
 This data set contains vector data of building roofs in 90 cities in China (selected comprehensively based on city administrative levels and regional distribution, See Appendix 1 for city list). It is mainly produced based on deep learning semantic segmentation models and multi-source remote sensing images. First, the original images are preprocessed, and stratified sampling and visual interpretation are performed according to the city level and its regional distribution to produce training and test data. Then the training data is input into the deep learning semantic segmentation model for training, making it suitable for the building roof extraction task. Based on the test data, the performance of the building roof extraction model is evaluated using general indicators for result evaluation in the deep learning field. Finally, this model was applied to the task of extracting building roofs in 90 cities in China, and the building roofs were automatically extracted and vectorized. This data set can provide important data support for related research based on building roofs (such as rooftop solar potential assessment, urban planning, etc.) at the urban and national scales.

 CnOpenData obtained permission from the Smart City Sensing and Simulation Laboratory of Nanjing Normal University to include the data in the public data area for scholars to browse and read. Sample data can be downloaded below. For complete data download, please go to National Tibetan Plateau Science Data Center (http ://data.tpdc.ac.cn/zh-hans/news/c1b0ee71-2ceb-4276-8f5c-b53d57caa88d).

Data description

  • Dataset year: This data set automatically identifies and extracts urban building roofs based on the deep learning semantic segmentation model and multi-source remote sensing images. The original image was obtained in 2020. The raster pixel value resolution of the building roofs extracted by the deep learning semantic segmentation model The rate is 1m, and the actual year of the recognized building roof vector elements depends on the shooting time of the remote sensing image.

  • City level description: The 90 cities are divided into 4 levels according to their administrative levels: deputy national level and full provincial level, deputy provincial level, quasi-deputy provincial level and main department level. For details, please see the data download below.

Data details

1. Scale: None
2. Projection: Albers
3. File size: 143360.0MB
4. Data format: Esri Shapefile
5. Spatial range: North: 53.55; South: 3.86; West: 73.66; East: 135.05

Field description

Attribute name Data type Attribute meaning Unit Remarks
area double Single roof feature area square meters Calculated based on CGCS_2000_Albers coordinate system
X double Geometry center longitude of a single roof feature Degree Calculated based on WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere coordinate system
Y double Single roof feature geometric center latitude Degree Calculated based on WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere coordinate system

Sample data

Beijing (the source file is in Esri Shapefile format, the table is just a preview of the data attribute table)

area X Y
5.883913033 115.979079 40.37581653
13.90759363 115.9217352 40.37577022
91.11295294 115.9809148 40.37577163
68.64709515 115.9806025 40.3758009
931.0936277 115.9331846 40.37579253
3.031088613 115.9797853 40.37573071
183.1173165 115.9192604 40.37573712
104.6636898 115.9805665 40.37568964
1.961354109 115.9191442 40.37565715
0.356617979 115.9174007 40.37562446
0.713265819 115.9209877 40.37562446
1286.990639 115.9180614 40.37572427
70.60779236 115.9210705 40.37563201
148.8833042 115.9805373 40.37561378
3.922887353 115.9790736 40.37555907
432.9187617 115.9171974 40.3755749
74.35169889 115.9786609 40.37553339
226.6234561 115.9337279 40.3755364
391.3749617 115.9808594 40.37552479
1105.120187 115.9801131 40.37563286
376.7541022 115.9783267 40.37551118
839.0901598 115.9216555 40.37552049
179.9070083 115.9194977 40.37546199
2476.800743 115.9331949 40.37554255
476.6025088 115.9186333 40.37546818
345.9069603 115.9811183 40.37544598
196.846467 115.9171813 40.37541789
0.356617984 115.9788984 40.37536291
137.4713497 115.9789771 40.37540117
626.7338116 115.979702 40.37542656
622.2766392 115.9314763 40.37537196
8.737125592 115.9789914 40.37533839
478.2076629 115.9191711 40.37544046
325.5797654 115.9221004 40.37536321
0.891500166 115.9807026 40.37527709
524.9225581 115.9195 40.37533219
1073.73864 115.9168609 40.37539197
666.4951488 115.9807671 40.37529284
205.0482027 115.9792986 40.37525593
4003.42499 115.9180374 40.37540329
1470.820027 115.9330534 40.37526991
13.01588448 115.9192514 40.37517765
103.4144968 115.9761061 40.37519191
50.28131388 115.979438 40.37518598
169.0316081 115.9801381 40.37517142
190.0709044 115.980636 40.37515845
109.6565506 115.9225431 40.37514912
609.0815352 115.9314889 40.37516466
670.7710415 115.9796042 40.37523045
1.782970476 115.976209 40.37509727


  • Data reference:
    Smart City Perception and Simulation Laboratory of Nanjing Normal University. Rooftop vector dataset of 90 urban buildings in China (2020). National Tibetan Plateau Scientific Data Center, DOI: 10.11888/Geogra.tpdc.271702, CSTR: 18406.11.Geogra.tpdc. 271702, 2021. [NANJING NORMAL UNIVERSITY Lab of smart city sensing and simulation. Vectorized rooftop area data for 90 cities in China (2020). National Tibetan Plateau Data Center, DOI:10.11888/Geogra.tpdc.271702, CSTR:18406.11.Geogra .tpdc.271702, 2021]

  • Citation of the article:
    Zhang, Z., Qian, Z., Zhong, T., et al. (2022). Vectorized rooftop area data for 90 cities in China. Scientific Data, 9(1): 1-12.

Data update frequency

Updated from time to time
