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Shenzhen Stock Exchange Interactive Investor Questions and Answers Data Sheet: 2011-September 2021

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Shenzhen Stock Exchange Interactive Investor Q&A Data Sheet
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Stock code Company abbreviation Question content Asker’s name Question time Answer content Respondent name Answer time
002362 Hanwang Technology When will the full text of the 2021 semi-annual report be released? cninfo831338 2021-08-30 15:00:46 Hello, for details, please refer to the company’s announcement on cninfo.com on August 28, 2021 (www.cninfo.com.cn), thank you. Hanwang Technology 2021-09-01 00:00:08
002516 Kuangda Technology What is the number of shareholders of the company as of August 30, 2021? Thanks! irm4160641 2021-08-30 13:50:37 As of August 31, 2021, the number of shareholders of the company was 41,179. Kuangda Technology 2021-09-01 07:40:28
002516 Kuangda Technology Hello! What is the number of shareholders of the company as of August 31? Thank you irm1883596 2021-08-31 13:06:17 As of August 31, 2021, the number of shareholders of the company was 41,179. Kuangda Technology 2021-09-01 07:40:47
002516 Kuangda Technology Please tell me the number of shareholders cninfo650852 2021-08-30 18:32:56 As of August 31, 2021, the number of shareholders of the company was 41,179. Kuangda Technology 2021-09-01 07:40:56
002516 Kuangda Technology How many shareholders will there be on the 30th? Thank you Go forward 983 2021-08-30 16:06:37 As of August 31, 2021, the number of shareholders of the company was 41,179. Kuangda Technology 2021-09-01 07:41:05
002516 Kuangda Technology Please tell me the number of shareholders as of the 20th cninfo650852 2021-08-21 15:19:50 As of August 20, 2021, the number of shareholders of the company is 41,415. Kuangda Technology 2021-09-01 07:41:53
002516 Kuangda Technology Hello, are the recent progress regarding the second delivery of NSD equity, construction of filter semiconductor factories, and product development in cooperation with domestic RF chip customers normal? cninfo823610 2021-08-21 08:50:34 The filter project is running normally and progressing. Kuangda Technology 2021-09-01 07:43:36
002215 NOP letter I would like to ask the Secretary to the Board: Why does the company's regular reports (such as annual reports and semi-annual reports) like to use some lofty words that investors cannot understand, but the company's performance has declined year by year? Is it impossible to express it in layman's terms? Still not confident? Or are you feeling guilty due to declining performance and can only use obscure words to embolden yourself? I hope that in the future, the company will be down-to-earth, do a good job in company management, improve company performance, and use less rhetoric. irm11669991 2021-08-28 11:19:49 Hello! Thanks for the suggestion, I'm not trying to show off. Thank you for your support and attention! NOP letter 2021-09-01 07:44:33
002110 San Steel Minguang Hello, what is the number of shareholders of your company as of August 30? irm19860384 2021-08-30 08:37:52 As of August 31, the number of shareholders of the company was 39,504. San Steel Minguang 2021-09-01 07:51:39
002110 San Steel Minguang Hello! Secretary to the Board of Directors. Please tell me, as of August 30, 2021, how many people hold A shares in the company? How many institutions are there? irm19997542 2021-08-30 15:43:41 As of August 31, the number of shareholders of the company was 39,504. San Steel Minguang 2021-09-01 07:51:53
002026 Shandong Weida Hasn’t the Securities Regulatory Commission approved the private placement yet? Isn’t it too procrastinating? cninfo450566 2021-08-30 16:12:25 Dear investors, hello! The company and various intermediaries are actively promoting the project and will perform information disclosure obligations in a timely manner based on the progress of the matter. Please pay attention to the announcements issued by the company. Thank you for your attention! Shandong Weida 2021-09-01 07:54:11
002145 Medium core titanium dioxide Hello! Secretary to the Board of Directors. Please tell me, as of August 30, 2021, how many people hold A shares in the company? How many institutions are there? irm19997542 2021-08-30 15:46:17 Dear investors, hello! The company's number of shareholders as of August 31, 2021 was 69,001. Thank you for your attention to the company. Medium core titanium dioxide 2021-09-01 08:02:09
002508 Boss Electrical Appliances What is the company’s current main sales model for dishwashers? Will the company have plans for integrated stove products in the future? irm25828575 2021-08-20 15:47:45 Dear investors, the company's current dishwasher products are mainly sold through offline retail, online e-commerce and engineering channels. Jindi, the company's holding subsidiary, focuses on the integrated stove industry, and the company will strengthen its integrated product layout in the future. Thank you for your attention, thank you! Boss Electrical Appliances 2021-09-01 08:02:40
002145 Medium core titanium dioxide Hello, Secretary to the Board, may I ask how many shareholders your company has as of August 31st? Thank you irm23398313 2021-08-31 17:18:06 Dear investors, hello! The company's number of shareholders as of August 31, 2021 was 69,001. Thank you for your attention to the company. Medium core titanium dioxide 2021-09-01 08:03:59
002508 Boss Electrical Appliances Dear Secretary to the Board, the prices of various raw materials have increased significantly. Has the company raised prices in the end market? What is the extent of the price increase? Will it affect the performance in 2021? cninfo818716 2021-08-15 22:27:59 Dear investors, the company adheres to its high-end positioning, consolidates its leading position in the market through technological innovation and product upgrades, and achieved rapid growth in the first half of the year. Thank you for your attention, thank you! Boss Electrical Appliances 2021-09-01 08:08:22
002215 NOP letter I would like to ask the Secretary General: The 2021 semi-annual report describes that "dragon fruit will be on the market from December to June of the following year". Does it mean that there is no or little output of dragon fruit and no or little income in the second half of each year? irm11669991 2021-08-28 10:57:17 Hello! The fruit production time is controllable, thank you for your support and attention! NOP letter 2021-09-01 08:09:43
002508 Boss Electrical Appliances Dear Secretary, hello! Huawei’s Hongmeng system press conference showed that Robam Electric has joined the Hongmeng ecosystem. What specific styles are they? How to perform intelligent operation? cninfo788916 2021-08-04 13:18:20 Dear investors, many of the company's products are equipped with intelligent systems, which continue to create a more "convenient, healthy and interesting" kitchen life for users. Thank you for your attention, thank you! Boss Electrical Appliances 2021-09-01 08:10:59
002185 Huatian Technology What are the uses of funds raised from the private issuance of additional shares cninfo832516 2021-08-31 09:35:48 The funds raised by the company's non-public issuance of stocks will be used for integrated circuit multi-chip packaging expansion projects, high-density system-level integrated circuit packaging and testing expansion projects, TSV and FC integrated circuit packaging and testing industrialization projects, storage and radio frequency integrated circuits Sealing and testing industrialization projects and supplementing working capital. Thanks! Huatian Technology 2021-09-01 08:13:07
002185 Huatian Technology Why did the company choose private placement instead of public issuance? It can issue bonds if it lacks funds. For the time being, we do not consider the possible factors that the additional issuance targets may be purchased at low prices and suppress the stock price. The fixed increase dilutes the equity, affects the stock price, and harms the short-term and long-term interests of small and medium-sized shareholders. cninfo832791 2021-08-31 11:34:29 The company's choice of private placement financing is comprehensively determined based on the development of the company and the industry. Thanks! Huatian Technology 2021-09-01 08:13:39
300721 Yida Shares As the epidemic situation in Jiangsu is getting better day by day, has your company submitted it to the competent authorities for review and acceptance? Some analysts say that Binhua Co., Ltd. is the leader in propylene oxide (chlorohydrin method: 280,000 tons), but I think the company is the leader in propylene oxide. First, the investment is the lowest. The investment for the 300,000-ton project is about 1.6 billion yuan (no (Contains raw material hydrogen peroxide investment) Second, the energy consumption is the lowest, and the product purity exceeds 99.98%. Third, it has a complete set of complete technologies. As long as the company's Phase 2 project is planned early or it is a joint venture with other chemical companies to build a new company to produce PO, the company can participate in the PO with technical funds, and it can definitely take the lead in PO! Will it do this? irm513834 2021-08-28 00:50:31 Hello! Thank you for your attention and encouragement. Thanks! Yida Shares 2021-09-01 08:13:40
301003 Jiangsu Boyun As of August 31, how many shareholders are there in the company? What is the company's capacity utilization rate this year? Thank you for your answer irm10170747 2021-08-31 15:59:45 Hello, thank you for your attention. According to data provided by Zhongdeng Shenzhen Branch, as of August 31, 2021, the number of shareholders of the company (merged margin trading accounts) was 12,676. In addition, the company's production capacity is relatively flexible. Most of its products are customized and have the characteristics of "multi-batch, small-batch". Appropriate layout adjustments, product batch summarization, production sequence optimization, etc. can release some extra money. production capacity, thank you. Jiangsu Boyun 2021-09-01 08:15:51
002185 Huatian Technology When is the pricing base date for this additional issuance? cninfo832843 2021-08-31 14:58:35 The pricing base date for this non-public issuance of stocks is the first day of the issuance period of the company's non-public issuance of stocks. The specific date needs to be determined after the company obtains the approval from the China Securities Regulatory Commission. Thanks! Huatian Technology 2021-09-01 08:15:54
300721 Yida Shares I heard that the Zhuhai 30,000-ton wet electronics project is undergoing the final step of approval of the trial production plan before trial production. Is it true? If it goes into production smoothly, how much contribution will the wet electronics project make to the company's revenue? What are the specific application fields and what are the market prospects? irm3959954 2021-08-28 08:39:06 Hello! Zhuhai Yida's 30,000-ton wet electronic chemical mixing and clean filling technology transformation project is under review and acceptance. Thanks! Yida Shares 2021-09-01 08:16:26
301003 Jiangsu Boyun Hello Secretary Dong! The China Plastics Association's article "Automobile Lightweighting Generates Strong Demand for Modified Plastics" shows that the market share of Chinese companies in the domestic high-end modified plastics field is only 30%. How does the company layout the domestic market? Please also ask the Board Secretary to answer questions. Please do not copy and paste and answer. Thank you for your attention. Please respond actively and properly to investors' questions! Thanks! irm3510403 2021-08-30 21:45:03 Hello, thank you for your attention. Please refer to the company's prospectus and periodic report disclosures for specific content. Thank you. Jiangsu Boyun 2021-09-01 08:17:09
002454 Songzhi Shares Could you please tell me whether the company's products have entered Tesla's market and whether the company's battery thermal management products contribute to the safety of electric vehicle batteries and the entire vehicle. irm25113091 2021-08-31 18:54:40 - - -
002152 Radio Express Excuse me, is Ankey Cloud’s service scope Guangzhou City or Guangdong Province? Are there any projects outside the province irm28485784 2021-08-31 18:52:18 - - -
300438 Penghui Energy Hello Secretary Dong, your company is a professional battery manufacturer. Do you cooperate with any listed companies? I see that the company's products are relatively strong but the market share is lacking. Is this ideal? cninfo623867 2021-08-31 18:55:28 - - -
300435 Zhongtai Shares Dear Secretary to the Board, hello, what is the number of shareholders of your company as of August 31? cninfo617479 2021-08-31 18:40:25 - - -
002751 Yishang Display Hello Secretary Dong! According to reports, the 3D camera based on ToF technology jointly developed by OBI and Microsoft will be mass-produced in 2022. The camera can not only scan human body surface morphology, but also achieve gait and motion assessment, and the device has independent computing capabilities. What impact will the launch and mass production of this product have on the company's scoliosis scanners? irm27895136 2021-08-31 18:40:55 - - -
300120 Jingwei Huikai Hello, Secretary Dong, are there any expected price increases for the company's products? How does the company control the cost increase caused by rising raw material prices? Look towards money and earn money 2021-08-31 18:32:42 - - -
002382 Blue Sail Medical The A + , you must know that Parkson International is known as the international platform and ranks fourth in the world, but its half-year performance is so poor that people have no doubt that it will have to accrue goodwill this year. Moreover, the small shareholders who accrued goodwill last year completely suffered a loss. In June, there was a so-called The Blue Sail Securities Office encourages everyone to cancel their shares on the Internet. From now on, the interests of small shareholders are not protected at all. I would like to ask Mr. Zhong, how will Blue Sail protect the interests of small shareholders in the future? irm15062480 2021-08-31 18:16:10 - - -
002556 Huilong Shares What is the pyrite resource reserve of the subsidiary? How many tons are harvested annually? cninfo713924 2021-08-31 19:27:06 - - -
000488 Chenming Paper Hello, Secretary Dong, would you like to ask if the company has made any targeted improvements to the problem that the milk tea paper straws become weak after soaking for a few minutes? Has the company cooperated with major milk tea brands? The annual report shows that the company's short-term financing interest rate is more than 4 points. In the past two years, the company borrowed a US dollar bond with an interest rate of 8-9 points. Why not repay that loan first? Now that the RMB is at a high level against the US dollar, repay it as soon as possible. Wouldn’t it be better to improve the company’s financial expenses cninfo629630 2021-08-31 19:27:13 - - -
300386 Feitian Integrity Hello, does the company currently have any new digital currency-related patents and products? What is the company’s future strategic layout in digital currency? cninfo822910 2021-09-01 08:17:49 - - -
000100 TCL Technology I would like to ask Secretary Dong, whether the module business of the company's TV panels, IT panels and small-screen display panels for mobile phones is done by TCL Huaxing itself or by Huaxian Technology, a subsidiary of TCL Technology, and what is the scale of production capacity? cninfo780134 2021-09-01 08:14:47 - - -
000623 Jilin Aodong Excluding GF’s investment income, will the company’s interim results experience its first net profit loss? Is it expected to turn around losses for the full year? Get rich and help the poor 2021-09-01 08:17:15 - - -
300721 Yida Shares Hello, Secretary Dong, how is the acceptance progress of the technical transformation of Zhuhai Yida’s 30,000-ton wet electronics project? When is it expected to be ready for trial production? Haoran Stock God 999 2021-08-29 10:23:02 Hello! Zhuhai Yida's 30,000-ton wet electronic chemical mixing and clean filling technology transformation project is under review and acceptance. Thanks! Yida Shares 2021-09-01 08:19:01
002036 Lianchuang Electronics Is the company providing panoramic camera modules for Oculus’ GearVR devices? How much is the current monthly payment? Is it available from Oculusquest? Lianchuang Hongsheng has been coaching IPO for almost a year. Is it still continuing? How many shareholders are there as of today? Thanks! irm28085622 2021-09-01 08:07:51 - - -
300925 Fact Book Information How does your company understand the Metaverse? What are the related technologies? Thank you cninfo722191 2021-09-01 08:06:59 - - -
300438 Penghui Energy Has the company entered into or developed 4680 large cylindrical batteries? irm3865418 2021-09-01 08:05:42 - - -
300269 ST Lianjian Does the company have any cooperation with CSOT in the fields of miniLED and microLED? cninfo833711 2021-09-01 08:06:13 - - -
300098 Gaoxinxing Hello, Secretary Dong! At this stage, the Ministry of Public Security is promoting electronic driver's licenses in full swing. Your company has electronic license plate technology. It is recommended that your company study the flexible binding and unbinding technical solutions of electronic driver's licenses and electronic license plates to achieve illegal capture and penetration from vehicles. By accurately capturing drivers, electronic license plates can also keep pace with the times, achieve deep integration with traffic management, and make it easier to promote. irm14146713 2021-09-01 07:47:56 - - -
300647 Overclocking three What is the number of company accounts as of August 30? Thank you! Stone 828 2021-09-01 07:44:31 - - -
000100 TCL Technology Does the company have in-depth strategic cooperation with NVIDIA, Microsoft, etc.? Are you involved in the cloud computing field? Don't you think about planning for the future? cninfo787935 2021-09-01 07:43:28 - - -
300375 Peng Ling Shares Is your company a specialized and new enterprise in Tianjin? What strategic plans does Mr. Wang have after becoming the controlling shareholder? Does the Shanghai Research Institute inject new technologies into the company for new energy vehicles? Thank you cninfo758523 2021-09-01 07:43:44 - - -
002915 Zhongxin Fluorine Materials Hello, Secretary Dong, is the potassium chloride produced by the company used in industry or agriculture? cninfo771573 2021-09-01 07:42:27 - - -
002614 Aojiahua Dear Secretary, hello, what is the company's current capacity utilization rate? cninfo833728 2021-09-01 07:42:12 - - -
000982 China Yin Cashmere Industry Hello, Secretary Secretary, since July 25, the company and Aba State Investment Corporation have been docking in the development of lithium mines and lithium battery production in Aba Prefecture under the auspices of the state government, and reports have also been reported on July 27. The company participates in the development of lithium mines and transforms into lithium batteries. The annual output that investors are most concerned about is 20,000 tons. The official website of Bali announced that it will start production and operation in October. Is this news true? I hope the company can give a positive answer. Thank you! In addition, the Futian District People's Court of the Group accepted the 400 million shares on July 25. May I ask the latest processing time for the Secretary to the Board? cninfo720663 2021-09-01 07:42:02 - - -
002573 Refreshing environment In recent years, the cost of steel has been rising. Has the company considered or is already using futures hedging to manage the risk of large fluctuations in raw material costs? Or is it carrying out scrap steel recycling business to indirectly achieve risk hedging? cninfo833733 2021-09-01 07:41:53 - - -
002266 Zhefu Holdings What is the company’s self-supplied proportion of metal scrap used in secondary metal production? After the new capacity for hazardous waste treatment reaches capacity, to what extent will the self-supply ratio of metal scrap increase? 3 gold-shin 2021-09-01 07:34:43 - - -

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