公司 2021 年报 116600000000 111200000000 54141448000 3820000 5400000000 97 2200000000

Related Literature

  • Zhu Jigao, Hu Shiyang, Lu Zhengfei, 2016: "Influencing Factors and Economic Consequences of Commercial Banks Engaging in Shadow Banking Business - An Empirical Study Based on the Lenders of Shadow Banking System", "Financial Research", No. 1.
  • Liu Mengfei, Zhang Xiaolan, Zhang Chao, 2012: "Research on the Correlation between Business Diversification, Operating Performance and Risk of Commercial Banks in my country", "International Financial Research", No. 8.

Data Update Frequency

Annual Update
