
  According to statistics from the Ministry of Commerce, as of 2018, the number of invention patent applications in my country has ranked first in the world for eight consecutive years. However, a large number of patents does not mean high patent quality. Just as the number of paper citations is an important indicator for measuring the quality of papers, the number of patent citations is also a core indicator for measuring the quality of patents.

  Patent citation refers to a patent being cited by a later patent applicant or examiner, representing the technical relevance of the two patents. Patent citations are derived from the Science Citation Index (SCI American Science Citation Index), which is a knowledge network composed of citations of related documents by scientific and technological literature. Around February 1947, the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) first began to try to list relevant references in authorized patent documents for the purpose of evaluating patent solutions. Nowadays, there are two sources of patent citation information in a general sense:

  • The first is the references provided by the patent inventor before the application, which are cited in the "background technology" and other parts of the patent specification to explain the difference between the invention and the known technology and demonstrate the novelty of the invention. For example, the US patent system requires applicants to disclose all technical information related to the patent obtained during the entire patent application process in the form of Information Disclosure Statement (IDS), otherwise the patent cannot be authorized or will be deemed invalid after authorization.
  • The second is added by the patent examiner during the examination process. In order to determine whether a patent has novelty and creativity, the examiner will conduct a patent search to find the prior art closest to the technical field protected by the invention.

Patent citation data has at least two functions:

  • Tracking the development path of technology and the flow of knowledge. Since Narin (1994) introduced bibliometrics into patent metrology, patent citations have been considered to objectively reflect knowledge associations. If a patent cites a previous patent, it can be inferred that the patent uses the knowledge contained in the previous patent. The patent citation network can show the dynamic process of technological innovation and the characteristics of knowledge flow between departments and industries.
  • Measure the quality and value of innovation. The measurement of innovation level is not only about quantity, but also about quality. The importance or value of patents also varies greatly. The simple number of patents cannot provide all the information about innovation. Patent citations can be used to evaluate the quality of patents and the innovation value of patents.

  Patents, Citations and Innovations by Adam Jeffe and Manuel Trajtenberg is regarded as a classic work on patent citations. It explains how to analyze the value of patents and the trend of technological changes through patent citation relationships.

  Compared with the Chinese patent citation data (Chinese version), CnOpenData lists the special features of the Chinese patent citation data (world version) in the "Data Features" below.

Data Features

  • It not only includes the citations of Chinese patents by patents applied for in China, but also includes the citations of Chinese patents by patents applied for in other countries in the world.
  • It includes both detailed information on the patent citing other patents and detailed information on the patent being cited by others.
  • It counts the legal status information of each patent in each country up to now.
  • Detailed identification of whether the citation information of the patent is a citation added by the patent examiner during the examination process.

Articles citing this data

Database Application Guide

Reprinted: Patent citation data, what research can be used for?
Reprinted: How to understand the relationship between the number of patent citations and the value of the patent?
Reprinted: China's University Value Patent Mining - Inventor Citation Big Data Analysis
Reprinted: The use, misuse and even abuse of patent data in financial, accounting and economic research!
Reprinted: China Patent Numbering Rules

Time Range

  • Invention Publication Statistics by Application Publication Date: 1985-2023
  • Invention Authorization/Utility Model/Design Statistics by Authorization Announcement Date: 1985-2023

Field display

d> td> d>
Basic information table of Chinese patents Citation information table of Chinese patents Citation information table of Chinese patents Chinese patent affairs table Literature information table cited by Chinese patents Chinese patent classification number table
Patent ID Patent Patent ID Patent ID Patent ID Patent ID
Patent name Patent name Patent name Serial number Patent cited document name Classification number Category serial number
Patent application publication numberPatent application publication number Patent application publication number Event type Classification number
Patent application publication date Patent application publication date Patent application publication date Date Classification number description
Patent application No. Patent application number Patent application number Code
Patent application date Patent application date Patent application date Description
Patent authorization announcement number Patent Owner Patent Owner
Patent Authorization Date Classification Number Classification Number
Patent Priority Date Cited Patent Name Cited Patent Name
Patent inventor Cited patent application publication number Cited patent application publication number
Patent owner Cited patent application publication date Cited patent application publication date
Classification number Cited patent application number Cited patent application number
Brief description Cited patent application date Cited patent application date
Number of patent claims Patent authorization announcement number cited Patent authorization announcement number cited
Number of other patents cited Patent authorization date cited Patent authorization date cited < /td>
Number of patent citations Priority date of cited patent Priority date of cited patent
Legal status Inventor of cited patent Inventor of cited patent
Patent Owner of Cited Patents Patent Owner of Cited Patents
Cited Patent Classification Number Cited Patent Classification Number
Number of cited patent claims Number of cited patent claims
Number of cited patents citing other patents Number of cited patents citing other patents
Number of cited patents Number of cited patents
Legal status of cited patents Legal status of cited patents
Whether the cited patent is Family to Family cited Whether the cited patent is Family to Family cited
Add the subject of the cited information Add the subject of the cited information

Sample data

Basic information table of Chinese patents

Patent ID Patent name Patent application publication number Patent application publication date Patent application number Patent application date Patent authorization announcement number Patent authorization date Patent priority date Patent inventor Patent owner Classification number Brief description Number of patent claims Number of times other patents are cited Number of times patents are cited Legal status
CN1003001B 常见园林植物水插的快速繁殖法 CN86105740A 1988/2/3 CN86105740A 1986/7/15 1986/7/15 叶超汉 Kunming Garden Sciences Institute Y02P60/216; 本发明公开了一种水插快速繁殖法,该方法适用于常见的园林植物,其特点是在水插前对从母本植株上剪下的枝条进行特殊的浸渍处理,使其进入基质水中后,能在2-15天内迅速生根成苗。成苗枝条可移栽入土中,也可进行无土栽培。本发明提供的水插快速繁殖法,设备简单,方法易行,经济效益高,可用于园林植物的工厂化、商品化大规模生产。 5 0 3 CN - Withdrawn
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 1984/11/6 乔根·根雷 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; 一种把鞋底向鞋筒模压的系统中,有一带放楦位置的旋转模压台,和一与此台相邻的循环运输带,将鞋楦放上或取下。有一自动装置位于模压台的第二转移工位和运输带的第一转移工位之间,运输带上有特殊的板件载送鞋楦,把放了鞋筒的鞋楦从第一工位转移到第二工位,再转回到第一工位。鞋楦架位于各放楦位置上方,在第二转移工位上接受鞋楦,当鞋楦随模压台旋转360°后回到第二工位时把鞋楦松开。因而使模压台的定额时间缩短达33%。 17 16 30 DK - IP Right Cessation, EP - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Withdrawn Pending, US - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Withdrawn Pending, DE - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Withdrawn Pending, KR - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Withdrawn Pending, SU - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Withdrawn Pending, CN - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Withdrawn Pending, JP - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Withdrawn Pending
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 1985/4/10 斯瓦雷·劳格 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; 该喷雾转轮的外璧(3)的四周配置有一组喷射孔,孔内的耐磨陶瓷衬套(7)通过可更换的钢衬瓦(8)配装。钢衬瓦(8)和/或衬套(7)略微伸入喷雾转轮的环形室内,衬瓦(8)用密封环(11)贴靠在外壁(3)密封。在对着具有浅凹槽(13)的相配衬套(7)的内表面均配置有衬瓦,浅凹槽伸到外壁(3)内表面的每一侧。从而钢衬瓦(8)可呈弹性变形又不使过大的应力传到衬套(7)。 3 8 12 DK - IP Right Cessation, DE - Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired - Lifetime Withdrawn, EP - Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired - Lifetime Withdrawn, AT - Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired - Lifetime Withdrawn, ZA - Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired - Lifetime Withdrawn, ES - Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired - Lifetime Withdrawn, YU - Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired - Lifetime Withdrawn, US - Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired - Lifetime Withdrawn, CN - Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired - Lifetime Withdrawn
CN1003005B 鳍片管制造方法 CN85101434A 1985/10/10 CN85101434A 1985/4/1 1985/4/1 王林 QINGDAO STEEL PLANT B21B17/10; B23P15/26 一种生产鳍片管的方法,包括不翻转热轧和冷拔工序,热轧时,上下轧辊采用辊缝大于热轧普通圆形无缝钢管的大辊缝开口孔型,对穿孔后的荒管进行平轧,在荒管上形成截面积至少为成品鳍片管鳍片截面积的两倍,厚度大于成品鳍片管鳍片厚度,而高度小于成品鳍片管鳍片凸起高度的雏形鳍部;冷拔时,采用至少三道次的拔制,在管径缩小的同时,将雏形鳍部的厚度压缩至所需尺寸,以展开钢管内壁上的凹槽并使雏形鳍部横向延伸达到成品尺寸。 10 0 6 CN - Withdrawn
CN1003006B 喷射式焊锡槽 CN85108144A 1986/5/10 CN85108144A 1985/11/5 1984/11/15 近藤权士 近藤权士 B23K3/0653;B23K2101/42; 本发明是关于一种喷射式焊锡槽,在焊锡槽的喷射槽上方的喷射口设有一喷射体,使由在该喷射体形成的多个穿孔喷出的焊锡融液的射流波,以相对于印刷线路底板的行走方向的前方和后方倾斜喷出,并且使之以相对于印刷线路底板的行走方向的交叉方向往复运动。 1 2 5 JP - Granted, KR - IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime, CN - IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 1984/10/10 布里尼茨·西蒙 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; 本文介绍一种给液旋塞,包括一个总体呈柱状的旋塞体,其上有馈入管;旋塞体既是其中含给液管的转动件的外壳,又是其上各有两个和一个开孔的一对平板的外壳,这对平板位于旋塞体内、馈入管及给液管之间;紧邻馈入管的平板固定在旋塞体上并按其一开孔对准馈入管安装:另一平板固定在转动件上,用手柄可使之绕旋塞体轴线转动,以使给液管交替地沟通馈入管及贯穿旋塞体的一通孔,从而可在卸去通孔塞后,穿过旋塞体清洗给液管道。 11 26 15 BE - IP Right Cessation, AU - Ceased Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired - Fee Related IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Withdrawn, EP - Ceased Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired - Fee Related IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Withdrawn, AT - Ceased Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired - Fee Related IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Withdrawn, DE - Ceased Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired - Fee Related IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Withdrawn, ES - Ceased Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired - Fee Related IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Withdrawn, CA - Ceased Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired - Fee Related IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Withdrawn, IE - Ceased Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired - Fee Related IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Withdrawn, JP - Ceased Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired - Fee Related IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Withdrawn, PT - Ceased Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired - Fee Related IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Withdrawn, CN - Ceased Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired - Fee Related IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Withdrawn, US - Expired - Fee Related
CN1003008B 用硫酸钾法处理锂云母制取碳酸锂的工艺方法 CN85101989A 1986/9/17 CN85101989A 1985/4/1 1985/4/1 李明乾 Guangzhou Research Institute of Non Ferrous Metals C01D15/08; C22B26/12 本发明涉及对锂云母进行二段浸出处理的工艺。本发明的要点是:利用锂云母中的钾提取锂并回收锂云母中的钾、钠、铝、硅、铷、铯诸元素,方法是将锂云母与硫酸钾混合焙烧,进行一段四级逆流浸出,浸出液进行净化沉淀得碳酸锂产品。浸出渣进行二段四级逆流浸出并回收其中各元素。用本法生产碳酸锂产能大,能耗低,无污染,可大大降低成本。可利用现有石灰法生产碳酸锂的设备,节约基建投资。 2 0 19 CN - Withdrawn
CN1003009B 铬酸盐的制造方法 CN85102681A 1986/9/17 CN85102681A 1985/4/1 1985/4/1 纪柱,田群,董保生 TIANJIN RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY MINISTRY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY C01G37/14 本发明属于铬铁矿加工工艺。传统的含钙焙烧加工铬铁矿的方法,填料消耗和排渣量都很大,Cr6+污染严重。本发明提供一种无钙焙烧加工铬铁矿的方法。本发明用一种无钙填料--镁铁矿与铬铁矿和纯碱混合焙烧,浸渣经适当分选,返回焙烧工序,因而显著降低了填料消耗和排渣量,解决了Cr6+污染严重的问题。 2 0 6 CN - Withdrawn
CN1003010B 一种砼施工缝表面处理剂 CN86102841A 1987/2/11 CN86102841A 1986/4/21 1986/4/21 向竞成,刘洪兵,冯祖俊 Construction Research Institute Of Third Engineering Bureau Of Ministry Of Water Resources And Electric Power C04B28/00 一种砼施工缝表面处理剂,属水泥砼表面处理的新材料,用于对大型砼工程平、立面施工缝的表面处理。它是由陶土或膨润土与水泥砼外加剂混合组成,利用陶土或膨润土强烈的吸水性和较高吸附性,把外加剂吸附在水泥砼表面(或模板表面),这样就可阻止外加剂的流淌和挥发,以提高对砼工程平、立面施工缝表面处理质量,并达到改善工人劳动条件、减轻劳动强度、提高工效、减成少浪费、降低成本的目的。 3 0 1 CN - Withdrawn
CN1003011B 含氧氮化铝的耐火材料,滑动水口耐火材料及连续铸钢水口 CN85109111A 1986/8/27 CN85109111A 1985/10/23 1984/10/23 保坂卓男,佐佐木忠男,植田操,赤冢芳彦,山中真吾,岩崎明,田中雅治 Nippon Crucible Co Ltd C04B35/58;B22D41/32;B22D41/54;C04B35/00;C04B35/581; 介绍了含氧氮化铝的耐火材料,用于滑动水口的耐火材料和连续铸钢用的水口。含氧氮化铝耐火材料至少含有3份重的氧氮化铝和0.5~60份重碳和/或含碳物质,其余的是其它耐火材料。这种耐火材料在抗渣、特别是抗FeO的侵蚀和抗热冲击上是极佳的。它的寿命相当长,完全满足要求。 4 1 15 EP - Withdrawn IP Right Cessation IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Ceased Expired Withdrawn, BR - Withdrawn IP Right Cessation IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Ceased Expired Withdrawn, KR - Withdrawn IP Right Cessation IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Ceased Expired Withdrawn, WO - Withdrawn IP Right Cessation IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Ceased Expired Withdrawn, AU - Withdrawn IP Right Cessation IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Ceased Expired Withdrawn, CA - Withdrawn IP Right Cessation IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Ceased Expired Withdrawn, MX - Withdrawn IP Right Cessation IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Ceased Expired Withdrawn, CN - Withdrawn IP Right Cessation IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Ceased Expired Withdrawn
CN1003012B 一氧化碳催化偶合成草酸 CN85101616A 1986/8/13 CN85101616A 1985/4/1 1985/4/1 陈庚申,陈贻盾 Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter of CAS C07C55/06; C07C69/36; C07C55/10; C07C67/36 关于催化合成草酸的改进工艺。利用煤气发生炉产生低浓度的一氧化碳,与亚硝酸酯在钯催化剂的作用下,常压,80~180℃气固相反应合成草酸酯,然后将草酸酯于80~110℃、常压水解制草酸。含醇、N0的尾气在低温0~-20℃下用空气再生,使亚硝酸酯循环使用,即用煤、水和空气为原料来生产草酸,原料便宜,成本低,同时免去制氧设备,工艺简单。催化剂钯附载于活性氧化铝上,钯含量为1%,其寿命长活性高,草酸收率大于95%,经济效益大。 6 0 2 CN - Withdrawn
CN1003013B 抗抑郁药诺米芬辛中间体硝基苯乙酮盐酸盐的合成 CN86108706A 1987/12/23 CN86108706A 1986/12/29 1986/12/29 颜书理 TIANJIN INST OF MEDICINE INDUS C07C97/10 本发明是一条新的,便于工业生产的抗抑郁药诺米芬辛中间体w-[N-(2-硝基苄)-甲氨基]-苯乙酮盐酸盐的合成方法,它是采用邻硝基本甲醛为原料先与甲胺反应得相应的Shirr碱,再用钾硼氢选择还原-CH=N-键得N-(2-硝基苄)-甲胺盐酸盐,然后与溴和苯乙酮制得的溴代苯乙酮反应液在水中缩合而制得。本法收率高,成本低,操作简便。 4 0 0 CN - Withdrawn
CN1003014B 钨基合金及制造方法 CN85100342A 1986/8/27 CN85100342A 1985/4/1 1985/4/1 马康竹,丘家禄,殷京良,吕海波 Powder Metallurgy Inst Zhongnan Polytechnic University C22C27/04; C22C1/04; B22F5/00; H01H1/02 粉末冶金钨接点属汽车电器元件领域。已有钨接点的生产是采用钨坯垂熔烧结、旋锻成棒,再切割成片的方法。它工艺流程长,一般需二十道工序,成材率低,成本高,易氧化。而本发明采用粉末冶金工艺生产,工艺简单,只需五道工序,成材率高,大大节约了原材料和降低了能耗,通过添加镍、钴或镍铬成份,提高了产品的抗氧化性能并防止了钨接点使用时发生物质转移,平均使用寿命达到41300公里/副接点。可广泛用于汽车电器和其它电器仪表上。 4 0 1 CN - Withdrawn
CN1003015B 绕线机 CN85103902A 1986/7/9 CN85103902A 1985/5/8 1984/5/10 格尔德·明尼克霍夫 Barmag AG B65H54/52;B65H2701/31; 在绕人造纤维的绕线机中,装绕线主轴和往复运动装置的滑座支持在某位置上,能保证避免弯距作用在它上面。一方面,通过沿一个导槽引导的滑座来获得的,另一方面,通过力传递装置支持它。该力传递装置作用在滑座的纵向中心点。这种安排容许使用和安装很长的绕线主轴。 12 7 13 DE - Expired Expired Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Pending, EP - Expired Expired Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Pending, CN - Expired Expired Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Pending, US - Expired Expired Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Pending, JP - Expired Expired Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Pending
CN1003016B 一种校正渗透对比率的杀菌性组合物和堵塞地下构造岩层中多渗透岩层的方法 CN85101452A 1987/4/1 CN85101452A 1985/4/1 1985/4/1 吴于林,耐姆·阿布都,卡德·穆马拉 Phillips Petroleum Co E21B43/25; E21B33/138 校正水的渗透率的方法以及组成,由此来改善注入的冲激效率,其包括顺序注入(1)可选择一种预冲洗水栓用于调节原生水的含盐量,(2)一种含水的被螯合的多价金属阳离子例如铬,而螯合阴离子是杀菌性的例如丙酸盐,(3)一种可凝胶的高分子粘性体例如聚丙烯酰胺。更好地,(4)可采用一种含水驱动流体。 40 0 1 CN - Withdrawn
CN1003021B 电子算盘 CN85101486A 1987/1/31 CN85101486A 1985/4/1 1985/4/1 孙国立,殷长生 TONGXIAN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT Co G06C1/00; G06F3/02 一种可作为计算器或计算机输入设备的电子算盘,它以给定算珠组合后所留下的相应空位表示数据,数学运算符号,小数点和其他指令;采用恒磁式传感器阵列和可移动开关式传感器阵列作为转换和传输信号的装置;并包括一个适应此种输入方式的编码电路,用于选择横梁上小数点定位标志的电路和检错电路.本发明解决了算盘与计算器之间的传输问题,创造了一种新的计算工具。 23 0 2 CN - Withdrawn
CN1003022B 字符编码器与译码器 CN85101056A 1987/1/24 CN85101056A 1985/4/1 1985/4/1 程旭堃 程旭堃 G06F3/023; G06F3/153 本发明描述一种把汉字变换成电子代码的装置和方法。该电子代码适用于电子计算机的输入或适于用其他电子设备进行传送。反之,该装置和方法也可以把该电子代码译回原来的汉字。利用适当的技术,首先,使光标位于显示阴极射线管屏幕预定字符组中被选字符的上方。然后把被选的字符编成电子代码。许多个字符组可以组成一部字典,扫描器则被用来显示任一组被选的字符组。 8 0 0 CN - Withdrawn
CN1003023B 时间轴控制方法 CN85106846A 1987/3/11 CN85106846A 1985/9/12 1985/9/12 冈野高 Pioneer Electronic Corp G11B5/58; G11B5/596; G11B21/10 一种在重放单元将信号录制在录橡唱盘上或从录像唱盘再生信号的同时,根据录像唱盘和重放装置的相对速度来执行粗,细时间轴调整的时间轴控制方法,可以在扫描期间显示自然逼真的彩色图像。这种方法首先使信号拾取单元跟踪在操作时已在录像媒介物中形成的某个轨道,然后用移动拾取单元的办法实现跨越连续轨道的跳跃操作。在轨道跳跃时,至少在每一次轨道跳跃期间,在至少一个执行精细时间轴调整的电路中,使时间常数电路复位。 7 0 1 CN - Expired - Lifetime
CN1003024B 带有第二储能装置的真空有载分接开关 CN85107436A 1986/7/2 CN85107436A 1985/9/18 1985/9/18 吉锋 SHENYANG TRANSFORMER FACTORY H01F29/04 本发明属于电器开关。通常有载分接开关是用于变压器在励磁状态下进行分接变换的一种装置。一般真空有载分接开关,真空元件的断口容量为4倍的负载电流和分接电压之积。本发明采用了第二储能装置,使真空元件的断口容量降低了四倍,同时在主换向开关和电阻侧换向开关触头上镶有钨铜合金,具有双重断弧能力。可靠性高,保护简化,无分接间短路发生。因而可用于较高电压等级的大容量变压器中。 2 0 1 CN - Withdrawn
CN1003025B 射线照相像增强器 CN86102865A 1986/12/3 CN86102865A 1986/4/23 1985/4/26 约翰尼·威廉穆斯·范德维尔 U Philips Corp H01J29/385; 一包括输入屏3的X射线照相像增强器,而3包括:一个敷有荧光层8的辐射透明支承衬底7,一个半透明导电阻挡层9,和一个光电阴极层10。改进在于增加金属氧化物TiO2和MnO(半导体)构成的第一和第二中间层21和22,层21的厚度调整反射幅值等于光电阴极一真空界面上的反射幅值;层22的厚度可调整相对相位,使反射对消。层21和22可以是非导体,例如Al2O3,但层22要足够薄,例如25毫微米或更薄,允许电子按隧道效应传导。 16 6 13 GB - Withdrawn, US - Expired - Fee Related Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Expired Expired - Lifetime, CN - Expired - Fee Related Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Expired Expired - Lifetime, DE - Expired - Fee Related Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Expired Expired - Lifetime, EP - Expired - Fee Related Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Expired Expired - Lifetime, JP - Expired - Fee Related Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Expired Expired - Lifetime
CN1003026B 半导体汽化冷却装置 CN86102472A 1986/10/15 CN86102472A 1986/4/9 1985/4/10 板鼻搏,簿井义典 Hitachi Ltd H01L23/427;H01L23/34;H01L2924/0002; 半导体堆由层叠和紧固在一起的GTO可控硅,冷却件和接线导体构成。半导体堆配置在冷却器内,并充以氟利昂液。冷凝器配置在冷却器上面,通过连通管与冷却器连接构成冷却装置。每个冷却件在GTO可控硅和接线导体之间配置并有许多小孔,氟利昂液在小孔内裱可控硅产生的热所沸腾变成氟利昂蒸汽趋向接线导体。每个接线导体在它与冷却器接触的表面上有许多纵向缝隙。氟利昂蒸汽沿缝隙向上流动以提高致冷剂冷却循环效率。 9 9 23 JP - Expired - Lifetime, AU - Ceased Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Expired - Fee Related Withdrawn IP Right Cessation, DE - Ceased Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Expired - Fee Related Withdrawn IP Right Cessation, BR - Ceased Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Expired - Fee Related Withdrawn IP Right Cessation, US - Ceased Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Expired - Fee Related Withdrawn IP Right Cessation, CN - Ceased Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Expired - Fee Related Withdrawn IP Right Cessation, KR - Ceased Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Expired - Fee Related Withdrawn IP Right Cessation
CN1003027B 多结半导体器件 CN85107988A 1986/4/10 CN85107988A 1985/9/30 1984/10/11 高田纯,山口美则,太和田喜久 Zhongyuan Chemical Industry Co ltd H01L31/076;H01L31/10;H01L25/074;H01L29/868;H01L31/202;H01L2224/32145;H01L2924/0002;Y02E10/548;Y02P70/50; 一个含有P-层,n-层和扩散阻挡层的耐热多结半导体器件,其扩散阻挡层提供在P-层和n-层之间。该半导体器件能够减少由于P-层和n-层中的掺杂剂原子分别扩散到其它原中所引起的品质下降。 12 22 41 JP - Pending, CA - Expired Expired - Fee Related Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Ceased IP Right Grant Withdrawn , DE - Expired Expired - Fee Related Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Ceased IP Right Grant Withdrawn , EP - Expired Expired - Fee Related Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Ceased IP Right Grant Withdrawn , AT - Expired Expired - Fee Related Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Ceased IP Right Grant Withdrawn , AU - Expired Expired - Fee Related Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Ceased IP Right Grant Withdrawn , KR - Expired Expired - Fee Related Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Ceased IP Right Grant Withdrawn , CN - Expired Expired - Fee Related Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Ceased IP Right Grant Withdrawn , RU - Expired Expired - Fee Related Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Ceased IP Right Grant Withdrawn , US - Expired - Fee Related
CN1003028B 无功功率自动补偿控制方法和补偿系统 CN86102657A 1987/2/11 CN86102657A 1986/4/17 1986/4/17 齐长远 QIANJIN ELECTRIC APPLIANCE FACTORY OF CHANG-AN COUNTY SHANXI PROV Y02E40/30; 一种无功功率自动补偿控制方法和补偿系统。本发明所提供的控制方法。是利用常规的测试手段得到电网电压、电流信号。经信号处理实现以电网无功功率为依据控制补偿器件的投切、预测并消除补偿器件的无效投切动作。使用该方法的补偿系统由电网主干线、补偿器件、控制执行器件、信号探测和控制电路组成。控制电路包括信号变换、运算控制、cosφ数字显示和输出扩展驱动环节。本发明用于高低压电网无功功率补偿和功率因数值的数字显示。 13 0 3 CN - Withdrawn
CN1003029B 快速充电机控制电路 CN85108921A 1987/10/7 CN85108921A 1985/12/9 1985/12/9 徐尔迅,郭增元,刘兆祥,宋恩宏,宋长胜,刘兆玉,韩长有,杜凯生,羊爱智 Research Institute Of Tonghua Mining Bureau Hunjiang City Jilin Province H02J7/04; H02J7/10 快速充电机控制电路属于电机车蓄电池的快速充电机控制技术。其技术关键在于控制电路中增加了取样及快充转换电路、放电电路、翻转电路以及稳压电源电路的可控硅和运算放大电路的功率放大三极管,有效地保证电流按照设定的曲线稳定的充、放电,有效地控制了蓄电池的极化现象,提高了蓄电池的使用寿命,较常规充电节电10~20%,并提高了充电效率,节省了充电设备,减少了充电台数量,广泛应用于对酸性蓄电池和碱性蓄电池的充电上。 7 0 1 CN - Withdrawn
CN1003030B 电机定子绕组线圈末端径向夹紧装置及其安装方法 CN85101159A 1987/1/10 CN85101159A 1985/4/1 1985/4/1 格兰道格拉斯·库珀,查理斯·门罗·罗·亨利·梅森·霍利 Westinghouse Electric Corp Y02E30/32;Y02E30/38; 机械压紧装置及其安装方法适用于大型汽轮发电机的定子绕组线圈末端上,即安装在铁心绕组部交错线圈的中间。本装置适用于电厂现有发电机以及生产这类设备的厂家。本发明可以使线圈与张紧件之间保持压力接触,防止震动时绕组线圈相对整个笼筐产生运动。安装分为几个步骤;在支撑一对相邻的上下线圈的支撑块的中心孔中穿过一个浸渍了树脂的环形扁箍,在扁箍端部插入销钉,旋转销钉,将环形扁箍固化。在销钉上施加拉力以产生预应力,并在销钉拉下时加上垫片,以便在压力撤掉后仍能保持紧密的压紧配合。 6 0 0 CN - Expired - Lifetime
CN1003031B 变换器装置的保护系统 CN86100629A 1986/8/20 CN86100629A 1986/1/25 1985/1/26 堀江哲,冈松茂俊 Hitachi Ltd H02M7/529;H02M7/527;H02M1/32; 采用脉冲宽度调制(PWM)方式以控制应用了栅截止可控硅(GTO)的变换器,以此来进行感应电机的速度控制。如果在GTO的断路能力范围之内感应电机中流过的电流出现过载,各GTO中将会加上门截止信号,使其灭弧,从而断开过载电流。另一方面,如果变换器的各相桥臂中任意一臂出现短路,将会在所有的GTO中出现门导通信号。使短路电流分流,由高速断路器将主电路断开。此时,使同时门导通信号优先进入,这样一来,同时门截止信号将不会起作用,从而防止了连续保护动作所造成的GTO损坏。 7 8 13 JP - Expired - Lifetime, DE - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime, US - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime, EP - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime, AU - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime, ZA - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime, CA - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime, KR - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime, CN - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime
CN1003032B 用户线接口电路 CN86105137A 1987/3/18 CN86105137A 1986/8/20 1985/8/20 高远健司,东條敏郎,池谷阳三,绫野光俊,涉谷清 Fujitsu Ltd H04M19/005;H04Q1/28;H04M19/00; 可在单片IC上制造的平衡型用户线接口电路,其电池馈电电路包括三对相互连接以消除纵向和电源噪声的镜象电路。用户线电流超过阈值时用改变镜象比实现过流保护。用N倍于负载阻抗和端阻抗的两个元件构成电阻网络实现二至四线转换器频率补偿。四线系统输出中转向信号由与输入反相的信号抵消。监测电路提供校验信号来检测用户线电流并识别其状态,还配有不同电压源的接地分离电路。通过发送与两系统间信号电流同幅反向的电流实现接地分离。 63 13 21 AU - Ceased Expired - Fee Related Expired Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related, US - Ceased Expired - Fee Related Expired Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related, CA - Ceased Expired - Fee Related Expired Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related, EP - Ceased Expired - Fee Related Expired Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related, KR - Ceased Expired - Fee Related Expired Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related, CN - Ceased Expired - Fee Related Expired Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related, DE - Ceased Expired - Fee Related Expired Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related
CN1003033B 播放记录在视盘上的节目的系统 CN85102152A 1986/11/12 CN85102152A 1985/4/1 1985/4/1 V·利尔 U Philips Corp H04N5/781; G11B21/08 在电影标准为其每秒的电影画面帧数不同于所采用的电视标准的每秒的视频图象数目的情况下,为了延长这种标准的电影画面的播放时间,在每圈磁道上能实现静止图象的工作方式,并为了能把图象号码插入在一条半径上,建议把一帧电影画面按二个视频场记录在视盘的每一圈磁道上,并使每秒重放的视频场的数目与规定的每秒的电影画面帧数相符,这是通过在从视盘上重放时进行向前和/或向后跳的方式方法来实现的。 13 0 0 CN - Withdrawn
CN1003035B 就寝用取暖器 CN85104274A 1986/12/3 CN85104274A 1985/6/5 1985/6/5 达藤信一,条田英穗,木全国雄 Panasonic Corp H05B1/02; H05B3/00 本发明的就寝用取暖器,从结构上来说,至少配备有升温定时电路或降温定时电路。例如,就寝者由于夜里上便所后身体感到发冷时,前者使电热器按规定时间升温,然后恢复到正常温度;在就寝者像洗完澡那样感到身体发热时,后者使电热器按规定时间降温,然后恢复到正常温度。因此,在升温定时电路或降温定时电路进行定时工作时,就寝者入睡后也能实现舒适的取暖。 3 0 0 CN - Expired - Lifetime
CN1003036B 烟草膨胀剂 CN85104815A 1986/12/17 CN85104815A 1985/6/21 1985/6/21 赫奇,布朗 Mai Kelin A24B15/28 本发明涉及一种烟草膨胀剂,用一种烟草膨胀剂处理烟草,能产生烟草膨胀协合作用,该烟草膨胀剂包括挥发性、非极性且基本上不溶于水的第一有机化合物,其分子结构中有1-6个碳原子,以及挥发性、溶于水、含氧且极性大于所述第一化合物的第二有机化合物,其分子结构中有1-6个碳原子,所述二种化合物各自以液相存在时是可以混溶的,并可形成共沸混合物,其相应的常压沸点的差值在50℃内。 10 0 5 CN - Withdrawn
CN1003037B 适用于运动鞋、特别是足球鞋的鞋钉 CN85108584A 1986/5/10 CN85108584A 1985/11/29 1984/12/1 海诺·阿夫 ITW Ateco GmbH A43D100/14;A43B13/26;A43C15/161; 运动鞋,特别是足球鞋的鞋钉系统有一个位于鞋底上的向下开口的插孔,插孔内至少有两个周向隔开的支承面,一个包括有一固定部分的鞋钉头,固定部分与插孔可拆卸地相连,至少有两个周向隔开的固定面与固定部分形成整体,把固定部分插入插孔并旋转后,固定面就基本上落在插孔的支承面上了;在鞋钉头上还有一固定面,该固定面压在鞋底上;当支承面和固定面相互接合后,作用在固定部分和插孔之间的一个锁固机构可以阻挡旋入的固定部分回转。 17 14 49 AT - IP Right Cessation Ceased Expired - Fee Related Expired Pending Application Discontinuation, AU - IP Right Cessation Ceased Expired - Fee Related Expired Pending Application Discontinuation, US - IP Right Cessation Ceased Expired - Fee Related Expired Pending Application Discontinuation, BR - IP Right Cessation Ceased Expired - Fee Related Expired Pending Application Discontinuation, YU - IP Right Cessation Ceased Expired - Fee Related Expired Pending Application Discontinuation, PT - IP Right Cessation Ceased Expired - Fee Related Expired Pending Application Discontinuation, HU - IP Right Cessation Ceased Expired - Fee Related Expired Pending Application Discontinuation, ES - IP Right Cessation Ceased Expired - Fee Related Expired Pending Application Discontinuation, NZ - IP Right Cessation Ceased Expired - Fee Related Expired Pending Application Discontinuation, CN - IP Right Cessation Ceased Expired - Fee Related Expired Pending Application Discontinuation, DK - IP Right Cessation Ceased Expired - Fee Related Expired Pending Application Discontinuation
CN1003039B 磁性除尘黑板书写装置 CN85106172A 1987/3/4 CN85106172A 1985/8/14 1985/8/14 王凤棲 王凤棲 B43L21/00; B43L21/02; C09D13/00 本发明是一种新型的教学用黑板书写装置。它由磁性粉笔和磁性板擦两部分所组成。磁性粉笔中含有磁性材料,能被磁力所吸引;磁性板擦具有磁力,能吸引住磁性粉笔产生的粉尘。从而解决了瞽通粉笔写后擦拭时的大量粉尘飞扬问题。原有黑板可照常使用,无须废弃更新。 4 0 3 CN - Granted
CN1003040B 带有铰接盖的包装盒及其生产方法 CN86102898A 1986/11/26 CN86102898A 1986/4/23 1985/5/31 西格弗里德·尼茨 Maschinenfabrik Alfred Schmermund GmbH and Co B65D5/548;B65D5/5485;B65D85/1045;B65D85/10; 本发明涉及一种立方形包装盒,它由一个盒体和一个铰接在盒体上的铰接盖所组成,被包装的物品先装在一个内包装里。为了在侧边折叠包装机上尽量简单地生产出包装盒来,使铰接接盖的后壁连接有一个接头片,接头片的其余三边是自由边,其宽度小于内包装顶折边的宽度。另外有两个基本上是三角形的侧端接头片,和三边是自由边的接头片一起粘接到铰接盖的盖壁上。另外,使铰接盖的前壁和侧壁通过一个留有连接桥的分离切口和盒子部分隔开。 4 19 33 DE - Withdrawn Pending Expired Expired - Fee Related Pending , SU - Withdrawn Pending Expired Expired - Fee Related Pending , CN - Withdrawn Pending Expired Expired - Fee Related Pending , CS - Withdrawn Pending Expired Expired - Fee Related Pending , EP - Withdrawn Pending Expired Expired - Fee Related Pending , JP - Withdrawn Pending Expired Expired - Fee Related Pending , DD - Withdrawn Pending Expired Expired - Fee Related Pending , US - Expired - Fee Related
CN1003041B 用热分解—添加剂法由仲钨酸铵制取偏钨酸铵的工艺方法 CN85101918A 1987/4/29 CN85101918A 1985/4/1 1985/4/1 龙叔仲,谢忠 Guangzhou Research Institute of Non Ferrous Metals C01G41/00 本发明与仲钨酸铵的热分解和用添加剂进行离子交换,使仲钨酸铵转化成偏钨酸铵的化学过程有关。其具体方法是:进行仲钨酸铵热分解,热解时使有一定量的仲钨酸铵残留在热解产物中。将热解产物用预先加热的水溶解,固液比为1∶7。在溶解过程中温度升到90℃-98℃,待溶解接近完全时,加入适量的732#强酸性阳高子交换树脂,调节pH在3.5-4.5范围。在该温度下,保温转化半小时。澄清后过滤,清液用蒸发搅拌或喷雾法结晶。此法转化率和回收率大大提高,适用于大规模工业生产。 6 0 3 CN - Withdrawn
CN1003042B 硝基苯烷醚的合成方法 CN85102845A 1987/2/4 CN85102845A 1985/4/1 1985/4/1 祁国珍,王贤教 East China University of Science and Technology C07C43/205; C07C79/10 硝基氯苯在脂肪族醇的氢氧化钠溶液中反应,合成硝基苯烷醚的方法,其相转移催化剂为苄基三乙基氯化铵脂肪族伯醇溶液,氢氧化钠溶液浓度为35-50%(重量%)。在温度65-90℃下反应5-10小时,得硝基苯烷醚产率90-95%。苄基三乙基氯化铵醇溶液相转移催化剂制备简易,合成硝基苯烷醚母液中的氢氧化钠,可以循环使用。 6 0 2 CN - Withdrawn
CN1003043B CN86105054A 1987/2/11 CN86105054A 1986/8/9 1986/8/9 刘迅,梁卯生 XINHUA PHARMACEUTICAL FACTORY C07C49/84; C07C49/18 间-苯氧基苯乙酮的合成方法,本发明属于药物中间体的合成方法,即: 7 0 1 CN - Withdrawn
CN1003044B 乙炔沸腾床路线合成醋酸乙烯变压工艺 CN85107659A 1987/4/15 CN85107659A 1985/10/15 1985/10/15 ∴有光,张劲峰 沈有光 C07C69/15 本发明用于化学工程中乙炔沸腾床法合成醋酸乙烯装置提高催化剂收率及装置生产能力。原合成醋酸乙烯反应动力学方程为日本满谷式:K=Sv·M/1+MlogM/M-a我们推导了如下合成醋酸乙烯反应动力学方程KVP/QC=a/M+(1/M+100-C/C)lnM/M-a据此式计算后提出对沸腾床反应器实施变压操作工艺,可在与原装置同样安全的前提下提高反应速度及催化剂收率。 1 0 1 CN - Withdrawn
CN1003046B 吸水剂 CN85105605A 1986/4/10 CN 85105605 1985/7/23 1984/10/17 椿本恒雄,下村忠生,入江好夫,增田善彦,木村和正,初田卓已 Japan Catalyst Chemical Co Ltd C08J3/24; B01J20/26; C08L33/00 本发明提供(I)一种由表面附近有交联分子链的吸水树脂粉末所组成的吸水剂,该粉末包括100份(重)的合羧基吸水树脂,与0.001-10份(重)的多元醇、0.01-8份(重)的亲水有机溶剂和0-8份(重)的水,并将上述混合物加热到90℃以上,以使吸水树脂粉末与多元醇反应;(II)一种由吸水剂(I)与精细分散的二氧化硅混合物组成的吸水剂;(III)一种将吸水剂(I)与水成液的混合物,经磨粉、造粒,制得的吸水剂:和(IV)一种由吸水剂(III)与精细分散的二氧化硅混合物组成的吸水剂。 26 3 22 JP - Expired - Lifetime, CN - Expired - Lifetime
CN1003047B 单槽式洗衣机脱水槽的停止机构 CN86100439A 1986/9/24 CN86100439A 1986/2/18 1985/2/20 広岡博,齐藤猛,浦道浩文 Japan Construction Iron Co ltd, Mitsubishi Electric Corp D06F37/30;D06F37/40;D06F49/04; 本发明涉及洗衣机脱水槽的停止机构,用由操作杠杆和啮合棘齿轮构成的高合器对分别驱动搅拌器和洗涤槽的双重轴进行转换。为了使离合器动作和要可靠地进行杠杆和制动带的结合,在上述两驱动轴向一方向作联动运转(回转)期间来驱动杠杆,进而为了使杠杆和制动带的结合时机适当,在制动带上,设置在其一部分上具有缺口的凸边状的结合限定板。还在电动机轴上设置转速栓测器用来检测停止机构的制动动作。 5 4 5 JP - Pending, KR - IP Right Cessation Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Ceased Expired, CN - IP Right Cessation Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Ceased Expired, US - IP Right Cessation Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Ceased Expired, AU - IP Right Cessation Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Ceased Expired, GB - IP Right Cessation Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Ceased Expired, HK - IP Right Cessation
CN1003048B 锆冻胶堵水剂 CN86108877A 1988/2/24 CN86108877A 1986/12/31 1986/12/31 朱恒春,赵福麟,余成刚 HUADONG PETROLEUM COLLEGE, OIL EXTRACTING TECHNOLOGY INST E21B33/13; C09K7/02; C08L33/26; C08K3/24 本发明是由成胶剂聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)或甲叉基聚丙烯酰胺(MPAM)与交联剂无机锆化合物组成。无机锆化合物有氧氯化锆,四氯化锆,硫酸锆,硝酸锆等。注入工艺采用双液法,工艺简便,施工安全,而且可堵可解。本堵剂既可用于油井,进行选择性堵水;又可用于注水井,调整吸水剖面。其热稳定性好,堵水率高,吸附性强,耐水冲刷,有效期长,堵剂无毒性和刺激性,成本低廉。 3 0 5 CN - Withdrawn
CN1003049B 径向柱塞式液压马达和泵 CN85103508A 1986/10/29 CN85103508A 1985/5/1 1985/5/1 齐茂林 XINHE SHIPYARD F03C1/24; F04B1/10 一种径向柱塞式液压马达和泵,主要由一个安装在偏心轴上可旋转的星轮,一个与星轮一起偏心旋转的壳体组成,在壳体内表面布置了数个与壳体为整体的平面支承座,其柱塞与柱塞支承为两个相互契合的半球状结构的球绞副结构,两者用螺母联系一体。本发明液压马达省去了常用的机械同步器装置,结构合理简单,可采用通用设备制造,可用在各种旋转机构上,适用面广。 1 0 5 CN - Withdrawn
CN1003050B 轴承组件 CN86107561A 1987/4/29 CN86107561A 1986/10/21 1985/10/22 胡尚·赫什马特,保罗·T·戈尔斯基 Reliance Electric Co F16C17/047;F16C33/1045;F16C33/1075;F16N7/22; 一种改进的装配式轴承组件,它具有在少油和满油条件下承受径向和推力载荷并以低功率损耗运行的功能。它可以用作单纯滑动轴承或用作滑动轴承和推力轴承的组合体,公开了最优化的轴承衬套和推力轴承的一些特殊的特性参数。 35 7 5 NZ - Expired - Lifetime Ceased Pending Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Expired Revoked Expired - Lifetime, CA - Expired - Lifetime Ceased Pending Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Expired Revoked Expired - Lifetime, MX - Expired - Lifetime Ceased Pending Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Expired Revoked Expired - Lifetime, AU - Ceased, ZA - Expired - Lifetime Ceased Pending Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Expired Revoked Expired - Lifetime, JP - Expired - Lifetime Ceased Pending Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Expired Revoked Expired - Lifetime, CN - Expired - Lifetime Ceased Pending Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Expired Revoked Expired - Lifetime, BR - Expired - Lifetime Ceased Pending Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Expired Revoked Expired - Lifetime, ES - Expired - Lifetime Ceased Pending Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Expired Revoked Expired - Lifetime, DE - Expired - Lifetime Ceased Pending Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Expired Revoked Expired - Lifetime, EP - Expired - Lifetime Ceased Pending Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Expired Revoked Expired - Lifetime, IN -
CN1003051B 差动轮系变扭器 CN86100501A 1987/8/26 CN86100501A 1986/1/16 1986/1/16 薛南庆 Bai Nanqing F16H3/68; F16H37/04 差动轮系变扭器传动时在其变扭范围内输入功率可保持不变,当外载发生变化时,它能产生与外载相偶合的转矩,是一种输出转矩与输出转速成反比的恒功率,自动无级变速器。适用于输出转速与外界负荷经常发生变化的传动场合,如汽车、摩托车、坦克、装甲车、拖拉机、内燃机车、船舶驱动、工程机械和一切带负荷起动和负载经常变化的传动场合。 2 0 1 CN - Withdrawn
CN1003052B 通风装置 CN86101750A 1986/9/24 CN86101750A 1986/2/15 1985/2/19 亨里克.杜德齐克 R W SIMON Ltd F24F13/00;E06B7/06;F24F13/18; 通风装置包括,在其两端具有互配构型(19、20)的长形组合件(10),在其相对端部组合件与其它组合件(10)端对端地接合形成一列;和联接构件(59、60)。构型(19、20)的互相连接部分上提供有破坏毛细管作用的凹槽(79)因此组合件(10)和联接构件(59、60)具有标准件系列,它包括一个或多个具有左手和(或)右手联接构件(59、60)的标准单元,以此能够端对端地联接组合成一列来满足任何尺寸窗口的要求。 9 8 7 GB - Pending, US - Expired - Fee Related Withdrawn Pending Expired Pending, IN - Expired - Fee Related Withdrawn Pending Expired Pending, EP - Expired - Fee Related Withdrawn Pending Expired Pending, CN - Expired - Fee Related Withdrawn Pending Expired Pending, ES - Expired - Fee Related Withdrawn Pending Expired Pending, JP - Expired - Fee Related Withdrawn Pending Expired Pending
CN1003053B 热交换器 CN86102926A 1986/11/19 CN86102926A 1986/4/30 1985/5/24 塚本郁夫,佐久间清,谷村佳昭,梅村博之,濒下裕,藤井雅雄 Mitsubishi Electric Corp F28F13/04;Y10S165/185;Y10S165/913; 本发明公开了一种由多根传热管和多片带有许多通孔和规则梯形波纹的散热片组成的热交换器,散热片彼此平行放置,相邻散热片波纹相位错开半个周期,从而在散热片之间形成宽窄交替的一种流体的流动通道,另一种流体流过的传热管垂直穿过上述平行排列的散热片。每片散热片表面上设置有许多冷凝水导槽,使散热板上冷凝水流走,从而快速干燥,提高热交换效率。 3 14 13 CN - Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Expired Ceased , US - Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Expired Ceased , GB - Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Expired Ceased , AU - Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Expired Ceased , PH - Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Expired Ceased , HK -
CN1003055B 高精度直接显示强劲弦张(拉)力的测力电路 CN85103735A 1986/5/10 CN85103735A 1985/5/11 1985/5/11 朱润枢,杨祖耀,杨燕萍,张敩翎 ZHEJIANG PROVINCIAL ARCHITECTURAL SCIENCE INST G01L5/10 本发明是一种新的直接显示强劲弦张(拉)力的测力电路。本发明的测力电路是以完全不同于现有技术的途径,即以N=A0+A1f+A2f2+……Anfn的幂函数拟合力频关系 6 0 1 CN - Withdrawn
CN1003057B 宽频带互耦水中震源阵列及其实施方法 CN86103768A 1986/12/31 CN86103768A 1986/6/12 1985/6/14 D.雷蒙德.扬格 Exxon Production Research Co G01V1/006; 一种水下震源阵列及其实施方法,这里将三个或更多个震源按其临界源间距布放,从而使震源在水中引爆时所产生的声波脉冲在给定记录频带宽度内的原生信号分量与气泡后续振荡分量之比达到极大值。在一个最佳实施方案里,阵列中包括四个震源,近似位于边长等于2R的正方形的四个顶点,这里R是假如阵列中的每个震源单独引爆会产生的气泡的最大半径。 12 6 9 NO - Expired Expired Withdrawn Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired Ceased IP Right Cessation, CA - Expired Expired Withdrawn Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired Ceased IP Right Cessation, GB - Expired Expired Withdrawn Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired Ceased IP Right Cessation, CN - Expired Expired Withdrawn Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired Ceased IP Right Cessation, JP - Expired Expired Withdrawn Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired Ceased IP Right Cessation, FR - Expired Expired Withdrawn Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired Ceased IP Right Cessation, ES - Expired Expired Withdrawn Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired Ceased IP Right Cessation, AU - Expired Expired Withdrawn Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired Ceased IP Right Cessation, NL - Expired Expired Withdrawn Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired Ceased IP Right Cessation
CN1003058B 光纤和保护管之间有填料的复合架空绞线 CN86104773A 1987/2/11 CN86104773A 1986/7/16 1985/7/17 北山佳延 Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd G02B6/4407;G02B6/44;G02B6/4416;G02B6/4422; 复合架空纹线束,其中的一根纹线是一个光纤组件,这个光纤组件有一个封装着多根光纤的保护管。该保护管内填充有纤维填料固定住光纤。 11 18 20 JP - Pending, ZA - Expired - Fee Related Application Discontinuation Withdrawn Application Discontinuation Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Ceased, US - Expired - Fee Related Application Discontinuation Withdrawn Application Discontinuation Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Ceased, KR - IP Right Cessation, EP - Expired - Fee Related Application Discontinuation Withdrawn Application Discontinuation Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Ceased, DK - Expired - Fee Related Application Discontinuation Withdrawn Application Discontinuation Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Ceased, CN - Expired - Fee Related Application Discontinuation Withdrawn Application Discontinuation Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Ceased, CA - Expired - Fee Related Application Discontinuation Withdrawn Application Discontinuation Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Ceased, AU - Expired - Fee Related Application Discontinuation Withdrawn Application Discontinuation Withdrawn Expired - Fee Related Ceased
CN1003059B 实现位相假彩色的新方法 CN85103614A 1986/11/12 CN85103614A 1985/5/18 1985/5/18 王书影,雷淳,张静江 Beijing Normal University G02B27/46; G03B33/06 一种有自带透明光栅的感光板,在与黑白底片进行密接触曝光、显、定影处理后得到的编码位相片,在白光处理系统中得到彩色像的新的位相假彩色方法。其特点在于自带透明光栅的感光板是由在平板玻璃上均匀排列的感光材料细条与非感光透明材料细条的组成。 3 0 0 CN - Ceased
CN1003060B 反馈式可控硅电容功率步进电路 CN85109732A 1987/5/6 CN85109732A 1985/10/29 1985/10/29 杨正开 NANJING INSTRUMENT MACHINERY FACTORY G05B19/10; H01L29/74 一种程序控制中用的反馈式可控硅电容功率步进电路。它用可控硅控制各程序的输出,又用前一程序的输出电压直接作为后一可控硅触发电路的电源电压。同时在相邻的两程序输出电路之间接有电容二极管切换电路。这种电路使可控硅程序控制电路直观、简单、方便、成本低。 4 0 0 CN - Withdrawn

China Patent Citation Information Table

Patent ID Patent Name Patent Application Publication Number Patent Application Publication Date Patent Application Number Patent Application Date Patent Owner Classification Number Cited Patent Name Cited Patent Application Publication Number Cited Patent Application Publication Date Cited Patent Application NumberCited patent application date Cited patent authorization announcement number Cited patent authorization date Cited patent priority date Cited patent inventor Cited patent patent owner Cited patent classification number Cited patent claims number Cited patent cited other patents times Cited patent cited times Cited patent legal status Cited patent Family to Family citation Add the subject of the citation information
CN1003001B 常见园林植物水插的快速繁殖法 CN86105740A 1988/2/3 CN86105740A 1986/7/15 Kunming Garden Sciences Institute Y02P60/216; 插花营养液 CN103664312A 2014/3/26 CN201210317244.3A 2012/8/31 2012/8/31 张释文 张释文 C05G3/00(2006.01)I 5 4 8 CN - Pending TRUE TRUE
CN1003001B 常见园林植物水插的快速繁殖法 CN86105740A 1988/2/3 CN86105740A 1986/7/15 Kunming Garden Sciences Institute Y02P60/216; 一种野生大叶茶树的繁育方法 CN102870571A 2013/1/16 CN2012103866628A 2012/10/14 2012/10/14 唐春仙 湖南古洞春茶业有限公司 A01G1/00(2006.01)I; A01G9/10(2006.01)I 2 6 8 CN - Pending TRUE TRUE
CN1003001B 常见园林植物水插的快速繁殖法 CN86105740A 1988/2/3 CN86105740A 1986/7/15 Kunming Garden Sciences Institute Y02P60/216; 一种中山杉夏季扦插育苗的方法 CN109757230A 2019/5/17 CN201811297925.1A 2018/11/2 2018/11/2 朱曦芮 南通茂森苗圃有限公司 A01G2/10(2018.01)I 3 5 1 CN - Pending TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Procedimento e dispositivi per la realizzazione di calzature con suola in gomma vulcanizzata IT1204197B 1989/3/1 IT4156586A 1986/5/6 IT1204197B 1989/3/1 1986/5/6 Aldo Ferniani Union Spa B29D35/082;B29D35/087; 3 0 IT - , DE - Ceased TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Component changing apparatus serving a group of injection molding machines US4737095A 1988/4/12 US07/051,387 1987/5/19 US4737095A 1988/4/12 1986/5/21 Karl Hehl Karl Hehl B29C45/1756;B29C45/0084;B29C45/176;B29C2045/1757; 23 25 16 US - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Fee Related, CA - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Fee Related TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Apparatus for making shoes JPS6359903A 1988/3/15 JP61203255A 1986/8/29 1986/8/29 Tadashi Ogura,Tsuneo Funadogawa Achilles Corp 1 2 JP - Pending TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Apparatus for positioning and holding last JPS6359902A 1988/3/15 JP27461886A 1986/11/18 1986/11/18 Tadashi Ogura,Tsuneo Funadogawa Achilles Corp 1 1 JP - Pending TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Holding apparatus for feeding last JPS6359907A 1988/3/15 JP28098186A 1986/11/26 1986/11/26 Tadashi Ogura,Tsuneo Funadogawa Achilles Corp 1 2 JP - Pending TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Last holder in injection molding machine JPS6359906A 1988/3/15 JP61286144A 1986/12/1 1986/12/1 Tadashi Ogura,Tsuneo Funadogawa Achilles Corp 1 0 JP - Pending TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Anlaeg til fremstilling af fodtoej samt fremgangsmaade ved brug af anlaegget DK163203C 1992/6/29 DK482389A 1989/9/29 DK163203C 1992/6/29 1989/9/29 Peter Philipp Hansen,Finn Olesen Eccolet Sko As A43D37/00;A43D119/00;B23Q7/1494; 2 3 DK - IP Right Cessation, DE - Expired - Fee Related IP Right Grant, IT - Expired - Fee Related IP Right Grant TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Confirming correct positioning soles on shoes - comparing with model stored in video camera at work station DE4020358C1 1991/8/29 DE19904020358 1990/6/27 DE4020358C1 1991/8/29 1990/6/27 Juergen 2807 Achim De Enders Kloeckner Ferromatik Desma Gmbh, 7831 Malterdingen, De B29D35/061;A43D119/00;B25J9/1697;B29C45/14008;B29C45/768;A43D2200/20; 9 4 9 DE - Expired - Fee Related TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Werkzeug und anlage zum anformen von sohlen an schuhschaefte, die eine laufsohle und mindestens eine zwischensohle aufweisen DE4100764A1 1992/3/19 DE19914100764 1991/1/12 1990/9/18 Rudolf Kraemer Kloeckner Ferromatik Desma B29D35/081;B29D35/082;B29D35/085;B29D35/087; 9 8 1 DE - Withdrawn TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Fremstillingsautomat med flere bearbejdningsstationer DK172201B1 1998/1/5 DK239290A 1990/10/3 DK172201B1 1998/1/5 1990/10/3 Finn Olesen Eccolet Sko As B29D35/0027;A43D119/00;B29D35/0072; 7 4 0 DK - IP Right Cessation, EP - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Fee Related, DE - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Fee Related TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Automatisch arbeitende Vorrichtung zum Bearbeiten von Schuhschäften an mehreren Stationen DE4104468C2 1995/3/23 DE19914104468 1991/2/14 DE4104468C1 1992/7/16 1991/2/14 Gerhard Dipl Ing Winter,Theo Leibrock Leibrock Maschinenfabrik Gmbh A43D25/18;A43D111/00;A43D117/00;A43D119/00;A43D37/00;A43D2200/20; 21 8 9 DE - Expired - Fee Related TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Procedimento per la manipolazione e il trasferimento di forme per ilmontaggio di calzature. IT1317478B1 2003/7/9 2000/4/26 IT1317478B1 2003/7/9 2000/4/26 Giovanni Torielli,Paolo Rognoni,Livio Scandella,Alberto Caresana,Enrico Dini,Giuseppe Saija Mini Ricerca Scient Tecnolog A43D111/00;A43D119/00; 16 5 IT - , WO - Application Discontinuation Withdrawn Abandoned Expired - Fee Related Pending IP Right Cessation, EP - Application Discontinuation Withdrawn Abandoned Expired - Fee Related Pending IP Right Cessation, CZ - Application Discontinuation Withdrawn Abandoned Expired - Fee Related Pending IP Right Cessation, US - Application Discontinuation Withdrawn Abandoned Expired - Fee Related Pending IP Right Cessation, CN - Application Discontinuation Withdrawn Abandoned Expired - Fee Related Pending IP Right Cessation, AU - Application Discontinuation Withdrawn Abandoned Expired - Fee Related Pending IP Right Cessation, BR - Application Discontinuation Withdrawn Abandoned Expired - Fee Related Pending IP Right Cessation TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Tete de prehension pour robot manipulateur FR2825944B1 2003/12/12 FR0107989A 2001/6/18 FR2825944B1 2003/12/12 2001/6/18 Roger Blanc Actis Ets B29D35/0027;A43D117/00;B25J15/0052;B29D35/0072; 3 4 FR - Expired - Fee Related TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Automated identification and assembly of shoe parts US8755925B2 2014/6/17 US13/299,872 2011/11/18 2014/6/17 2011/11/18 Patrick Conall Regan,Kuo-Hung Lee,Chih-Chi Chang,Ming-Feng Jean,Chang-Chu Liao Nike, Inc. A43D86/00;A43D1/08;A43D11/00;A43D111/00;A43D111/006;A43D117/00;A43D119/00;A43D95/00;B25J9/1687;B29C65/08;B29C65/7802;B29C65/7847;B29C66/1122;B29C66/472;B29C66/8161;B29C66/8167;B29C66/863;B29C66/9672;G05B19/402;G05B19/4099;G06T7/73;A43D2200/10;A43D2200/30;A43D2200/50;A43D2200/60;B29C66/71;B29C66/727;B29C66/729;B29C66/7392;B29C66/7484;B29L2031/50;B29L2031/505;F04C2270/0421;G05B2219/37205;G05B2219/37555;G05B2219/39107;G05B2219/45243;G06K2209/19;G06T2207/30108; 20 197 33 US - Pending, TW - Active Active IP Right Grant Active IP Right Grant Pending Application Discontinuation Application Filing Active Pending IP Right Grant Pending , EP - Active Active IP Right Grant Active IP Right Grant Pending Application Discontinuation Application Filing Active Pending IP Right Grant Pending , KR - Active Active IP Right Grant Active IP Right Grant Pending Application Discontinuation Application Filing Active Pending IP Right Grant Pending , WO - Active Active IP Right Grant Active IP Right Grant Pending Application Discontinuation Application Filing Active Pending IP Right Grant Pending , DE - Active Active IP Right Grant Active IP Right Grant Pending Application Discontinuation Application Filing Active Pending IP Right Grant Pending , CN - Active Active IP Right Grant Active IP Right Grant Pending Application Discontinuation Application Filing Active Pending IP Right Grant Pending TRUE FALSE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Automated identification of shoe parts US9451810B2 2016/9/27 US13/299,856 2011/11/18 2016/9/27 2011/11/18 Patrick Conall Regan,Chang-Chu Liao,Chih-Chi Chang Nike, Inc. A43D111/00;A43D11/00;A43D1/08;A43D111/006;A43D117/00;A43D119/00;B25J15/00;B25J15/0071;B25J15/0608;B25J15/0616;B25J9/1687;B25J9/1697;G06T7/001;G06T7/0042;G06T7/73;G06T7/74;A43D2200/10;A43D2200/30;A43D2200/50;A43D2200/60;G05B2219/37205;G05B2219/37555;G05B2219/39107;G05B2219/45243;G06T2207/30108;Y10S901/09; 20 96 23 US - Pending, TW - Active Active Active IP Right Grant IP Right Grant Active Application Discontinuation Pending Application Filing Application Filing, CN - Active Active Active IP Right Grant IP Right Grant Active Application Discontinuation Pending Application Filing Application Filing, EP - Active Active Active IP Right Grant IP Right Grant Active Application Discontinuation Pending Application Filing Application Filing, KR - Active Active Active IP Right Grant IP Right Grant Active Application Discontinuation Pending Application Filing Application Filing, DE - Active Active Active IP Right Grant IP Right Grant Active Application Discontinuation Pending Application Filing Application Filing, WO - Active Active Active IP Right Grant IP Right Grant Active Application Discontinuation Pending Application Filing Application Filing TRUE FALSE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Generation of tool paths for shore assembly US10552551B2 2020/2/4 US14/084,365 2013/11/19 2020/2/4 2011/11/18 Patrick Conall Regan,Dragan Jurkovic,Chih-Chi Chang,Ming-Feng Jean Nike, Inc. G06F17/5004;G06F30/13;A43D1/08;A43D25/06;G05B19/4093;G05B19/4097;A43D8/00;A43D8/32;A43D95/00;B25J9/1684;G05B2219/37205;G05B2219/39393;G05B2219/45243;G06F17/50;G06F30/00;G06T17/00;G06T19/00;G06T7/521; 24 160 22 US - Pending TRUE FALSE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Automated 3-D modeling of shoe parts US8849620B2 2014/9/30 US13/299,827 2011/11/18 2014/9/30 2011/11/18 Patrick Conall Regan,Chih-Chi Chang,Ming-Feng Jean Nike, Inc. G06T17/00;G06F17/50;A43D1/08;A43D25/06;A43D8/00;G01B11/24;G06F30/00;G06T7/0057;G06T7/0075;G06T7/521;A43D2200/60;A43D95/00;B25J9/1684;G01B11/02;G01B11/03;G01B11/2518;G05B2219/37205;G05B2219/37555;G05B2219/39393;G06T19/00;G06T2207/10016;G06T2207/10028;G06T2207/10144;G06T2207/30108;G06T7/543; 20 147 67 US - Pending, TW - IP Right Grant Active IP Right Grant Active Active Application Filing Active Active Pending Active IP Right Grant IP Right Grant Active IP Right Grant, KR - IP Right Grant Active IP Right Grant Active Active Application Filing Active Active Pending Active IP Right Grant IP Right Grant Active IP Right Grant, CN - IP Right Grant Active IP Right Grant Active Active Application Filing Active Active Pending Active IP Right Grant IP Right Grant Active IP Right Grant, EP - IP Right Grant Active IP Right Grant Active Active Application Filing Active Active Pending Active IP Right Grant IP Right Grant Active IP Right Grant, WO - IP Right Grant Active IP Right Grant Active Active Application Filing Active Active Pending Active IP Right Grant IP Right Grant Active IP Right Grant, DE - IP Right Grant Active IP Right Grant Active Active Application Filing Active Active Pending Active IP Right Grant IP Right Grant Active IP Right Grant TRUE FALSE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Automated manufacturing of shoe parts US8958901B2 2015/2/17 US13/299,819 2011/11/18 US8958901B2 2015/2/17 2011/11/18 Patrick Conall Regan Nike, Inc. A43D25/18;G05B19/402;A43D11/00;A43D63/00;A43D2200/10;A43D2200/30;A43D2200/60;G05B2219/37077; 20 200 46 US - Pending, KR - Application Filing Active Active IP Right Grant Application Filing Pending Active IP Right Grant, TW - Application Filing Active Active IP Right Grant Application Filing Pending Active IP Right Grant, EP - Application Filing Active Active IP Right Grant Application Filing Pending Active IP Right Grant, CN - Application Filing Active Active IP Right Grant Application Filing Pending Active IP Right Grant, WO - Application Filing Active Active IP Right Grant Application Filing Pending Active IP Right Grant TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; 制鞋工作台 CN102726889B 2014/8/6 CN201210249870.3A 2012/7/19 CN102726889B 2014/8/6 2012/7/19 袁伟强 洛阳新思路电气股份有限公司 A43D117/00(2006.01)I 10 6 2 CN - Active TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; 一种制鞋用鞋底压模机 CN104207416A 2014/12/17 CN201410508320.8A 2014/9/21 2014/9/21 苏中柱 苏中柱 A43D25/08(2006.01)I 4 5 5 CN - Pending TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; 一种将橡胶鞋底与鞋帮硫化连接的设备 CN104544751B 2016/11/30 CN201410709894.1A 2014/11/30 CN104544751B 2016/11/30 2014/11/30 黄超 东莞市联洲知识产权运营管理有限公司 A43D9/00(2006.01)I 1 8 2 CN - Expired - Fee Related TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; 一种全自动化制鞋生产线 CN104720196B 2017/2/1 CN201510102345.2A 2015/3/9 CN104720196B 2017/2/1 2015/3/9 霍锦钊 佛山市锦德机械设备有限公司 A43D21/02(2006.01)I; A43D117/00(2006.01)I 10 7 7 CN - Active TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; 一种机器人自动垫鞋垫机 CN104824920B 2017/5/10 CN201510258478.9A 2015/5/20 CN104824920B 2017/5/10 2015/5/20 邹赞成,马新全 东莞市鑫拓智能机械科技有限公司 A43D35/00(2006.01)I 2 8 4 CN - Active TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Verfahren zur Herstellung von Sportartikeln und Sportartikel DE102016223567A1 2018/5/30 DE102016223567.2A 2016/11/28 2016/11/28 Hans-Peter Nürnberg,Henry Niles HANSON,Tom O'Haire,Martin Josef Löhner,Dietmar Klaus Drummer,Heinz Hohensinner,Mirjam Martina Lucht,Jörg Vetter,Winfried Schmidt,André Schmidt,Norbert Stark,Markus Hohenberger,Frank Prissok,Stephan Karl Reinhard Lintner,Muhammad Tausif,Stephen John Russell,Parikshit Goswami Adidas Ag B29C64/153;B29C41/06;B29C39/26;A43B23/0215;A43B5/00;B29C39/02;B29C39/38;B29C41/20;B29C41/22;B29C64/30;B29D35/122;B29D35/126;B29D35/128;B33Y10/00;B33Y30/00;B33Y70/10;B29C2791/008;B29C41/36;B29C41/46;B29C44/04;B29C44/358;B29C44/445;B29K2033/04;B29K2075/00;B29K2105/04;B29K2995/007;B29L2031/50;B29L2031/504;B29L2031/505;B29L2031/52; 21 39 6 DE - Pending, EP - Pending Pending Active Active Pending Pending, JP - Pending, CN - Pending Pending Active Active Pending Pending, US - Pending Pending Active Active Pending Pending TRUE FALSE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Manipolatore prensile per forme di calzatura IT201700019521A1 2018/8/21 IT102017000019521A 2017/2/21 2017/2/21 Gianluca Alitta,Michele Cantella,Sergio Dulio Atom Spa A43D119/00;A43D111/003;A43D111/006;A43D3/10;B25J15/00;A43D2200/10; 8 0 IT - TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; A shoe manufacturing system EP3585204A1 2020/1/1 EP18712268.4A 2018/2/20 2017/2/21 Gianluca ALITTA,Michele Cantella,Sergio Dulio ATOM S.p.A. A43D119/00;A43D111/003;A43D111/006;A43D3/10;B25J15/00;A43D2200/10;A43D2200/20;A43D2200/30; 14 1 BR - Pending Pending, EP - Pending Pending, WO - Pending Pending, CN - Pending Pending TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; 一种旋转式制鞋压底设备 CN106820455A 2017/6/13 CN201710244332.8A 2017/4/14 2017/4/14 叶昆昌 东莞进益机械制造有限公司 A43D25/00; 9 7 0 CN - Pending TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; 一种鞋子的取送装置 CN109549291A 2019/4/2 CN201811582706.8A 2018/12/24 2018/12/24 刘博� 上海福赛特机器人有限公司 A43D111/003;A43D117/00; 10 8 1 CN - Pending TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Verfahren zum automatischen Aufziehen eines Schuhschaftes auf einen Leisten DE102019202515A1 2020/8/27 DE102019202515.3A 2019/2/25 2019/2/25 Johannes Landherr,Benjamin Baumann Kuka Deutschland Gmbh B25J9/1633;A43D13/00;B25J11/00;B25J13/085; 15 9 0 DE - Pending, WO - TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; 一种自动上料的制鞋用鞋底打磨装置 CN111975551A 2020/11/24 CN202010877906.7A 2020/8/27 2020/8/27 钮芳惠 湖州瑞博鞋业有限公司 B24B19/00;A43D8/00;B24B41/005;B24B41/06; 7 8 0 CN - Pending TRUE TRUE
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; Nozzle for centrifuge rotors and method of removing same CA2305409A1 1999/4/29 CA002305409A 1998/10/15 1997/10/17 Larry D. Garrison,Kim E. Greenwell Fluid-Quip, Inc. B04B1/10;B05B15/65;B05B3/1028;B25B27/02; 16 13 10 EP - Withdrawn Expired - Lifetime Application Discontinuation Abandoned, US - Withdrawn Expired - Lifetime Application Discontinuation Abandoned, WO - Withdrawn Expired - Lifetime Application Discontinuation Abandoned, CA - Withdrawn Expired - Lifetime Application Discontinuation Abandoned TRUE FALSE
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; Zerstäuberrad mit verbesserten Düsen für rotierende Zerstäuber DE60017305T2 2006/4/6 DE2000617305 2000/3/3 DE60017305T2 2006/4/6 1999/3/24 Bruce D. League City Adkins,Sean Vannoy Garner Albemarle Netherlands B.V. B05B3/1028; 9 20 8 DE - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired - Fee Related Expired - Fee Related Expired - Fee Related, EP - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired - Fee Related Expired - Fee Related Expired - Fee Related, AT - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired - Fee Related Expired - Fee Related Expired - Fee Related, ES - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired - Fee Related Expired - Fee Related Expired - Fee Related, US - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired - Fee Related Expired - Fee Related Expired - Fee Related, CA - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired - Fee Related Expired - Fee Related Expired - Fee Related, JP - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired - Fee Related Expired - Fee Related Expired - Fee Related, CN - Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Expired - Lifetime Expired - Lifetime Expired - Fee Related Expired - Fee Related Expired - Fee Related TRUE FALSE
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; Atomizer wheel with wear-resistant inserts US6457657B1 2002/10/1 US09/654,500 2000/9/1 US6457657B1 2002/10/1 2000/9/1 Erling Skov Nielsen Niro A/S B05B3/1028;B01D1/20; 22 14 7 US - Expired - Lifetime, CA - Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Active Active Active, CZ - Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Active Active Active, PL - Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Active Active Active, DE - Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Active Active Active, AT - Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Active Active Active, EP - Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Active Active Active, DK - Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Active Active Active, ES - Expired - Lifetime IP Right Cessation Active Active Active TRUE TRUE
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; Atomizer lid assembly for an atomizer head US6659375B1 2003/12/9 US10/085,852 2002/2/26 US6659375B1 2003/12/9 2002/2/26 Robert Mudge,Shawn Veurink Rpm Solutions, Inc. B05B3/1028; 7 7 3 US - Active TRUE TRUE
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; Method and Apparatus for Application of Mortar US20120199062A1 2012/8/9 US13/367,318 2012/2/6 2011/2/8 Scott Gesicki,Amir Hoda,Jerald Shelsta GeoTree Technologies, Inc. B05B13/0636;B05B3/1007;B05B7/1481;F16L58/06; 8 57 7 US - Abandoned Active Abandoned Abandoned Application Filing Application Filing Application Filing, CA - Abandoned Active Abandoned Abandoned Application Filing Application Filing Application Filing, WO - Abandoned Active Abandoned Abandoned Application Filing Application Filing Application Filing TRUE FALSE
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; Method and apparatus for application of mortar US9138758B2 2015/9/22 US13/367,315 2012/2/6 2015/9/22 2011/2/8 Allan R. Jedneak Inland Pipe Rehabilitation Llc B05B3/1007;B05B13/0636;B05B7/1481; 19 67 2 US - Active Application Filing Active, WO - Active Application Filing Active, CA - Active Application Filing Active TRUE FALSE
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; 一种双级雾化式高速离心雾化盘 CN102553741B 2014/6/4 CN201110442753.4A 2011/12/27 CN102553741B 2014/6/4 2011/12/27 林顺洪,邵毅敏,严欣平,肖大志,丁又青,李翔,徐�明 重庆科技学院 B05B3/02(2006.01)I; B01D53/80(2006.01)I; B01D53/40(2006.01)I 6 7 5 CN - Active TRUE TRUE
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; Insert for an atomizer wheel and atomizer wheel comprising a number of such inserts US10376809B2 2019/8/13 US14/134,864 2013/12/19 US10376809B2 2019/8/13 2012/12/20 Erling Skov Nielsen Gea Process Engineering A/S B01D1/18;B05B1/06;B05B15/18;B05B3/1028;F26B3/12; 24 19 0 US - Active TRUE FALSE
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; Insert for an atomizer wheel and atomizer wheel comprising a number of such inserts CA2895397C 2018/3/20 CA2895397A 2012/12/20 CA2895397C 2018/3/20 2012/12/20 Erling Skov Nielsen Gea Process Engineering A/S B05B3/1028;B05B15/18;F26B3/12; 19 11 0 WO - Application Filing Active Active, CN - Application Filing Active Active, CA - Application Filing Active Active TRUE FALSE
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; 一种离心式净油机用布油盘 CN106669989B 2019/11/8 CN201610738980.4A 2016/8/26 CN106669989B 2019/11/8 2016/8/26 丁恒井,张晓进 镇江市长江机电设备厂有限公司 B04B11/00; 1 12 0 CN - Active TRUE TRUE
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; Atomizer wheel with bushings of different inwardly protruding lengths US4898331A 1990/2/6 US07/288,178 1988/12/22 US4898331A 1990/2/6 1988/12/22 Ove E. Hansen,Christopher P. Healy A/A Niro Atomizer B05B3/1028; 26 5 13 US - Expired - Lifetime, EP - Withdrawn Ceased IP Right Cessation, ZA - Withdrawn Ceased IP Right Cessation, AU - Withdrawn Ceased IP Right Cessation, DK - Withdrawn Ceased IP Right Cessation TRUE TRUE
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; Atomizer wheel with a divided wear ring US5356075A 1994/10/18 US07/961,717 1993/3/19 US5356075A 1994/10/18 1990/7/10 Morten Heide,Henrik Sonderby Apv Pasilac Anhydro As B05B3/1028;B01D1/20;F26B3/12;B05B3/001;Y10S239/19; 21 21 7 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003005B 鳍片管制造方法 CN85101434A 1985/10/10 CN85101434A 1985/4/1 QINGDAO STEEL PLANT B21B17/10; B23P15/26 车载大口径高压气瓶用无缝钢管的制造方法 CN102303065B 2013/8/28 CN 201110166788 2011/6/21 CN102303065B 2013/8/28 2011/6/21 尹人洁,张涛,吕建钢,刘云涛,邓久鸿,杨明安 攀钢集团成都钢钒有限公司 B21C37/06(2006.01)I 1 4 10 CN - Active TRUE TRUE
CN1003005B 鳍片管制造方法 CN85101434A 1985/10/10 CN85101434A 1985/4/1 QINGDAO STEEL PLANT B21B17/10; B23P15/26 一种工程挖掘机专用花键条的制备方法 CN106001157B 2018/5/22 CN201610332455.2A 2016/5/19 CN106001157B 2018/5/22 2016/5/19 张根明 常熟市异型钢管有限公司 B21C37/00;C21D1/18;C21D1/42;C21D9/0081;Y02P10/25; 4 5 0 CN - Active TRUE TRUE
CN1003005B 鳍片管制造方法 CN85101434A 1985/10/10 CN85101434A 1985/4/1 QINGDAO STEEL PLANT B21B17/10; B23P15/26 无缝钢管的制备方法 CN106140865B 2019/8/30 CN201610543095.0A 2016/7/12 CN106140865B 2019/8/30 2016/7/12 倪宋 江苏宏亿钢管有限公司 B21C37/06; 6 6 2 CN - Active TRUE TRUE
CN1003005B 鳍片管制造方法 CN85101434A 1985/10/10 CN85101434A 1985/4/1 QINGDAO STEEL PLANT B21B17/10; B23P15/26 一种紫铜软管加工工艺 CN109226328B 2020/3/24 CN201811410251.1A 2018/11/23 CN109226328B 2020/3/24 2018/11/23 施忠彪 绍兴上虞正达管业有限公司 B21C37/06;B21C1/24;B21C1/28;B21C1/30;B21C1/32;B21C5/003; 7 13 0 CN - Active TRUE TRUE
CN1003005B 鳍片管制造方法 CN85101434A 1985/10/10 CN85101434A 1985/4/1 QINGDAO STEEL PLANT B21B17/10; B23P15/26 内螺纹外翅管加工工艺 CN109967988B 2020/10/27 CN201910201098.XA 2019/3/18 CN109967988B 2020/10/27 2019/3/18 孙登波 青岛登辉机械配件有限公司 B23P15/26; 5 10 0 CN - Active TRUE TRUE

China Patent Citation Information Table

Date of cited patent application
Patent ID Patent Name Patent Application Publication Number Patent Application Publication Date Patent Application Number Patent Application Date Patent Owner Classification Number Cited Patent Name Cited Patent Application Publication Number Cited Patent Application Publication Date Cited Patent Application Number Cited patent authorization announcement number Cited patent authorization date Priority date of cited patent Inventor of cited patent Patent owner of cited patent Classification number of cited patent Number of claims of cited patent Number of times cited patents cite other patents Number of times cited patents are cited Legal status of cited patent Whether cited patent is Family to Family Subject of adding cited information
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Maschine zum Aufvulkanisieren von Sohlen und Absaetzen auf Stoff- oder Lederschuhwerk mit mehreren auf einem absatzweise drehbaren Unterrahmen kreisfoermig angeordneten Pressvorrichtungen DE1064387B 1959/8/27 DEM33452A 1957/3/5 1957/3/5 Ichiro Matsuda Ichiro Matsuda B29D35/0009;B29D35/0054;B29C35/00;B29K2021/00; 3 4 2 DE - Pending TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Shoe handling devices US3024480A 1962/3/13 US28799A 1960/5/12 US3024480A 1962/3/13 1960/5/12 Willard L Baker,Adolph S Dorosz,James R Stewart United Shoe Machinery Corp A43D111/00;A43D117/00; 4 9 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Method of making a shoe sole having a preformed insert US4123493A 1978/10/31 US05/793,398 1977/5/3 US4123493A 1978/10/31 1977/5/3 Waldemar Schilke,Ladislav Hujik Bata Shoe Company, Inc. B29D35/061;A43B1/0027;B29D35/082;B29D35/148; 2 9 16 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; JPS5746149Y2 1982/10/12 JP1978009661U 1978/1/31 JPS5746149Y2 1982/10/12 1978/1/31 B25J9/101;B25J17/0241;B25J9/148; 13 28 JP - Granted, US - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired , GB - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired , DE - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired , FR - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired , SU - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Giess- bzw. spritzgiessvorrichtung fuer schuhsohlen DE2907751A1 1980/9/4 DE19792907751 1979/2/28 1979/2/28 Hans Hustedt Desma Werke Gmbh B29D35/084;A43B3/0084; 6 9 6 DE - Withdrawn, FR - Withdrawn Pending Expired - Lifetime , JP - Withdrawn Pending Expired - Lifetime , US - Withdrawn Pending Expired - Lifetime , IT - Withdrawn Pending Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Method and apparatus for molding polyurethane soles for footwear US4302416A 1981/11/24 US06/078,720 1979/9/25 US4302416A 1981/11/24 1979/9/25 Guy Rudolf,Giuliano Frau Guy Rudolf B29D35/082;B29D35/084;Y10S264/57;Y10S264/77; 13 3 17 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Verfahren und Einrichtung zum seriellen Bearbeiten und/oder zur Montage von Werkstücken EP0076231A3 1984/4/25 EP82810356A 1982/8/27 1981/9/24 Franz Schäfer,Robert Seckler Franz Schäfer G04D1/0071;B23P21/00;B23Q7/046;B25J15/0491;B25J17/0283;B25J19/0004;B25J9/026; 7 62 EP - Withdrawn TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Apparatus for making shoes US4465448A 1984/8/14 US06/360,053 1982/3/19 US4465448A 1984/8/14 1982/3/19 John E. Aldridge Norwich Shoe Co., Inc. B29D35/0009;B29C45/1759; 26 12 81 US - Expired - Fee Related TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Anlage zur fortlaufenden Herstellung von Gummischuhwerk AT242562B 1965/9/27 AT698961A 1961/9/14 AT242562B 1965/9/27 1961/9/14 Eduard Ing Braun,Richard Ing Preissler,Erwin Dipl Ing Junker,Ferdinand Ing Zwickl Semperit Ag B29D35/0009;A43D117/00;B29D35/0054;B29C35/00;B29K2021/00; 0 9 AT - , CH - Expired, GB - Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Automatic shoe handling means US3334367A 1967/8/8 US462659A 1965/6/9 US3334367A 1967/8/8 1965/6/9 James R Stewart United Shoe Machinery Corp A43D117/00;A43D3/10; 1 5 2 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; DEVICE FOR SPRAYING A SOLE IN A FORM SEALED BY A LAST BE666536A 1965/11/3 BE666536A 1965/7/7 1965/7/7 Ryck Petrus De Oordegem Const Van B29C45/04;B29C45/0408;Y10S425/201; 1 5 5 BE - , FR - Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Pending, GB - Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Pending, US - Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Pending, DE - Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Pending TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Vorrichtung zum Anspritzen von Sohlen an einen Schuhschaft DE1281145B 1968/10/24 DE1965ST024689 1965/11/25 1965/11/25 Karl-Heinz Wessel Friedrich Stuebbe B29D35/0018;B29C45/20;B29C45/2701;B29C2045/202;B29K2021/00; 8 2 DE - Pending, US - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired, GB - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired, FR - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Improvements in or relating to Injection Moulding Machines. GB1195024A 1970/6/17 GB3572766A 1966/8/10 1966/8/10 Raymond Derek Edwin Eldred,Terence James Leonard Clarke British United Shoe Machinery B29D35/0027;B29C45/56; 3 5 GB - Expired, US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Injection molding apparatus US3555609A 1971/1/19 1967/10/31 US3555609A 1971/1/19 1967/10/31 William Chu,Guy Rudolf Bata Shoe Co B29C45/0441;B29C45/1615;B29C45/1759;B29D35/081; 0 15 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Treatment of footwear GB1275095A 1972/5/24 GB899670A 1969/8/22 1969/8/22 Alfred Freeman Alfred Freeman B29D35/00;A43D95/125; 0 10 GB - Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Mold filling insert for injection molding machine CA1006666A 1977/3/15 CA184,546A 1973/10/29 CA1006666A 1977/3/15 1973/10/29 Ladislav Hujik Ladislav Hujik B29D35/0018;B29C45/2708;B29D35/082; 17 52 CA - Expired, JP - Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Expired - Lifetime , ZA - Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Expired - Lifetime , US - Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Expired - Lifetime , FR - Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Expired - Lifetime , DE - Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Expired - Lifetime , GB - Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Expired - Lifetime , BE - Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Expired - Lifetime , NL - Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Expired - Lifetime , IT - Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Expired - Lifetime , BR - Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; Centrifuge nozzle construction US2695748A 1954/11/30 US267648A 1952/1/22 US2695748A 1954/11/30 1952/1/22 Loren D Millard Merco Centrifugal Co B04B1/12;B05B3/1028; 3 26 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; Atomizer wheels for the atomization of slurries GB1434203A 1976/5/5 GB5841972A 1972/12/18 1972/12/18 Niro Atomizer As B05B3/1028; 8 15 GB - Expired, AR - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, DK - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, DE - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, BE - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, ZA - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, CA - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, AU - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, FR - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, DD - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, FI - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, ES - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, SU - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, US - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, IT - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, SE - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, JP - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; DE2351491C2 1982/5/6 DE19732351491 1973/10/13 DE2351491C2 1982/5/6 1973/10/13 Kurt 6640 Merzig De Kleser Villeroy & Boch Keramische Werke Kg, 6642 Mettlach, De B05B3/1028;B24C5/06;F26B17/24; 1 8 DE - Expired, AR - Expired, FR - Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; Rueda de pulverizacion para materiales altamente abrasivos AR223796A1 1981/9/30 AR25602474A 1974/10/10 AR223796A1 1981/9/30 1973/10/13 Villeroy & Boch B24C5/06;B05B3/1028;F26B17/24; 0 2 AR - Expired, FR - Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; Wear-resistant rotor wheel GB1526381A 1978/9/27 GB177577A 1977/1/17 1976/1/26 Niro Atomizer As B05B3/001;B01D1/20;B05B3/1028;B05B3/1042;F04D29/2255;F26B17/24; 5 20 CA - Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired IP Right Cessation Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, GB - Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired IP Right Cessation Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, DE - Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired IP Right Cessation Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, US - Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired IP Right Cessation Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, FR - Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired IP Right Cessation Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, SE - Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired IP Right Cessation Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, AU - Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired IP Right Cessation Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, FI - Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired IP Right Cessation Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, JP - Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired IP Right Cessation Expired IP Right Cessation Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; Forstoeverhjul til forstoevning af vaesker DK143154C 1981/11/16 DK25279A 1979/1/19 DK143154C 1981/11/16 1979/1/19 O E Hansen Niro Atomizer As B05B3/1028;B01D1/20; 7 15 DK - IP Right Cessation, DE - Expired Expired Ceased Expired - Lifetime Pending, EP - Expired Expired Ceased Expired - Lifetime Pending, AU - Expired Expired Ceased Expired - Lifetime Pending, US - Expired Expired Ceased Expired - Lifetime Pending, JP - Expired Expired Ceased Expired - Lifetime Pending TRUE TRUE
CN1003006B 喷射式焊锡槽 CN85108144A 1986/5/10 CN85108144A 1985/11/5 近藤权士 B23K3/0653;B23K2101/42; JPS6315063B2 1988/4/2 JP56156950A 1981/10/3 1981/10/3 Ginya Ishii,Yoshihiro Myano Ginya Ishii 4 8 JP - Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003006B 喷射式焊锡槽 CN85108144A 1986/5/10 CN85108144A 1985/11/5 近藤权士 B23K3/0653;B23K2101/42; JPS6235857B2 1987/8/4 JP57220189A 1982/12/17 1982/12/17 Kenji Kondo Kenji Kondo B23K3/0653; 2 4 JP - Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Reiberhahn DE491553C 1930/2/11 DER73446D DE491553C 1930/2/11 Heinrich Rusterholz B67D3/047; 1 0 1 DE - Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Brennstoffhahn fuer Verbrennungskraftmaschinen, insbesondere von Kraftfahrzeugen DE1053955B 1959/3/26 DEK32646A 1957/8/7 1957/8/7 Karl Collmer Karco Armaturenwerk Karl Collm B62J35/00;F16K11/074; 3 0 2 DE - Pending TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Tapping valve for beer kegs US3115149A 1963/12/24 US125546A 1961/7/20 US3115149A 1963/12/24 1961/7/20 Arthur J Tonna,Victor A Sariotti Burgermeister Brewing Corp B67D1/0835;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/614;Y10T137/86863; 2 9 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Ball check valve US3176713A 1965/4/6 1961/9/12 US3176713A 1965/4/6 1961/9/12 John R Mcdermott,Jr Richard F Muller American Cyanamid Co F16K15/04;Y10T137/7912; 1 8 9 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Tapping valve for beer kegs US3115150A 1963/12/24 US157515A 1961/12/6 US3115150A 1963/12/24 1961/12/6 Victor A Sariotti,Arthur J Tonna Burgermeister Brewing Corp B67D1/0835;F16K11/074;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/614;Y10T137/86863; 1 3 11 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Slide valve US3342205A 1967/9/19 US475409A 1965/7/28 US3342205A 1967/9/19 1965/7/28 Mario J Quinto Mario J Quinto F16K11/065;Y10T137/7036;Y10T137/86799; 1 4 14 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Multiple orifice valve US3426797A 1969/2/11 1965/10/20 US3426797A 1969/2/11 1965/10/20 William J Baker Willis Oil Tool Co F16K3/085;Y10T137/86743; 7 25 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Tapping valve for beer keg US3302660A 1967/2/7 US544453A 1966/4/22 US3302660A 1967/2/7 1966/4/22 Baron F Haag Baron F Haag B67D3/047;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/614;Y10T137/86662; 1 3 6 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Valve with stop and washout US3476138A 1969/11/4 1966/4/26 US3476138A 1969/11/4 1966/4/26 R Ellsworth Doremus,Richard E Doremus Golden Gate Mfg Co B67D3/047;F16K35/00;Y10T137/614; 3 7 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Plug faucet US3542336A 1970/11/24 US736523*A 1968/5/22 US3542336A 1970/11/24 1968/5/22 Elroy J Giese Tomlinson Ind Inc F16K27/06;B67D3/047;F16K5/162; 0 6 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Integrally cast conduit for a valve having a plastic body US3520325A 1970/7/14 1969/2/20 US3520325A 1970/7/14 1969/2/20 Harry A Stuart Harry A Stuart F16K27/0263;Y10T137/7036; 5 27 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Rotary slide valve US3831621A 1974/8/27 1973/11/19 US3831621A 1974/8/27 1973/11/19 R Anthony,D Byland Union Brass & Metal Mfg F16K3/08;Y10T137/5196;Y10T137/7668;Y10T137/86743; 2 6 90 US - Expired - Lifetime, CA - Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; DE2902364C2 1983/3/24 DE2902364A 1979/1/22 DE2902364C2 1983/3/24 1979/1/22 Kurt Dr.-Ing. 6710 Frankenthal De Holzenberger Klein, Schanzlin & Becker Ag, 6710 Frankenthal, De F16K11/08;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/87804;Y10T137/8782; 13 25 DE - Expired Pending, JP - Pending, US - Expired - Lifetime Expired , GB - Expired - Lifetime Expired , SU - Expired - Lifetime Expired , ZA - Expired - Lifetime Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Coppia di piastrine in materiale duro per rubinetto miscelatore a monocomando IT1207922B 1989/6/1 IT7944810A 1979/7/16 IT1207922B 1989/6/1 1979/7/16 Gevipi Ag F16K11/0782;Y10T137/86549;Y10T137/86823; 5 55 IT - , AT - IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, EP - IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, DE - IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, US - IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, ES - IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Replaceable cartridge valve assembly US4331176A 1982/5/25 US06/126,938 1980/3/3 US4331176A 1982/5/25 1980/3/3 Richard G. Parkison American Standard Inc. F16K47/045;F16K3/08;Y10T137/7613;Y10T137/7668;Y10T137/86743;Y10T137/87981; 14 19 62 US - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, CA - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, EP - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, DE - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, AT - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, PH - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, BR - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, AR - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, MX - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, JP - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, ES - Granted Granted TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Biertapkraan. NL8104361A 1983/4/18 NL8104361A 1981/9/22 1981/9/22 Vsh Fabrieken Nv B67D1/1444; 8 0 7 NL - Application Discontinuation, BE - IP Right Cessation Expired Withdrawn, GB - IP Right Cessation Expired Withdrawn, DK - IP Right Cessation Expired Withdrawn, DE - IP Right Cessation Expired Withdrawn TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Liquid applicator for a printing press US4603655A 1986/8/5 US06/733,386 1985/5/13 US4603655A 1986/8/5 1985/5/13 Thomas G. Switall Ryco Graphic Manufacturing, Inc. B65H45/30;B41F13/54;B41F19/00;B65H37/02; 7 4 5 US - Expired - Fee Related TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Beer-faucet. US667301A 1901/2/5 1900/11/12 US667301A 1901/2/5 1900/11/12 Joseph F Dredge Joseph F Dredge B67D1/1444;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/86831;Y10T137/86871;Y10T137/87249;Y10T137/87676;Y10T137/87917; 0 12 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Fasshahn. CH114676A 1926/4/16 1925/10/14 1925/10/14 Emil Hofmann Emil Hofmann B67D3/047; 1 0 1 CH - TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Robinet pour fûts FR616349A 1927/1/31 1926/5/19 FR616349A 1927/1/31 1925/12/30 Emil Hofmann B67D3/047; 0 1 FR - Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Improvements in or relating to taps or cocks GB429941A 1935/6/11 GB3466533A 1933/12/9 1933/12/9 Frederick John Trevallon Barne F16K5/0271;B67D3/047;F16K5/0214; 0 2 GB - Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003011B 含氧氮化铝的耐火材料,滑动水口耐火材料及连续铸钢水口 CN85109111A 1986/8/27 CN85109111A 1985/10/23 Nippon Crucible Co Ltd C04B35/58;B22D41/32;B22D41/54;C04B35/00;C04B35/581; JPS6141862B2 1986/9/18 JP55100176A 1980/7/22 1980/7/22 Hiroshi Kano,Toshihiko Iwata Kurosaki Refractories Co 0 10 JP - Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003015B 绕线机 CN85103902A 1986/7/9 CN85103902A 1985/5/8 Barmag AG B65H54/52;B65H2701/31; Aufwickelvorrichtung DE1902528A1 1970/9/3 DE19691902528 1969/1/18 1969/1/18 Walter Arnold,Guenther Heynen,Fritz Mueller Glanzstoff Ag B65H54/42;B65H54/52;B65H2701/31; 6 0 2 DE - Pending IP Right Cessation, CH - Pending IP Right Cessation, ES - Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, BE - Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, LU - Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, NL - Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, FR - Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, AT - Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, GB - Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003015B 绕线机 CN85103902A 1986/7/9 CN85103902A 1985/5/8 Barmag AG B65H54/52;B65H2701/31; Spulvorrichtung mit Treibwalzenantrieb DE2039772A1 1972/3/2 DE19702039772 1970/8/11 1970/8/11 Hansjoachim Busch,Ernst Wunram Barmag Barmer Maschf B65H54/52;B65H2701/31; 5 0 4 DE - Pending, CH - IP Right Cessation Expired, NL - IP Right Cessation Expired, FR - IP Right Cessation Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003015B 绕线机 CN85103902A 1986/7/9 CN85103902A 1985/5/8 Barmag AG B65H54/52;B65H2701/31; DE7121710U 1971/10/7 DE19717121710D 1971/6/4 1971/6/4 Barmag Ag B65H54/28;B65H54/2812;B65H54/52;B65H54/54;B65H2701/31; 7 0 1 DE - Expired, FR - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, CH - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, GB - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003015B 绕线机 CN85103902A 1986/7/9 CN85103902A 1985/5/8 Barmag AG B65H54/52;B65H2701/31; Yarn take-up arrangement US3807647A 1974/4/30 1972/6/15 US3807647A 1974/4/30 1972/6/15 H Miller Karlsruhe Augsburg Iweka B65H54/42;B65H54/70;B65H67/04;B65H2601/321;B65H2701/31; 8 5 14 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003015B 绕线机 CN85103902A 1986/7/9 CN85103902A 1985/5/8 Barmag AG B65H54/52;B65H2701/31; Aufwickeleinrichtung fuer konische kreuzspulen DE2403341A1 1975/7/31 DE19742403341 1974/1/24 1974/1/24 Hans Raasch Schlafhorst & Co W B65H54/103;B65H54/38;B65H54/42;B65H54/485;B65H54/54;B65H2701/31; 0 8 DE - Withdrawn TRUE TRUE

China Patent Affairs Table

Patent ID Serial number Event type Date Code Description
CN100336749C 0 Publication 2005/3/2 C06
CN100336749C 1 Publication 2005/3/2 PB01
CN100336749C 2 Entry into substantive examination 2005/5/4 C10
CN100336749C 3 Entry into force of request for substantive examination 2005/5/4 SE01
CN100336749C 4 Grant of patent or utility model 2007/9/12 C14
CN100336749C 5 Patent grant 2007/9/12 GR01
CN100336750C 0 Publication 2006/2/22 PB01
CN100336750C 1 Publication 2006/2/22 C06
CN100336750C 10 Delivery of document by public notice 2017/7/4 DD01 Addressee: Huang Jianjun Document name: Notification of Passing Examination on Formalities Addressee: Huang Jianjun Document name: Notification of Passing Examination on Formalities
CN100336750C 11 Delivery of document by public notice 2017/7/4 DD01
CN100336750C 12 Termination of patent right due to non-payment of annual fee 2020/8/7 CF01
CN100336750C 13 Termination of patent right due to non-payment of annual fee 2020/8/7 CF01 Granted publication date: 20070912 Termination date: 20190824
CN100336750C 2 Entry into force of request for substantive examination 2006/4/19 SE01
CN100336750C 3 Entry into substantive examination 2006/4/19 C10
CN100336750C 4 Patent grant 2007/9/12 GR01
CN100336750C 5 Grant of patent or utility model 2007/9/12 C14
CN100336750C 6 Entry into force of recordation of patent licensing contract 2009/6/24 EE01 Assignee: Beijng Jiayejiajing Environmental Protection Technology Co.,Ltd. Assignor: Huang Jianjun Contract fulfillment period: 2008.12.1 to 2015.12.1 contract change Contract record no.: 2009110000055 Denomination of invention: Eutrophication waters comprehensive treatment method Granted publication date: 20070912 License type: Exclusive license Record date: 2009.4.30 Assignee: Beijng Jiayejiajing Environmental Protection Technology Co.,Ltd. Assignor: Huang Jianjun Contract fulfillment period: 2008.12.1 to 2015.12.1 Contract record no.: 2009110000055 Denomination of invention: Eutrophication waters comprehensive treatment method Granted publication date: 20070912 License type: Exclusive license Record date: 20090430
CN100336750C 7 Patent licence contract for exploitation submitted for record 2009/6/24 LIC Free format text: EXCLUSIVE LICENSE; TIME LIMIT OF IMPLEMENTING CONTACT: 2008.12.1 TO 2015.12.1; CHANGE OF CONTRACT Name of requester: BEIJING JIAYEJIAJING ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TECH Effective date: 20090430
CN100336750C 8 Transfer of patent right 2017/5/24 TR01 Effective date of registration: 20170504 Address after: 100176, No. 5, building 10, Ronghua South Road, Beijing economic and Technological Development Zone, Beijing, 4, 502 Patentee after: Beijng Jiayejiajing Environmental Protection Technology Co.,Ltd. Address before: 100176, room 4, building 209, five mile one, Tianbao garden, Beijing economic and Technological Development Zone Patentee before: Huang Jianjun Effective date of registration: 20170504 Address after: 100176, No. 5, building 10, Ronghua South Road, Beijing economic and Technological Development Zone, Beijing, 4, 502 Patentee after: Beijng Jiayejiajing Environmental Protection Technology Co.,Ltd. Address before: 100176, room 4, building 209, five mile one, Tianbao garden, Beijing economic and Technological Development Zone Patentee before: Huang Jianjun
CN100336750C 9 Transfer of patent right 2017/5/24 TR01
CN100336751C 0 Publication 2006/7/12 C06
CN100336751C 1 Publication 2006/7/12 PB01
CN100336751C 2 Entry into substantive examination 2006/9/6 C10
CN100336751C 3 Entry into force of request for substantive examination 2006/9/6 SE01
CN100336751C 4 Grant of patent or utility model 2007/9/12 C14
CN100336751C 5 Patent grant 2007/9/12 GR01
CN100336751C 6 Patent licence contract for exploitation submitted for record 2008/12/3 LIC Free format text: COMMON LICENCE; TIME LIMIT OF IMPLEMENTING CONTACT: 2007.12.1 TO 2013.11.30 Name of requester: CHANGZHOU COOPERATIVE BOILER VESSEL CO., LTD. Effective date: 20080925
CN100336751C 7 Entry into force of recordation of patent licensing contract 2008/12/3 EE01 Assignee: Changzhou Union Boiler & Pressure Vessel Co., Ltd. Assignor: Southeast University Contract fulfillment period: 2007.12.1 to 2013.11.30 Contract record no.: 2008320000360 Denomination of invention: City sludge fluidized bed combustion device and method Granted publication date: 20070912 License type: General permission Record date: 2008.9.25
CN100336751C 8 Termination of patent right due to non-payment of annual fee 2018/12/21 CF01
CN100336751C 9 Termination of patent right due to non-payment of annual fee 2018/12/21 CF01 Granted publication date: 20070912 Termination date: 20180104
CN100336752C 0 Publication 2006/10/25 C06
CN100336752C 1 Publication 2006/10/25 PB01
CN100336752C 2 Entry into substantive examination 2006/12/20 C10
CN100336752C 3 Entry into force of request for substantive examination 2006/12/20 SE01
CN100336752C 4 Grant of patent or utility model 2007/9/12 C14
CN100336752C 5 Patent grant 2007/9/12 GR01
CN100336752C 6 Cessation of patent right 2012/7/25 C17
CN100336752C 7 Termination of patent right due to non-payment of annual fee 2012/7/25 CF01 Granted publication date: 20070912 Termination date: 20110530
CN100336753C 0 Publication 2005/9/7 C06
CN100336753C 1 Publication 2005/9/7 PB01
CN100336753C 2 Entry into substantive examination 2005/11/2 C10
CN100336753C 3 Entry into force of request for substantive examination 2005/11/2 SE01
CN100336753C 4 Grant of patent or utility model 2007/9/12 C14
CN100336753C 5 Patent grant 2007/9/12 GR01
CN100336753C 6 Termination of patent right due to non-payment of annual fee 2021/4/9 CF01
CN100336753C 7 Termination of patent right due to non-payment of annual fee 2021/4/9 CF01 Granted publication date: 20070912 Termination date: 20200428
CN100336754C 0 Publication 2005/3/2 C06
CN100336754C 1 Publication 2005/3/2 PB01
CN100336754C 2 Entry into substantive examination 2006/7/12 C10
CN100336754C 3 Entry into force of request for substantive examination 2006/7/12 SE01

Chinese patent cited literature information table

< tr> < /tr>
Patent ID Patent cited literature name
CN100333628C Kinematic analysis of rotary trencher working parts Sun Hongxia, Chen Xun, etc., Agricultural Mechanization Research, No. 3, 2002*
CN100333631C Study on the effects of culture matrix, gibberellin and boron on spore germination and seedling formation of bracken Zhang Jinwen, Niu Junyi, Grassland Science, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1999*
CN100333631C Study on the effects of culture matrix, gibberellins and boron on spore germination and seedling formation of bracken Zhang Jinwen, Niu Junyi, Journal of Grassland Science, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1999; Qinghai bracken resources and cultivation technology Li Mei, Diao Zhimin, et al., Qinghai Grassland, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2001; cultivation of bracken Wu Jiyou, China Forestry, No. 5, 1997; spore propagation technology of bracken Jia Tanmin, Du Shuangtian, Chinese Vegetables, No. 6, 1999; spore propagation of bracken Technology Wang Shuling, Ai Jun, Special Economic Animals and Plants, Issue 7 2002*
CN100333631C Spore propagation technology of bracken Wang Shuling, Ai Jun, Special Economic Animals and Plants, Issue 7 2002*
CN100333631C Spore propagation technology of bracken Jia Tanmin, Du Shuangtian, Chinese Vegetables, Issue 6 1999*
CN100333631C Pteridium cultivation Wu Jiyou, China Forestry, Issue 5 1997*
CN100333631C Qinghai Pteridium resources and cultivation technology Li Mei, Diao Zhimin, etc., Qinghai Grassland, Vol. 10 Issue 3 2001*
CN100333632C North American Salicornia and its cultivation technology Tang Wenzhong et al., Guangxi Horticulture, No. 5, 2003*
CN100333633C In vitro culture and plant regeneration of Chinese narcissus Wang Li Yang Delong Chunlin, Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University, Vol. 19 No. 5, 2004*
CN100333635C High-yield cultivation technology of spring corn mulch covering Wei Huorong, Fujian Agriculture, No. 1 2002*
CN100333638C Tripterygium wilfordii cutting propagation Lin Gang, Yan Yichang, Chinese Medicinal Materials, Vol. 20 No. 4 1997*
CN100333641C 10% propyl methacrylate EC to control weeds in direct-seeded rapeseed fields Zhu Xudong et al., Proceedings of the Symposium on the Prevention and Control of Crop Injury Technology 2005*
CN100333641C 10% propyl methacrylate EC to control weeds in direct-seeded rapeseed fields Zhu Xudong et al., Proceedings of the Symposium on the Prevention and Control of Crop Injury Technology 2005; 21.2% chlorfenapyr·quizalofop-butyl·ethametsulfuron-methyl WP control oil Efficacy test on weeds in vegetable fields Chen Zhangfa et al., Hunan Agricultural Science, No. 4, 2004; Research on application technology of fenpropimorph·fenpropimorph in rapeseed fields Xu Xiaoyan et al., Weed Science, No. 3, 2005; Indoor screening of mixed formula of fenpropimorph and fenpropimorph Yuan Jun et al., Weed Science, No. 1, 2004*
CN100333641C 21.2%fenpropimorph·quizalofop-butyl·fenpropimorph WP for controlling weeds in rapeseed fields Efficacy test on weeds Chen Zhangfa et al., Hunan Agricultural Science, No. 4, 2004*
CN100333641C Indoor screening of mixed formula of propantheline and fenpropanone Yuan Jun et al., Weed Science, No. 1, 2004*
CN100333641C Research on application technology of fenpropanone and propantheline in rapeseed fields Xu Xiao Yan et al., Weed Science, No. 3, 2005*
CN100333642C Selection of supplemental insecticides for pest control in BT cotton and non-BT cotton J.A. HOPKINSETAl, Chemical Abstracts, Vol. 129 No. 16 1998*
CN100333646C "Experimental study on improving the quality of frozen bread dough with composite additives Li Shuguo, Chen Hui, Li Xuemei, Wei Xiaoyan, Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association, Vol. 18 No. 3, 2003; Frozen dough technology and its application Chen Mingliao, China Food, Vol. 19 No. 8, 1998; Emerging bakery food processing technology - frozen dough method Xiao Ou, Chinese Food, Vol. 4, 1999*
CN100333646C "Experimental study on improving the quality of frozen bread dough with composite additives Li Shuguo, Chen Hui, Li Xuemei, Wei Xiaoyan, Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association, Vol. 18, No. 3, 2003*
CN100333646C Frozen dough technology and its Application Chen Mingliao, China Food, Vol. 19, No. 8, 1998*
CN100333646C Emerging bakery food processing technology - frozen dough method Xiaoou, China Food, Vol. 4, 1999*
CN100333647C Discussion on the quality standard of wheat flour in my country Liu Xingxin, China Food Journal of Oils and Cereals, Vol. 17, No. 5, 2002*
CN100333647C Discussion on the quality standard of wheat flour in my country Liu Xingxin, Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association, Vol. 17, No. 5, 2002; Flour characteristics and instant noodle quality Qian Yinchuan, Food Science and Technology, Vol. 2000, No. 4, 2000; A brief discussion on the development of flour products that meet market demand Huang Yixin, Grain and Feed Industry, Vol. 2000, No. 11th issue 2000; Research on quality control of food flour Tang Zhong, Grain and Feed Industry, Vol. 2002, No. 5, 2002; Discussion on several issues in wheat starch production practice Wu Hongkui, Western Grain and Oil Technology, Vol. 2002, No. 3, 2002; Key indicators of wheat flour quality and related evaluation Liu Yuanbiao, Western Grain and Oil Technology, Vol. 23, No. 1, 1998*
CN100333647C Discussion on Several Problems in Wheat Starch Production Practice Wu Hongkui, Western Grain and Oil Technology, Vol. 2002, No. 3, 2002*
CN100333647C Key Indicators and Related Evaluation of Wheat Flour Quality Liu Yuanbiao, Western Grain and Oil Technology, Vol. 23, No. 1, 1998*
CN100333647C A brief discussion on developing flour products that meet market demand Huang Yixin, Grain and Feed Industry, Vol. 2000, No. 11, 2000*
CN100333647C Flour characteristics and instant noodle quality Qian Yinchuan, Food Science and Technology, Vol. 2000, No. 4, 2000*
CN100333647C Food Special Research on the quality control of powder Tang Zhong, Grain and Feed Industry, Vol. 2002, No. 5, 2002*
CN100333648C Production of beauty milk powder Liu Wen, Jilin Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, No. 4, 1998*
CN100333648C Development of bee flower milk powder Li Weiguo, Food Science, No. 6, 1 994*
CN100333648C Development of Bee Flower Milk Powder Li Weiguo, Food Science, Issue 6, 1994; Production of Beauty Milk Powder Liu Wen, Jilin Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Issue 4, 1998*
CN100333649C Production of Beauty Milk Powder Liu Wen, Jilin Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Issue 4, 1998*< /td>
CN100333649C Development of Bee Flower Milk Powder Li Weiguo, Food Science, Issue 6, 1994*
CN100333649C Development of Bee Flower Milk Powder Li Weiguo, Food Science, Issue 6, 1994; Production of Beauty Milk Powder Liu Wen, Jilin Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Issue 4, 1998*
CN100333650C Functional characteristics and development and utilization of pig blood Li Yulu, Meat Industry, Issue 4, 2002*
CN100333650C Iron pectin made from pigs Han Luqi et al., Meat Hygiene, Issue 6, 1996*
CN1003336 50C Iron pectin made from pigs Han Luqi et al., Meat Hygiene, No. 6, 1996; Functional characteristics and development and utilization of pig blood Li Yulu, Meat Industry, No. 4, 2002*
CN100333651C MelatoninrhythminhumanmilkHelenaIllnerova,MilenaBuresova,JiriPresl,JournalofClinicalEndocrinologyandMetabolism,Vol.77No.31993*
CN100333651C MelatoninrhythminhumanmilkHelenaIllnerova,MilenaB Uresova, Jiri Presl, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Vol. 77 No. 3 1993; Rapid determination of melatonin in functional food by HPLC Zhang Richun, Zhang Wenjuan, Zhu Hong, Ye Fei, Chinese Journal of Health Inspection, No. 1 1998; HPLC determination of melatonin (pinealogenin) in capsules Han Huixin, Chen Guiru, Chang Fengqi, Zhang Mifen, Chinese Journal of Health Inspection, Vol. 77 No. 3 1993; Rapid determination of melatonin in functional food by HPLC Zhang Richun, Zhang Wenjuan, Zhu Hong, Ye Fei, Chinese Journal of Health Inspection, Vol. 1 1998; HPLC determination of melatonin (pinealogenin) in capsules Han Huixin, Chen Guiru, Chang Fengqi, Zhang Mifen, Chinese Journal of Health Inspection, Vol. 77 No. 3 1993; Rapid determination of melatonin (pinealogenin) in functional food by HPLC Journal of Health Inspection, No. 3, 2000*
CN100333651C High Performance Liquid Chromatography Rapid Determination of Melatonin in Functional Food Zhang Richun, Zhang Wenjuan, Zhu Hong, Ye Fei, China Journal of Health Inspection, No. 1, 1998*
CN100333651C HP of Melatonin (Pinatoxin) in Capsules LC determination Han Huixin, Chen Guiru, Chang Fengqi, Zhang Mifen, China Health Inspection Journal, Issue 3, 2000*
CN100333653C "Development of low-lactose nutritional milk tablets" Qin Lihu, Xu Guomin, Zhang Bailin, Lin Fengxiang, "Packaging and Food Machinery", Issue 5, 2004; "Experimental study on the anti-aging effect of Rhodiola rosea soy milk" Ma Xiuling, Fu Derun, Xu Zhenrong, Wang Hao, "Xinjiang Medical University Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 22, No. 4, 1999*
CN100333653C "Development of low-lactose nutritional milk tablets" Qin Lihu, Xu Guomin, Zhang Bailin, Lin Fengxiang, "Packaging and Food Machinery", No. 5, 2004*
CN100333653C "Experimental study on the anti-aging effect of Rhodiola rosea soy milk Research "Ma Xiuling, Fu Derun, Xu Zhenrong, Wang Hao, Journal of Xinjiang Medical University, Vol. 22, No. 4, 1999*
CN100333654C Production of beauty milk powder Liu Wen, Jilin Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, No. 4, 1998*
CN100333654C Development of bee flower milk powder Li Weiguo, Food Science Science, Issue 6, 1994*
CN100333654C The development of bee flower milk powder Li Weiguo, Food Science, Issue 6, 1994; The production of beauty milk powder Liu Wen, Jilin Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Issue 4, 1998*
CN100333655C The production of beauty milk powder Liu Wen, Jilin Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Issue 4 1998*
CN100333655C Development of Bee Flower Milk Powder Li Weiguo, Food Science, Issue 6 1994*
CN100333655C Development of Bee Flower Milk Powder Li Weiguo, Food Science, Issue 6 1994; Production of Beauty Milk Powder Liu Wen, Jilin Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Issue 4 1998*

China Patent Classification Number Table

Patent ID Classification Number Category Number Classification Number Classification Number Description
CN1003001B 1 Y02P60/216
CN1003003B 1 B29D35/00 Producing footwear
CN1003003B 2 B29D35/0009 Producing footwear by injection moulding; Apparatus therefor
CN1003003B 3 A43D119/00 Driving or controlling mechanisms of shoe machines; Frames for shoe machines
CN1003003B 4 B29D35/0054 Producing footwear by compression moulding, vulcanising or the like; Apparatus therefor
CN1003004B 1 B01D1/20 Sprayers
CN1003004B 2 B05B3/1028 Spraying or sprinkling apparatus with moving outlet elements or moving deflecting elements ; Spraying or sprinkling heads with rotating elements located upstream the outlet with rotating elements discharging over substantially the whole periphery of the rotating member, i.e. the spraying being effected by centrifugal forces characterised by the rotating member with individual passages at its periphery the passages comprising an insert
CN1003006B 1 B23K3/0653 Solder baths with wave generating means, e.g. nozzles, jets, fountains
CN1003006B 2 B23K2101/42 Printed circuits
CN1003007B 1 B67D1/1438 Control taps comprising a valve shutter movable in a direction parallel to the valve seat, e.g. sliding or rotating
CN1003007B 2 Y10T137/4245 Cleaning or steam sterilizing
CN1003007B 3 Y10T137/4259 With separate material addition
CN1003007B 4 Y10T137/8634 With vented outlet
CN1003007B 5 Y10T137/86823 Rotary valve
CN1003007B 6 Y10T137/9464 Faucets and spouts
CN1003011B 1 C04B35/58 Shaped ceramic products characterised by their composition; Ceramics compositions; Processing powders of inorganic compounds preparatory to the manufacturing of ceramic products based on non-oxide ceramics based on borides, nitrides, i.e. nitrides, oxynitrides, carbonitrides or oxycarbonitrides or silicides
CN1003011B 2 B22D41/32 Manufacturing or repairing thereof characterised by the materials used therefor
CN1003011B 3 B22D41/54 Manufacturing or repairing thereof characterised by the materials used therefor
CN1003011B 4 C04B35/00 Shaped ceramic products characterised by their composition; Ceramics compositions; Processing powders of inorganic compounds preparatory to the manufacturing of ceramic products
CN1003011B 5 C04B35/581 Shaped ceramic products characterised by their composition; Ceramics compositions; Processing powders of inorganic compounds preparatory to the manufacturing of ceramic products based on non-oxide ceramics based on borides, nitrides, i.e. nitrides, oxynitrides, carbonitrides or oxycarbonitrides or silicides based on aluminium nitride
CN1003015B 1 B65H54/52 Drive contact pressure control, e.g. pressing arrangements
CN1003015B 2 B65H2701/31 Textiles threads or artificial strands of filaments
CN1003025B 1 H01J29/385 Photocathodes comprising a layer which modified the wave length of impinging radiation
CN1003026B 1 H01L23/427 Cooling by change of state, e.g. use of heat pipes
CN1003026B 2 H01L23/34 Arrangements for cooling, heating, ventilating or temperature compensation ; Temperature sensing arrangements
CN1003026B 3 H01L2924/0002 Not covered by any one of groups H01L24/00, H01L24/00 and H01L2224/00
CN1003027B 1 H01L31/076 Multiple junction or tandem solar cells
CN1003027B 2 H01L31/10 Semiconductor devices sensitive to infra-red radiation, light, electromagnetic radiation of shorter wavelength or corpuscular radiation and specially adapted either for the conversion of the energy of such radiation into electrical energy or for the control of electrical energy by such radiation; Processes or apparatus specially adapted for the manufacture or treatment thereof or of parts thereof; Details thereof in which radiation controls flow of current through the device, e.g. photoresistors characterised by at least one potential-jump barrier or surface barrier, e.g. phototransistors
CN1003027B 3 H01L25/074 Stacked arrangements of non-apertured devices
CN1003027B 4 H01L29/868 PIN diodes
CN1003027B 5 H01L31/202 Processes or apparatus specially adapted for the manufacture or treatment of these devices or of parts thereof such devices or parts thereof comprising amorphous semiconductor materials including only elements of Group IV of the Periodic System
CN1003027B 6 H01L2224/32145 Disposition the layer connector connecting between different semiconductor or solid-state bodies, i.e. chip-to-chip the bodies being stacked
CN1003027B 7 H01L2924/0002 Not covered by any one of groups H01L24/00, H01L24/00 and H01L2224/00
CN1003027B 8 Y02E10/548 Amorphous silicon PV cells
CN1003027B 9 Y02P70/50 Manufacturing or production processes characterised by the final manufactured product
CN1003028B 1 Y02E40/30 Reactive power compensation
CN1003030B 1 Y02E30/32
CN1003030B 2 Y02E30/38
CN1003031B 1 H02M7/529 Conversion of dc power input into ac power output without possibility of reversal by static converters using discharge tubes with control electrode or semiconductor devices with control electrode using devices of a thyratron or thyristor type requiring extinguishing means using semiconductor devices only with automatic control of output waveform or frequency by pulse width modulation using digital control
CN1003031B 2 H02M7/527 Conversion of dc power input into ac power output without possibility of reversal by static converters using discharge tubes with control electrode or semiconductor devices with control electrode using devices of a thyratron or thyristor type requiring extinguishing means using semiconductor devices only with automatic control of output waveform or frequency by pulse width modulation
CN1003031B 3 H02M1/32 Means for protecting converters other than automatic disconnection
CN1003032B 1 H04M19/005 Feeding arrangements without the use of line transformers
CN1003032B 2 H04Q1/28 Current-supply circuits or arrangements for selection equipment at exchanges
CN1003032B 3 H04M19/00 Current supply arrangements for telephone systems
CN1003037B 1 A43D100/14 Devices for removing buttons, lacing-hooks, or the like from shoes
CN1003037B 2 A43B13/26 Soles made slip-preventing or wear-resisting, e.g. by impregnation or spreading a wear-resisting layer by use of insertions projecting beyond the sole surface
CN1003037B 3 A43C15/161 Studs or cleats for football or like boots characterised by the attachment to the sole
CN1003040B 1 B65D5/548 Lines of weakness to facilitate opening of container or dividing it into separate parts by cutting or tearing for opening containers formed by erecting a blank to U-shape
CN1003040B 2 B65D5/5485 Lines of weakness to facilitate opening of container or dividing it into separate parts by cutting or tearing for opening containers formed by erecting a blank to U-shape the container being provided with an internal frame or the like for maintaining the lid in the closed position by friction
CN1003040B 3 B65D85/1045 Containers formed by erecting a rigid or semi-rigid blank having a cap-like lid hinged to an edge

Related Literature

  • Liu Xiuyan and Wang Qiao, 2022: "Boundary Effect of Knowledge Spillover - Evidence from Patent Citation Data", Economic Research, No. 11.
  • Zhao Ziye, Yang Qing and Chen Jianbo, 2018: "Generalist or Specialist: CEO's Capability Structure and Corporate Innovation", Management World, No. 2.
  • Jan Bena, Hernán Ortiz-Molina, Elena Simintzi, 2022, "Shielding firm value: Employment protection and process innovation", Journal of Financial Economics.
  • Moser, P., J. Ohmstedt and P. W. Rhode, 2018, "Patent Citations-an Analysis of Quality Differences and Citing Practices in Hybrid Corn", Management Science.
  • Jaffe, A. B., M. Trajtenberg and R. Henderson, 1993, “Geographic Localization of Knowledge Spillovers as Evidenced by Patent Citations”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics.
  • Roach, M. and W. M. Cohen, 2013, “Lens or Prism? Patent Citations as a Measure of Knowledge Flows from Public Research”, Management Science.
  • Josh L, Amit S., 2021, "The Use and Misuse of Patent Data: Issues for Finance and Beyond", The Review of Financial Studies.

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Annual update
