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t5_2qio8 | wow | t3_5lcjkr | t3_5lcjkr | dbupwhq | 2017-01-01 01:27:21 | nm, I was incorrect | Sappora | 2017-01-01 20:57:42 | -10 |
t5_2szyo | Showerthoughts | t3_5lavfq | t3_5lavfq | dbupwhr | 2017-01-01 01:27:21 | I hope you don't have any pets.... Jk lol | brucebanna34 | FALSE | 1 |
t5_32frp | SpaceXMasterrace | t3_5l6jlm | t1_dbui89o | dbupwhs | 2017-01-01 01:27:21 | Hyperloop-oo | TheMightyKutKu | FALSE | 3 |
t5_2sgoq | streetwear | t3_5lbog5 | t3_5lbog5 | dbupwht | 2017-01-01 01:27:21 | all saints high end shirt on sale made in portugal use code MERRY for 20% off on sale price | WhatTheJuk | FALSE | 1 |
t5_324pd | summonerswar | t3_5lb1a3 | t3_5lb1a3 | dbupwhu | 2017-01-01 01:27:21 | Holyyy, this guy looks so sick for gw! | johnnyeeee | FALSE | 1 |
t5_2u5kl | Overwatch | t3_5l82u7 | t3_5l82u7 | dbupwhv | 2017-01-01 01:27:21 | They've ruined everything. Brawl used to be a weekly treat! But now it's a punishment because we might get a game type we hate. Oh well! Winter mystery it is... | sailormun | FALSE | 1 |
t5_2qnts | nottheonion | t3_5lcuhi | t3_5lcuhi | dbupwhw | 2017-01-01 01:27:21 | Greetings, \/u/Somebody_Named_Wyatt! Your submission from has been automatically removed because it violates Rule 4 (use original, reliable sources). The website that you submitted,, is not allowed for one or more of the following reasons: It frequently quotes other sources in its content, or is known to engage in content theft. It's not a reliable source. This could be because it's a news blog, tabloid, or is known to be overly slanted. It's an opinion or blog section of a regular news website, or the site is known to post opinion articles as fact. If you'd like, you can review the article and resubmit from a better source. If your article's source is linked in the article, you can try submitting from the original source. For more information on Rule 4, click here. For a complete list of domains that are not allowed, click here. If you're new to \/r/NotTheOnion, you may want to check out NTO101: An Introduction To \/r/NotTheOnion for more information on our rules and answers to frequently asked questions. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.* | AutoModerator | FALSE | 1 |
t5_2qo4s | nba | t3_5lcdlm | t1_dbupo4i | dbupwhx | 2017-01-01 01:27:21 | Absolutely, but our offense doesn't really have to play full games as much as you guys. There have been at least 5 games that the big 3 don't even step foot on the floor in the 4th. Like I said you guys are playing great, but in terms of ability at full throttle the Cavs are insane. | daveed1297 | FALSE | 1 |
t5_2qkzy | judo | t3_5l6y47 | t3_5l6y47 | dbupwhy | 2017-01-01 01:27:21 | Here is my take on it: It is 15 mins long however i talk about what you can do at the club with the new gripping changes: | beyondgrappling | FALSE | 3 |
t5_2qh8e | australia | t3_5l7ngw | t1_dbtk830 | dbupwhz | 2017-01-01 01:27:21 | As a cricketer? /s | Veefy | FALSE | 3 |
t5_2snuc | DebateReligion | t3_5l3k1x | t1_dbteflr | dbupwi0 | 2017-01-01 01:27:21 | deleted | deleted | FALSE | 1 |
t5_3i7qt | danganronpa4lyfe | t3_5lcqy8 | t1_dbupg8g | dbupwi1 | 2017-01-01 01:27:21 | How long is it going to take for you to give up on provoking us into murder? | detective_kirigiri | FALSE | 3 |
t5_2qh1i | AskReddit | t3_5lco2j | t3_5lco2j | dbupwi2 | 2017-01-01 01:27:21 | St Emilion, Bordeaux. France. | all4reddit | FALSE | 1 |
t5_34k5q | CampHalfBloodRP | t3_5kml4j | t1_dbupp8z | dbupwi3 | 2017-01-01 01:27:21 | Neo more or less sits there with Hanna in her arms, her expression taking on a struggling frown as she does her best to annoy the smolthiefbeb's sobbing and whining. It was difficult--making Hanna cry on her birthday wasn't really high on Neo's to-do list--but she had to pull through. She just wasn't going to apologize to some little shit for trying to put the moves on her little girl. She just couldn't. She won't allo- "Agh, fine.....I'll do it......" God damn it, smalls. | Kurono-neko | FALSE | 1 |
t5_2su3h | paradoxplaza | t3_5lb3g1 | t3_5lb3g1 | dbupwi4 | 2017-01-01 01:27:21 | that two times fast! | BruKKen | FALSE | 1 |
t5_2rxxm | solotravel | t3_5lcd52 | t3_5lcd52 | dbupwi5 | 2017-01-01 01:27:21 | Only problem I have with it, is that you don't really get absorbed in the culture. Hotels and never really meeting a local, at that level, those are both so far removed from the culture. To me it's like why bother? It's the whole sort of mindset behind backpacker/traveler vs tourist. I think if you try it from the local level you'll enjoy the trip so much more. Depends how long you're going for too, I'm a real loner myself and have a lot of me time. When I hike/trek for example, I almost always prefer to do this alone, in order to get away from people and civilization. Otherwise, completely agree with travel however you want. You're the only one you have to please. | thexenixx | 2017-01-01 01:50:57 | 0 |
t5_3779b | FFRecordKeeper | t3_5laugz | t3_5laugz | dbupwi6 | 2017-01-01 01:27:21 | 100 gems, Seifer Unique | dbat83 | FALSE | 9 |
t5_2s7yq | ImGoingToHellForThis | t3_5l5fn6 | t1_dbt40pw | dbupwi7 | 2017-01-01 01:27:21 | It's ironic how you think one form of shock humor is ok whereas another form is not. | CallMeCisMale | FALSE | 1 |
t5_2qh13 | worldnews | t3_5l9q0e | t1_dbupum7 | dbupwi8 | 2017-01-01 01:27:21 | Ok but christianity is centered around what jesus did after the old testament no? | timidforrestcreature | FALSE | 2 |
t5_38unr | The_Donald | t3_5lchwl | t1_dbunn6h | dbupwi9 | 2017-01-01 01:27:21 | At least they are keeping it in their own country for now. | catvideos22 | FALSE | 19 |
t5_2ubgg | mildlyinfuriating | t3_5lcsml | t1_dbuph72 | dbupwia | 2017-01-01 01:27:21 | removed | deleted | FALSE | 1 |
t5_2qio8 | wow | t3_5l9nz7 | t1_dbu7pkq | dbupwib | 2017-01-01 01:27:21 | What Vol'jin means with that is, she's got to stop doing questionable shady shit such as raising the dead and using them for her advantage etc. It has nothing to do with old gods and she's defo not controlled by one. | damlot | FALSE | 0 |
t5_2snvr | FantasyPL | t3_5lbq7d | t3_5lbq7d | dbupwic | 2017-01-01 01:27:21 | Mané isn't gone... | ChMarsh | FALSE | 2 |
t5_2qh13 | worldnews | t3_5lcaed | t3_5lcaed | dbupwid | 2017-01-01 01:27:21 | removed | deleted | FALSE | 1 |
t5_2qjvn | relationships | t3_5laxsh | t3_5laxsh | dbupwie | 2017-01-01 01:27:22 | OP,, you should start using a voice recorder app on your phone to record partial conversations, to see if you can pick up anything from listening to it. Such as paused you take, if you speak slowly, if people are responding to your stories/conversation in a manner that shows that they're listening and interested. | Tittle_Bit | FALSE | 8 |
t5_2qknd | Fantasy | t3_5lb0j8 | t1_dbum4u4 | dbupwif | 2017-01-01 01:27:22 | You read 253 books? Damn! | PotatoQuie | FALSE | 2 |
t5_2qh6e | television | t3_5lb8dc | t3_5lb8dc | dbupwig | 2017-01-01 01:27:22 | tv itself has started doing reposts now | dreamwaverwillow | FALSE | 7 |
t5_2xtuc | AskDocs | t3_5lbcbn | t1_dbupep8 | dbupwih | 2017-01-01 01:27:22 | You get cardiac symptoms when supply doesn't meet demand. Supply being blood, and demand being oxygen requirements of the heart. This can occur for a variety of reasons. When cocaine is the cause, the coronary vessels (which supply the heart oxygen) constrict, which can cause a spectrum of symptoms ranging from chest pain to a heart attack. Assuming the cocaine didn't do anything structurally to your heart, the damage is just transient and as long as you don't use anymore you should be fine. A good indication of this would be that you are able to do exertional activity without any symptoms. | hemoglobetrotter | FALSE | 2 |
t5_2qiel | hockey | t3_5lcf41 | t3_5lcf41 | dbupwii | 2017-01-01 01:27:22 | Do the Isles always win at the MTS center or... | Leverender | FALSE | 1 |
t5_3g4tc | RocketLeagueExchange | t3_5lcr0m | t1_dbupuaw | dbupwij | 2017-01-01 01:27:22 | If it's PS4 you can get slip for 7 keys? What do you mean no? | Bugzbunny19 | FALSE | 1 |
t5_2qh13 | worldnews | t3_5lcaed | t1_dbupqtv | dbupwik | 2017-01-01 01:27:22 | I meant western politicians hated the countries they are politicians in. | tsv35 | FALSE | 2 |
t5_2qhj4 | MMA | t3_5lc4np | t1_dbumuck | dbupwil | 2017-01-01 01:27:22 | Yea the way he wrapped that belt around the leukemia survivors waste was so smug. What a fucking cunt he is huh | Timekeeper28 | FALSE | 11 |
t5_2qh3p | sex | t3_5l8rtj | t1_dbuff3d | dbupwin | 2017-01-01 01:27:22 | This is spot on. I have to admit I let the foreskin bunch up a bit while I cover it with the condom. The glans is totally exposed, of course. When I'm totally hard I don't think I have as much give to my foreskin, so the condom stays in place and doesn't seem to cause too much tension at the head, even if there isn't a 1:1 contact between the "inner" foreskin and the condom. We are totally agreed on the main point: the glans should not be covered when applying a condom. You expressed frustration that condom instructions don't mention this - it might be some consolation that I've seen at least some that do! It's just a simple addendum along the lines of *if you have foreskin, move it back before applying condom. That vid is great. One of the many things that should be shown in sex ed but isn't... | neuenono | FALSE | 1 |
t5_2ub11 | Pokemongiveaway | t3_5lcmt5 | t1_dbuplm9 | dbupwio | 2017-01-01 01:27:22 | Seentt! | MolhCD | FALSE | 1 |
t5_2qh1i | AskReddit | t3_5lbpdr | t1_dbuoifx | dbupwip | 2017-01-01 01:27:22 | Really? Anthrax and plutonium are your go-to comparisons? Do you have any idea how 'deep' in the CDC vaults anthrax is stored (I.e. Guarded). Why are anti's so irrational? Holy cow. I don't even know why I bother. There's no convincing you. Regardless of how much time I spend on this. The only point of replying to you is to maybe affect other users in the thread. Maybe they'll read how outlandishly absurd you're being and actually think rationally about firearms. | Condhor | FALSE | 5 |
t5_3330f | LearnCSGO | t3_5lbuur | t1_dbukv05 | dbupwiq | 2017-01-01 01:27:22 | I was just going through this post cause i kind of struggle with the same thing, your comment has really helped Thank you! | Santasnotreal17 | FALSE | 1 |
t5_3chkx | OneYearOn | t3_5l4afu | t3_5l4afu | dbupwir | 2017-01-01 01:27:22 | Goals: Reach HSK 4, get a new legal job in Shanghai, and be happy. | KingOyez | FALSE | 1 |
t5_2w31t | hearthstone | t3_5lcf08 | t3_5lcf08 | dbupwis | 2017-01-01 01:27:22 | My thanks to you. | TrendNation55 | FALSE | 9 |
t5_2cneq | politics | t3_5lcsyz | t1_dbupvap | dbupwit | 2017-01-01 01:27:22 | But the other way is cool? | deleted | FALSE | 1 |
t5_3fypo | vegasquadrantrp | t3_5l864u | t1_dbuptvb | dbupwiu | 2017-01-01 01:27:22 | ...Heeeeey...what are you implying? She looks offended, but in a playfully exaggerated way. | citruswithashotgun | FALSE | 1 |
t5_38iwt | SubredditSimulator | t3_5lcq5s | t1_dbupc9x | dbupwiv | 2017-01-01 01:27:22 | Please keep us updated, and if you don't need to be dealing with this and keep your head up we don't know the reality of your story to provide an example. | nosleep_SS | FALSE | 1 |
t5_37kqs | wormrp | t3_5jbmn7 | t1_dbug8kp | dbupwiw | 2017-01-01 01:27:22 | Sure thing. Pinging all /u/rin_shinobu s | MilkTintedGlasses | FALSE | 1 |
t5_2tb4r | GiftofGames | t3_5lcuhn | t3_5lcuhn | dbupwix | 2017-01-01 01:27:22 | Remember to change your flair in the sidebar to the proper one. If this is your first time receiving a game, choose Grabbed 1. Here is an example on how to change your own flair: Failure to change your flair multiple times will result in a ban. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. | AutoModerator | FALSE | 1 |
t5_2rawz | legaladvice | t3_5layqj | t3_5layqj | dbupwiy | 2017-01-01 01:27:22 | Lawyer up immediately if you think you have a case. i agree that people will try to threaten with 'costly litigation' when they want to shake you down for whatever. OK. Let them. But - in any case, a lawyer will be necessary. So get the best you can hire and have him address this immediately. Be confident. Whether you are are guaranteed to 'win such a case' is moot at this point. You just want to find out your legal vulnerabilities and make sure that this man's family knows you're willing to talk across the table about what is what. A lot of people just want to threaten, not talk. | redditlady999 | FALSE | -1 |
t5_2qh0u | pics | t3_5lab93 | t1_dbuem53 | dbupwiz | 2017-01-01 01:27:22 | Cue Steve Buschemi running away. | Androidsunrise | FALSE | 18 |
t5_39g42 | ImagesOfNewYork | t3_5lcuhk | t3_5lcuhk | dbupwj0 | 2017-01-01 01:27:22 | Original post by /u/iGeography in /r/uspics --- ^(This crosspost was performed automatically as a part of the ImagesOfNetwork.) ^(Learn more about the ImagesOfNetwork, how you can help, and other Frequently Asked Questions)^, ^or ^(visit us on Discord!) ^([)^("Remove my post!") ^ ^("The bot got this one wrong!") ^ ^("Stop Crossposting My Stuff!") ^(]) | ImagesOfNetwork | FALSE | 1 |
t5_2rnpb | rangers | t3_5l9zs6 | t3_5l9zs6 | dbupwj1 | 2017-01-01 01:27:23 | Nshnt watch game but jappu new uesr. I love iu guys!!!! | fakeplstictrees | FALSE | 8 |
t5_2cneq | politics | t3_5lbpd8 | t1_dbuplq8 | dbupwj2 | 2017-01-01 01:27:23 | Hillary was a weak candidate and lost like one | LockTheModsUp | FALSE | 1 |
t5_2zj24 | indieheads | t3_5lctsj | t3_5lctsj | dbupwj3 | 2017-01-01 01:27:23 | This has been a long time coming, IIRC London Grammar has not released ANY music since dropping their debut album If You Wait in 2013. They also just tweeted "new year, new music" so my hype for new London Grammar is through the roof. Happy New Year everyone! | Vaktmeister | FALSE | 11 |
t5_2r9tk | BDSMcommunity | t3_5l9qa9 | t1_dbukxxc | dbupwj4 | 2017-01-01 01:27:23 | I used to serve a Master who was extremely calculated and precise. No matter how cold that style could feel, I knew he cared about me, because of those calculated methodical ways. And I respected his intense level of discipline in it. It inspired me to try and be just as consistent and dedicated and disciplined. But you should always be allowed to have your own opinions and bring them to your Top (at the appropriate time and manner). | Summer_B | FALSE | 2 |