
Time interval


Field display

Total import and export value table of foreign-invested enterprises
Foreign-invested enterprises
Import and export of the month Exports
Exports of the month
Imports of the month
Imports of the month
Imports of the month
Imports of the same period last year±%
Exports of the same period last year±%
Imports of the same period last year±%

Sample data

td> < td>2020-1 < /tr> < td>- < td>-12.0 td>
Foreign-invested enterprises Date Unit Import and export volume of the month Export volume of the month Import volume of the month Import volume of the month Import and export cumulatively compared with the same period last year±% Export cumulatively compared with the same period last year±% Import cumulatively compared with the same period last year±%
Total 2020-1 RMB 10,000 93,718,343 51,939,915 41,778,429 -14.3 -9.9 -19.2
Sino-foreign joint ventures 2020-1 RMB 10,000 499,965 334,085 165,880 -25.0 -17.3 -36.8
Sino-foreign joint ventures 2020-1 RMB 10,000 25,002,21813,881,410 11,120,808 -16.6 -11.3 -22.4
Wholly foreign-owned enterprise 2020-1 Ten thousand yuan 68,216,160 37,724,420 30,491,740 -13.3 -9.3 -17.8
Beijing 2020-1 RMB 10,000 4,011,594 1,054,502 2,957,091 -0.7 29.1 -8.3
Sino-foreign joint ventures 2020-1 RMB 10,000 2,696 1,298 1,398 -79 .2 -46.2 -86.8
Sino-foreign joint ventures 2020-1 RMB 10,000 724,539 151,004 573,534 -10.7 10.6 -15.0
Wholly foreign-owned enterprises 2020-1 RMB 10,000 3,284 ,359 902,200 2,382,159 2.1 33.1 -6.2
Tianjin 2020-1 Ten thousand yuan 3,260,077 1,242,183 2,017,894 9.6 1.2 15.4
Sino-foreign cooperation Enterprises 2020-1 RMB 10,000 12,864 872 11,992 28.7 -23.0 35.3
Sino-foreign joint ventures 2020-1 RMB 10,000 1,213,605 482,166 731,439 1.0 -4 .9 5.3
Wholly foreign-owned enterprises 2020-1 RMB 10,000 2,033,608 759,145 1,274,464 15.3 5.5 22.0
Hebei Province 2020-1 RMB 10,000 456,120 268,020 188,100 -15.6 -15.1 -16.4
Sino-foreign joint ventures 2020-1 RMB 10,000 5,337 3,585 1,752 -36.9 -12.9 -59.6
Sino-foreign joint ventures 2020-1 RMB 10,000 260,801 137,657 123,144 -5.1 -16.0 10.9
Wholly foreign-owned enterprise 2020-1 RMB 10,000 189,982 126,778 63,204 -26.1 -14.1 -42.3< /td>
Shanxi Province 2020-1 RMB 10,000 564,310 414,447 149,863 -6.1 12.4 -35.4
Sino-foreign joint ventures 2020-1 RMB 10,000 4 4 - -92.9 -92.9 -
Sino-foreign joint ventures 2020-1 RMB 10,000 556,341 409,516 146,825 -5.6 13.0 -35.3
Wholly foreign-owned enterprises 2020-1 RMB 10,000 7,966 4 ,927 3,039 -31.9 -22.6 -43.0
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 2020-1 RMB 10,000 72,498 34,312 38,186 7.8 -10.1 31.3
Sino-foreign joint venture 2020-1 RMB 10,000 11 11 - - -
Sino-foreign joint ventures 2020-1 RMB 10,000 47,977 17,392 30,585 16.8 3.3 26.2
Wholly foreign-owned enterprises 2020-1 10,000 yuan 24,510 16,908 7,602 -6.4 -20.7 56.3
Liaoning Province 10,000 yuan 2,089,112 1,140,102 949,010 -29.7 -15.7 -41.3
Sino-foreign joint ventures 2020-1 RMB 10,000 18,627 15,589 3,038 -23.6 -18.3 -42.6
Sino-foreign joint ventures 2020-1 RMB 10,000 932,754 325,508< /td> 607,246 -30.6 -17.9 -35.9
Wholly foreign-owned enterprise 2020-1 Ten thousand yuan 1,137,731 799,005 338,727 -28.9 -14.7 -49.0
Jilin Province 2020-1< /td> RMB 10,000 634,963 72,978 561,985 22.4 -11.9 28.9
Sino-foreign joint venture 2020-1 RMB 10,000 4,774 4,208 565 -13.4 9.7 -66.3
Sino-foreign joint ventures 2020-1 RMB 10,000 539,102 21,980 517,122 33.6 11.2 34.8
Wholly foreign-owned enterprises 2020-1 RMB 10,000 91,088 46,790 44,298 -17.0 -20.9 -12.4
Heilongjiang Province 2020-1 RMB 10,000 98,914 52,237 46,677 1.0 -10.1 17.2
Sino-foreign joint ventures 2020-1 RMB 10,000 - - - -
Sino-foreign joint ventures 2020-1 RMB 10,000 81,717 45,703 36,014 14.1 -12.5 85.6
Wholly foreign-owned enterprises 2020-1 RMB 10,000 17,197 6,534 10,663 -34.6 11.3 -47.8
Shanghai 2020-1 Ten thousand yuan 16,964,932 7,137,073 9,827,859 -11.5 1.7 -19.1
Sino-foreign joint ventures 2020-1 RMB 10,000 78,530 50,626 27,904 -29.2 -22.1 -39.2
Sino-foreign joint ventures 2020-1 RMB 10,000 2,058,994 1,231,189 827,805 14.5 -34.6
Wholly foreign-owned enterprises 2020-1 RMB 10,000 14,827,408 5,855,259 8,972,150 -11.3 -0.4 -17.2
Jiangsu Province 2020-1 RMB 10,000 19,903,926 12,157,265 7,746,661 -11.7 -1.5 -24.0
Sino-foreign joint ventures 2020-1 10,000 yuan 164,873 92,994 71,879 -17.2 19.8 -40.8
Sino-foreign joint ventures 2020-1 RMB 10,000 4,341,489 2,598,682 1,742,807 -21.8 -11.3 -33.5
Wholly foreign-owned enterprises 2020-1 RMB 10,000 15,397,564 9,465,588 5 ,931,976 -8.3 1.4 -20.4
Zhejiang Province 2020-1 Ten thousand yuan 4,675,907 3,281,2341,394,673 -8.0 -1.7 -20.0
Sino-foreign cooperative enterprises 2020-1 10,000 RMB 18,998 18,572 425 -26.8 -24.2 -70.5
Sino-foreign joint ventures 2020-1 10,000 RMB 2,148,935 1,460,268 688,667 -6.1 -4.6 -9.3
Wholly foreign-owned enterprises 2020-1 RMB 10,000 2,507,974 1,802,393 705,581 -9.3 1.1 -28.1
Anhui Province 2020-1 RMB 10,000 1,131,191 614,711 516,479 3.9 2.3 5.8
Sino-foreign joint ventures 2020-1 RMB 10,000 1,372 1,219 154 -62.6 -58.2 -79.5

Data update frequency

Annual update