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Patent ID Patent name Patent application publication number Patent application publication date Patent application number Patent application date Patentee Classification number Name of cited patent Cited patent application publication number Publication date of cited patent application Cited patent application number Cited patent application date Cited patent authorization announcement number Cited patent grant date Priority date of cited patent Cited patent inventors Cited Patent Patentee Cited patent classification number Number of cited patent claims Number of times the cited patent cites other patents Number of cited patent citations Legal status of cited patents Whether the cited patent is cited by FamilytoFamily Add the body of the referenced information
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Maschine zum Aufvulkanisieren von Sohlen und Absaetzen auf Stoff- oder Lederschuhwerk mit mehreren auf einem absatzweise drehbaren Unterrahmen kreisfoermig angeordneten Pressvorrichtungen DE1064387B 1959/8/27 DEM33452A 1957/3/5 1957/3/5 Ichiro Matsuda Ichiro Matsuda B29D35/0009;B29D35/0054;B29C35/00;B29K2021/00; 3 4 2 DE - Pending TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Shoe handling devices US3024480A 1962/3/13 US28799A 1960/5/12 US3024480A 1962/3/13 1960/5/12 Willard L Baker,Adolph S Dorosz,James R Stewart United Shoe Machinery Corp A43D111/00;A43D117/00; 4 9 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Method of making a shoe sole having a preformed insert US4123493A 1978/10/31 US05/793,398 1977/5/3 US4123493A 1978/10/31 1977/5/3 Waldemar Schilke,Ladislav Hujik Bata Shoe Company, Inc. B29D35/061;A43B1/0027;B29D35/082;B29D35/148; 2 9 16 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; JPS5746149Y2 1982/10/12 JP1978009661U 1978/1/31 JPS5746149Y2 1982/10/12 1978/1/31 B25J9/101;B25J17/0241;B25J9/148; 13 28 JP - Granted, US - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired , GB - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired , DE - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired , FR - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired , SU - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Giess- bzw. spritzgiessvorrichtung fuer schuhsohlen DE2907751A1 1980/9/4 DE19792907751 1979/2/28 1979/2/28 Hans Hustedt Desma Werke Gmbh B29D35/084;A43B3/0084; 6 9 6 DE - Withdrawn, FR - Withdrawn Pending Expired - Lifetime , JP - Withdrawn Pending Expired - Lifetime , US - Withdrawn Pending Expired - Lifetime , IT - Withdrawn Pending Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Method and apparatus for molding polyurethane soles for footwear US4302416A 1981/11/24 US06/078,720 1979/9/25 US4302416A 1981/11/24 1979/9/25 Guy Rudolf,Giuliano Frau Guy Rudolf B29D35/082;B29D35/084;Y10S264/57;Y10S264/77; 13 3 17 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Verfahren und Einrichtung zum seriellen Bearbeiten und/oder zur Montage von Werkstücken EP0076231A3 1984/4/25 EP82810356A 1982/8/27 1981/9/24 Franz Schäfer,Robert Seckler Franz Schäfer G04D1/0071;B23P21/00;B23Q7/046;B25J15/0491;B25J17/0283;B25J19/0004;B25J9/026; 7 62 EP - Withdrawn TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Apparatus for making shoes US4465448A 1984/8/14 US06/360,053 1982/3/19 US4465448A 1984/8/14 1982/3/19 John E. Aldridge Norwich Shoe Co., Inc. B29D35/0009;B29C45/1759; 26 12 81 US - Expired - Fee Related TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Anlage zur fortlaufenden Herstellung von Gummischuhwerk AT242562B 1965/9/27 AT698961A 1961/9/14 AT242562B 1965/9/27 1961/9/14 Eduard Ing Braun,Richard Ing Preissler,Erwin Dipl Ing Junker,Ferdinand Ing Zwickl Semperit Ag B29D35/0009;A43D117/00;B29D35/0054;B29C35/00;B29K2021/00; 0 9 AT - , CH - Expired, GB - Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Automatic shoe handling means US3334367A 1967/8/8 US462659A 1965/6/9 US3334367A 1967/8/8 1965/6/9 James R Stewart United Shoe Machinery Corp A43D117/00;A43D3/10; 1 5 2 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; DEVICE FOR SPRAYING A SOLE IN A FORM SEALED BY A LAST BE666536A 1965/11/3 BE666536A 1965/7/7 1965/7/7 Ryck Petrus De Oordegem Const Van B29C45/04;B29C45/0408;Y10S425/201; 1 5 5 BE - , FR - Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Pending, GB - Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Pending, US - Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Pending, DE - Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Pending TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Vorrichtung zum Anspritzen von Sohlen an einen Schuhschaft DE1281145B 1968/10/24 DE1965ST024689 1965/11/25 1965/11/25 Karl-Heinz Wessel Friedrich Stuebbe B29D35/0018;B29C45/20;B29C45/2701;B29C2045/202;B29K2021/00; 8 2 DE - Pending, US - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired, GB - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired, FR - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Improvements in or relating to Injection Moulding Machines. GB1195024A 1970/6/17 GB3572766A 1966/8/10 1966/8/10 Raymond Derek Edwin Eldred,Terence James Leonard Clarke British United Shoe Machinery B29D35/0027;B29C45/56; 3 5 GB - Expired, US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Injection molding apparatus US3555609A 1971/1/19 1967/10/31 US3555609A 1971/1/19 1967/10/31 William Chu,Guy Rudolf Bata Shoe Co B29C45/0441;B29C45/1615;B29C45/1759;B29D35/081; 0 15 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Treatment of footwear GB1275095A 1972/5/24 GB899670A 1969/8/22 1969/8/22 Alfred Freeman Alfred Freeman B29D35/00;A43D95/125; 0 10 GB - Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003003B 鞋底鞋筒模压系统 CN85108140A 1986/4/10 CN85108140A 1985/11/5 Eccolet Sko AS B29D35/00;B29D35/0009;A43D119/00;B29D35/0054; Mold filling insert for injection molding machine CA1006666A 1977/3/15 CA184,546A 1973/10/29 CA1006666A 1977/3/15 1973/10/29 Ladislav Hujik Ladislav Hujik B29D35/0018;B29C45/2708;B29D35/082; 17 52 CA - Expired, JP - Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Expired - Lifetime , ZA - Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Expired - Lifetime , US - Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Expired - Lifetime , FR - Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Expired - Lifetime , DE - Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Expired - Lifetime , GB - Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Expired - Lifetime , BE - Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Expired - Lifetime , NL - Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Expired - Lifetime , IT - Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Expired - Lifetime , BR - Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Application Discontinuation Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; Centrifuge nozzle construction US2695748A 1954/11/30 US267648A 1952/1/22 US2695748A 1954/11/30 1952/1/22 Loren D Millard Merco Centrifugal Co B04B1/12;B05B3/1028; 3 26 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; Atomizer wheels for the atomization of slurries GB1434203A 1976/5/5 GB5841972A 1972/12/18 1972/12/18 Niro Atomizer As B05B3/1028; 8 15 GB - Expired, AR - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, DK - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, DE - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, BE - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, ZA - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, CA - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, AU - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, FR - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, DD - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, FI - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, ES - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, SU - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, US - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, IT - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, SE - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, JP - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; DE2351491C2 1982/5/6 DE19732351491 1973/10/13 DE2351491C2 1982/5/6 1973/10/13 Kurt 6640 Merzig De Kleser Villeroy & Boch Keramische Werke Kg, 6642 Mettlach, De B05B3/1028;B24C5/06;F26B17/24; 1 8 DE - Expired, AR - Expired, FR - Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; Rueda de pulverizacion para materiales altamente abrasivos AR223796A1 1981/9/30 AR25602474A 1974/10/10 AR223796A1 1981/9/30 1973/10/13 Villeroy & Boch B24C5/06;B05B3/1028;F26B17/24; 0 2 AR - Expired, FR - Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; Wear-resistant rotor wheel GB1526381A 1978/9/27 GB177577A 1977/1/17 1976/1/26 Niro Atomizer As B05B3/001;B01D1/20;B05B3/1028;B05B3/1042;F04D29/2255;F26B17/24; 5 20 CA - Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired IP Right Cessation Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, GB - Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired IP Right Cessation Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, DE - Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired IP Right Cessation Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, US - Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired IP Right Cessation Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, FR - Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired IP Right Cessation Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, SE - Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired IP Right Cessation Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, AU - Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired IP Right Cessation Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, FI - Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired IP Right Cessation Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, JP - Expired Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired IP Right Cessation Expired IP Right Cessation Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003004B 一种带有钢衬瓦的喷雾转轮 CN86103210A 1987/4/29 CN86103210A 1986/4/10 Nile Sprayer Co B01D1/20;B05B3/1028; Forstoeverhjul til forstoevning af vaesker DK143154C 1981/11/16 DK25279A 1979/1/19 DK143154C 1981/11/16 1979/1/19 O E Hansen Niro Atomizer As B05B3/1028;B01D1/20; 7 15 DK - IP Right Cessation, DE - Expired Expired Ceased Expired - Lifetime Pending, EP - Expired Expired Ceased Expired - Lifetime Pending, AU - Expired Expired Ceased Expired - Lifetime Pending, US - Expired Expired Ceased Expired - Lifetime Pending, JP - Expired Expired Ceased Expired - Lifetime Pending TRUE TRUE
CN1003006B 喷射式焊锡槽 CN85108144A 1986/5/10 CN85108144A 1985/11/5 近藤权士 B23K3/0653;B23K2101/42; JPS6315063B2 1988/4/2 JP56156950A 1981/10/3 1981/10/3 Ginya Ishii,Yoshihiro Myano Ginya Ishii 4 8 JP - Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003006B 喷射式焊锡槽 CN85108144A 1986/5/10 CN85108144A 1985/11/5 近藤权士 B23K3/0653;B23K2101/42; JPS6235857B2 1987/8/4 JP57220189A 1982/12/17 1982/12/17 Kenji Kondo Kenji Kondo B23K3/0653; 2 4 JP - Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Reiberhahn DE491553C 1930/2/11 DER73446D DE491553C 1930/2/11 Heinrich Rusterholz B67D3/047; 1 0 1 DE - Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Brennstoffhahn fuer Verbrennungskraftmaschinen, insbesondere von Kraftfahrzeugen DE1053955B 1959/3/26 DEK32646A 1957/8/7 1957/8/7 Karl Collmer Karco Armaturenwerk Karl Collm B62J35/00;F16K11/074; 3 0 2 DE - Pending TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Tapping valve for beer kegs US3115149A 1963/12/24 US125546A 1961/7/20 US3115149A 1963/12/24 1961/7/20 Arthur J Tonna,Victor A Sariotti Burgermeister Brewing Corp B67D1/0835;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/614;Y10T137/86863; 2 9 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Ball check valve US3176713A 1965/4/6 1961/9/12 US3176713A 1965/4/6 1961/9/12 John R Mcdermott,Jr Richard F Muller American Cyanamid Co F16K15/04;Y10T137/7912; 1 8 9 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Tapping valve for beer kegs US3115150A 1963/12/24 US157515A 1961/12/6 US3115150A 1963/12/24 1961/12/6 Victor A Sariotti,Arthur J Tonna Burgermeister Brewing Corp B67D1/0835;F16K11/074;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/614;Y10T137/86863; 1 3 11 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Slide valve US3342205A 1967/9/19 US475409A 1965/7/28 US3342205A 1967/9/19 1965/7/28 Mario J Quinto Mario J Quinto F16K11/065;Y10T137/7036;Y10T137/86799; 1 4 14 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Multiple orifice valve US3426797A 1969/2/11 1965/10/20 US3426797A 1969/2/11 1965/10/20 William J Baker Willis Oil Tool Co F16K3/085;Y10T137/86743; 7 25 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Tapping valve for beer keg US3302660A 1967/2/7 US544453A 1966/4/22 US3302660A 1967/2/7 1966/4/22 Baron F Haag Baron F Haag B67D3/047;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/614;Y10T137/86662; 1 3 6 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Valve with stop and washout US3476138A 1969/11/4 1966/4/26 US3476138A 1969/11/4 1966/4/26 R Ellsworth Doremus,Richard E Doremus Golden Gate Mfg Co B67D3/047;F16K35/00;Y10T137/614; 3 7 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Plug faucet US3542336A 1970/11/24 US736523*A 1968/5/22 US3542336A 1970/11/24 1968/5/22 Elroy J Giese Tomlinson Ind Inc F16K27/06;B67D3/047;F16K5/162; 0 6 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Integrally cast conduit for a valve having a plastic body US3520325A 1970/7/14 1969/2/20 US3520325A 1970/7/14 1969/2/20 Harry A Stuart Harry A Stuart F16K27/0263;Y10T137/7036; 5 27 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Rotary slide valve US3831621A 1974/8/27 1973/11/19 US3831621A 1974/8/27 1973/11/19 R Anthony,D Byland Union Brass & Metal Mfg F16K3/08;Y10T137/5196;Y10T137/7668;Y10T137/86743; 2 6 90 US - Expired - Lifetime, CA - Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; DE2902364C2 1983/3/24 DE2902364A 1979/1/22 DE2902364C2 1983/3/24 1979/1/22 Kurt Dr.-Ing. 6710 Frankenthal De Holzenberger Klein, Schanzlin & Becker Ag, 6710 Frankenthal, De F16K11/08;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/87804;Y10T137/8782; 13 25 DE - Expired Pending, JP - Pending, US - Expired - Lifetime Expired , GB - Expired - Lifetime Expired , SU - Expired - Lifetime Expired , ZA - Expired - Lifetime Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Coppia di piastrine in materiale duro per rubinetto miscelatore a monocomando IT1207922B 1989/6/1 IT7944810A 1979/7/16 IT1207922B 1989/6/1 1979/7/16 Gevipi Ag F16K11/0782;Y10T137/86549;Y10T137/86823; 5 55 IT - , AT - IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, EP - IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, DE - IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, US - IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired, ES - IP Right Cessation Expired Expired Expired - Lifetime Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Replaceable cartridge valve assembly US4331176A 1982/5/25 US06/126,938 1980/3/3 US4331176A 1982/5/25 1980/3/3 Richard G. Parkison American Standard Inc. F16K47/045;F16K3/08;Y10T137/7613;Y10T137/7668;Y10T137/86743;Y10T137/87981; 14 19 62 US - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, CA - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, EP - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, DE - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, AT - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, PH - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, BR - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, AR - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, MX - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, JP - Expired - Lifetime Expired Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, ES - Granted Granted TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Biertapkraan. NL8104361A 1983/4/18 NL8104361A 1981/9/22 1981/9/22 Vsh Fabrieken Nv B67D1/1444; 8 0 7 NL - Application Discontinuation, BE - IP Right Cessation Expired Withdrawn, GB - IP Right Cessation Expired Withdrawn, DK - IP Right Cessation Expired Withdrawn, DE - IP Right Cessation Expired Withdrawn TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Liquid applicator for a printing press US4603655A 1986/8/5 US06/733,386 1985/5/13 US4603655A 1986/8/5 1985/5/13 Thomas G. Switall Ryco Graphic Manufacturing, Inc. B65H45/30;B41F13/54;B41F19/00;B65H37/02; 7 4 5 US - Expired - Fee Related TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Beer-faucet. US667301A 1901/2/5 1900/11/12 US667301A 1901/2/5 1900/11/12 Joseph F Dredge Joseph F Dredge B67D1/1444;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/86831;Y10T137/86871;Y10T137/87249;Y10T137/87676;Y10T137/87917; 0 12 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Fasshahn. CH114676A 1926/4/16 1925/10/14 1925/10/14 Emil Hofmann Emil Hofmann B67D3/047; 1 0 1 CH - TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Robinet pour fûts FR616349A 1927/1/31 1926/5/19 FR616349A 1927/1/31 1925/12/30 Emil Hofmann B67D3/047; 0 1 FR - Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003007B 用于啤酒等液体的给液旋塞 CN85107453A 1986/5/10 CN85107453A 1985/10/10 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION E MOLINET B67D1/1438;Y10T137/4245;Y10T137/4259;Y10T137/8634;Y10T137/86823;Y10T137/9464; Improvements in or relating to taps or cocks GB429941A 1935/6/11 GB3466533A 1933/12/9 1933/12/9 Frederick John Trevallon Barne F16K5/0271;B67D3/047;F16K5/0214; 0 2 GB - Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003011B 含氧氮化铝的耐火材料,滑动水口耐火材料及连续铸钢水口 CN85109111A 1986/8/27 CN85109111A 1985/10/23 Nippon Crucible Co Ltd C04B35/58;B22D41/32;B22D41/54;C04B35/00;C04B35/581; JPS6141862B2 1986/9/18 JP55100176A 1980/7/22 1980/7/22 Hiroshi Kano,Toshihiko Iwata Kurosaki Refractories Co 0 10 JP - Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003015B 绕线机 CN85103902A 1986/7/9 CN85103902A 1985/5/8 Barmag AG B65H54/52;B65H2701/31; Aufwickelvorrichtung DE1902528A1 1970/9/3 DE19691902528 1969/1/18 1969/1/18 Walter Arnold,Guenther Heynen,Fritz Mueller Glanzstoff Ag B65H54/42;B65H54/52;B65H2701/31; 6 0 2 DE - Pending IP Right Cessation, CH - Pending IP Right Cessation, ES - Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, BE - Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, LU - Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, NL - Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, FR - Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, AT - Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, GB - Expired Expired IP Right Cessation Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003015B 绕线机 CN85103902A 1986/7/9 CN85103902A 1985/5/8 Barmag AG B65H54/52;B65H2701/31; Spulvorrichtung mit Treibwalzenantrieb DE2039772A1 1972/3/2 DE19702039772 1970/8/11 1970/8/11 Hansjoachim Busch,Ernst Wunram Barmag Barmer Maschf B65H54/52;B65H2701/31; 5 0 4 DE - Pending, CH - IP Right Cessation Expired, NL - IP Right Cessation Expired, FR - IP Right Cessation Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003015B 绕线机 CN85103902A 1986/7/9 CN85103902A 1985/5/8 Barmag AG B65H54/52;B65H2701/31; DE7121710U 1971/10/7 DE19717121710D 1971/6/4 1971/6/4 Barmag Ag B65H54/28;B65H54/2812;B65H54/52;B65H54/54;B65H2701/31; 7 0 1 DE - Expired, FR - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, CH - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired, GB - Expired IP Right Cessation Expired TRUE TRUE
CN1003015B 绕线机 CN85103902A 1986/7/9 CN85103902A 1985/5/8 Barmag AG B65H54/52;B65H2701/31; Yarn take-up arrangement US3807647A 1974/4/30 1972/6/15 US3807647A 1974/4/30 1972/6/15 H Miller Karlsruhe Augsburg Iweka B65H54/42;B65H54/70;B65H67/04;B65H2601/321;B65H2701/31; 8 5 14 US - Expired - Lifetime TRUE TRUE
CN1003015B 绕线机 CN85103902A 1986/7/9 CN85103902A 1985/5/8 Barmag AG B65H54/52;B65H2701/31; Aufwickeleinrichtung fuer konische kreuzspulen DE2403341A1 1975/7/31 DE19742403341 1974/1/24 1974/1/24 Hans Raasch Schlafhorst & Co W B65H54/103;B65H54/38;B65H54/42;B65H54/485;B65H54/54;B65H2701/31; 0 8 DE - Withdrawn TRUE TRUE

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