






tt10014828rw4903764Kirpianuscusur61197531nicenull2019/6/1FALSECold - nice story about fire. Amusing to cynical. Seductive construction, precise moral, interesting details and wise lesson about the meanings of gift, in Christian note. A short film about fire. And about laziness. And about few dumb people looking for superficial solutions.Great for dark verdict.00
tt10267680rw4827494princemejel666ur57512078An emotional ride82019/5/4TRUEIndian movies based on terrorist attacks have single motive. Evoking patriotism. It's super rare to find a movie like Oru Naal, where the shirt film is about the emotional moments between a husband and wife in the backdrop of 2008 Mumbai terror attacks. Neelima Rani, a highly underrated actress, has given her best in differentiating between the varying emotions the script demands and the dialogues by Deepan are touching and the hope during the onset of impending doom is touching. Technically, the movie has very little to offer and the whole weight of the short film lies on the only actor's performance and the dialogues. And we can definitely say, the short film has ticked both properly and will leave an impact for the viewers.00
tt10267680rw4842647narendrakumandanur102565187A heart wrenching moment shared between a couple.82019/5/11TRUEA short that narrates a heart wrenching moment shared between a husband and a wife, it being their last conversation. The story shows a personal trauma of a couple whose destiny conspires to separate them from each other, owing to a least- expected terrorist attack in an alien territory. The movie portrays the emotional state of the loving families of the victims and tells us how the death of a person's life shuts down their entire world, for no sin of theirs. With only actor on the screen, and two voices on board, the director pulled off a conversation between a terror-attack victim-husband and a grief-stricken wife in a subtle way that tugs at our heartstrings.00
tt11686224rw9721229thalassafischerur72958480The Best Music Video Ever102024/4/6TRUEThis is not an "official" Lady Gaga video, it was the brilliant final thesis project of Ruben Samuel Cortez at the LA Film School. But it's one of the best music videos that I have ever seen. I think it is time to give this short film some love with the re-emergence of Gaga's "Bloody Mary" via Wednesday Addams/Wednesday Dance and related hype on TikTok. I much prefer the costumes, choreography, and atmosphere from this 2011 effort. My only regret is that it is not a full-length supernatural horror film in the Gothic tradition of 20th century art house. I cannot say enough good things. Just watch!00
tt1211353rw2411467luis-24-315311ur25677367"The plot of The Mortician has breadth and depth" "a well told story that will draw you in emotionally, pique your interest and impress upon you the power of redemption"82011/4/10TRUEI recently attended a private screening of the film The Mortician in 3D directed by Gareth Roberts of Full Circle Films, a UK company. It stars Method Man in the lead role of the nameless Mortician, an introvert. The Mortician made its public debut at the Berlin International Film Festival on February 12, 2011, although not to rave reviews if you are a reader of Variety and Obsessed With Film, an obscure website. Both disliked the film, yet both reviews lacked any literary analysis concerning plot, theme, structure and the use of techniques such as flashback that assist the plot in creating and resolving the Mortician's internal and external conflicts. The plot of The Mortician has breadth and depth. Gareth introduces the Mortician through a series of chance meetings, meticulous work habits and a decaying city allowing Method Man to display his interpretation of the introverted Mortician. Method's performance is convincing as he dons a full beard, over-sized glasses and a bowler hat to assist his acting skills in physically depicting the meek Mortician. His facial expressions, soft spoken tone, and demure carriage were well placed throughout. The sequence of events changes tempo when the corpse of a young woman, Jenny, played by Judy Marte, is brought to the Mortician's morgue. As the Mortician cleans her body in preparation for the autopsy he notices a tattoo of Botticelli's Birth of Venus, which begins the rising action - a series of flashbacks hearkening the Mortician to his upbringing with a single mother, who unbeknownst to him as a child was a prostitute. The use of the flashback technique was masterful (compare it with Bordertown) as it becomes the catalyst through which the internal conflict is developed and is ultimately resolved through and with the external conflict. The external conflict centers around Kane, a young boy played by Cruz Santiago. Kane is trying to gain access to the morgue but is turned away by the Mortician. The Mortician notices that Kane is living on the street and being manhandled by the Mortician's assistant, Noah, played by EJ Bonilla and is also being hunted by the local gang leader Carver, played by Dash Mihok. Despite knowing the dangers Kane faces, the Mortician is unable and unwilling to intervene as he goes about his predictable introverted routine seeking interaction only with his regular prostitute, Ava, played by Dana Fuchs. The irony here is that the Mortician's relationship with Ava represents goodness and light amongst the decaying and violent city. Moreover, Gareth's choice of tastefully depicting this relationship reinforces this paradox. The Mortician's flashbacks coupled with his awareness of Kane's plight ultimately propel him to intercede on Kane's behalf and introduces us to the film's main theme - redemption. The redemptive power of reconciliation, forgiveness, and understanding are underscored through the Mortician's metamorphosis from an apathetic android to a caring human bringing us to the climax of the film, which has several interesting twists and turns. It is likely the 3D aspect probably boosted the funding of the film, but its value will probably be lost on a generation whose only association with 3D has been animation or action films, not drama. While The Mortician does have some significant action scenes, it is not enough to appease the expectation of 3D audiences. With that said, however, the use of 3D in this film did work quite well in bringing the setting to life and in the emotional close ups of the characters. The Mortician is a well told story that will draw you in emotionally, pique your interest and impress upon you the power of redemption.1716
tt1211353rw2512086richard-admiraalur28921194A great all round movie- a must seenull2011/11/1FALSESee it and you'll see what I mean!This film conjures up all the atmospheric nature of New Orleans as a City. It continues the recent great 3D movies which I for one hope continue to dominate action films. The story line is strong & believable and castings has been inspired with The Method Man being an inspired choice. the complexity of the screen play is matched by the visuals which are breath taking at times. New Orleans is one of my favourite cities so this added to the enjoyment for me. Save up your pennies and get your glad rags on to see a bravura performance.716
tt1211353rw2512558mikewhite99ur28920721Gripping and macabre102011/11/1FALSEGritty and compelling film which slowly builds the main characters as it develops. The first 20 minutes really sets the mood. Right from the very start, the scenes are earthy and dark with some gruesome footage - this ain't no rom com. Although the lead character is a well known and successful rap artist ,this style of music is only reflected in various passages throughout the movie. A film such as this demands compelling and moving mood music and this is certainly the case. In conclusion , it kept me interested all the way through and with a surprising ending which ,although maybe unlikely, still seems to work with the overall theme presented.Thoroughly recommended.1212
tt1211353rw2524308hutchinson-kyleur29406150Frankly, not impressed....12011/11/26FALSEFirst, please forgive me for sounding rather bitter about this movie, however there are some disclosures I must first make about my relationship to the film and its subject mater. I have previously worked as a mortician, having multiple professional qualifications in the field of funeral service, restorative art, and embalming. In the course of my work as a funeral director, embalmer, and mortician, I can say that the "Mortician" character this movie was not a member of any of the aforementioned professions. This would be no different than titling a movie "The Banker" when, in fact, it is about an attorney. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to title the movie,"The Autopsy Technician", "The Morgue Attendant" or something else. The only thing that a mortician and the above mentioned professions have in common is the fact that we work with dead bodies...Very little else. I can also mention that a city morgue in any sizable metropolitan area would be a much larger operation with other skilled technicians and professions, including most importantly, a forensic pathologist to actually perform the autopsy. Everything involving the treatment of human remains, from the removal from the scene of death to the forensic processing is grossly inaccurate, and considering the tone of the movie, I find it quite a disappointment. The acting is respectable, commendable at times. The over-all production quality is quite fine, and story is interesting, but I would expect a considerably higher level of research to have been done before the script was produced.2430
tt1211353rw2527830ritualistic-230-172500ur29553094A beautifully crafted example of emotionally powerful cinema.92011/12/4FALSEThe Mortician, written and directed by Gareth Maxwell Roberts is a beautifully crafted example of emotionally powerful cinema. The film stars Method Man as a reclusive mortician. Who's life becomes turned upside down after a chain of events starting with receiving a new porter in the form of an ex-convict named Noah played by E.J. Bonilla. Soon after the body of a young woman with a tattoo of Venus arrives at the morgue and a young boy played by Cruz Santiago starts to repeatedly try to gain access to the building. Meanwhile a local gang leader played by Dash Mihok begins hassling the mortician each day asking if he has seen the young boy around setting the pieces into place to send the soft spoken mortician on a life changing journey that will ultimately force him to face a inner demon that has haunted him since childhood, forcing him out of his defensive shell created out of pain and loneliness. The first twenty minutes of this film are spent almost solely on character development of the mortician; we are given small glimpses into his day-to-day routines and personality. Quickly you forget its even Method Man on screen and only see the character himself due to his immensely believable performance. A lot of this development is done without dialog due to the reclusive nature of Method Man's character and instead portrayed through very visually descriptive scenes, often supported by excellent use of music that is relevant to the story, as well as ambient sounds to perfectly create the mood of each scene. After getting to know the mortician, the movie creeps into the main plot as each of the previously mentioned events start to connect in a very fluent fashion. Watching the mortician grow as the movie progresses from an almost emotionless robot into a big hearted kind human being is nothing shy of breath taking. This film really shines when it comes to invoking a response in the viewer, I found myself continuously becoming genuinely moved by the story that was unfolding in front of me. The writing is unbelievable in terms of high quality, the relationships between each of the main characters come together so perfectly, and authentic feeling that it is nearly impossible to not feel for their situation. This is especially true when it comes to the relationship between the mortician and Noah, at first, he can only see Noah as a criminal, and in return, Noah only sees the mortician as another person who does not care or understand who he really is or about his situation. The age-old message of never judge a book by its cover is one of many messages one could walk away with after viewing the movie. Each of the plot twists is pulled off flawlessly and the use of subtle hints through out the films build up form the perfect set up for the ending causing me to walk away completely rocked by the power of the films message. I briefly mentioned the use of music relevant to the story earlier, this is a aspect that continues through out the film and ends up creating one of the best movie soundtracks I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing. This is one of those rare movies where the music does not feel like its just there for the sake of being there but instead honestly ads to the overall telling of the story. While the movie does feature a fair amount of imagery that some may find disturbing it falls more into the category of a gritty drama over any of the other genres it splashes over into. I think many horror fans will also be able to appreciate the macabre and somber tone the film takes on, a very interesting way to tell a story of redemption that is both unique and engaging. - The Liberal Dead178
tt1211353rw2564717Red-Barracudaur1616919Decent enough downbeat story but not great62012/2/12FALSEA mortician's life is changed when one day the dead body of a young woman is brought to him; one whose body is decorated with an elaborate tattoo of Sandro Botticelli's Birth of Venus. This all connects together with a young street boy who continually tries to get access to the morgue, the mortician's assistant who harasses the boy and a local thug who seeks him. This downbeat film utilises flashbacks to tell its story. It's well acted and has a decent atmosphere. However, I can't say it felt like anything special. The plot line didn't feel especially original and overall I can't say the film made much of an impact. It's a decent movie though, just not a great one.143
tt1211353rw2601901cmmescalonaur2395638Magnificent92012/4/25FALSEIt is not too often to witness something credible, emotional and rational at the same time in American cinema. Sadly, Hollywood has been in a steep decline since who knows when. We have to go and grab European or Asian or Mexican or South American flicks if we really want to get some "meat" for the heart. This time, in a setting long forgotten, we're confronted with a witty story in, of all places, the still recovering New Orleans. That, all by itself is a bonus. But when you add to it the magic of a master cinematographer, a superb script and a wonderful cast... you have OffHollywood. And, let me tell you: this guys know what they're doing! The story is bleak. The character of the Mortician (awkwardly and silently played by Method Man -if you can believe his actual name) is definitely played methodically. His role is perplexing, uncomfortable and highly distressing. But that's his job. The rest of the characters are as strange, out of the norm, as the mortician himself. But what really got my attention and made me jump directly into writing this was the uncanny weight and darkness that are pervasive throughout the film. Everything has a smack of doom, and it certainly delivers in this department. Not only is the story gripping and deeply moving. The acting is on par with the craftsmanship of the whole film. Cinematography, taking advantage of the RED 3D is ultra hi-def and has some unforgettably lit scenes, especially in some of the flashbacks. And if this wasn't enough, the score and the songs used throughout the film only add to underline the roller coaster of emotions we're presented with. The turns and zips and flips of the story are an integral part of keeping you hooked without blinking. The colour timing is awesome, conveying exactly every mood scenes needed to exploit their powerful emotional content. I'm really proud of this film being American. It departs completely from stereotypes and boring scripts. It's a slow film. A film portraying a complex drama that unfolds in many directions. Maybe they went too far in explaining why everything happened, but it doesn't feel patronising or as if it was needed for the stupid -it will work, anyway. All in all, it's a film that should be seen to be believed. Chapeau to Method Man (again, unbelievable name!) and to all the crew that made possible this small jewel of new OffHollywood Americana,76
tt1211353rw2607646cjmccrackenur33547091Pointless melodrama which drains the very life from you32012/5/6FALSEBathing in urban squalour and decay, this Method Man starring feature may not be what you might expect. Meth (as fans of the Wu Tang Clan affectionately refer to him) plays an awkward, ambling outsider who as the title suggests, works at the city morgue. He shuffles two and from work with his head hanging low. A man of few words, his hours away from the corpses are spent practicing his taxidermy skills and cuddling a friendly prostitute. Continually harassed by some of the most unconvincing hoodlums that have ever been committed to celluloid (there are literally millions of people out there who could fit the role of 'Thug #4', so why filmmakers feel the consistent need to draw incredibly fake tattoos on supporting actors is beyond me). These rough kids from the wrong side of the street make his life miserable (in a pretty non-threatening way, truth be told) and we can see that he's a man who may soon crack. This is where the trouble begins, primarily and most significantly, Method Man is wholly unsuitable for this part. Method Man is wholly unsuitable for most parts in which he is required to do anything other than be Method Man. He is not a good actor and in this, his lack of ability is accentuated tenfold. The film was shot in 3D for reasons which are far beyond my comprehension, for it is a melodrama. The last time I checked, melodramas were not top of the list on 3D. Shall I await the extended reboot of Ulee's Gold 3D? On Golden Pond 3D? The Erotic Adventures of Harold & Maude 3D? Anyway, I digress. Meth is a wonderful personality; an entertainer and (occasionally) a great rapper. None of these skills, however, are required or suitable for the role of a bookish, bullied, meek individual. Every time the camera zooms in on him, the viewer gets the impression that he's thinking; 'this is my acting face'. It's not just the acting that's at fault here, the sets are well utilized and do give a strong sense of deterioration within a working class environment, which is a theme which could have been explored in greater depth within the film. Meth's old time dress sense is a nice touch, but his outfits look so pristine that they are clearly taken from the set dresser's rail. He looks like a man who has been dressed for a role and this only makes him more awkward in his appearance, and not in the manner of which he desires. The shrugs and stooped gait are not enough for the character to become real to us. He also keeps walking around a lot and looking at things. This happens in most films, but the problem with this is that for the first 30 minutes, this is about all you get. You get drawn into his facial expressions so much because there's so little else to focus on. Then something happens (which I won't go into for now) and the appearance of Edward Furlong (looking so tired and haggard that my viewing companion thought it was Rob Schneider) and Wendell Peirce (The Wire, Treme) brings a short lived bout of excitement (but they are both gone again as soon as they appear, not to be heard from again at all really). Peirce's use of the word 'laddybuck' remains the film's highlight for me. The main antagonist starts to turn the heat up on Meth as he drives around listening to the same Method Man song on his car stereo. He is listening to the same song in every scene that he has in the car and it becomes both somewhat irritating and unnecessary. By the time something does happen, the filmmakers have clearly decided that we need to be informed of this (as most will have fallen asleep) and so they blast some of the worst 'suspense' music I've heard used in a long time. There are also extended sax solos at some of the depressing scenes which can only help to lighten the mood. I love sax solos, especially when they are used to highlight the severity of a situation or the revelation of a chilling back-story. The film gets bonus points for this. You spend so much time for Meth to revert to gangsta mode and start busting heads. I will let you find out for yourself how, when and if this actually happens at all. The levels of melodrama in this range from the acceptable to the soap opera and so it's hard to be overly enthusiastic about this film. It would have made a good short, or an episode of a TV show, but as a feature length, it becomes a chore to get through. It's fine, but as we all speed towards our own tenure on the mortician's slab, we should probably aim for better than 'fine'. Read more at zombiehamster.com98
tt1211353rw3573546Seth_Rogue_Oneur35638721Not your typical Method Man flick72016/11/2FALSEIf there ever was a time for Method Man to credit himself by his real name: Clifford Smith I feel this was the one to do it. Now don't get me wrong I think Method Man doing his thing is great (one of the better rappers turned actors for me) but with this one he truly did commit to do something different. And that's a big reason why I like this movie. He plays a lone-wolf mortician, a bit of an "social reject" if you will who unwillingly becomes dragged into a messy situation involving the local gang-members. The poster makes it look to me like more of a horror movie (which it's definitely not) and the synopsis is not really accurate (although I will try to update it so hopefully that will change). What it is is more of a drama and a character study of the mortician with moments of suspense and even though it has some flaws regarding the script and Method Man's everchanging beard the good most definitely outweighs the bad for me.40
tt1211353rw3876809booboolinxur72451967Beautiful, gritty, not what was expected!92017/12/8TRUETotally not what was expected. Much better than i could have predicted! I would have given this movie a 10, but i sat down thinking i was going to be watching a horror movie and to me this was not a horror movie. There was lots of grit and excitement! By the end of the movie, i found myself crying, but thoroughly enjoying the film! Very touching and heartwarming. All the characters were believable. Method man was superb! I would definitely recommend this movie and i will watch it again in the near future!10
tt1211353rw4028128nogodnomastersur77881167The Mortician is Deadsville42018/1/9TRUEThe Mortician (Method Man) is a shy dysfunctional man. His social life consists of a prostitute he visits for off screen sex. He speaks as little as possible. He has a second job/hobby as a taxidermist. In spite of what seems as two incomes, he lives in a run down place where he walks to work past buildings that look like they are in a war zone. I don't think the name of the city is mentioned. I suspect Memphis as he travels to Almaville, Tn. Our Mortician has flashbacks to his youth which intensify when they bring in a dead woman with an elaborate tattoo of Sandro Botticelli's Birth of Venus, a painting which hung in his home as a child. Meanwhile he has a "porter" (E.J. Bonilla) who is on parole and acts like a thug. There is a young boy who has witnessed a murder and is a person of interest to the killer. The film goes on with very little action until one scene...and then it is about over. The movie was dull. The small boy's life is supposed to mirror the mortician's life as a child. That was not enough to make for an entertaining movie. The editing was poor. N-word, F-bomb, brief sex, no nudity. Deals with prostitution.22
tt1211353rw4355276babinefertitiur67969867WORST MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN12018/9/23FALSEI wish I could give it a negative 10!! Worst movie ever didn't make any sense at all. Bad acting even worse storyline! Need I say more!! Save an hr and a half of your life and pass this film by! I warned you!!27
tt1211353rw4438382dbilyewzipur1836644I like creepy, and well done. 6/1062018/11/4FALSEMovie is a story, about the title, the Mortician. It claims nothing else. It is a story. I repeat this, so if you're expecting fast-paced action, this is not it. Yes, it moves slowly, expounding on the present and past of the lead character. Method Man performance relates the extremes and depths of his character. I watched this at Halloween, because I enjoy creepy. I also notice, as a fan of CSI investigation, this movie deserves comparison. Other reviews seem to discount this movie as predictable, but I did not find it so. It was a break from the ghost and haunted-house theme, and a welcome relief from overdone vampires and zombies. The ending is well worth living for a bit in the storyline. I like creepy, and I love a good haunting story. Give it a chance, if you do, too.02
tt1211353rw4785052CMLK-96125ur95526591The Mortician82019/4/16FALSEAlthough it was a bit chunky, you knew the story line was waiting around the corner, and it was. I thought the actors were great although the capture of the young boy was maybe too mushy for real life. The music was a great addition since it set the mood at each segment. Since I hadn't seen Method Man or the other actors before...I was pleasantly surprised.20
tt1211353rw5113816a_baronur23388363The Mortician32019/9/11FALSEHow to describe "The Mortician" - subdued, dull, dark, a modern film noire? The main character is given a reluctant apprentice, reluctant on both their counts, he is a gang member who has been given an unusual punishment, the courts being clearly intent on teaching him this is where he will end up unless he mends his ways, even though we all end up there later. A young boy is also hanging around the mortuary, and a local thug is taking an interest in the mortician. Why both? Well, the kid's mother has been murdered. There is not much more to it than that, except to say that his encounter with this kid reminds him of his own youth, and a big unresolved issue that he confronts at the end.02
tt1211353rw5902934dbirch28ur43571736Method Man is under rated as an actor102020/7/13FALSEI came across this as a free movie on Vudu. It caught my eye, so I watched it. I really liked this film, strong acting by Method and Dash Mihok as well as the others.01
tt1211353rw6167554Tim_Ebiur76783742Surprisingly good72020/10/11FALSEA very entertaining thriller with an interesting plot, great performances by the entire cast but it's Method Man that stands out with a very subtle and understated performance. Definitely give this movie a chance. It is well worth your time.11
tt1211353rw6188640santurcedcur118161469Don't Waste Your Time Watching This Crap12020/10/19FALSEI wasted 90 minutes of my time watching this very boring and mindless movie.13
tt1211353rw6197544combatphur58411135I wish I would of seen this movie sooner.82020/10/23FALSEThis is just a good movie. The acting job by the lead actor was just so different from everything he has done before. Great job. The movie is just all around good.11
tt1211353rw6255572kolleen_adelphia1ur33075031Nothing Spectacular!42020/11/10TRUEI guess it's just your basic small time, nasty gang vs. a few good people in the neighbor. Some fighting, some blood, some dead bodies, and some tears. A man and a boy share the pain of loosing their mothers.11
tt1211353rw8966798sheritalowery-30913ur131992455Why is it called Mortician if he's a Coroner?42023/4/2TRUEHow did that get pass the writers room day 1? A mortician prepares bodies for funerals. What this character does is autopsies, which makes him a Coroner. So why isn't the movie "The Coroner"? Anyway, the plot had potential but it just wasn't executed well. I love MM as an actor and Im excited to see him pop up in things but this wasn't good. It took damn near the entire movie for any action to take place and for us to finally find out WHATS GOING ON. 50 min actually, for a 90 min movie. It coulda been better with different writers. The editing also felt choppy. I give this a 4 out of 10. I definitely don't recommend watching it either unless you just wanna see for yourself how it was. The only plus they get is because MM is in it, and I liked the suit and bowler he wears throughout the movie.32
tt1270798rw2433517Logan8888ur10071868Grand-Scale Storytelling Mixed With Superb Actionnull2011/5/24FALSEFox can breath easy again because I think it's safe to say the even the extreme fanboys will be putting down their pitchforks and torches and smile after seeing this amazing film. I know for a fact that general audiences are going to love this movie. I know some fans can be irrational and hold on to their hate because they expect certain things they read in their books but I can't seeing anyone being that irrational when faced with a result that delivers what First Class manages to deliver. It honestly is a genre-defining movie on a level with any comic based film that has come before it. Everything in this movie is exceedingly better than what Fox delivered in their last two efforts with this franchise. Going back to the beginning and re-hiring the guy that brought us those films was a splendid idea. The acting here is superb and the dialogue is rich. Every character feels absolutely believable no matter what abilities they have on display. No cartoonish villains or cheese in sight, every side of the issue is presented by people who believe they are the ones who are in the right and the underlying message of tolerance and bigotry only add to the depth of this film. If not a genre-defining movie than maybe it redefines the comic book genre. It restores the sense of epic adventure and grand-scale storytelling that we saw in X2. In fact, it perfectly complements that great film and probably surpasses it. This film is to X2 what Godfather 2 was to the Godfather. Seriously, First Class is an exceptional "flashback" look that links the best of the X-Men trilogy to the past. Instead of DeNiro playing young Vito Corleone we get James McAvoy as young Charles Xavier. Marlon Brando and Patrick Stewart made their respective characters popular but both were more fleshed out by incredible younger talent. I'm not placing the X-Men film itself on a par with the Godfather but both have become legendary in their particular genre. I am, however, saying McAvoy has a bright future as a complex and talented actor. Just like the young cast of Godfather 2 was legendary, the young cast of First Class has many great days and projects ahead of them. Love this entire cast but Michael Fassbender delivers the best performance with an amazing presence and command of the screen. Everyone was extraordinary. What many expected indeed happens. By that I mean every scene that Fassbender and McAvoy are in together absolutely sing. It won't surprise anyone to know that Kevin Bacon, Oliver Platt and Jennifer Lawrence are superb in supporting roles but Nicholas Hoult did stunning work as the Beast and deserves some love as well. January Jones and Rose Byrne are hot as can be but aren't just simple eye candy. Sure, the story is compelling and the action is amazing but the performances elevate this movie far above a common summer flick. Movie of the year so far...352141
tt1270798rw2434475soul_scionur3585339First Class Superhero Movie82011/5/26TRUEI had the good fortune of being invited out to the media preview of this film yesterday in London and as a result, was tres excited, partly because I had a gut feeling that this film, the fourth in the X-Men franchise, would surpass the two predecessors. SPOILERS ALERT* Anyhow, launching into the content. Twas good, twas very good and I can't speak for the die hard fans of the series but this will be winner for mainstream audiences for sure - and once more restore the super hero genre somewhat. The action sequences were brilliant without being thrown in there just for the hell of it, the performances by James McAvoy as Charles Xavier was right on point and even Michael Fassbender was intense, tortured (and witty!) as Eric (save for the blatant Irish accent creeping in at the end of the film but that's really minor…) Special mention goes to Bill Milner, who plays the young Eric - his scene in the Nazi office - enough said. The film doesn't introduce anything new thematically, as it rotates around the concept of fear and hatred of the new and the misunderstood and questions of what evolution really means – it simply sets up (or rather builds upon, in reverse..?) the two opposing sides that will go on to be represented by Professor X and Magneto. And as most people know, I love going 'back to the start' and revealing what makes characters become who they are. Additionally, the pace carried the film well, considering it was over 2 hours long. The film and the cast are all beautiful to watch, with solid performances from all, though its McAvoy, Fassbender and Bacon that do the heavy lifting. The score is intense but in parts I felt like it was doing too much of the work.The script was decent as well and there were only perhaps two lines that were lame in all, so for a super hero movie, that's pretty damn good going. While the mutant characters were engaging enough and felt fully formed, the film painted the rest of humanity as rather dim and grey - I don't fault the movie for that really, it's nigh impossible to show the full spectrum of people but those characters supposedly in power – generals and whatnots, just felt like puppets – but I think that was the point. Talk about ineffective humans – especially those in authority (and doesn't that reflect reality? Ouch!) There were great moments of levity, mostly through Charles Xavier's lines but by far the best sequence was when Eric and Charles team up for the first time and begin recruiting – there's a brilliant inside joke thrown in there that references the original movies – and it had everyone in the cinema laughing. What's more, on a more broad note, the film does keep that question hanging for you – what would you do if you were the more evolved version of the human species? It's a probing enough question but not one that is overbearing to the content or properly explored - which is a wise move, considering all the other movies pick up on that. So you leave feeling you watched a more than decent superhero movie with fair creditability and lots of fun to boot - that surpassed no. 2 and 3 (which isn't hard but if you get stuck in a formula it could go stale and smell bad, like the Star Wars going back to the beginning nonsense. It didn't do that - it got a new lease of life). Plus, if James McAvoy is in it, there's something of worth there, surely? From1710
tt1270798rw2434482rachel-673-19946ur22919981A prequel that does not, in any way, suck. Amazing, isn't it?92011/5/26FALSEThere came a point, about half way through this film, when I emerged from the world of wonder on screen, took stock of my emotions in that instant, and realized that yes, by God, I am LOVING this movie. I didn't really expect to, of course -- although certainly, I hoped for it. With such an incredible cast, an able director at the helm, a story of Bryan Singer provenance and the inclusion of some of my favorite, if lesser known, X-types (Darwin! Tempest! Havok!), I was eager to see this beloved band of merry Marvel mutants redeem themselves after the massive failures of X3 and X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE. Which they do. And how! One thing that the avid comic fan must do when approaching this movie, however, is to divorce themselves utterly from almost all established four-color X-Men continuity. Oh, some bears up, but by and large this is a whole new origin story, a reboot of epic proportions, and yet it is a retcon so cleverly done, and one that offers up a such a delicious mélange of complex relationships and sensible motivation, that all of the many discrepancies inherent in having Mystique on the side of good or having Moira McTaggert a CIA agent simply do not matter. Speaking of McTaggert, Rose Byrne is both comely and convincing in the role, and almost every other actor is perfectly, one might almost say forcefully, cast. McAvoy brings a kind of laddish charm to Charles Xavier that he mixes nicely with both decency and naïveté, and Michael Fassbender's nascent Magneto is relentlessly, even heart-breakingly, compelling. Their chemistry is electric -- theirs' is one of the most multi-faceted and sincere bromances the screen has seen in a good long while. The younger cast all impress, though particular praise must go to Oscar-nominee Jennifer Lawrence as the petulant but pitiable Raven/Mystique (The Academy Awards have been good to young, hot X-chicks; let us not forget that Rogue herself, Anna Paquin, won for THE PIANO). Former child star Nicholas Hoult is also outstanding as the troubled Hank McCoy, and perhaps the most surprising kudos must go to teenage dream Lucas Till, who conveys the particular anti-social asshole-hood of the turbulent Alex Summers very convincingly indeed. The biggest letdown in the movie, acting-wise, is January Jones as Emma Frost. True, she is appropriately ravishing, there can be no denying that, but she lacks the… the zing of the written character. There is very little intelligence, snark, or even personality behind her interpretation of this most intriguing of mutants; she's just kind of Stand There and Look Pretty -- which, for one playing Emma Frost, is something a travesty. The only other weight under which this movie really labors is the fact that it is a prequel, and it therefore suffers from the feeling of inevitability that besets all such endeavors. Anakin Skywalker HAS to go Dark Side. Bilbo Baggins HAS to find the One Ring. And Magneto HAS to turn against humans; Mystique HAS to join him; Xavier HAS to end up in a wheelchair. With these definite plot developments looming, their eventuation is bound to be a bit of an anti-climax. And yet the fun part about X-MEN: FIRST CLASS is the journey it takes us on to get us there. Offering up plenty of surprises, some kickass action sequences, mighty fine special effects, sly humor and a killer cameo, it is without doubt the best comic book movie of the year – nay, decade – thus far. And considering how overcrowded that list is, this is really saying Something. Huh. A prequel that does not, in any way, suck. Amazing, isn't it? -- Rachel Hyland, geekspeakmagazine.com512133
tt1270798rw2434920Joejoesanur0499651The best prequel movie ever made... period82011/5/27TRUENormally prequel movies are made because the main characters of the first movie died (or in the end achieved their goals) and the producers still want to make money out of the franchise. Think Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid, Psycho, the (still to be made?) I am legend and of course George Lucas's Star Wars saga. X-Men First Class also falls into that category, but I cannot imagine that anybody will be complaining about that. Director Matthew Vaughn created a great, thrilling and sometimes even moving picture that without any doubt will get raving reviews and be a huge commercial success. God knows both movie and director deserve it. What makes X-Men First Class really work is the great story. It tells us about the beginning of the mutants and especially the friendship between professor X (a charming James McAvoy) and Erik Lensherr/Magneto (an impressive Michael Fassbender). Although they will drift apart at some time, you know that they will always have respect for each other. In this stage they even become close friends. The movie opens during World War 2, when young boy Erik is taken to a concentration camp (like the opening of the first X-Men movie). There he meets Sebestian Shaw (a great Kevin Bacon), a scary Joseph Mengele-like scientist who likes to experiment on Jews and is especially interested in mutants. In order to force Erik into helping him he shoots his mother. Erik never forgives him for that and spends his whole life looking for revenge. Unfortunately he learns that Shaw is also a mutant. The scientist is even so powerful that it's almost impossible for Erik to kill him. Luckily he bumps into Charles Xavier... What I also like about First Class is that the movie takes place in the past (the sixties) and uses historical events (the Cuba crisis and the Cold War) to make its point. Erik claims that no matter how many times mutants save the world, normal people will always see them as enemies. Professor X still wants to believe in the good of the people. With that message the foundation is laid for X-Men 1-3. The performances in First Class are first rate. Kevin Bacon is a brilliant villain. His German is actually quite good and his opening scene can already be considered as a classic. He also speaks Russian in the movie by the way. Michael Fassbender (Magneto) represents the most exciting drama in the story. He's kinda like Darth Vader. You know he will turn to the Dark Side but you still hope that somehow he will stick with professor X. First Class will be the beginning of super stardom for actress Jennifer Lawrence. She plays Raven in the story, a girl Xavier adopts as a real sister/best friend. She later becomes Mystique. Jennifer won critical acclaim with her role in Winter Bone and will play the lead in the much anticipated The Hunger Games movie, to be released in 2012. She is a great, vulnerable Mystique who later on chooses Magneto over 'her brother' Professor X. So what's more to tell? January Jones as Emma Frost is sexy as hell, the special effects in the movie are great and there are not one but two cameos from actors from the first X-Men movie (and no, the second one is not Patrick Stewart). Unlike previous Marvel movies there is no extra scene after the end credits and Stan Lee does not have a small part in this one. Overall First Class makes you think of the Sean Connery Bond movies and the reboot of Star Trek (2009). So... are you convinced? Just go see this excellent movie. Can't wait for its sequel! 9/1010253
tt1270798rw2435876Kia00ur6143489Hugely Entertaining. Delivers in Every Way!null2011/5/29TRUEAn outstanding effort, what a superb early summer this has been! The characters, effects, and story were all beyond great. Bryan Singer is back and it clearly showed. Add director Vaughn's touch and both display an amazing vision. They manage to keep the story intense and flowing but filled with depth and heart. They also kept an eye on what has come before without being burdened or overly tied to it. If you've never seen any x-film, you'll still love this movie. That said, it builds for another installment and I absolutely can't wait to see it and to see where we go next. The Singer and Vaughn team also manages to deliver a little bit of everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. There's intrigue, romance, conspiracy, drama, conflict, historical context, retro flavor, fun, humor and of course, kick butt comic book style slugfests. I think this is now the best comic book movie summer ever (even though it's not even officially summer yet) and I'm not exaggerating. 2008 was great but I think we have a new king. Thor was pure greatness and Captain America looks superb. This was the only question mark from Marvel's stable and they absolutely hit it out of the park. Erik and Charles are now given room to thrive and breathe, find their own voice and their own distinctiveness. The plot becomes more intricate as the situations become more dire. Not many adaptations have ever dug as deep as First Class. These are truly some of the most complex characters I've ever seen in a super hero based movie. They're a group of characters who are so well written and full of small, personal moments that they match the best of their rich, four-color origins. They become living, breathing people whom have pasts, presents and futures and I can't wait to see where this new cast takes us from this point forward. I love this younger Xavier and the fact that his youthful flaws are fully on display. Charles is caught up in himself as most people are in their youth. He is proud and confident young man, and he's certainly not the selfless person that we saw in the X-Men trilogy. I love the fact that the writers were smart enough to convey these elements and show a young man in need of growth. They easily could've made him a "mini me" version of Patrick Stewart's Xavier. Instead they went much deeper and the result is much more interesting. Charles' relationship with Raven/Mystique is fascinating especially when you compare both character to what they will become later. She's an assistant to him and he cares for her, but his ego causes unintended consequences. At times, Charles gives off a condescending, big-brother attitude and that fits so well to the growth the character needs to undertake. You see it in the way he treats the others. In the trilogy, he's exorcised that from his personality. Here, his ego is on a par with Magneto and that makes for an interesting dynamic. Overall, just like X2, I had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of this movie.4533
tt1270798rw2436424bassrourkeur0827091the prequel we had to have62011/5/30FALSEFans may disagree with me but, this reboot was needed after Wolverine Origins brought down the X-Men universe to a shambling mess, however it is also a step up from the third X-Men film. Seeing the youthful Professor X and Magneto as best friends working together before becoming archenemies is a brilliant concept. The mutants, some familiar, some not so familiar are well represented among the human existence. Settings around the early 1960's is a brilliant move with the era lovingly created, especially the costumes. Frantic and loud as they may be, the action set pieces are nothing short of astonishing. The submarine moment lives up to the excitement of the trailer. January Jones just needs to appear on screen as sultry Emma Frost to captivate me, while Australian Rose Byrne rocks as Doc MacTaggert. Perfect casting of McAvoy and Fassbender as Xavier and Magneto respectively is a constant winner. I know the fans are going to probably hate Kevin Bacon, he's different to his comic character. Lame one liners aside, this is a fine accompaniment to the Marvel film plethora on the horizon. Also watch for a rather vulgar but memorable cameo from a 'hairy' X-Men favorite.327
tt1270798rw2436748McGritur5154988X Marks again marks the spot! Great Film!null2011/5/31FALSEThere are plenty of big action scenes throughout but it's the first half of the film that really impresses. Establishing these characters and the entire universe is done remarkably well and in a remarkably moving manner. This new spin on familiar "bad guys" Magneto and Mystique does give the actions and emotions for the characters a new level of appreciation and helps give them so much more depth and pathos. Both sides of the fence (Xavier's vision and Magneto's contempt) are advanced and the brilliance of the plot is that both sides are understandable and relatable. The viewer can simply sit and watch it unfold but also be emotionally invested in the journey. During the second half, plot threads move towards resolution and action picks up. Xavier is a shining example and his journey throughout the film matches that of Erik. First Class never undermines the audience nor talks down to them and does all that is expected of it. It delivers great action, humor, effects and a strong connection between heroes, villains and those developing in between. The retro design is suave and making this a period piece gives it a cool and unique flavor. The collaboration between Singer and Vaughn apparently was a perfect blend. Vaughn did a brilliant job and Singer's vision from the first two films stayed in tact and was enhanced. I have to add that the score had a perfect heroic theme but was also moving and very well done. The overall impact of this film leaves you with a great sensation of a job well done. Fast paced yet filled with depth, spellbinding visual effects and a gripping finale. In the end, they succeeded in re-establishing these characters in a superb and interesting manner. There is more to offer and more depth to appreciate. I certainly can't wait for a sequel and inclusion of Scott and Jean from the original trilogy.20368
tt1270798rw2436765wrathrealur26394894About FAQ !102011/5/31FALSEThis about a FAQ Question that was asked. The question was, why the original members of the X-men weren't used in this movie. They said because the characters would be to young if they fallowed the X-men movie. OK I understand but it doesn't makes sense, why they put Havok (Alex Summer) in the movie and he's the younger brother of Cyclops (Scott Summers). Some characters they used instead never were part of the X-men until they were adults and the other X-men were on the team. They must think people who read and have fallowed the X-men for years, wouldn't notice. Come on, If your going to do something like that do it right. nice excuse!29
tt1270798rw2436795stijnvth-958-264617ur24838454A fine reboot to boot72011/5/31FALSEWell let's be completely honest Hollywood had lost their control over the X-men film-saga when "the last stand" came out. The bigger is better principle isn't always the right way to go. And it's a shame they need reboots to deal with the issues created by shitty films. It's even worse when the reboot fail. But this is NOT the case with "X-men: first class". I was afraid I had seen a bit too much promo clips and so on. But even this was not the case. I can gladly say the promo's don't give away too much. The story doesn't really climax in the movie. When Michael Fassbender's Magneto is faced with Kevin Bacon's character, it builds up to a lot more expectations than what is delivered on screen but this being said the film introduces new characters which is more than welcome. And again in comparison to "Last stand" they introduce them more properly. It's not here is character Y, and this is his death, we needed somebody to kill. After seeing this I'm hoping Marvel will continue making movies but I'm also very much so actually hoping they do this with eye for detail, respect to the intricate story lines and quality of the film! In "First Class" they prove they haven't lost the battle with "X-men"!34
tt1270798rw2436965speed3106ur16960533Balance82011/6/1TRUEJust came back from an advance screening ! Personal best movie of the year so far, there is no way on earth transformer can match it,however, on the dark side of the moon maybe. Overall the movie is fairly fast paced, kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I am usually quite good at sensing the direction of the plot, if the ending is obvious as a result of good vs evil, then I consider myself good at sensing how. But this one didn't even give me a long enough of a break to think of how ...and the ending is mildly surprising and also makes a lot of sense and ties well with the previous 4 movies. Story wise it is also really good, especially for a superhero/Sci-Fi/action movie, the script packs quite a punch, and the depth is deeper than your average super sized pop corn bag offered at your local theater! Don't wanna give out too much detail so someone might get too hyped and lose the pleasantly surprised fact except: This movie is really a nice balance of Sci-Fi, fantasy, action, drama, super hero-comic adaptation, a little short side on the romance(not a bad thing in my opinion ,you want romance in this?seriously ?), comedy... Really, a group of talented people who promote balance that can actually understand it ! MARVELOUS Job! Get it ? he he24
tt1270798rw2437021ongyekchengur26359346Absolutely first class! 11 out of 10.102011/6/1FALSEOf the original trilogy, the first X-Men movie still rates the best.....until now. This prequel is an absolute stunner - from storyboard, script, mutant characters, pace, cinematography, Foley FX, VFX....you get the picture. In fact, the subtitle for this movie could also be X-Men: Origins. The poignant beginnings of Magneto and Mystique are recounted, as well as the extraordinary powers of Professor X. Yes, indeed! The good professor had plenty of goodies (and hair) in his formative years at Oxford University.....^^ I cannot wait to see X-Men prequel II and III, 3D or not.183128
tt1270798rw2437022pdh194ur0386878More tea, vicar? - Yes please!!82011/6/1TRUEI'd read a few reviews all saying the same thing: very good film, just a bit too fast-paced and with some ropey CGI; could have been the best X- Men film. I disagree. It IS the best X-Men film. Yes, there is some ropey effects at time, and Michael Fassbender's Irish brogue comes out in the last 20 minutes of the film, and that's the only reason I didn't rate this a 10! Even so, the film is tightly directly, brilliantly filmed and scored; the plot is engaging and exciting, and the central performances are superb. I didn't think I say this, but: Sir Ian who? Sir Patrick who? (N.b. they are still brilliant, but McAvoy and Fassbender are too) I won't go overboard, but the film had me on the edge of my seat a lot and I was SO happy to see what I wanted: a real bad-ass Magneto. Erik, as he is here, is like a proto-Bond with superpowers and a bad attitude. I loved the re-use (and subtle re-filming) of the original concentration camp opening, and the subsequent rage shown by Erik when his mother dies. Nazi helmets never looked so figure hugging... and Michael Fassbender steals every scene he's in (in my opinion). Oh yes, and there's a brilliant cameo from a certain hairy actor who delivers the film's "f-bomb". In summary, a exciting reinvigoration that I will see again and again, ignoring the tiny tiny flaws.76
tt1270798rw2437060lentleur25737778X Men: First Class72011/6/1FALSEX Men: First Class is a real comeback for a franchise that could of, but didn't, loose its original 'shi-bang' as it were. This new addition to the series has brought it back to life, and back better than ever, this instalment is by far the best with fantastic acting, superb directing and mind-blowing action. Not only does this film deliver a new, untold story, but it also caters for those non-X Men fans with funny lines, character development and plays at a fast and exciting pace. This addition also ties up various loose ends that the previous films (although chronologically latter films) didn't answer, with the odd joke along the way. Not forgetting the cameo with Wolverine, that was fabulous, I doubt that was cheap. X Men: First Class has a franchise of its own, and I hope to see another soon.24
tt1270798rw2437067FilmFanatic03ur23961608Not revolutionary to the superhero genre, but still a pretty amazing film!82011/6/1FALSE"X-Men: First Class" manages to not only include some pretty awesome mutants but Matthew managed to make the main focus of the film about the story, and yet still let the film be about the origins of X-Men. At first I thought, OK, enough about the 1960's and more about the mutants but eventually I came to love how the focus was on the conflict of Russia and America and how easily the mutants fitted into it. The characters were greatly explored, especially Magneto because you understand why he is who he is and that really he is not really evil but just full of anger and grief. Xavier was pretty cool and you see how he ends up in a wheelchair. Also Mystique was a great character was was explored really well. A great movie for all to see!27

