Other indicators

Time interval


Field display

Other indicators-English fields Other indicators-Chinese field Indicator description
Country/Area Country
Code Code
ContinentCode Continental Plate Code
Year Year
Happiness Index, 0 (unhappy) - 10 (happy) Happiness index, 0 (unhappy)-10 (happy) Definition: The Happiness ranking is part of the World Happiness Report. The country scores are based on a survey in which respondents evaluate the quality of their current lives on a scale of 0 to 10.
Human Development Index (0 - 1) Human Development Index (0-1) Definition: The Human Development Index measures three basic dimensions of human development: long and healthy life, knowledge, and a decent standard of living. Four indicators are used to calculate the index: life expectancy at birth, mean years of schooling, expected years of schooling, and gross national income per capita.
Women in parliament, percent Women in Parliament, % Definition: Women in parliaments are the percentage of parliamentary seats in a single or lower chamber held by women.
Land area in sq. km Land area (square kilometers) Definition: Land area is a country's total area, excluding area under inland water bodies, national claims to continental shelf, and exclusive economic zones. In most cases the definition of inland water bodies includes major rivers and lakes.

Sample data

Country/Area Code ContinentCode Year Happiness Index, 0 (unhappy) - 10 (happy) Human Development Index (0 - 1) Women in parliament, percent Land area in sq. km
Country Code Continental Plate Code Year Happiness index, 0 (unhappy)-10 (happy) Human Development Index (0-1) Women in Parliament, % Land area (square kilometers)
Afghanistan AFG AS 1961 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1962 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1963 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1964 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1965 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1966 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1967 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1968 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1969 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1970 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1971 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1972 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1973 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1974 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1975 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1976 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1977 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1978 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1979 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1980 0.23 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1981 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1982 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1983 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1984 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1985 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1986 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1987 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1988 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1989 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1990 0.298 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1991 0.304 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1992 0.312 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1993 0.308 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1994 0.303 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1995 0.327 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1996 0.331 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1997 0.335 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1998 0.339 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 1999 0.343 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 2000 0.345 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 2001 0.347 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 2002 0.378 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 2003 0.387 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 2004 0.4 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 2005 0.41 27.31 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 2006 0.419 27.31 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 2007 0.431 27.69 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 2008 0.436 27.69 652230
Afghanistan AFG AS 2009 0.447 27.31 652230

Data update frequency

Annual Update