Table of green patent categories to which industrial enterprises apply for green invention patents

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Table of green patent categories to which industrial enterprises apply for patents for green inventions
Index ID
Green patent main classification
Green patent subcategory 1
Green patent subcategory 2
Green patent subcategory 3
Green patent subcategory 4

Sample data

Index ID Green Patent Main Category Green patent subcategory 1 Green patent subcategory 2 Green patent subcategory 3 Green patent subcategory 4
CN102242614A WASTE MANAGEMENT Pollution control Carbon capture and storage
CN103256030A WASTE MANAGEMENT Pollution control Carbon capture and storage
CN102147433A ENERGY CONSERVATION Measurement of electricity consumption
CN102313844A ENERGY CONSERVATION Measurement of electricity consumption
CN102691436A ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PRODUCTION Wind energy Structural aspects of wind turbines
CN103278700A ENERGY CONSERVATION Measurement of electricity consumption
CN1341839 ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PRODUCTION Solar energy Use of solar energy for drying materials or objects
CN102916488A ENERGY CONSERVATION Power supply circuitry
CN103267906A ENERGY CONSERVATION Measurement of electricity consumption
CN103326466A ENERGY CONSERVATION Power supply circuitry
CN103366229A ADMINISTRATIVE, REGULATORY OR DESIGN ASPECTS Commuting, eg, HOV, teleworking, etc
CN103366229A ADMINISTRATIVE, REGULATORY OR DESIGN ASPECTS Carbon/emissions trading, eg pollution credits
CN104076317A ENERGY CONSERVATION Measurement of electricity consumption
CN105003117A ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PRODUCTION Wind energy Structural aspects of wind turbines
CN102386631A ENERGY CONSERVATION Power supply circuitry
CN102386631A ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PRODUCTION Solar energy Use of solar heat Solar updraft towers
CN102455401A ENERGY CONSERVATION Measurement of electricity consumption
CN102998542A ENERGY CONSERVATION Measurement of electricity consumption
CN103023125A TRANSPORTATION Vehicles in general Charging stations for electric vehicles
CN103023125A ENERGY CONSERVATION Power supply circuitry
CN103023125A ENERGY CONSERVATION Storage of electrical energy
CN103023125A ENERGY CONSERVATION Power supply circuitry With power saving modes
CN103293401A ENERGY CONSERVATION Measurement of electricity consumption
CN103326460A ENERGY CONSERVATION Power supply circuitry
CN106216383A WASTE MANAGEMENT Treatment of waste Reclamation of contaminated soil
CN107096315A WASTE MANAGEMENT Pollution control Air quality management Separating dispersed particles from gases or vapors
CN107686316A WASTE MANAGEMENT Reuse of waste materials Use of waste materials as fillers for mortars, concrete
CN109539257A WASTE MANAGEMENT Consuming waste by combustion
CN109539257A WASTE MANAGEMENT Pollution control Air quality management Treatment of waste gases Combustion of waste gases or noxious gases
CN109539257A ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PRODUCTION Harnessing energy from manmade waste Industrial waste
CN109539257A ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PRODUCTION Harnessing energy from manmade waste Chemical waste
CN102545232A ENERGY CONSERVATION Power supply circuitry
CN103091606A ENERGY CONSERVATION Measurement of electricity consumption
CN103094979A ENERGY CONSERVATION Power supply circuitry
CN103094979A ENERGY CONSERVATION Power supply circuitry With power saving modes
CN103138386A TRANSPORTATION Vehicles in general Charging stations for electric vehicles
CN103138386A ENERGY CONSERVATION Power supply circuitry
CN103138386A ENERGY CONSERVATION Storage of electrical energy
CN108265565A WASTE MANAGEMENT Treatment of waste Mechanical treatment of waste paper

Data update frequency

Annual Update